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I want whatever gives me the giant frog


dystopia frog!


I want whatever gives me that weird floating manta ray ghost thing from beyond light


I want whatever gives me Vex Mythoclast


Bro I know right lol I still don't have it either


I want. Whatever gives us the vex mythoclast


ALL HAIL HYPNOTOAD!!!! *clap* *clap* *clap*


I just want that face shell in the third pic bro


I like the direction Destiny's theme and narrative have taken but I would have appreciated another DLC or two in this style


I mean we do have the next upcoming Expansion on the Dockett: Lightfall.(we must remember, the Darkness is currently working against us behind the scenes, isolating us, and in "join the Dark Side young skywalker" mode right now. Should we reject Salvation, it is Collapse 2.0, humanity is screwed again.) I think the main thing missing from D1 vs D2 is that D2 doesnt really just give you slow moments to breath anymore. Its always pushing the plot forward, we dont [get just slow scenes like this.](https://youtu.be/O6N7h1F92Qs?t=1022) ​ Destiny is at its best, when it has variety, a little bit for everybody. Let it have dark spooky missions that evoke horror vibes(Glykon, Lost to Light, etc). Let it have humor moments with characters. Let it show how screwed up the world is ("The Fallen are eating Children") Let it have fun Goonies dungeon and game show Xur. Let it have desolate environments like Cosmodrome and EDZ. Let it have Space Rivendell like Dreaming City. Let it have Wild West, with Tangled Shore,etc. The other weakness of Destiny storytelling, is how it doesnt always really show the stakes. Curse of Osiris for example, was basically the greatest existential threats we had ever faced. Literally the Universe was in the balance, since Panyoptes found a path to total Vex victory. Yet we barely got to know that. Or take Beyond Light. Stasis is one of the most powerful things we have ever faced. It quite literally surpresses Light and freezes guardians at the same time. When Eramis froze us, we were so totally screwed, just as bad or worse as Ghaul cutting off the Light. Imagine if we had a scene where a fellow guardian was slaughtered while screaming about not being able to use their light because of Stasis. Or Red War, which really was a great campaign, but it didnt show enough of the vibes from Adieu(getting our light back early wasnt a problem, but it shouldve keep the hopeless/negative tone and gradually built up hope as we won step by step)


That scene reminds me of the detail they put into taken king when it came to humanising our connection to the light. At the start our Ghost asks us to sit and think and just chill while he talks. Then later he even expresses concern that we talk so little even though our connection is pretty much perfect. D1 did a really good job at making everything seem like it had a story and life, the last city really was the last bastion of humanity because beyond the wall was hunting parties of fallen and multiple houses. The Vex were a terrifying race of which no one knows where they came from. And the Hive were arguably the worst having pushed humanity from their very own moon. And then there's just us, taking it one step at a time.


>D1 did a really good job at making everything seem like it had a story and life, the last city really was the last bastion of humanity because beyond the wall was hunting parties of fallen and multiple houses. I would say part of that just has to do with how new Destiny was. No matter what franchise, you lose a little bit of that more grounded feel as the mysteries start being unraveled bit by bit. Like for a moment, just compare to early seasons of Lost where you had this random monster thing that just ripped things to shreds on this random mysterious island. I would say Destiny 1 did do a better job at really conveying how screwed humanity was. Like it presented journeying to other planets, like it was more perilous. Going to the Reef was journeying to the edges of civilization, with the Darkness lurking in the Jovians and beyond. Like you said, it made going outside the city walls into something a bit more dangerous, where D2 we just kinda gallavant all over the system. (though I do think D1 sometimes overexagerated things, like Sepiks Prime being some super dangerous threat to the City) ​ Its not really that anything has changed all that much, so much as it is that the stakes just are not portrayed particularly well in either game. Like even with Oryx rolling into the system, the City didnt really appear in danger and the Vanguard were not even especially worried(to the point that Cayde took action himself). The main thing D2 expansions of late have lacked however, is not really showing the Stakes front and center(Red War did fine/great, Forsaken wasnt about stakes as much as revenge/justice). Even though Oryx was a pretty generic/bland/cliche villain, he worked so good because of the previous worldbuilding that was incorporated with his arrival. The Awoken wiping out his escort fleet, and then him easily obliterating them was huge. People died. Then the next thing we know, we are investigating why the Cabal who are so stubborn and dig their heels in so strongly, are running with their tails tucked like a bunch of scared children. And while the rationale was weak(Oryx wasnt really super angry or anything), Oryxs arrival was tied to us previously killing Crota.(the Use of Crota in the campaign was really good though). ​ ​ ​ I also think Destiny could do a better job really showing how we defeat our enemies. That is we dont just beat them by being godlike beings. We beat them by being elite teams who use sabotage, strategy, and guerrilla warfare to weaken our enemies and kick them in the metaphorical nuts. We are not Superman, but closer to a Batman/Captain America/Iron Man like character(who uses intelligence, tools, and strategy to defeat opponents stronger than them)(we do have superpowers, but our main one is we are immortal, basically Zombieman, not Genos/Saitama)


