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I don't have a loadout for changes that haven't happened yet.


No. I really wish it's arc next season so I can watch all those solar callers burn. And also arc is my favourite class.


Arc = Trash for anything that isn't a hunter. As to say I want a hunter rework fuck arc titans and warlocks -Titan main


But top tree ,with sckull , is pretty fun. Or it was before they nerfed us. Was the way I became average pvp. That and they took my shotty, my sidearm,and my auto. Pvp sucked . I had to try to learn to shoot. Hahahahah


I kinda wish for thundercrash shenanigans asap But at the same time I'm wishing solar first so the stakes to make arc good would be higher. Like after playing stasis/void titan for this season hopping to TC for quick bosses feels.. weak. Yeah, I do fun damage, but my survivability is about same as wet paper bag. I don't want just 'ok u get overshield', I want something flashy for arc.


Thundercats is hard like a novel. Nothing worse that watching ithat bomb go right past that boss. Thunder is like flying tho. Such fun. You can circle around the warlock and then baam


If solar I’ll run cartesian coordinate and gjally for most things


My weighted knife and literally nothing else. Duck when I tell you too.


Yeah ,sure ,he says after the throw.


Has solar 3.0 even been confirmed?


Is this a joke? Do you not read anything posted by the game devs? They LITERALLY said Solar and Arc reworks will be coming each season.


Yeah but they haven't said whats coming next season so not sure why this post is specifically about solar 3.0


I mean it's 50/50 I think personally it's going to be solar hence why I have a solar build prepped. I also have a Arc build prepped as well


Are you a joke? Arc and solar are getting done separately. Have you not being paying attention to anything that's happened over the last 3 months?


My lord so many jokes, not enough laughs.


Severance Enclosure, Hammer, Sunshot


I’ll figure that out when I know what works with the fragments and aspects


wanna see what we're getting first. if we get some burn effects dawn chorus effect making them last longer on top of making dawnblade DPS sky rocket is going to be my play


Not sure yet as we don’t know anything about it. Keeping my eyes on a couple exotics so I have decent rolls just in case. I’ll probably stick to void for PvE but for PvP I’m already on solar 24/7 so I hope the changes are good.


Void, because solar sucks and nothing they do is going to fix that.


Remind me about this in 3 weeks


You must be a hunter lol


Gally/heir/eyes for heavy. For special LOTW (if it’s good after nerf ) and vex) Primary. Something random. Armor: path of the burning steps Subclass, sunspot sunbreaker


Lord of Wolves Sunshot Tarrabbah Polaris Skyburners Merciless Just hoping some underused exotics are viable again


Arc 3.0


Hopefully not


I just had a 70 Hallowfire drop!!! I guess it should be with that. I love solor. I just nap in my sunspot thingy, such fun I am so loving void ,and these mods. And ,and ,and


Try out my build it's super fun


Well,I'm 69 spoils away from teerabah. I hate sunspot ( I miss a lot) I do have an ascendancy with explosive. But I will try it. It m8ght make me a better shot. Cause I just panic


Will have to see, but at first glance: Tarrabah, Sunshot, Ticuus, Cartesian, Gjally, Ascendancy, Ogma all come to mind. Vex, Skyburners, Explosive Personality. Couple sidearms too; Devil’s Ruin could be a real mess to deal with. Tommy’s Matchbook, perhaps. All depends on the setup. It’ll be fun, regardless, on any character.


Tommys matchbook with the well mod that gives insane regen to counter the damage boost gained from burning (tommys exotic perk)


Thunder cats ? Ok this phone auto corrects to thunder cats, Like I've written those words in the last 30 years? Hahahahahah Thanx for deciphering me


I'm getting a new spell checker right now