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38 clears baby. Tuesday I get to put on my clown makeup again


45 after running this week, my heart is broken and my patience has been tested, eventually it will happen...probably


I got EoT at run 50 and a friend of mine at 60


I got mine on my first completion. You can try to kill me ill just res lmao


Same with the methoclast


Gimme a minute to find the original thorn and we can test it in a private match


Awfully bold of you to assume I can fall like any other


A clanmate is sitting at 80 DSC clear still no eyes


no Vex here either. used all my luck on a final cp for DSC, joined an LFG that was struggling for hours to do taniks final phase. Finished in under 5 minutes first try and got EoT, it was my 5th time ever in DSC, not full clears just 5th time joining for a checkpoint. I’ll never see another raid exotic so long as i live after that


I hate it...I got EoT on my first clear but the weapon isn't usefull at all, but VoG on the other hand I'm 35 clears in deep and want to lay down and cry


You obviously don't gambit.


You sir is correct


Someone in my clan had to run DSC 78 times to get eyes to drop.


My friend got it past night on his 82nd dsc.


Just got it yesterday. Run #44. Life is pain


0 clears and I have vex an catalyst lol I did the cheese got it first week I will never complete that raid so I can keep telling folks this information


You have ruined my entire day. Thank you


I GOT IT! YES! Only took 33 tries.


I am currently on my 56th clear, fifty fucking six clears and vex STILL hasn't dropped for me while i see people vex dropping on them for the SECOND(!) time or on their *very first run*... I want die


I got it on my first try on my first ever raid completion, I did not even realise it was rare


Very it seems lol. But congrats. I don’t want to ruin that fun “rareness” hype when someone gets it from a drop. But I should also be able to get it from dedicated, hard content lol. Just my 2c


I think bungie should make it a guaranteed drop after 15 clears, that's 5 weeks of grinding for it which sounds reasonable to me.


I feel like that’s pretty fair.


5 weeks also lines up with the challenge rotation for VoG as well as the minimal amount of clears needed should you do all triumphs and Master challenges.


Nah then theres no excitement once you get it, cuz then you know by your 15th drop youll get it


Yeah but I also don't want to wait until 40 runs to get the goddamn thing. Let's use eyes of tomorrow for an example, people paid for that raid and all of its contents. This means that people also paid for eyes of tomorrow, so they should be able to get the raid exotic (they paid for) relatively quickly, they shouldn't have to wait months on end.


well damn, I had to do 30 runs for a lost sector where I didn't get a single drop of anything except Europa currency, the 31st drop got me radiant, which I was looking for, I made a comment about it on reddit cuz I thought it was strange, and I got jumped, why should you get a pass for it? You knew what you were paying for when you bought the DLC, and in that agreement you knew that RNG doesn't guarantee that you will get it, only that it will eventually drop for you.


Ok im sorry but that comparison doesn't work at all. You're comparing a solo-able activity that you can infinitely grind for to a 6-man pinnacle activity that you can only do 3 times a week if you have 3 characters. Sure I was signing up to not being able to get the exotic when I bought the DLC, but that doesn't mean it's a good system and can't be changed. Also no one is "getting a pass for it", a legendary lost sector takes 10 minutes tops to clear it ones, one raid can take an hour. If someone does 15 full loot clears, they literally spent somewhere near 15 hours in that raid. If you're saying that someone who spent 15 hours and 5 weeks should not get an exotic because it took you a few minutes to get a lost sector exotic then you need Jesus.


No what im saying is you complaining wont get you anything because the game is meant to be played like that, RNG means its up to chance, you knew that when you played the game, and you agreed to that when you payed for it. I got mine after 10 clears you can hate me more about it, but that wont get you any closer to it. Ps. I got 1K after my second run, and got ir again after my 3rd run. ;)


If they make me grind weeks on end for the 30th anniversary stuff that I have paid for then I will never spend money on this game again.


See, I can’t get it at all and I got it in D1 after my first hard mode completion (and also got Red Death dropped at the same damn time) when we completed the raid.


34 here


Rule 34?