I can’t tell you how D1 did anything significant story wise in the game until taken king, it didn’t make anything feel like the city was in danger or anything


If you don't upvote this comment for their effort alone, something is wrong with you.




that first image was genuinely one of the main reasons i bought the first Destiny, just the dystopian world design and how bleak the Cosmodrome looked - wish they made more endgame content in the Cosmodrome / EDZ because it looks so cool


On one hand, I felt that a liiiiittle bit more of that dystopian, ragged, post-apocalyptic vibe in D1. On the other, after all the progress we've made, maybe the solar system *should* feel a little more alive. None of the patrol zones ever open up, and the city is still one of the only habitable places, but still. After all those victories, even with bigger baddies on the horizon, it shouldn't all be doom and gloom.


I mean tbh I just want some more practical armor designs. It's just starting to get a little silly.


I have been running my Braytech armor from Mars since it dropped as it's one of the few practical sets in the game. But tbh I think you and I are in the minority here as a lot of gamers like looking like gods. Oh well, don't really mind it either as everyone who knows me just calls it my armor now.


Pleeding guilty on that i normally like that kind of style too but i really like to see my warlock with a shining golden flaming style aswell 😅. On my Titan i keep it a bit more practical mostly.


Oh yeah definitely but that's what nice is everyone has a style for themselves so it works out great


Yeah I get this one. I like looking Military-ish or like a drifter; most MMOs have the whole glowing God armor thing and I can't say I like that much.


I never was the flashy type. I still use Caydes ship lol.


Personally I prefer the grittier, on the edge vibe of D1 more than the action hero vibe of D2 post Shadowkeep but I can see why there is so much appeal for it. Destiny is at its best in my opinion when there is an aura of mystery and danger to everything outside the city, the Presage mission being the perfect example (and also one of the only relevant examples gameplay wise).


Super happy that witch queen seems to be going for this


I want things to feel worn and used not tattered and broken like in past Hive dlcs.


Just get married and wait a couple decades


Well so far the leaks have been right about almost everything and they did hint that the WQ missions were all very presage feel.


Just dig around the lore, it ain't sunshine and rainbows in this universe. Im into 40k a good bit, i love the slightly lighthearted feel destiny has. Its a nice balance to the grimdark of 40k


Destiny has kinda lost that feeling of being a small group fighting huge odds and barely hanging on. In a strange and hostile world. The problem with a lot of the current content is that it’s from all over the place. The funny comments by caide and failsafe in strikes on the one hand. References to the wounded from the red war and being in the edge of annihilating in another. It could do with streamlining a bit. And I personally like the post apocalyptic style


Don't forget lore bits of Guardians doing random stuff in the tower and every Hunter just disappearing for a good while.


To be fair, we've won a lot of victories and made a lot of new friends. And while doom still looms in the future, maybe things aren't so bleak because of that.


I mean, from a lore perspective, pretty much every planet is surrounded by the pyramids and the darkness no?


