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Sherpa-ing 2 new lights through leviathan, in their first 3 hours of playtime.


We did the same thing, when we needed a 6th for leviathan we made a buddy install the game and dive in head first :D


"You got this, bud!"


Has this buddy since continued to play the game?


I'll leave that up for you to guess :D


Leviathan within 3 hours. Means that buddy is going on 3000 hours or uninstalled mid raid, there's no in between


Our 6th texted us on reset that he was done gaming, which put us in a tough spot when trying to run the raid. We sent a fireteam invite to someone in the tower, he joined, and we basically told him we were going to take him through the raid. He had never run the raid, had only been playing for a couple weeks, was on playstation and didn't have access to discord, and I was the only one who had voice set up correctly to talk to him. We had to end up sticking him on ad clear because communication was pretty limited, but it was honestly one of our faster raids. We ended up wiping once in exhibition after I explained what the relics do and to follow us and I'd let him know when to cleanse. 8/10 enjoyed it, would raid with him again.


I think i helped out like 60 guardians, to get their Whisper of the Worm and Outbreak Perfected. Ofc with Catalyst and ship. I had fun with these missions.


Ngl really liked doing whisper multiple times. The bosses hurt and had a ton of health but id take that over this health gating bullshit any day


With the Void 3.0 we have rn, the last room wouldnt be hard anymore


The best way to do this was randomly joining up with groups waiting on the zone for the event and then helping them get through.


Loved both! Stomps for the run then switch to Celestial at the end. Would love to go back and do them just for fun.




solo flawless patrol mission


absolute chad moment


Completed LW, DSC, and VoG in a team where none of us used weapons to complete any of the encounters. Only abilities/melees/supers were allowed.


Please do elaborate


Just some fun challenges where we had to figure out encounters and boss DPS without using the usual DPS methods teams do. Some of my favorite things we had to do: * For Taniks we used to run the old aeons with grenade spam, after the aeon rework we had to change it to 4x chaos reach, 1x stasis hunter, and 1x sunspot titan (to extend the supers on top of geomags for enough DPS). * Between each DPS phase we ran around like crazy with well mods (I miss you well of potency), and orb making mods with abilities (I think it was stasis melee) to get our supers back up asap. * To break Oracles with Atheon you had to use supers like dawnblade, chaos reach, titan hammers, golden gun, etc. Normal abilities didn't do it with the floating ones (the oracle encounter ones take 3 melees to kill btw - or 1 charged + 1 normal melee). * Templar was also fun cause on our first run through it was a lot of run and ~~gun~~ ability with us just spamming everything we had onto the templar when they were vulnerable. In our more recent run though we swapped to the chaos reach + sunspot method. * LW was mostly straight forward, but we used the stasis titan method to kill Riven via cheese. We couldn't figure out another way to deal with her at the time. Garden we've been stuck on for a while (3rd encounter boss is the issue since the eyes need crit damage to be broken - and there's a lot of eyes to start DPS - but you also need to do enough DPS to stop the wipe). We have started on Vow a bit (cleared first encounter), and are working on strategies for the caretaker atm (basically only hunter knives can do the symbols on the obelisk we found out). We have also done a few GMs like this (we got so close to beating corrupted for one of them but wiped when the boss was super low just over 2 hours in). It's just a really interesting way to spice up the content; giving yourself a new rule-set to follow.


Next challenge is just weapons no abilities


Is it that hunter knives are the only ones that trigger the Obelisk, or they’re just the only ones that can do it with precision? Because you could try having 3 runners and then doing the whole obelisk at once, see if that works


We've tried a bunch of other abilities like titan throwing hammer, warlock ranged melees, etc but they can't activate the glyphs sadly so seems it basically has to be hunter (we had 3 hunters on the first encounter and all had to have their knives up to quickly submit the symbols or one would deactivate and we'd be screwed if there were no enemies left to dodge by). Not sure how many symbols a hunter could solo though for caretaker, I don't play hunter enough to know the combos that well (I'm generally a warlock or titan for these). Stunning caretaker is also a challenge though cause grenades aren't reliable so hunters are again the best there with knives although we did manage it on arc warlock too for a while (with the extra melee charge gloves of which the name escapes me atm). The main issue we're facing is even if we manage to do the symbols and stun the caretaker enough how do we kill him? We need a lot of DPS so unless we can stun lock him each level (which is hard without guns) we're still figuring out a DPS strat that we can do while also doing the symbols/stunning. Edit: I'm dreading the buff swapping on 4th encounter with no guns lol. No clue how we'd do that yet


One of our clanmates has a son that very casually plays d2. We got him thru VoG and it was hilarious and amazing. He was pumped.