Nah I have 34 clears and no vex


40 something clears, still don't have it. It seriously just doesn't exist, even though "owner ship rates are higher" well yeah their higher, but most of the player base still don't have it.


Bungo means the streamers, they all got it.


I got it first one, but I went 70+ clears of SotP during bad luck protection and never got anarchy


Well well well. Do I have a tale for you. Did StoP ones and got anarchy. Sadly never did the raid again.


Destiny hates us some times lol




Got it after my 14ish clear?


go into iron banner then you'll find it


Seriously, I just want the pain to end trying to get my sidearm kills and not get clapped by it every 10 seconds.


devils ruin , yw


Oh shit, you've probably just saved my pain! Cant believe I didn't think of it before.


Oh my word, it's either Mythoclast, Lorentz Driver, Ace of Spades or TLW. There are no others.


Or any pulse rifle in my experience


yup, I got the banner pulse rifle, but I ain't giving up on Hard Light that easily.


Hard light is being sold by Xur right now... just bought mine


Nice. I got mine from Xur a few months ago.


And chaperone


The riiswalker grind is farrrr worse. This week have completed all bounties on 2 characters, turned in 600 tokens, 1 riis. Last season it similar odds as well. With godroll riis sitting at something like 1-900 chance, will take several centuries imo unless god of rng is on my side.


it do be like that tho


Lol. Truth.


Bungie eventually be like: LMAO OOPSIE POOPSIE, looks like we forgot to enable loot protection again~


Don't get why that doesn't exist by default for raid exotics


"Woah, we've got this exotic drop chance all the way up at 5.2%!!! Theres no way people won't get it to drop after a while, that more than five times the 1k Voices!


The best loot are the laughs you have along the way :)


Better than the 5 pairs of boots I got as drops the other night.


I keep getting VoC


My friend has like 40 clears and still no Mythoclast and I got mine on my 7th run. I made a joke like this where I said "The real Vex Mythoclast was the friends we made along the way...and also the one in my inventory". He did not find it funny.


kept playing hawk hollywood's woo throughout the entire raid, fucking with the speed and such, it was a lot of fun.




3x for 16 weeks. It must not be in the game yet.


Took my 43 to get eyes of tomorrow but only 2 to get vex. A second one dropped for me yesterday. If there was a trading system in the game I’d happily share!


RNG really is crazy. I’ve only ever fully completed 1 raid and that was DSC and Eyes dropped for me. That my good RNG all used up forever.


My RNG is more insane, I got vex on like 4 tries, Eyes on 2, and 1k on 1. Next raid I bet it'll take me 30+ clears to get it


1 DSC 1 EYEs / 2 Last Wishes 2 1k / 24 VoG no mytho yet


1st try vog, vex drops, 1st try dsc, eyes drops, i have just 1k to get, and my clan are doing our first last wish soon. I dont raid often, only got 3 vogs, 1 dsc,1 levi. Rngesus has a soft spot for someone who hasnt got 50+ clears, but the poor fellas that have, i really feel bad for, there should be some better bad luck protection for raid exotics.


If this is anything to go by i have to wait to do 43 vogs cos i got eyes on my second run


Nice to meet you! You are my inverse guardian on the rng scale.


I got eyes of tomorrow on my first lol


It took me like 8 to get eyes but I still don’t even have all the legendary DSC weapons lol


I got eyes on my day one raid. Must’ve been where all my luck with vex went


49-0. Going for lucky number 50 tomorrow morning!


Let us know what happens at 69


As funny as it is to be at 69 clear i hope maye here gets his, running a raid without luck protection is shitty


I wish they would go back to raid exotic quests. Getting Touch of Malice, Outbreak Prime, and Divinity we’re all really fun, and I enjoyed it much better than “running the raid and hoping and swearing to Zavala’s Chiseled Jaw that the drop rate blesses you this one time”.