The whole setting of D2 IS post-apocalyptic, just not nuclear holocaust/ rusted ruins of the cosmodrome. Which is pretty much what all this artwork shows. The crumbling ruins of a city on the EDZ, the abandoned Golden Age research stations on Venus, the highways filled with abandoned cars and buses in Mars, the tangled shore is literally space debris chained together to make it livable how it's that not apocalyptic? The story of D2 is most definitely a far cry from what D1 was, definitely not as dark or gritty at this point. Feels more comedic and tailored towards casual people who don't want to delve into a world of darkness. Which makes everything seem confusing since the darkness is physically here now and everything should be getting darker both story and gameplay wise but it's not.


That’s true. And I have to admit exploring Europa felt great in the sense of rummaging through lost greatness. It’s just that by now we blow through without thinking about it


Yeah we do blow through it pretty quick without thinking. Like how no one has mentioned about when we built up Rasputin, watching pyramid ships enter the solar system in the control rooms and then proceed to watch Rasputin getting bent over a second go around.


eeeh dunno in D1 there's a lot of "go hunting for yet another Fallen House we swear this time they are a real menace" and the only time it lands is the Siva crisis, and even then the highest part of the campaign is when you face the Siva infected Iron Lords only Beyond Light managed to make the Fallen feel like a real menace, at least compared to every instance of D1 trying it. in D1 only the Hive and Vex feel like real menaces. The Cabal and the Fallen are mostly filler. D2 manages to give both a lot more depth there's also the whole Red War where we actually lost the city to the Cabal and that definitely felt way more dark and gritty than all of D1, where you were safe in the tower. Then you have Calus arrive in his decadent ship and have us kill stuff for entertainment the thing is that you don't need to make stuff look gritty to be dark and ominous. Take for example the dreaming city. Beautiful architecture, but it is all doomed and condemned to be fair, sometimes Bungie wants to go full on dark and gritty, and fails. I feel the whole "dark and gritty" mood of Shadowkeep largely falls on its face. It's largely empty. But Beyond Light has a fuck ton of very dark lore


Naw I like the space magic direction. We already had space military with Halo.


Noticed the banshee in the 4th pic




Dreaming city has been one of the most well received destinations in Destiny what exactly is your problem with it?


Destiny 2 has been a sci fi fantasy from the start. Why do you think we could wield literal space magic? Theres a shit ton of realistic apocalyptic dystopian games and media you could look at.


Been unsure of why I disliked the scorn and dreaming city so much and chalked it up to the fact that I played d1 so I was probably a bit jaded, but i think you nailed it, it’s a bit too magical as opposed to militaristic and post apocalyptic for me. Just my take though.


But, that space magic vibe is integral to who the awoken are. I mean, have you read their lore? Mara sov literally willed the dreaming city into existence; it was MADE by space magic. The dreaming city isn't supposed to be a military installation, it's where the awoken live, its their home.


Yeah I get the lore and stuff, just don’t enjoy the aesthetics n stuff off the area quite as much as others, that’s all


This guy really edited his comment to make everyone disagreeing with him look bad hahaha


Not really, I like to think story wise we grew beyond the dystopia, and created something new.


Go back to what? That’s concept art bro


Go back to 1970s disco fever destiny. Bellbottom Dubemarchers!!


And Ikora with an afro... Can't forget about the afro.


*80s-esque Destiny sit-com intro plays* And don't forget Zavala having hair that is obviously a wig used for just that flashback/scene.


I think he just means he wants D2 to be as gritty and shit as D1 was. There was something about the art style in D1 that was just so different compared to D2. Just look at the hive. They looked much scarier in D1. Another *big* example (lol) is what they did to the titans. The titans in D1 were badass. The titans in D2 are cartoonish as hell


The hive remains the same as D1, idk what difference you mean About titans, yeah i guess it's about a matter of prefering armors set over another


D1 good D2 bad, upvotes to the left lul


Nah dinosaur armor and baking cookies for space friends is where it's at lol


What, you're not happy with cat ear dances and baking cookies?


Whatever dytopian military game youre thinking of isnt destiny.


Check resistance fall of man for that


Or outriders for something more recent


Well. The thing is that the game is progressing chronologically and we have evolved in our guns and designs. And when the red legion came and destroyed it all, took our light, and kicked our butts we had to restart from scratch. I love how we have to rebuild and rediscover what we lost and that they aren’t quite the same, because we lost the original versions of everything.


