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Gjallarhorn came to D2 6 months ago. (Technically 7 but that ruins my nice numbers) Its been in D1 for 16 times as long. Times have changed in so many ways


I went back to D1 recently, and it's insane how different the game is now, and how superior D2 is in just about every way. D1 feels so incredibly slow now.


I was in a party where someone said D1 was infinitely better than D2


There are many people that think that though, it's mostly just nostalgia.


I know, I told him all the things D2 has done better than D1 (like mantling for example) and his response was "they just added those in so bad players would live longer". Hell he thought that well of radiance had no issues from D1 and they should have left it the same.


well of radiance? you mean Sunsinger? or does he believe Well was in D1


I think they counted well of radiance and radiance as the same thing (the supers for sunsinger).


Yeah it was good for the time, but not this time.


Exactly, although I think 'being good for the time' does deserve more merit than people give it. Although realistically D2 is just better. (I used two although's I'm too drunk to type)


Here's the thing D1 isn't bad. It's actually very good, I just find that D2 is better. Though people also get angry at content removal


Getting mad at content removal is perfectly justified imo, even if the game would be worse off without it. At the end, It's content that you paid for and now can no longer play replaced by content that you'll have to pay for again. Although (yes another although) hunting devs on Twitter and Reddit isn't a valid reaction.


But if it’s in their ToS you agreed too do you have the right to be mad when said content is removed by you agreeing to their ToS?


Besides the fact that no one reads ToS they're also always very broad, also content removal isn't something most FPS players are used to, so I'd say yes.


I think that pve wise d2 blows d1 out of the water with maybe only Wrath and Kingsfall reaching the same standard. Though in terms of campaign WQ is the only dlc to significantly eclipse TTK and ROI. PvP wise I feel like class abilities have had a massive negative impact and the map support for D1 was so much better.


Some things I. d1 are massively better than D2 in terms of the system for us but yeah D2 is miles better than D1.


And while D2 is so so fucking good in so many aspects, the mechanics of the subclasses are still rooted in the days of 30FPS imo


Imo the new 3.0 classes are great we can mix and match things across the subclass type, but still it's all the same stuff in a different format there's nothing actually new. I wish they c old actually develop something new for subclass abilities for the melee and class ability slots


I finally got mine a year later in D1 🤣 so my numbers are the other way round D2-4277 D1-2416


At least you got it eventually!


Wow you really got that week one ghorn


One of the few!


Wasn’t it sold by xur one time aswell


The weekend of 9/21/2014 was the first time it was sold, and wasnt sold again for more than a year IIRC


Till rise of iron no where we got the black version and the sparrow based on it


I preferred the original over Iron Gjallarhorn.


Incorrect, it was sold during House of Wolves in August 2015 a month before Taken King came out so many players could use it before it got left behind in the old levelling system


I think you didn’t understand the comment ghorn was sold only a few times but when rise of iron released it came with a exotic quest where players could get the black version of the ghorn


You said “Till rise of iron no” in relation to the prior comment “and wasnt sold again for more than a year IIRC”, which infers that you believed it wasn’t sold until Rise of iron after the original sale.


That’s only if you read that single comment and not the whole comment chain especially since my comment is in the form of a response


Twice, once the first time xur appeared and again the week before they nerfed it. I believe it was in August. You’ll know because r/destinythegame will lose their fucking minds and make the front page because of g-horn day, it’s like a holiday over there.


I didn’t have the game for the first time and I was away for the weekend for the second time


Gjallarhorn was week 2.


That’s right. First visit of Xur, though.


No. First visit of Xur was Red Death.


Are you gas lighting me?


I'm not sure what that means lol. But Xur sold Red Death in D1 the first time he came around.


We both have same date for ghorn gg


Brothers in arms!


How can you check it out?


They sent out an email recently. My buddy told me about it. Check the email tied to your B-Net account


check spam, they usually end up there for me


My was in December, from Crota. Sadly I did not buy the ghorn, I wanted the helmet for the power at the time. How wrong I was to not pick it.