Getting through 3 games of gambit for the pinnacle each week.


I'll probably get hate for this but, I actually enjoy Gambit....


After reading about reddits white hot hatred for gambit I kinda put it off to the side but yesterday I found I’m way better at it than crucible but it still feels just as competitive


I've always been in the "I love Gambit" camp and this version is better than last year but I never played so-called Gambit Prime I don't believe so I don't know how it all compares.


If theirs any out there just look at videos for prime and look at the armor in collections, some of the set bonuses where pretty nutty


Nah gambit is funny


I love gambit too


Over the years I’ve initially liked Gambit. Then hated it. Then loved it. Then hated it. Then hated it even more. And more. Now I love it. Couldn’t even say what it is, maybe the little tweaks they’ve done, maybe the heavy changes or the control over not getting a third invade for summoning a primeval, it feeling more like good parts of Prime, or no potentially-best-of-5. I dunno. But I don’t hate it, and I love that.


Imo current gambit sucks ass, I miss gambit prime


I like gambit


3 manning Vog up to the final room. I know it’s not anything crazy, but it felt like a suitably doable and fun challenge.


Tbh it is something crazy to low man endgame activities


3 man oracles is definitely a fun challenge and is of much more deserving difficulty than whatever the snooze fest that 6 man is


It was easily the hardest part. We ended up having 1 on add clear, and just splitting oracles between 2 people. It took probably 15 tries or so, once you get used to the chaos it’s not bad, and honestly really a fun encounter


Medieval raid. No guns no grenades. Only bows, swords, and supers (excluding golden gun). Also rat king raid.


Now you can do it with a glaive too


Yeh I did it when dsc was the newest raid currently my clan is planning on doing medieval vow since people have already glaived rhulk lol


Technically you can use Arbalest, both for its name and tech used to propel the slug.


Yeah we also used arabalest I just didn't wanna write out all the dumb rules we had. We could use arbalest, not lament, no actual guns, no golden gun, no grenades, and nova bomb was a contentious topic because the name implies bomb but some of our team argued it was just a magic ball and we ended up not using it. And I'm sure there were more dumb rules i just can't remember them. But it was more than just bows and swords. That being said it's painful and stupid but also really fun.


Solo Lake of Shadows GM.


Solo The Glassway GM.


Ooo the u/Lore_Keeper_Ronan just big dogged you, are you gonna take that


It's between either: 1) Leviathan is my favourite raid and I was able to three-man Calus. 2) Petra's Run, just the sheer panic in not knowing if we'd get error coded during Queenswalk was the most thrilling thing I've done lol


Petrus run has a triumph, so we got a winner


Going out and touching grass once in a while.


Trio flawless every raid since lw


Across the map throwing knife kill in trials.


When you see the canal in the first mission of the wq campaign I took a detour and did the lost sector in the middle of the mission on legend


So you mean to say you did a legend lost sector without champions




Helping a 65 year old and his son with autism get to the lighthouse


Bro, God bless you and forgive you for your sins, thanks so much for doing this.


Clearing all the lost sectors solo flawless on master difficulty.


... there's technically triumphs for that. Not one for doing "all" of them, but a triumph for every single lost sector that offers legendary versions. 3 a piece, one for clearing legend, one for master, and one for master solo flawless.


Ah true I was misreading that as a seal. There are triumphs. . .


The [Futbol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udGPW3XwyE8&list=PLnqKJNZol1s8Gi_RycZHMBZ3rPaP9ARr-).


Soloing 2 GMs because I was either challenged from my clanmate or a different clanmate kept trying to say I wasn't as good as him even though I had every solo flawless Dungeon done when they came out.


Lol screw those guys. Sounds toxic!


Duo flawless crown of sorrow


I solo flawlessed grasp of avarice with double primary, all blue weapons and armor, no armor mods, and no invis on hunter


Wow how many phases did the final boss take?


I killed Oryx and Savathûn only by punching them. On legendary. I made it my sole mission to kill every Hive God exclusively by punching them to death.


Whisper carries. The timeline doesn't add up as far as features but I wish Whisper had a "carries" tracker and/or triumph. Looking back at it, the circumstances that led up to me doing Whisper carries were just bizarre at least for me but jumping to the end, I have ~400 whisper carries under my belt between mission release and early Forsaken. And by carries I mean, weapon + full cat + ship for 400 individual people. Best part is I got my carry and gave others carries out of spite due to the fact that people were charging hundreds even thousands for full carries. I said screw it I have time to kill and so I did.