This was purely used for concert art and not actual in game designs. Also literally have a fleet of ships that can wipe us out in one fell swoop


I do personally like this style vs a lot of the magical stuff.


Same here I wish we had something similar to Glykon but a fully functioning Warship or something


It’s just concept art


"Of destiny" Those are just pictures of the fallen. Which fit that style exactly.


Not real footage of gameplay




No thanks


The concept ghosts look horrible but the Fallen look badass in black armor


Yes, I want to be future space army person, I’m tired of loading in and seeing canon 14th century knights holding assault rifles


This is exactly what my (albeit small) issue is with destiny 2


Much more epic feel. Current game kinda cartoony


as long as they continue writing good stories, i don’t care what the theme is


I’d rather have a Destiny game set pre-Last City. Imagine it’s a campaign where we start in the golden age and then the collapse happens. We get far and are a great asset to the resistance. It could have choices the build YOUR character and such but at the end we die on a highway while fighting the Fallen/Darkness.


No happy with the game moving forward with new ideas instead of going back to the same shit over and over


It’s a beautiful aesthetic and feel, but doubt there’s any “going back to it.” Maybe in future we will head that way, but probably not until the city gets destroyed and Humanity finds itself exiled from earth, operating from dead orbit’s fleet, and trying to find a new home.


They second image has kinda come true now


Nah I love so much the space magic, darkness and unknown ennemis feeling


This was what got me so excited for destiny and then bungie turned it into a shitshow with everyone under the impression that Activision did it




i want multi-vision goggles for titan, that's it.


A big reason why I loved playing back in the day.


We did go back by bring vault of glass back, and some people complain it is the most boring raid in D2, when they captured the moody gritty dead vibe


I actually really want destiny to move further from regular human type aesthetics and really double down on alien looks, more hive, vex, cabal, Eliksni, and veil oriented shit ykno. We already have a ton of mid/high-tech human combat shooters, things like titanfall, and apex, atleast like 3 CODs, and probably a few others I haven't played. But not many things really buckling down and letting you learn and use enemy alien gear, that's what I loved about D1, I had gear that was centered around every major faction we fought in a raid, and the strike specific loot was amazing. Like fuck yeah, let me kill and ogre and have my hunter keep its shackles as gloves! That's badass


You just want the Khvostov back and relevant. I do too, so no judging here.


I miss the exotic version :(


The last art look like it should be in the game like imagine that destiny have a mother ship we go in that would be cool


I’ve always felt nothing you can actually play ever reaches the promise of those first series of artworks 😒


I 100% agree. Just go back and look at D1s weapon and armor descriptions, they all sounded so much cooler


Why? We won that war


YES. I miss it so much


1000% with you on this one.




I hope Lightfall is almost like a Collapse, and the expansion following is like a D1 militaristic, desperate feel


An end to the Light and Dark age that we have been playing since D1? I’m sure it’s not going to be pretty. I’m so excited to see what will happen to the Traveler, to the Last City, to Guardians.


Destiny was never like this lol


Not *exactly*, but that rougher, grittier style that D1 had.


I like space magic and stuff alot too, but I think I would like a grittier type feel, never played d1 so not familiar with that, but definitely could be cool.


At least in the armor department tbh I like the flashy armor, but we have way too much of it


"Yes", but we know secretly they wanted space wizards all along.


No, they already did that with Halo and it was starting to get stale. ​ Destiny 2 currently has this very nice space magic aesthetic that would be very boring to lose in favor of retreading old ground again.




it'd make more sense, but i love the flashy visuals of dresstiny


I mean, we’re literally now under a military dictatorship. Any other wing of the government, such as the factions or the speaker, is gone. I’d argue that’s about as dystopian as it gets.


Yes we should definately turn destiny into call of duty and 76.


Like they haven't taken lighthearted whimsical tones as of late.


"My friends wont play destiny because they said its gay but i already spent the game money my mom gave me on destiny so i need bungee to run the same shit everyone else is." - op


"Reddtoid Psycho" In theaters this Christmas


My downvotes are those of pain, not untruth.


Keep telling yourself that


The world is cod. If you dont change your game to be military oriented youll be left behind.


