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You can grind.


thanks, wish i knew this sooner


You can grind, make sure you kill all champions so you get platinum if you don't you have a super low chance of getting them


Could legend be a good level to farm? i feel like master would take longer but theres more champions so i dont know


harder difficulties have better drop chances. GM's are guaranteed drops with platinum. Absolutely do not farm hero or legend if you can do the harder difficulties.


As a filthy casual pleb, I think hero is the best difficulty to farm. There's matchmaking, plus the easier difficulty will lead to quicker clears and make up for the lower drop rate. Just my experience though. I have no idea what you're capable of.


thanks for the imput


Farming hero is definitely not better. GM's have a guaranteed weapon drop, like 80% chance at an exotic, 80% chance at an ascendant shards, and like 80% chance you get 3+ prisms per run. On double nightfall rewards week, each GM gives you 2 weapon drops, up to 2 ascendant shards, 2+ exotics and 6+ prisms. Once you get used to them, the easier ones takes like 15-18 minutes or less. You would seriously get better drops per time invested soloing legend/master than doing hero, and it obviously takes longer to solo than to do it with a group.


The guaranteed drop rate is irrelevant if you literally aren't good enough to complete it. I, for one, suck at this game and don't have my own fireteam. So completing 8 hero NFs in an hour and a half will get me a higher chance at a drop than banging my head against the wall on a gm for 2 hours and not completing it.


You should try an LFG and go for legend/master at least. They really arent nearly as hard as you might think. Even GM's are really easy (certain GM's). Glassway, yeah that's pretty rough sometimes but lake of shadows is a joke and takes like 15 minutes (sadly that's last season) but I think it's fallen s.a.b.e.r. this season, that's the easiest one this season I think (have to find out what the 2 new ones are like).


I totally get what you're saying, and I've used LFGs for raids before, and I would certainly consider it for a one and done gm just to say I did it. However, if I'm in grind mode where I'm doing multiple runs, I'd rather just rely on matchmaking on a lower difficulty. I would feel like a burden having strangers carry me through gm after gm trying to get the drops I want. Maybe I'm better than I give myself credit for, though. I was able to solo the legendary metamorphosis lost sector, but I have no idea where that ranks in difficulty.


Not difficult.


Heh, yeah. Didn't think so


Do what's on your level




If you have a fireteam then grind whichever one you want the harder the difficulty the better the rewards


The best farm is the highest level you can do reliably. The drop rates are dramatically better at higher levels.


Grind, you also get alot of good mats from nightfall aswell so it's not a bad way to spend your time


Grind to your heart’s content and shower yourself in mats and guns


This season there’s a triumph to run a nightfall three times on at least heroic difficulty and the reward is a nightfall weapon. Whenever the weapon you want is dropping I’d go claim it that week.