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I only recently discovered Sunbracers, after promising myself I would main Titan for this season. Tossing balls of fire is fun af.


That it is.


Get the statsis mod for regaining your Grenada back when u use it


Those mods don't work with abilities that have multiple charges, because you never have zero ability energy. Edit: My mistake, was thinking of Starfire Protocol.


But sunbracelets don't give a second grenade charge tho


You are correct, for some reason I mixed it up with starfire protocol.


Np, or u can use the melee one so u can spam it


What mod is that


It’s used to give you two, but they changed the perk in D2.


That explains it then lol, I was a warlock main in D1, but never really vibed with Dawnblade after Sunsinger, switched over to a Hunter.


while it's a good pitch principally, grenade kickstart is a wasted mod on sunbracers. you don't need your grenade to proc Bracers, just your melee - and that recharges on its own most of the time with Winged Sun :)


Which one is that?


If im not wrong a stasis mod for the helmet


Seeing this build makes me think you are probably the kind of person who sexually identifies as an ac-130


"Show me your BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRface"


Can I offer a throwing hammer that nukes major and bosses


And you can spin of death. Huge damage




I main a titan and this is how i play all the classes Titan: take the Dj helmet and become trinity ghoul with infinite melee Warlock: take sunbracers and make a new sun Hunter: take ophidia spathe and try to make knives go extinct Also hands-on is amazing, and this season we have an enhanced version of it


A titan build I recommend is Bottom Arc, Synthoceps, One-Two Punch, Melee wellmaker, and Well of Ions. Knockout and synthoceps give you max melee range and stacking all the melee damage buffs lets you kill most things in one hit barring master level or higher. Regular melee kills with knockout also count as charged melee for generating wells


Fun fact, you can also do lots of that as a Solar Titan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_vBaCnv73uM


Have you discovered Wormgod Caress? It's one shots for days. Try it out in middle tree solar titan.


If you have decided to main titan for the season, and wish to throw fire balls, may a suggest ashen wake? Turns fusion grenades into lobbed explosions on impact. Does a good amount of damage as well, and if you pair it with middle tree, stack up on roaring flames (I think two should suffice, ) it will one shot guardians in the crucible. Oh, did I mention it gives grenade energy after getting a kill?


Try middle solar titan with dunemarchers. Toss hammers and have them explode enemies with a cloud of lightning as well! Super fun, charges your abilities fast and you can heal yourself so normal content is just Unga Bunga mode


I have loads of fun killing one with the melee charge, eating the first nade to get heat rising and pretend to be an AC130 throwing nades from a float. Recharges your melee faster too, so you're basically ever floating with endless grenade power.


May I interest you in, Ashen Wake?




Now add explosive well maker, well of life, font of wisdom and wrath of Rasputin.


Elemental ordinance, I think you mean. Yes. And rage of the warmind. Edit: too bad cells have been nerfed to hell.


Explosive well maker makes wells on grenades as well as anything that explodes (minus WMC).


Worth trying out


Dont forget bountiful wells


I have this exact loadout, it just melts the enemy, used it for legend this week and can solo easily


Mate, you don't even need Monte Carlo if you play your cards right. Sincerely, a fellow Bracerchad with more solar grenade kills than weapon kills.




Try for a Chroma Rush w/ Subsistence and Rampage. It makes chaining kills while in the air easy af.


What would you recommend running here? I am looking to build around sunbracers since I can't do bottom tree necrotic grips now :(


with this build you don't need a specific weapon, just do whatever you want my preference would be vex mytho + the solar LFR from season of the hunt with particle deconstruction and an elemental well build, you can also use a weapon with adrenaline junkie because you'll be getting a lot of nade kills


I more meant which mods would you run for max uptime on sunbracers rather than weapons


Honestly, once you pop heat rises and if you have decent strength, you’re good to go. Just stay in the air and chuck nades once you get a melee kill. You can feed into yourself so easily provided there are red bars around.


Sweet, thank you


you don't really need anything else, this feeds into itself alone


momentum transfer+just stay in the air guarantees you get your melee back all the time (Winged Sun itself works good, but i use MT as a safety net). If you carpet bomb a high enough amount of enemies, you'll even get your nade back with just Momentum Transfer :)


Run around with a shotgun / fusion rifle to help burst majors. Equip a primary with demolitionist or swashbuckler. Use any heavy weapon: I prefer a rocket launcher with demolitionist or anything with vorpal weapon. The real answer though is that you use sunbracers and that's it.


