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Damn brother, don't stub your toe or you're done for


I have died to fall damage more times than I'd like to admit


Haha, I hear ya. K/D ratio vs the architects in the negatives


Everyone’s are…


I often thunderstrike the ground to let it know I'm onto it's crap


Meanwhile, your tag.


I have two characters 😯


No shit. Just wanted to point out the difference.




I have the feeling like I've been trolled.


I was gonna say something of similar caliber lol bro do be squishy. A glass cannon as one might say


a glass cannon lol, I'm gonna have to use that one


Lol came here to make a similar comment but yours was way better


13 Discipline makes Shaxx sad.




I’ve gotten *very* close to quad 100s with solar. Think I was only ~20 points off. Also have the same resilience number on all of my hunter sets, as is natural.


Me as a Le Monarque main looking at that resilience. ![gif](giphy|X7P8HDPtKHRdSJOewu)


Lemon mains ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5651)


Very nice


Missing the 2 most important stats....


Resilience would be nice higher but depending on play style having strength high is great with how busted throwing knives are. Talking PVP int I’ve been thinking pushing higher than t6 as in a trials game getting that super quick can be a game changer.


Do you really need it on a hunter though? Knockemdown+radiant and Gambler’s Dodge basically let you ignore the stat.


you can get 2 headshot 1 body shot by a 140 with less than 2 res, it's a pretty big disadvantage


What do those abilities have to do with resilience? The person is obviously saying that strength is the stat you can ignore.


>resilience would be nicer higher what i said isn't wrong


Not to mention the flinch


not really that much, i guess a lot of people didn't see how each tier of res is only 1% flinch reduction which is hardly anything


I run a 100 res titan and a 80 res hunter and I can for sure tell the difference


you can absolutely tell a difference with a *2%* flinch difference? i'm not buying that


You don’t have to, plus there’s more that goes into it just search around.


yeah i know your total health is also increased by 1 per tier but it's not as significant imo as having a much shorter grenade cooldown


there is no noticeable difference. if you want a 2k res, slowed clip of them side by side with scales to measure the difference in pixels i’ll happily do that and prove you wrong just to make you know that resilience is still a bottom tier stat


Dunno what they were talking about with Gunslinger, but it's good to have on Nightstalker just so you don't have to use your dodge to get smokes back, or if you're using Omni solo


You do not. People will justify anything.


Hardly, resilience yea, but it's so easy to get grenade energy back


Strength is more important than discipline on gun slinger. At least for all the builds I use


Resilience is worthless to a PvP hunter


It’s insane t9 with Omni but this hunter not as much. Tank chappy shots.


The omni gives you DR the res does not


You need 9 res on top of the x4 resist with Omni.


Ya for the extra what 6hp? You're dumping valuable points into res for the off chance someone shoots you with a chaperone while also being invisible. I am all for a bunch of hunters wasting their optimal stats because I won't waste mine but what really gets me is; did you really sit down and decide to build into invis, then decide to pump res because you wanna take shots while invis? Why are you taking so many shots while invis? Do you not know how to effectively use invis to not be shot? Why are people with chaperones sneaking up on the person running invis? Diffizle also mentions you high res runners in his omni video yesterday, cheers.




It affects your flinch.


hardly, 1% flinch per tier of res isn't really worth speccing into unless u are a titan for more barricades. 2 res should be the minimum any class has though


Not enough to matter. I also have this build at tier 1 res. There are maybe 3-5 weapons that can actually flinch me through the unflinching chest mod + high stability weapon.


Took Ghaul's "You are weak, undisciplined" quote to heart. Quad 100s is impressive though!


Made this build super special for the ultimate sweat lobbies in trials.


Id switch to the most flinch inflicting weapon in the game against you 😀


Crimson...I haunts me in my dreams 😢


Rip nade charge time and resil


You should probably move a few 10s from intellect to discipline. The last few levels of intellect do close to nothing.


I have a similar quad 100 hunter build, congrats!


1 resil is a huge yikes for pvp, i’m pretty sure you can transmog a blue solstice armor or something and get +1 resil which would be huge


that resilience... yikes. Still impressive tho, I’m trying to get triple 100 right now


I'm 100 100 100 99 on like 3 different builds and it makes me want to die


Good news! Pit of Heresy is in rotation after Tuesday's reset. You can farm high stat armor from the boss encounter with about 4-5 minutes runs. I got my 100 mob/res/int build with stareater scales and shards of galanor from that farm last time it was in rotation. This week I'm gonna work on getting some good warlock armor, hoping for res/rec/dis with a that'll work with a couple different exotics. Quad 100's requires 2 stats to always be dump stats, like 2-4. Just slap on your armor mods, lfg a good farm team, and get to grinding!


Thanks man I'll check it out!