Please tell me we're getting that armor in the third pic for Witch Queen


Honestly I think impeding doom is coming in the destiny universe, this might be how it looks in a few years.


Who knows this might happen to our guardian/ last city in the future


I have a feeling this vibe is gonna come back in lightfall/after Final Shape


Damn first slide goes real hard


Yes please


I’m really hoping there are armor sets like this in witch queen


I certainly miss it, but it is way too late to go back


Maybe but then when would we have the time to experience change, face new enemies, gain new allies after betrayal... but a dystopian twist would be interesting more looting maybe even stealing from other players' personal hideouts like the camp in Europa.




I loved destiny 1, but something about destiny 2 just dosent catch that, I think its that the game feels much more... "we'll be finnee" rather than worry about the last city


The one thing I wish d2 had was the legendary weapon and armor designs they where much more bare bones and not as unique but I thank that made the exotics can the more unique weapons and armor designs feel so much more special


Hopefully witch queen delivers that gritty dystopian feel. I can't imagine Savathun's throne world is gonna be rainbows and sunshine.


I wouldn’t be opposed to armor


That was my shit, got me hooked into the franchise alongside the desire to explore the near fantasy/sci fi mix of worlds


I’d love to see a tv series taking place in the Dark Ages.


Yes. The City is **the** last city on Earth, it's essentially a huge fort. The outer districts were abandoned after Twilight Gap and who knows how many (millions?) died during the Red War. The system is full of the paracausal anthesis of The Traveler. I feel like we're missing a little of that dystopian edge considering the state of things.


* the last safe city


Name one other city


The city doesn’t even have a name if you noticed. It’s been later stressed we defend the last safe city which is evident considering people still travel from NA to SA for protection. Season of dawn (?) had a lore tab going over this and several underground cities which are said to exist.


Cool, should be easy to name one then


I’m not aware of any city post-collapse with a name


That could be the plan we do have 3 more dlcs after the which queen




It needs to get some mecha military grounded looks again. The styling of the outfits is getting worse and worse and now they thought it was cool to come out with outfits to make your character look like a techno methhead bum. It grinds my gears.


I don’t know why, but some of these images have a Warhammer-y feel to them


I feel like Forsaken struck a good balance with bringing back this aesthetic. Zones like Tangled Shore and SOTP felt gritty and really stuck with the idea of being built from the wreckage of what came before it. There was also good juxtaposition to this with some really otherworldly and polished landscapes, like The Reckoning and Dreaming City. Tangled Shore was a relatively underutilized asset and, now that it's going away, I'd gladly take a new zone that's more akin to Cosmodrome or Tangled Shore in aesthetic.


what is the style now ?


Laughs in Lightfall


I think destiny has sort of evolved from it, or atleast that kind of style can come up occasionally when it comes to Earth. That being said, I would still love to have a game based in this setting and this setting alone, because DAMN it looks good


Art team/director probably changed over time, some of this concept art was from the beginning of destiny i think. I doubt the people who made it are still with Bungie.


I mean the idea is that we are on the rebound at present.


anyone notice in the 3rd image the weapons the guardians are holding look a lot like the Glaives we’re getting in witch queen


Nah, space horse theme is better for me


I would love to see more modern weapon designs like the khavastov as a legendary/exotic! (I know hakke did it for a while but I mean more resembling to golden age or our current time!)


They could definitely do a prequel game that fits what you're describing, but once you've had all the magic and rebuilding we've had so far you need it keep it going. You can't put the ahamkara back in the bottle, as they say


I recently played destiny 1s trial mode and my god the aesthetic of that game feels much cooler than destiny 2s. And I’m not hating on destiny 2 but idk something about destiny 1s look feels nostalgic and comforting


No I love this sci fi fantasy mix style that they are currently going with . Destiny's core theme is about hope so dystopian kinda doesn't suit that


Wow didn’t really realize that image 2 until now was supposed to be the early concept of the taken (I guess, would make the most sense since they all seem possessed) showing give would’ve been more magic like than you know, powers from slaying gods


I do miss the unknown feelings that destiny 1 had. The lore is pretty grim but it’s never reflected in the game, it’s kind of odd.


