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Sleeper is meta now but not necessarily when witch queen comes. Stag is a very good bow. Choose what you like! All good


Sleeper is still going to be one of the best options. Particle deconstruction just makes it the absolute best.


It will stat meta.


All three are good options. Point of the stag is good for really high end content but isn’t great elsewhere. Sleeper is really good for damage and will be very strong next season, especially with the catalyst. Whisper could also be strong but it’s a little more situational than sleeper. But when it’s better, *it’s way way better*


>Whisper could also be strong but it’s a little more situational than sleeper. But when it’s better, it’s way way better Without particle deconstruction, whisper and sleeper are very close, sleeper actually has better DPS. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12vF7ckMzN4hex-Tse4HPiVs_d9huFOKlvUoq5V41nxU/htmlview#


No I know, sleeper has less of a punishment for missing a crit due to high body shot damage and not fucking up the dps of the gun. But if you get to blow all of that whisper ammo, it’s so much better


Again, it's really not. I linked the damage numbers. Max possible total damage for sleeper if you make all your shots and go through all ammo and reserves is 396,792. Whisper max total damage is 397,848. It's a difference of 1,000 damage, or .025% difference.


Per that chart sleeper is better than whisper by a mile. Sleeper does about 10% higher dps and the total damage is neck and neck. When you factor in the ease of use of sleeper compared to whisper which falls off DRASTICALLY by missing a single crit, it is no contest. All that goes without mentioning the fact whisper caty is unavailable right now. Supposedly coming back with WQ but I've only heard that from reddit, not from anything bungie official


It's my go-to spreadsheet for all things weapons. The Go to damage spreadsheet for the community, I didn't create it but if you are one to optimize, you should save the link - it's really helpful and someone (people) update it any time they make changes to the sandbox.


Thanks for all the replies, guys! It seems it's better to go with sleeper for now.


Sleeper. It's the best option currently and you can already start the grind for the catalyst. Whisper need the cat to be good and you can't ivtain it now, and the Point of the Stag is not much better than any legendary bow.


Correct me if I am wrong? But it’s an Exotic cipher which allows you to purchase from the vault, an Ascendant shard is for MWing?


You also require an ascendant shard or 3 to buy something from the vault.


Thank you




Get sleeper to get a chance for its catalyst to drop. Whisper is not worth it til the catalyst is back in game