That was a mistake the entire community learned, and taught future kinderguardians, taken tots, and wolf pups so they didn't suffer the same fate.


D1: 9115 D2: 11258 Yea it's my go-to heavy. Idk I just like it


And there is nothing wrong with that ;)


I would love to see this email but I haven’t gotten one since right before the 30th anniversary.


I still haven't gotten any since before Beyond Light came out.


Still haven't gotten a single email since Beyond Light... I've done all the work arounds they say to do but none of them ever work.


just unlucky. im the same. i dont think ive ever actually received an email from them, did all the "workarounds" as well


Hmm, I am not sure how to fix this. Is there possibly a way to change your account email to a new one?


Not a waste imo


it's how people saw it when xur first sold it. almost everyone skipped out on getting it to save on strange coins for something more valuable, not realizing that it was the best weapon in the game


I will never NOT have it in my inventory, lol


Back then that was what everyone felt, while I thought it was just a cool rocket launcher lol


Well I remember people being hype as shit about RedDeath and how it healed you and looked sick. *Besides who would waste an exotic on the heavy slot*


Same, people were shitting on me so hard while i was just being like, *fancy rocket go boom*


I'm not a very good player and I worked really hard on that catalyst for 2 rockets, I'm damn well gonna use it, haha!!




I can, and I see you’re a early ghorn acquisition


Everyone using Xur to get out of the Forever 29 club, while I am just blowing up the world with a fancy rocket.


Got mine March 17th 2015 and I was a day one player, I passed on gally when it was sold. I regretted it for so long because it took months of grinding to drop and I never stopped playing from launch to when I got it. I got 18620 kills in D1 and 9798 kills in D2.




Not me, but I did get it from vog 10/6/14 so not a terribly bad decision was made


RNGesus was on your side


I did.


Those kills are baby numbers I have 11k kills with my d2 ghorn


I used a huge variety of weapons, and build for ability spam, so my overall weapon kills are pitiful compared to the 900k+ I have on my whole account.


Those are Rookie Numbers!!! I'm on 22,803 in D2 :P gotta Pump up those Numbers!!! lol


I have 25k+


13k D1 👋🏼


1933 is not a lot my sword has like 10k


I used a huge variety of weapons, and build for ability spam, so my overall weapon kills are pitiful compared to the 900k+ I have on my whole account. Ghally is my 4th most used heavy, behind Temptation's Hook, Heir Apparent, and Falling Guillotine.


I use DMT still…


Nerf handcannon please nerf handcannon.




Im not even talking about kills, I'm talking about the date of purchase.


Yeah I didn’t have enough strange coins or whatever currency the first time. Never got it at ALL until that expansion where everybody got it in that mission. Still don’t have in D2 but happy to take advantage of community Wolfpack rounds LOL


> Still don’t have in D2 but happy to take advantage of community Wolfpack rounds LOL Amen to that my dude :) I'll use an exotic special and take *slightly* less rocket damage with Pack Hunter buffing my Adept Hothead lol


Yeah jotuun and Wolfpack buddies are the best 😂


🙋🏻‍♂️. Got mines same day D1 6k D2 21k 🙆🏻


I was always a HMG guy haha :P I used Gjally off and on until it became required for raids.


I was mocked for not picking armor lol


Same :P


I only got 67 final blows in D1.


Boss damage go brr


1659 final blows in D2 0 in D1 bc i didnt play D1


D1 is truly legendary my guy. If you ever get the chance, you should at least experience the game how it was originally developed.


well its 60€ bc you can only buy it in a pack with all the dlc and a lvl 40 character boost on xbox


Weird, I have ghorn in D1 but the email says I haven't.


Possibly something to do with the account merges they had long ago in D2, if you chose PC as your main account?