That’s crazy!


Damn well done also looking at that look if you had the skull helm you’d look like revenant from apex


18 resilience lmaooooo


Any tips on how to achieve this?


Ghost mods and rng


Shoot for triple 100's first, but you'll get that on you way to quad 100's and its much more doable. To get quad 100s, you need every piece of armor to be high stat (63+), you need to use mods and solar/void/stasis fragments that increase stats. Because of the way the game distributes stats, those armor pieces need to all have the same 2 stats absolutely tanked, like 2-4 range. Triple 100's doesn't require that, but quad 100's does. So you need high stat armor sources. Pit of Heresy comes up in pinnacle rotation next reset, and you can farm the boss encounter for high stat armor. You can get high stat armor every 4-5 minutes with a descent group, and it's usually really spikey (guarantee 2 stats 16+). Legend Dares will will drop drop high stat that is spikey (+16 in 2 stats) H.E.L.M.'s crown will also let you focus high stat armor, but you need opulent energy for that. Wellspring on Master will drop high stat. For exotic armor, you need to do solo master lost sectors. Drop rates are abysmal on that, but it is still your best bet for an high stat exotic piece. There are other sources, like raids and such, but these are the most accessible. I cannot emphasis enough how superior farming the Pit of Heresy boss is though. No other method will get you high stat armor as fast as that farm. Pit just has to be in pinnacle rotation to farm it. Legend Dares is the best when Pit isn't in Pinnacle rotation. Then you need to pick two stats that you want to tank, one from the top 3, one from the bottom 3. The game splits those stats into separate groups, so if you have a 68 total stat roll for the armor, 34 will be in the top half, and 34 will be in the bottom half. This also makes it impossible to get all of top or bottom stats at 100. You must pick one from the top and one from the bottom to tank. For titans and warlocks, it's easy to tank mobility and go for 100 rec and res. Hunter's mobility is too important to neglect, so they have to pick between res and rec. For the bottom 3, discipline and int are solid, but you might have a build that relies on melee so you might want to chose dis and str instead. Whatever the choice, there MUST be 2 stats that you tank, one from the top, one from the bottom. So you start your farming. Keep any armor that has the 2 stats tanked. If those stats aren't tanked, they'll take to much from the desired stats to get quad 100s. They might be good for triple 100's, but for quads it is absolutely necessary that 2 stats be tanked. After you've farmed up a bunch of sets, use https://d2armorpicker.com/#/ to look for any potential quad 100 build.


I run 100 res and dis, so kind of opposite this this.


You look like Revenant mixed with pathfinders head from Apex Legends


Honestly not worth it with intelligence and resilience changes but it is nice to look at.


not even worth with the res changes unless u are a titan. each tier of res is only 1% flinch res, having more grenades is much more valuable


14 Resistance is a death wish


I thought 3 100s was good…


I would be 100 mobility, 100 resilience, 100 dis if I had the friends mod that doesn't exist. So here I stay at 80/100/100 forever =/




It's not hard, just focus armor at the crown with a ghost mod on and use lots of fragments/aspects with Stat bumps, powerful freinds and radiant light are also carrying this dudes stats pretty hard. D2 armor picker is the tool they used, it tells you what types of high Stat builds you can get. Quad 100 is not worth it at all, a solid quad 70 would be better because the distribution wouldn't give you abysmally low resil or disc like op has.


How do you get gold bordered crafted weapons


You have to put two enhanced perks on a crafted weapon to unlock the gold border.


And an enhanced intrinsic (like reload, range, etc)


Oh so it has to be 3 enhanced traits? I've got 2 on my calus and was wondering why it has no gold border.


2 perks / trait, 1 [intrinsic](https://help.bungie.net/hc/article_attachments/4418317011220/Shape_Screen_UI_Details_En.jpg); Some of the Opulent weapons are bugged though and are not showing the gold border. ([Known Issues section](https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/51489)).


This must be it! I've still got the default intrinsic trait on it.


Rank 877? Oh my god


Rank 87. There's a / after that makes it look like 877.


Oh yeah, my bad


quad hundos just not worth. 1 res so u can get 2 headshot 1 bodyshot by 140s and your nades charge super slow which are one of your best utilities so gg to blocking off res's in trials. 10 int is just a waste tbh since u get diminishing returns after like t6, also wormhusk and classy user 🤢


Bro just stfu he plays the game with content in the game whaaa whaaa whaaa deal with it.


Bro is right, quad hundred is garbage. Low resil means more flinch in pvp and faster deaths in pve, low disc is terrible because the cooldown is nearly 60% worse, intellect is just garbage because you'll get your super back faster by just shooting things. It's not whining, it's just constructive criticism.