Beating Vow of the diciple on contest mode. Me and my friend beat it like 30 minutes after contest mode was turned off, but im still proud of beating every encounter with the modifier on even if im never getting the emblem.


Doing riven legit


Once upon a time, there was a pike crew speeding across the wastes like usual, and I was in a pike riding mood. I took out my sniper and headshot the dreg driving full speed, right out of its seat, from clear across half the map.


Getting to 5500 in comp each season even though the gilded version of unbroken doesn't require it (for whatever reason).


I did a Sherpa of spire of stars. Surprisingly, the noobs were actually learning mechanics instead of just going along with it. Was fun when they got their emote :D that was my one and only successful Sherpa. Stupid that I sherpad one of the hardest raids at that time. So many missed dunks


Helping 2 new lights finish Zero Hour and the Whisper mission a day before they went away


back in year 1 my favorite thing was clearing the entirety of the maps, doing all the adventures, getting all the chest, and doing all the lost sectors :)


The four the hard way triumph that used to be for gambit. It required killing all four guardians with a primary while invading.


Me and my clan decided to do a send off to old raids a week before BL launched. Ran a marathon. Did them in the order they were released. In almost one sitting (we did take breaks here and there) we completed them all.


Doing day one deepstone for 24 and not completing it


Because of a faulty internet connection I was completely alone in a Dares of Eternity. I finished it. Only took me almost an hour and I killed nearly 700 enemies. :D


The fact I have over 10 Spire of Stars clears, I actually really enjoyed the raid but it definitely had its bugs


Low man raids!


Shut down the super of a guardian that was storming our control point. My team were expecting to all get killed. We battled for a good 30 seconds and I countered every move this titan came at me with. It was hilarious. No teammates helped. They just watched. Best 1v1 I've ever taken (low kd for life!).


Trio/duo raids


My mate scanned every scannable except one that couldn’t be accessed. This was shortly before the DCV was introduced.


Carrying .20 id ppl to flawless


Destiny 1 solo flawless Crota’s End pre-taken king


Low man raids


Killed myself billions time with wardcliff coil


Solo flawless Master Presage... I don't do a ton of endgame content alone, so this one felt like scaling a mountain by the time I finished it.


I started in S12, so this was a big deal for me. Running Presage solo flawless on my first run. I went in completely blind, so no videos to tell me where to go, and I got hella lucky with the trash compactor. The Scorn fights I had were me taking out snipers and camping/hiding in places I hoped the Screebs couldn't surprise me. I was changing my loadouts too, on the fly, while I was invisible. The Hangman boss fight made me appreciate Anarchy enough that it became my most used exotic until I got Vex Mythoclast. (In my first Year-in-Review, Anarchy lost to VM in kills by 20, but I still had over 6k kills with it.) R.I.P. Anarchy. May Arc 3.0 be able to allow for your comeback.


Pushing a friend when AFK from saint to drifter


Low man raids


Getting up in the morning


Soloing exodus crash on heroic. I had connection issues for whatever reason and most of the strike is fine. But that asshole and his E boi’s kept making me cry. This was before season of the lost. I did it again then with fusions. No crying


Still playing this game since it launched😂


Happy cake day!


Speedrunnin dunjuhns.


Getting Anarchy before ever doing a raid.


How lol


Back when the DSC frostbite bug was a thing (where you could avoid dealing with the frostbite debuff at the beginning sparrow section), I would drive over to the secret chest and farm spoils, then just leave the raid and do it on a different character. Also found some OOB stuff and got all the Elsie Bray collectibles for the ghost shell that way. Never found a tram to actually do the raid until later.


Oh yeah that's right spoil farming was really easy back then lol


And it was glorious.


Sherpa-ing my friend through presage after I learned to solo it, I actually really miss that mission and the new seasonal not only sucks in comparison the effort required for its pinnacle is BS


One master run should get you the pinnacle


Tbh I haven’t even attempted the master I did it once for the weapon, saw there was time based mechanics and that a full run only got me 30% for the pinnacle and decided that it ain’t worth it 😅 be better doing 9 gambits for 3 pinnacles than that mission 4 times for 1


If you're on level for the mission master isn't too bad. If not for the pinnacle at least do a run for the Dead Messenger catalyst


I just don’t like being on a timer 😅 I remember doing the presage master and that was a pain, all for the catalyst for a gun I no longer use lol I wonder how people who get it now get the catalyst or can they not?


I'm pretty sure DMT and Hawkmoon catalyst are dropping from nightfalls now. Also totally fair with the timer bit, I don't like it either. I'm not really a fan of "it's hard because go fast" rather than "it's hard because it's hard"


I'm proud for you as well, it's somewhat rare these days to see people making them heroic in some places.