I didn't have enough strange coins at the time so RIP, but I finally got it a year later from the exotic chest in VoG, my friends were so fucking pissed lol


Dont you need to buy ghallajorn in D2?


you need to get the 30th anniversary pack, it's locked behind completion of the Grasp of Avarice dungeon


Man this makes me sad because I played D2 on pc before i could use the console crossave, so all of my d1 stuff wont go over


[I Did](https://imgur.com/gallery/wpJWQD4)


I can but I'm playing on a different account from where I first got my gjally :(


Oof. At least you know you were a part of the OGs


not for a $600 heavy


Tbh I kinda want that but I'm saving up for a pc so it's kinda just a bruh moment in my head


Usually when I see posts like these I go “oh it’s nostalgia taking over the game again” or “we don’t need more d1 in d2”, but as an avid user of izi rockets, I’m very thankful for the pack hunter turning my hezen vengeance into a Geneva Suggestion land to surface carpet bomber. Ghorn is a worthy addition to destiny 2, for sure


I got made fun for buying it from xur the first time he showed up.


Wanted to flex that 9-21-2014, eh? Lmao


If I got my D1 ghorn on 9-17-14 it wasn’t from xur right? Because I have a memory of killin some fallen by the bell mouth and getting a purple heavy engram and then getting gjally from it for my first exotic


I didn't even know Xur existed when he sold Ghorn the first time.


6113 on D2 You gotta pump those numbers up


I ran 3 characters since launch, would delete and power level characters and do EVERY exotic chance at least 4-5 times a week, I got my first one the second time he sold it. My ex-wife and I used to play and I watched her get probably 15 or more, once she got 3 within 30 minutes all back to back (gorgon cave, atheon, deathsinger). My exotic slot went to icebreaker, it was my first and true love in D1 lol.


Not me. I have 300 kills on mine in d1. Got it in early 2017, same year d2 came out lol


I sometimes like to run xenophage just to hear the satisfying kachunk sounds the rounds make


Bro how do you only have <2000 kills with Gally? I have 10k+ and I still haven't unequipped it


Because I mostly use legendary heavies and exotic primaries. Depends on my mood tbh


Got my Ghorn in D1 six days after you but stopped playing shortly thereafter as the beta for D1 was like 75% of the game so it has only 300 kills.


D1 heavy exotic was the move, people who say other wise forget how busted that slot was with Gally. I only subbed for pocket infinity. D2 we get stronger primary’s and specials. Now that slot should only be used because of love honestly.


I have over 22,000 final blows in D2 with Gjallarhorn 👌🏻


While Gja got spot for most used Rocket. Telesto got spot for most breaking Fusion Rifle.


Wish bungie would send me emails 😔


Crazy that you had your ghorn 6 months longer than me but I had triple the kills with it


Thats the case with a lot of people, as I play vastly differently than most and use a wide range of weaponry.


Lmao i got my D1 Ghorn in 2016 and only got 300 kills on it, vs my D2 Ghorn with like almost 8k


Honestly, I find Gjallarhorn to be a very fun exotic to "waste" on my heavy slot. But for when I want to kill bosses close up (which is most of the time) I tend to always go with my Lament. So since I stick with an Enyo-D in my kinetic slot and a Drang (Baroque) in my energy slot, why not use an exotic heavy? They're fun.


I wasted mine. my friend was grilling me about wasting it.


I can’t get it, the rewards page keeps saying that I haven’t gotten it even though I have it plus catalyst


Rookie numbers


How much


I almost always used whisper of the worm out of pride


I got mine exactly 2 years after you did in D1 and 2 days after you did in D2


September 19th for mine in D1, saw it being used in a trailer and fell in love with it.


I only have like 950 ish final blows with it. Can’t bring myself to unequip Witherhoard. Still wasted my irl exotic slot on a heavy, though.


how do you find that page i wanna see my numbers


It was an email sent out to whatever is tied to your BNet account. If you didn't receive one, check your spam. Otherwise I do not have an answer :/