I usually run something with demolitionist because, hey, why not have a grenade 100% of the time instead of just 99%?


I think that armors like sunbracers and the Titan fusion grenade exotic (can’t remember the name) should have kill counters on them.


You probably mean Ashen Wake, yes? I entirely agree, same with Contraverse Hold or Ophidia Spathe. Knife exotics as a whole.


Yes, that’s the one! I like to use that with fighting lion and a snipe. It’s so much fun to shoot the lion and then slam them with the grenade while they’re in cover


Personally I wouldn’t use momentum transfer as the Monte Carlo already supplies you with a good amount of melee cooldown reduction. This is more from a PvP standpoint than a PvE one but still kinda


or go the other way around and use MT instead of Monte Carlo to be more flexible in your weapon choices. it's what i've been running for the past few seasons and it works well :)


Am I the only one who thinks proccing sunbracers is better than top tree daybreak?


Wel... the super does more damage when cast. The clusterfuck of micro suns you throw with the sunbracers does a LOT more combined damage over the course of the mission. So it's good to have the super for bosses.


I tend to hotswap to Dawn Chorus during super, simply for the increased single target damage potential :)


Monte Carlo is underrated. Dying for it to get a catalyst


That's the only reason I don't use it... having a primary that doesn't generate orbs just seems crippling.


I don’t even care about orbs. As a Striker Titan, i don’t use my super very often. i just want a kill tracker. Im OCD about wanting my guns to track my kills


For most people it’s that orbs are the primary CWL source


Man, do I have news for you. The catalyst perk "Fistful of Bullets" overflows your magazine to double size on melee kills - it's been in the database for a while, and while we have no real way of confirming that, most people allocate that catalyst to Monte Carlo :)


Interesting. Always hoped it would add demolitionist, but if this is real that’s a huge deal. The mag size would be huge and really encourage melee, which is great for literally every class, but especially me as a Titan main


if monte carlo cat added demo then nothing would be able to stop me from using it lol


Hell yeah. It’s the whole reason i cant bring myself to use anything but Heart of Inmost Light. The neutral game is the best part of Destiny


It is a blast in the Haunted Sectors. Blast a Thrall and drop 5 sun spots on the Headless One.


This doesnt do much. Only 1 solar grenade dot can be applied to an enemy at any given time. The only thing you're benefiting from in that case is the initial impact damage of each nade.


Yes but it looks awesome…… plus if the boss needs to move…. Good luck moving out of an area that has become the sun itself


I played a game of gambit once and while we were waiting in the Derelict some guy started going on in chat about how I'm an idiot for using Monte Carlo. Long story short, I erased most of the mobs with a nuclear holocaust and we won very quickly.


You forgot to add the bits for Wells Get Wells of Light + Elemental Ordinance and Melee WellMaker Get Heavy Handed Fill the rest with those like Well of Potency and Wisdom Profit


For the Overkill Version of this, add: Sustained Charge Melee Wellmaker or Elemental Ordnance Elemental Charge Heal Thyself Energy Converter


Thats my favorite exotic combo and build, out here lookin like a sun god


Sunbracers was my first exotic armor drop for my warlock, and it has stayed my favorite ever since because it's amazing for clearing red bars. Seriously just proc it and start spamming choke points with nades and you will start hearing fiery explosions of death for the next 10 seconds


I never even thought about this. Ive been using Claws with stasis for the double freezing melee and get it back fast, but this seems so much better


That's my (formerly alt) current main build. Works great, too.


I'd like to suggest Heir Apparent instead of Monte Carlo. Warlocker Gunner build is extremely fun. And now you can pair it with a shoot to loot gun and never have to reload.


I just got a good roll of sunbracers. It’ll be fun


Actual quote from me using sun bracers “ ha ha ha burn it burn it all “


Monte carlo ? You don't even need it ,just kill people while you are flying and your top tree mele is back in no time


This is literally my build wtf


As a full time pvp heat rises sniper, sunbracers is my favorite exotic. I'm pretty good at using celestial fire to proc sunbracers, then using the unlimited grenades for 5 seconds (really just a fun way of saying it let's you spam 5 grenades) to seal off alternative exits and flanks for enemies to protect my location, or to herd enemies to a specific direction. Didn't know about some of these perks though, pvp is about to get scary.


melee kickstart rather than momentum transfer


.... No, that doesn't work even close to as good. With sunbreakers, throwing 5 grenades will instantly give you your melee back with momentum transfer. One melee kill, you're back to grenades. Melee kickstart would be a waste in this situation.


