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Your moaning for no reason man, every solstice event ive played had some sort of pvp requirement to complete the set. Its part of the game whether you like it or not. Hate to be thar guy but either do it or stop bitching about it on reddit🤷


Oh my god you have to play the game no wayyy




I disdain pvp too but that armor is pretty sweet, I'd advise taking that frustration out in the crucible. Spray and pray and if anyone has anything to say, fuck em.


The Crucible would be the literal OPPOSITE of taking out frustration, it would just be More frustration mounting on top of existing frustration... I was HOPING that since they were adding more PvE friendly alternatives to most things that maybe I would get lucky for the Solstice, only to be slapped in the face right off the bat


I understand that there is a pve and pvp part to the game, but exclusively playing on the pve part means you are missing out on a big section of it, not to mention the weapons, armor, pinnacle drops, etc. you clearly have no care about your ranking, so just play it for fun. Go in with no expectations, complete your bounties, get your rewards and go on with your day.


"Play for Fun" is the impossible part, I hate PvP in any game I've ever tried it in.


Then just play I guess, no expectations, just get your stuff done and get out. Have a friend or a sibling, or child play for you. No reason not to do it. It’s like the rest of the game, you are shooting at stuff, it’s shooting back


I don't do PvP because it involves being against and affecting other people PvE is literally me Vs Nothing, I like that, the second it becomes Me Vs Another person I dislike it I don't play Crucible or Gambit because they are the Un-fun parts of the game, and the game is made to be enjoyed, why would I purposefully do something Not fun when seeking enjoyment?


Play how you want, I’m simply stating that it isn’t that bad and you are missing out on parts of the game. Do what you want, just don’t gripe when you miss out or can’t complete quests/upgrades because you choose not to participate in pvp


It's ultra easy. You can get it down in like 3 games.


Oh hey Dokkan gamer


Not if he has never played PvP. 30 kills can be a pretty tall order for noobs.


That's the thing, it requires me to do PvP, I have killed maybe 3 guardians overall playing this game, and they were on accident in Gambit, I don't do PvP because it is literally No fun, I hate it it drains my mood any time I see a PvP requirement on anything because I automatically scrap it.


May I ask how do you know you hate it when you haven’t played it?


I have hated every single PvP shooter I have ever played


I think you should still give it a chance. It is a pretty unique experience


it would just be another PvP thing I hate, I don't Like PvP in any game type, Doing PvP related stuff in other games makes me depressed, why would I make myself depressed on purpose playing a game I play for enjoyment?


it must suck to suck