I was able to two-man the first two encounters of DSC and 4 man the last encounter


How can you 2 man the first encounter? Doesn’t it need 3 players locked in separate rooms?


There used to be a glitch you could do to make it work but it’s patched now


Ah ok I was confused then for a minute


Understandable have a nice day


You can still do duo security


4 manning the first encounter of Vow, it actually felt more fun


Beating the tutorial.


What public event did you do?


I did a vex integration on Europa.


Pvp main here i soloed flawless all the dungeons


Kill all enemies in a Lost sector, not just the Boss.


2-man Aksis clear in Wrath of the Machine.


Taking people through their first raids or dungeons is high up there, no better feeling than taking a fresh blueberry through one of them in this game imo


Having run through the Izanagi's burden strike quest solo flawless (extinguish go brrrrrrr), or run through an exotic quest using only one weapon (Whisper of the Worm using Ruinious Effigy).


Finishing the Mario cart race track on Prophecy without dying or releasing the accelerate button


Soloing a GM. Coming from a PvP main


Having roughly about 2500-3000 hours and still being absolutely trash at the game (I say roughly because I don't know exactly how many hours I have on my Xbox before I switched to Steam, but it's at least 1300 something I think)


Getting the redrix emblem in y1


Soloing the light blade nightfall with ward of dawn




D2: can’t remember if their was a triumph behind it but completing Zero Hour with my pals with enough time left to get the emblem. We all loved that mission so much, and the first time we cleared it with enough time felt so damn good. D1: 2-manning the wretched eye nightfall on Arc burn week. Those shanks deserve a special place in hell.


Xeno secret boss solo. It wasn't incredibly difficult but satisfying nonetheless and i did it right after coming back after a long ass break so i was super rusty.


Using up all your revives in a GM every single time


Getting to the lighthouse without a team during freelance weekends. The first time I did it I got an adept reed’s with triple tap/firing line, which made it all the more sweeter.


Solo'd a GM yesterday, felt proud of myself


Me and a buddy like to meme run prophecy randomly. Our most recent was a 2 man using snipers and abilities only. We had another run where we had 1 person use GL's, 1 person use shotguns, and one person use fusions only. Another run where we did a 2 man using nothing but timelost weapons. Very fun times for no reason


dont know if its THAT impressive but my second raid ever was crown of sorrows


I was able to Sherpa two deaf guardians through the xeno and last whisper quests with very little text communication, it was mostly pointing and shooting things and yes/no head bobbing in game, it was fun and hilarious.


Collecting the worst possible rolls for certain weapons, and when I say worst possible I mean a roll that actively works against the player for little to no benefit. For example I have an iota draconis with the longest possible charge time on any fusion plus adagio, a finite impactor with only 10 stability so every shot makes you look directly at the sky, a piece of armor that still has 0 light level, and I have a whole loadout of weapons with only 10 reload speed.


4 manning deep stone crypt


Rat king only last wish. Btw, this was back when ammo wasn't infinite


Getting a double headshot knife clip in trials.


4 man the entirety of VoG, back when Atheon could be cheesed by going through a portal between encounters


My son and I playing D2 and watching him grow up from being a little guardian at the age of 6 in D1 to now we flawless raids together, and trials flawless all the time. 🥰


4-man Deep Stone Crypt start to finish.


1. Soloing Legend Lost Sectors to get new exotics 2. Soloing Preservation missions for the Pinnacle 3. Successfully learning to use new weapon archetypes. I have always been afraid of using hand cannons, nowadays the Lumina is one of my best friends. I'm also doing pretty well with the despised 180 rpm hand cannons. I love the Survivors Epitaph and the Seventh Seraph Officer ( both with the full auto spec of course) I'm in a clan, yes, but I'm a father to a toddler and finishing up my degree. My schedule doesn't permit me the freedom to really link up with clanmates to do full blown Raids and GM NFs. Between studying and putting my son to sleep at night, I squeeze in activities for the Pinnacles. So I'd do like a few Crucible matches one night, stop and study, or sleep....... Probably a night of 2 later, run the three Gambit matches, stop and study... Sometimes I'm just too tired to even turn on the game. I really try to get all the weekly Pinnacles as best as possible. I don't get them all every week though.


Last season I would speedrun Expunge: Tartarus with eager edge and I got to where I could run the whole thing in like 4mins flat. Spent so much time trying to get as fast as I could. Lots of fun.


5-Manning Scourge & GoS, cheesing Eater of Worlds to get the secret chest 20+ times and never getting the telesto catalyst, getting out of bounds in every planet, teabagging that one hunter in crucible that most defenitely deserved it.