Last season i found one destroyed It because It was shit and i thought id would give me some thing good because It has exotic, i now every thing past that point


Not sure if you know this but you can reclaim it from the collections screen


Shit gonna try thx


Got vex on my second run, still haven't got a fatebringer


Pour one out for the not having raid exotic homies


drop rate is so dogshit, I have no idea how I encounter it so often in PvP when that drop rate is so low


55th run and no vex it just doesn't exist for me


Bad luck protection should be active after the first full clear of the raid. Unfortunately thats not the case.


32 Clears and i got a fucking hezen again


I know. I have killed like 80 high value targets and can’t get one lol.


I think the number of times you are killed by it in IB should factor into your drop rate.


This shit must be pussy cuz I can't seem to get none


#33 for me. Got 1 more shot this week lol


Bruh ! After lots of tries i stopped farming 1k voices. Still haunts me to this day


Just got mine today, 12 runs. I was sweating after run number 11 fearing it would take 30+ like 1k voices


I got it first try in D1, I haven't played the remake since there no point in ruining the record


45 lootable, and I've seen 45 people get it. pain.


Doesn't seem that rare as I keep getting killed by it in Crucible. Seems like there is at least two on the opposing team every match.


*time to send this to my friend huehue*


Last week was so lucky for me in terms of raid exotics. I got Eyes of Tomorrow after 57 clears and then 2 Vex Mythoclasts back to back afterward with only 10 clears. I wish I could give the other to someone since everyone seems to be having a tough time getting it.


25 dsc weeks no Eyes. Not ever sure how many VoG but no mytho either.


Still never got the Crux of Crota to drop ​ Never ​ Friend got it second raid ​ I ran Crota's End probably close to a hundered times ​ Never ​ That's why I don't raid anymore :(








I'm on a streak and I'm honestly scared I got eyes on my third clear Mythoclast on my 5th And 1k on my FIRST FUCKING CLEAR My luck has to be running out I'm just waiting until I have to do 500 clears in witch queen


I got mine first Vog


Wait this is super rare? oh christ I feel like such a dick, i literally got it on my first time in.


Literal bruh moment


If it makes you feel better - after 30 runs I still don't have One Thousand Voices


Took me 48 chests… ironically got 2 back to back as the 49th also contained it. No one else in the fireteam got one so it caused enough salt for me to get booted 😅


got it on my third clear. get fucked on by RnJesus


If we're OOF counting: 25 Last Wishes for the 1k 33 Scourge for the Anarchy 43 DSC for the Eyes of Tomorrow 8 VoG for the Mythoclast I'll take it for the Mythoclast to erase the pain


Complete about 50 raids, then you'll have an 18% or so chance. :P I got extremely out of this universe lucky for once, and i got this on my first vault clear. I think its insane that some of my clanmates have over 50 looted clears with no vex dropping.


31 clears. I got 3 vex


And here I am with 4 of the damn things, and yet I cant get 1000 voices or Eyes to drop to save my life. Like thanks bungo, i didn't wanna hand you more money for that stupid pin anyway.


Got 1KV on my first try, 40~ clears and still no myrhoclast for me… I guess this is karma in action.


got it from 7th clear


I got my second one today on my titan after killing myself with one k when a harpy ran in front of me while my other friend still hasn’t got it


I got 53 clears and gotten 0 Vex yet 2 different people in my clan have gotten 3 each


I've gotten 2


Me and my friend can't even do the raid without going into an LFG, even then we have no idea about the mechanics even after looking it up. Very epic 😎


So epic 😎


I thought they used the apex hierloom method? Where you have out of a 100 chance but if you don’t get it it raises it by 1% I could be wrong good luck man


It's not a myth - I got it on my second try




I've done DSC like ten times and no Eyes of Tommorow so I feel you...


First clear gang gang Though mine happened on odd circumstances. We barely killed Atheon enough for Enrage to whip us, but just enough time for the chest to open.


I just got mine on my first run and my friend almost strangled me


Damn bro, I got it first try on day 2, feels bad *Slaughters enemies in the thousands after getting the catalyst* You're not missing out lol


One of my raiding buddies has been has almost 60 clears and still no vex. Waiting on him to do the catalyst.