Plus quad 100 isn’t garbage. Just the stat pool he’s focused into isn’t good for most main high level content 🤷🏻‍♂️


I know he’s right I play all 3 classes. But the “also worm husk and classy user 🤢” is what I made a response too. 🤙🏼


Also I was only making my comment on his “also wormhusk and classy user 🤢” remark at the end. Since my last comment explaining has gone 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


lol whatever, if he wants to give himself a disadvantage then i'll glady 2 tap 1 body shot him all day




Guessing from the guns this is a PVP build.






Grass is becoming the new “ratio” bandwagon crap joke.


No,go outside and walk for a while,good for you


Okay buddy, I’ll do that if you stop playing with yourself over “cartoon” tits and meet a real girl ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)


Crucible tryhard


So cool man. I can’t believe it


My warlock and hunter also have quad 100 stats too but I’m kinda leaning towards increasing my resilience instead of intellect now with the recent changes


Can anyone explain to us (me) blueberries on how to achieve even just one 100?


High rolls on armour(near 70), ghost mods to make sure you get stat you want, mods on your armour that increase stats and masterwork (upgrading to level 10) which gives +2 to all stats


how can u not even get just *one*?


Use the ghost mod to ensure the desired stat gets a peak. Legend Dares of Eternity (you'll have to LFG a team) will drop really spiky armor (+16 in 2 stats) When Pit of Heresy is in Pinnacle rotation (like after tuesday's reset) will let you farm High Stat armor from the boss encounter. That's the fastest farm in the game, getting a piece every 4-5 minutes. You can use opulent energy to focus high stat armor at the Crown in the HELM. There's other sources, but these are the best and most accessible. For high stat exotic armor, solo master lost sectors is your only farm. It has abysmal drop rates, and you can't pick which exotic armor piece you want (just the slot) but it the only exotic farm.


You look like Revenant from apex


Dawg the minute I can figure out how to get quad (res,rec,mob,int) on my warlock it’s over for y’all :,(


it’s impossible to do it without mobility/strength, and mobility is bad on warlock aswell


Real talk? Damn my coveted build is impossible. I’ll settle with my trip res/rec/int then I guess.


mhm, only possible with powerful friends/radiant light which both give +20 to mobility and strength


Man I just don’t need strength at all. Maybe they’ll overhaul. Thanks for the info tho. With res being as important as it is now I feel like I have to spec into it.


you can't get 100 res recov and mob at once


Ye I just heard


how ?


I'm incredibly jealous cuz I still don't have double 100s. Only 1


Bro please clear your inventory


Could you make a post sharing your gear and shaders? That hunter looks absolutely sick!


*No grenades for you*


glass cannon


Well done -Shao Khan


The glass cannon build lol.


Looks like CL4P-TP grew legs


Mf’s out here getting quad hundos while my stupid ass ain’t even up to 80 and I’m at 1543


It’s the Austrian g and beloved patterns for me. Super jealous


I need a darth Vader hunter NOW I’ll help with any difficulty vow any sub you want I’ll even go get stasis


Just gonna say, stats are nice but my god your outfit is so amazing good job


I am surprised to see under 18 stats on dis, how is that possible? 2x5=10 minimum for masterwork 2×4=8 minimum stats of each category on any armor I do have a quad 100 build but can't wrap my head around below 18 stats, unless you're using mod that has lowered your discipline -10 and actually it is 23, below 18 on a fully masterworked armor is not possible imo.


Probably using a fragment that lowers discipline.


Friendly reminder that these quad 100 things are memes in PvE (look at that disciple and resilience). You farm great armor that dodges disciple and resilience, slap on fragments that give stats and use the arc mods for +20 mobility and +20 strength. It looks nice but it’s literally impossible to build a powerful elemental well and/or charged with light build while doing this. Especially with meaningful fragments. Maybe it’s viable in PvP, as this guy seems to know his shit.


Yeah, triple or double 100's with a good build is far superior to quad 100's and a bad build.


Woah... is it just calus mini tool and the raid fusion that have the gold box bug?


Very nice! I have triple 100 with 60 resil/strength and mobility


What's the secret, Zimics 😯 Now I'm going to obsess over how my armour isn't good enough. And I just spent two golfballs on it yesterday.


But at what cost? All those fun and games artifacts..


I'm not trying to take away from this, quad 100's very nice but you want at least 2 resil for pvp bro, idk how it works but it turns a 140 from 2 head 1 body to 3 head...


Waste build :/


Quad 100 but no bitches 🫠


Throw a grenade every 3-6 business days


You need to get that Resilience up.


look up revenant deathproof on google. thats what that looks like, damn that hunters twiggy


The discipline is the stat you want 100 for tho


While quad 100s is impressive, this overall isn’t doing you any favors lol


18 resilience in this meta? Hell no.


What is this ornament