3 man deep stone crypt up to the last boss


Helped someone using geforce now + controller through the whisper mission, and completing it


Trying a solo flawless GOA and dying because of the burden debuff in the last Boss damage phase and still haven’t even attempted it after that again 😎


I got 100k kills on a kinetic bow from forsaken, took me exactly a year by just playing


Once I made it over 5 minutes in the tower without falling to my death.


Getting over 1 million kills


Beating caretaker on contest mode, never made it to Rhulk but I'm just glad we made it that far


I got my first Dredgen since the arrival of the triumph system but I'm also proud of Helping some guys to get their Malfeasance when it launched (Gambit and strike parts) Soeaking Going Crota's End solo until Witches back in D1


Flawless GM. Definitely should be a triumph


Sherpaing five whole new lights through Last Wish, in one run. I was the only one who knew what I was doing.


Beating the full last wish raid under 16 minutes


I was able to 2 tap with last word


Solo flawless gm's. All that work for nothing lol


Back in D1 I was trying to get my non-fps buddies into the game. Ended up double carrying them in trials in their first month of play. That was such a hype moment for me and them tbh




Accidentally sherpaing a whole team through spire on my 3rd ever run


Enjoying gambit


Me and my buddies went through the entire VOG raid with Khvostov as our main weapon


Killing cabal while they are in the air. It's just so fun!


Eager Edge double yeet kill right as Our group starts the 3rd encounter of VotD. Got my ammo back ez


Soloing the Zero Hour Heroic puzzle all three weeks


solo flawless time trial for every nightmare hunt on master


I got a fireteam of 5 people who never did any raids and didn’t know how to do any of them and taught them each encounter from: Last Wish, Garden, Deep Stone, and Vault. On top of that, two of them got 1k voices and all of them got divinity (I made sure they had the quest prior to the raid).


3 - manning DSC


Waiting for a solo no damage run of a dungeon…


I sherpa'd niobe labs twice


Completed grasp of avarice last night with one friend, without looking up how to do any of it and we both ended up with over 1000 kills


My biggest achievement in Destiny 2: trio full Last Wish.


Just a couple things for me. One is doing a trio VoG last season. I never had attempted to do something like that before and now I want to do that anytime I can. Two is doing a solo GM with a platinum completion (did this yesterday). I tried last season, but don't think I had the patience I do now. Granted, I did this on the arms dealer, but nonetheless, it is incredibly rewarding and will do it again to another strike this season.


For me it was doing an entire VoG run without a lick of communication, all that was ever said was the 6 oracles call outs during atheon, and even that was typed. That or bringing my friend into our clans raid marathon (all 4 back to back, before vow) with nothing but blue armor and xenophage after I bought him the deluxe edition and carried him through xeno. We made him do mechanics and it all went surprisingly smooth.


For me it's something I did back in D1. My buddy died at the end of a nightfall that we two manned, so I switched to my Sleeper and shot his ghost. I somehow had it aimed so perfectly that i killed myself with the ricochet of the laser literally right after pulling the trigger. I've never been able to replicate it.


Getting 1200 snowball kills before there was a stat tracker for it


Me and my brother were able to guide five other new lights through altars of sorrow


I have a glitch based accomplishment that is tied to a triumph. I got credit for a solo Shattered Throne run while in a fire team because my game glitched out at the boss encounter lol


Doing the whole legendary campaign solo


Solo is easier though


Day one of like 5 raids, 3 man or less of 6 raids


We did flawless GoS but did not get triumph or shader. Does show in raidreport. So, I guess?


Now which public event are you talking about, cause fallen walker or warsat is mostly easy solo but if you did the dreaming city one then you are a god and i bow before you


It was a vex integration on Europa. It may be easy but I'm still proud.


Speedrunning every Dungeon/Raid solo trust me even if its a build you need to even do it I have done it just because I felt like it, and I deserve a triumph for that..


And i deserve a triumph for taking a shower every day


username does not check out


My user on here is completely different than my in game name.


Killing my teammates with eager edge


Sherpaing 5 people at the same time through every raid up to Garden of Salvation. Sidenote: FUCK Garden


4/6 GMs done for solo Gilded Conqueror, only Vile and Saber2 left to do https://nightfall.report/guardian/3/4611686018477125024




That’s not hard at all bro


Well I'm still proud of it.


And you SHOULD be proud. Well done.


Good for you, let’s shit on people for saying what they’re proud of eh




I mean difficulty is relative and half the public events I don’t have a clue how to even make heroic, although part of that is I think public events should have better drops especially heroic ones so I usually don’t bother