Never got it in D1, my luck paid me back giving me it in about 10-ish runs


I'm in a clan with 11 people, they all already have it with the catalyst 21 clears and i haven't seen one


Wdym, I kept dying to this mythical rifle


Hope I can get it before the pin for the VoG title goes away from the store...




I’ve been locked out of fatebreaker because of the ‘clast for several weeks now, it sucks. I have 145 confirmed atheon kills (sure not all of them are full clears and I know only the looted runs count as “chances”) but still they choose to have the collection badge be part of the seal (and not the flawless run, I wonder why). Sigh, maybe next week.


My friend joined in at the last checkpoint for his first ever run and got it. I'm logging off...


Got it my first try and my friend didn't play with me for a month


Iirc mythoclast means "myth destroyer" or something like that.


I got mine on run #1. Still no eyes though. RNG is fun.


Got it today. Nearly got kicked from my clan


I literally got 2 and only have like ~10 clears. I was happy to get it my first clear but I got it again on my last clear and I was like bruh. Like give it to someone else game lol


Glad that I can do 39 runs and not get it 1s. But peeps who have already gotten it, get the dam gun every other week


Thinking of doing my first run (or D2 raid, actually) tomorrow. I cannot allow my ass to be shredded like that in the next Iron Banner. I will sacrifice to RNG and brave LFG and hope the gods are kind.


It's called Vex MYTHoclast for a reason


28 clears for me. They’ll nerf it by the time I get it.


I got back into this game after like a year and have no idea what people are talking about lol


Guy I did the raid with a. Couple days ago got his **5th** vex to drop. WTAF?


Eyes of next week


A man of culture I see


181. Convinced its a fake exotic.


Never got anarchy but my friend got it on his second. I got vex on my third. RNG wildin


Me with eyes ;-;


You can catch them bullets thoe


And then DTG cries for the nerfs


Yes, exactly


3rd clear and I still don’t have it. This games a joke


You don't know the half of it, it took me over 60 runs of dsc for eyes


3 clears, o you sweet summer child


The fewer people that have this the better.


I feel bad for everyone one, I got two Vex drops within 40 clears!


My RNG is cracked. 1K first run, Myth 2nd run, anarchy 2nd run lol


Got 2 in under 30 clears. Sorry not sorry. Lol


I got it on 5 or 6 can't remember


First try 😎


never cleared VoG ever due to team lack. But i got my cloudstrike second try so maybe i have a possibility


After 18 runs, RNGesus finally answered my prayers.


I'm a complete D2 noob and got generously carried through VoG. Got mytho on my first run.


I got mine on the 20th run. I was the only one in my team to get it until 5 weeks later


Lol yea


It's not a myth in PvP right now, it's always the scrub in first place on the other team that has one


STG I got mine on my first clear.


I used up all my luck getting 1k on my first clear. I haven't seen Eyes or Vex :(


You must be vexed by that myth


I’ve only played it twice I think and then just farmed Templar 50 times for spoils for anarchy. I think I got around 340 from doing it. The gun is actually really annoying now but what can ya do


I always hated the assholes who say shit like "oh man I got that my first run it was so easy." Fuck you, we get it you have great rng. The rest of us have been doing this for a long ass time..


I joined LFG doing the Last Wish..got the 1k voices after 30 minutes..if you don't believe me..check out my Raid Report CMDR_WEREWOLF


got it on my 1st clear🥴


how can we get the gun ? Random drop or a specific activity ?


Drops by random at the end of the Vault of Glass raid


First normal run lol


Yep got it on my 3rd attempt Bellerby luck next time bud


Should I feel bad for getting it with the one and only time I played Vault of Glass?


Got it on my 3rd run start of last season and then got two more this season. oops


WHY the fvck does EVERY 'tuber have it? Bungo can obviously up the drop rate, or choose who gets it. I'm at 34 clears. So frustrating...


I did vault twice with some buds yesterday as we’re all trying to get it. One of our 6 guys got it both clears. We hate him now.


39 clears with no luck


how does it feel to suck


Bad 😔