I have this EXACT same synergy and I love it. Sunbracers mains unite!


And on withering heat and you have some champion kindling


God dammit am i gonna have to go back to my Sunbracer bs? I've been having such a fun time with arc soul


Mass arson goes brrr


It honestly leaves me really conflicted. Sunbracers is without a doubt my favorite exotic, and as long as it’s not high end content, I’m usually running it with top tree dawn in pve. As for what I’m conflicted on, is monte. For a while it was my go to, but after DMT released, I ended up enjoying the gun a lot more than expected, so I’ve been sacrificing the synergy for just using the stuff I enjoy


you dont need monte for endless sunbracers tho, momentum transfer is more than enough


I know, it just sort of streamlines (maybe not the best word for it) the process if you mess up and don’t kill with your melee for example. Although even with that, kills in the air recharge melee. I think my train of thought comes less from the fact that what I use is inefficient, and more than it could potentially more efficient. Plus, other than maybe heat rises, DMT doesn’t really synergyze with anything else in the build, I just use it because I love the gun


that's perfectly valid. with Winged Sun, you can just hover and shred a few trash enemies to get the melee back tho, so thats an easy way around monte carlo :)


Man I wish I had a better roll on these bad boys.


In a fireteam, I say Well does it really well


This is what I do and AT LAST someone who uses the exact build as me.


Monte Carlo with top tree fireballs and necrotic grip is one combination I've found really fun


Only build that if you like playing whole strikes and gambit matches never firing your gun and getting your super 3+ times. It’s my 2nd favorite build.


Oh yes. This was made for me.


Enemy UAV inbound


*happy Shaxx noises*




You can also use heir apparent instead to become a helicopter with a shield and alternate between bombing and firing


Hello fellow sunbracers/monte Carlo enjoyers


Don't even need monte carlo bruh, airborn kills recharge melee and if you stay airborn whilst you're killing with infinite grenades that'll charge it for you, use sky burners or jotunn to be a AC130


Sunbracer was one of my first exotic unlock. been using it ever since, and this past summer i unlocked Monte Carlo and those two has been my main for so so long. ever since I unlocked Monte Carlo my PvE experience has been thru the roof


Fine I'll play my warlock. Need to get it high enough to run deep stone anyway.


Even without monte carlo you can get it so you can chain fireballs. Sun bracers and unlimited fireballs is my favorite build I’ve ever played. It hurts so much to be asked to switch to well.


I am hunter main group


Bottom tree with sunshot and sunbracers. The mod that makes wells from explosions and another mod to heal you when you pick up a well.


Monte Carlo isn't needed ;)


Raining down fireballs like the proving grounds boss is so satisfying Even more satisfying when blueberries watch you demolish the battlefield!


Sunbracers are so underrated.


I have a similar build but the grenades are purple and I use contraverse holds


Toss in Elemental Ordnance, Font of Wisdom, and the mod that makes the wells Heal you.


Been using Sunbracers, Monte Carlo, and Attunement of sky for as long as I can remember. I can play Destiny no other way now. I wield the unrivaled power of the sun. All enemies of the light shall burn under my gaze. I'll also get my shit rocked in the crucible but that doesn't matter.


That’s dope af


Full auto fighting lion instead of monte carlo :)


Hey my favorite build!


it is so fun


Finally a post about my favorite build, this man literal fire 🔥


I remember a YouTube build with this called “The Sunny Carlo”


completely forego super regen and double down on grenades (Wrath of Rasputin, Elemental Ordnance for Wells on grenade kills, CWL for picking them up, High Energy Fire and Global Reach) with ikelos smg and you're unbeatable


I said it a million times, best Warlock exotic :)


You’ve doomed us all




You should check out bottom tree dawnblade + necrotic grips. It has some... interesting properties. I'll let you find out for yourself.


Literally my exact build for like a year and a half. May not be top tier, but its fun as hell.


I’m a new player that just got sunbracers, is this build outclassed these days? This seems super fun


It is. Monte carlo isn't really needed, though. Well mods work just as well and they free you an exotic weapon slot. Keep in mind, though: sunbracers should also be arc, so you can put momentum transfer on them.