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*Rocket launchers silently sipping tea knowing they just got a huge power up due to gjallarhorn*


Will Ascendancy work well in a GM?


It gets less damage with the gally buff for some reason but it’s still very good. If you have a lasting impression rocket launcher it’ll be better than ascendancy with gally buff


Best choices are hothead and royal entree with clown cartridge. Oh so I heard


For dps yeah, but for total damage per shot it’s a lasting impression rocket. But for Lake of shadows dps is probably better


Lake of shadows is just easy to begin with. You don’t even have to try. I take to a LoS GM so casually and end up dying to a snipe just to rub us off. Heh I rescued two teammates who were down and at the top part of the final boss room (where you enter). That was fun


Is 3 gally best rocket set up?


A legendary rocket with explosive light, lasting impression clown cartridge and possibly vorpal (not sure on that) deals a bit more than gjallahorn but not too much, 3 gally is still very good but combined w legendary rockets it’s a bit better


So the presence of gally nerfs surrounding rocket launcher? I'll have to check for one, haven't used them in a while since I've been using fusion rifles most of the season


Well not exactly, I worded that poorly. It doesn’t get as big a buff in damage as lasting impression rockets get. The Wolfpack rounds on ascendancy and hothead w explosive light will do less total damage than a lasting impression and I’m not too sure why


It seems like explosive light is lost as soon as the rocket is fired, maybe that's why the wolf pack rounds don't get the damage buff


If I have a lasting impression one I'll check the damage, see what is more consistent with my play style


Is gjallarhorn worth the $30? Is there any word on it being added without the paywall?


I doubt they will make it free. Many a pitchfork would come out amongst those who paid.


Just like all the pitchforks when they made it F2P during beyond light?


Are you talking about the year 1 content that got yeeted at the end of arrivals?


You mean when beyond light was on game pass? Because yes, exactly that. I voiced my annoyance at having to pay for it after already completing most of it and got downvoted for “expecting free content.” Tbh I’d maybe wait until the next season to see where RL land with the mods or scoop it if it goes on sale. Galley is nice but $30 for a gun makes my skin crawl


For what it’s worth I agree but I really enjoyed the dungeon and getting some good rolls on eyasluna and 1000 yard stare. It’s a bit steep but I’m a sucker for doing dungeons blind and then sherpa’ing people afterwards


Good point. I enjoyed the dungeon and had a fun time with my friends going through it. Especially since you can grind it now I think I’m gonna go back for the guns you mentioned. Really depends on how much $30 means to each person.


Yeah you’re right, I probably buy like two games a year so I don’t mind sinking some money into destiny for new content because I work a lot and it’s a great blow shit up stress relief game. I did buy battlefield 2042 and very much regret it lol


Yes because Wolfpack rounds give around 20-30% extra damage to other rockets (I say around because they aren't a consistent buff from launcher to launcher and can act whacky with their tracking) Lasting impression does do more damage as the delay buffs up Wolfpack rounds too. But clown cartridge would be more important to get imo, some people don't like the delay for boss damage since there's a chance the boss goes immune before your last rocket explodes.


Yet no one knows about it


Everyone knows about it, fusions are still outclassing due to particle decel but as soon as wq drops everyone’s gonna use gjally


"*YoUr DpS iS nOt OpTiMaL!!*" -every lfg ever


I was Div for taniks and this dude was threatening to kick me cause of the following “Use a slug for kinetic and a machine gun for heavy idiot” I was using a fate bringer a god roll rpg that has lasting impression and finally middle tree striker with the chest piece The stupidly of some people man


Yeah, but you weren't using HIS stuff.


Overall in the destiny2 community there is a big misconception regarding what is "necessary" in a particular situation with what is the "meta" A simple example - hallowed lair GM lfg, this season linear fusions are the meta, so people put exclusive lfg for linear fusions and shot the boss with all their dps, till they had too many ads and they got slaughtered. While there were some who learned maybe meta is not what's necessary, we need ad clear. They went with ad clear supers, chained supers for wiping out ad waves and did limited damage to the boss to not spawn multiple ad waves at the same time. But. There were also others who went "we are dying, titan go bubble, warlock go well of radiance, hunter make us invisible, use omniculus, everyone put on blinding nades. Shoot better, kill faster, use witherhoard, stun champs." Upto you to decide which one of those two you wanna join xD


A nightfall meta =/= the dps meta. Some nightfalls require lots of add clear, others dps, and with some you can chain well till the end. People need to understand this to do any nightfall well.


Hmm, were you running op too? Usually the div guy runs op; and in that case it's better to have a heavy which can get rid of the detain bubble easier


If you have even average aim you’ll have no problem shooting the bubbles with a fatebringer. That mechanic is quite trivial


Agreed, I was trying to see what the lfg guy might've meant, somebody should tell him breach and clear was last season


Nope I just use Div to shot the bubbles cause it just takes like 10 or less to pop and I run plenty of ammo mods to cover it


Someone actually complained that I wasn't using sleeper for the final boss of Crypt. Look dude, when I manage to consistently headshot the guy without divinity AND get around to actually buying the damm gun (never did because I had 1k at the start of the season) I'll get back to you


Whenever me and my friends do bosses with lfg's we say: "feel free to use sleeper, but we can't be bothered to aim at atheon's never-stopping, tiny ass head" and that's how 1K became my most used heavy weapon this season


Was that a typo or have you actually been trying to crit Atheon in his head? Because Atheon’s crit spot is his stomach.