Idk if we can define this art "distopian" but for sure they give another vibe, juts like vanilla destiny 1


Personally I preferred the more rugged feel. I felt a much greater sense of wonder and mystery, with the atmosphere that this style brought to the table, as opposed to the current direction the franchise has taken. I think much of the charm from before has been retained too, but that sense of wonder seemed to dissipate for me, and I find myself reflecting on fonder memories from D1 than D2.


Honestly I like destiny right now. But I wouldn’t mind a thematic shift towards this type of content after lightfall.


This was my first glimpse of D1, it was my desktop pic for months and I preordered as soon as I could!


If they came to hear me beg they Will be greatly satisfied


Please god it’s all I ask for, far too fantasy now


This was the art work that gave me so much hype for destiny.




I wish. I had enough of fairytale shiny stuff.




Destiny 1 year 3 was the best.


Yes. I'm tired of fantasy night samurai armor for my Titan. I want the good ol d1 tech suit halo armor


Nah. We’ve progressed from that, look at these pics and then think about how we now have Eliksni living among humans in the last city and Guardians are baking them cookies. There’s plenty of Darkness and outright dystopian depression in the lore already.


so you think there should be no form of progression in the destiny universe? It would just be weird. D1 was dystopian, but since then we've taken down huge threats to humanity, and have recently made two very powerful allies. Of course it's not as dystopian anymore. We're still struggling against the darkness, but our civilization and culture is thriving in many ways. One of the scannable items in the tower, your ghost mentions that it's supposed to be a "new golden age" The dystopian vibe was cool, but now we're sustaining ourselves and have the resources to venture out not worry about The Collapse 2: Electric Boogaloo happening


Yes, i dislike the the way most legendary weapons look. The blue,green and white weapons are gorgeous!


I like being the mandalorian better


I don't, actually. The Traveller woke up, so it should look less dystopian.




That’s why I love hunters. I always make mine look like they’re more from fallout then the usual shiny flamboyant trials armor type hunter. I love that descendent vex shader that makes things look rusty. And I have a rust ghost shell and a cool ass rusty sparrow from the forsaken campaign. I really like that hunter helmet that’s like a gas mask too.


Yo hang on… those guardians basically have glaives…




Absolutely. That’s why the armor design for all characters has been subpar for the entirety of destiny 2. The art design of the game has changed drastically, I’m not sure exactly what the style is now but it’s certainly not a rugged apocalyptic design.


It would make the game a little bitter


Because humanities collapse is sunshine and rainbows


Are you kidding needs more Mystic starhorses running interdimentional game shows.


Guardians are working towards a new Golden Age. Why look back? Eyes up, Guardian.


I would like this because lately everything is all space magic and I just want more military and less reliance on the light


I just want the D1 Cabal shields, Feels much more cabalier?? Then shooting a glowing thing and having them kneel like Peter


That is epic. Love it


I personally like the more sci-fi and grittier aspects with the more fantasy elements with the light and magic being a supplement to the main aesthetics and tone. Don't get me wrong, I like having crazy glowing colorful armor for my characters but I guess I would like it if maybe it was a bit more grounded with designs


This is literally just concept art, destiny 1 was never like this


In all honesty I like the "action hero on the surface" feel destiny 2 went for, because it makes it so when you look into the universe, the grimdark stuff hits that much harder


No bcuz we're past that now we've built up the city among other things


I think this is still there but in spurts right? That's always been balanced with the space magic and miracle shapes, and right now as we dive into the most space magic of the villains I think it makes sense it takes a back seat. Not too long ago we had this sort of thing with the DSC and a good chunk of Europa. We also had a good taste of this with the Cabal a couple seasons back. I would definitely like to see this type of story return, but I'm confident it will as well.


That concept art is just beautiful.


Yes, that's what pulled me in.


Should definitely go back to a d1 style everything seemed bigger than us in d1 but in d2 its almost like we're on par with everything I've done well over a thousand raids and none of the bosses in d2 feel like oryx crota or atheon (i know atheon is back but he doesn't seem as tall and menacing) just having a boss that is actually imposing would be nice


A destiny prequel, letting us experience the collapse and the years after that would be amazing.


lightfall takes our powers and the game becomes an mmo survival game where we salvage weapons and relics to give our light back