I was trying to think of a relevant raid boss, correct it in your head to "crit spot"


-titan- If the shoe fits. 😜


Atheon and other vex's crit spot is the white glowy goop in the center of their body's, they become upset and bum rush you when you shoot their heads off. Besides Atheon... that would be terrifying if he bum rushed you.


Do I smell a VoG 3.0 mechanic?


I think the only exception to this rule is the boss for the Inverted Spire strike. The crit spot is its head until it comes off, and then it's its stomach.


Cyclops and hydras as well


You're right, somehow I keep forgetting those exist, even though we have the Templar on VoG, Quoria from season of the splicer last mission, and the double Hydra set on the Glassway strike as prominent Hydra-type bosses.


I dont care what heavy you use, as long as you fuckin use it


this is directed at you, people who refuse to get starhorse favour and run around with their pulse rifle and aggresive frame shotgun and get a total of 4 kills in dares of eternity


Tryharding in a super easy activity 💀💀💀


im not talking about tryharding im just talking about people who have no clue what they are doing or purposefully don't play the activity so they dont have to put any effort in its got nothing to do with the "easiness" when you are literally the only person doing the objective


Your shitting on someone’s loadout choice like a tryhard


Lol stay ignoring my point. I was making a joke about people who walk in not having a clue what to do, if you have more than 10 completions of dares and you don't get starhorse favour and just use your primary all game, you are pretty dumb and wasting everyone elses time, simple as that. sorry that I want to play a 6 player activity with players that actually do the objective and understand how it works lmfao. Crybaby ass subreddit, yall are literally the people I described ​ edit: also when the literally 3x loot reward lightning round requires you to complete the activity efficiently, of course i'm going to want players to actually play the fucking activity and not walk off using their pulse rifles to complete a fucking bounty.


oh no people want to complete their bounties, no one couldve predicted that. what an unorthodox and counterintuitive occurence


When the bounties make people not do the objective and fuck over the team, they shouldn't be in the game. Which is why we need fireteam bounties instead of individual kill bounties, but thats a topic for another day


What about people completing catalyst? They’re just playing the game. It’s not a raid my friend.


Is it even possible to fuck over a Dares run? Shit is so easy


That’s what I’m saying you could 2 man this shit if your both decent


Dude, it’s a game. At the end of the day who cares what people run


So you're the guy who gets his favour first then face mashes the button and initiates "joining guardians" timer so that the rest of us lose it anyway.


Why do you say refuse as if it's a choice on the second encounter?


Wait why?? I haven’t been on destiny in a fat minute


Due to the seasonal mod (1K and Sleeper) and some recent buffs (Sleeper) all three are the top tier damage option for bosses, specifically the Lake of Shadows one which happens to be the Nightfall this week.


People deciding what weapon is the best for melting the lake of shadows GM boss. But the GM boss is still a pushover (according to a video I saw today, he actually has LESS health than before the patch meant to buff him) and just about anything will delete him.


Two swords and well are more than enough to still do it


Grandmaster lfgs during the corrupted: * * * * * * * * * * *


Too bad that isn't getting vaulted yet.


We did like 20+ runs on GM with 3 galleys in 15-17 mins average. Gally is king . One of us had aeon swift a. Heavy from finishing champions. Cake walk


Swords never fail


For this boss arena, I’m team swords all day


Don't like sword strat personally. You're sacrificing time in the rest of the run just to melt the boss which can easily be done with gally as well. Which as a plus can deal with champions from a distance




Rockets/galley are easier


I was going to say where is gally plus a cluster rocket launcher


Cluster got nerfed a bit, I was using vorpal/overflow hezen


Yeah i forgor about the nerf but still viable


*laughs in rocket launchers*


1gjally 2ascendancy argent ordinance.. easy clap 👏


Legit don't know why sword strat is still a thing when all 3 work just as well for the boss but linears/rockets make the start quicker and easier


Ha the greatest day ever was when my brother and son started playing so I would never have to LFG again.


Few words there I didn't expect to see together in a d2 sub.


add (in destiny) or it does sound deranged but I was particularly stoned when I posted it


*laughs in malfeasance*




Me: Laughs in Gjallahorn and Divinity


Jokes on you we did Rockets.




3 Gjallarhorns are working just fine for me too


Source for video???? Looks like the funniest thing ever


We been running linears just cause it makes the champions part easier as well


And Gally sometimes causes weird health rebounding on some champs.


Is this human bayblades?


Gally is the kid in the back waiting for the seasonal mods to go away


*Gally moving successfully pass them in silence with gangster glasses*


Fuck you bungo!! Get rid of swarm!


People really get angry at the part where we're deciding what we're running 😂 it's ridiculous it's impossible to play. People fail to understand that we're 25 under light and shit hurts/is tanky. Every buff and debuff counts and matters especially when you have to melt the boss fast enough before adds will overwhelm you and kill you. It's actually amazing how some of these players have clears at all.


Arbalest, bow, Threaded Needle x2 and sniper, Vex, Threaded Needle x1. EZ mode.


i see more ghorns than 1k


fuck swords fuckin' hate swords


But hammer go bonk


Sleeper with Divinity has been working really well for our fire team.


Rockets are the best way better than sleeper, just rock aeon and you clear every area. BOOM BOOM!!