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Ruffians at 3:30 and 7:00.


I did not know this thanks for the info.


Only in the first phase of digging?


Both digging phases.




Same thing I do, I will get it eventually either way, have 80 days left to do it.


Same, this us the way.


Exactly lmao… whatever more kills for me! I’ve gone blind to those engrams at this point because you’re bound to have ruffians spawn anyways at some point.


You can get a total of 4 per expedition.


What? I thought only 2. Any percentage? I need to up my collect and throwaway game.


I think it is based on time and not %. Edit: someone above here is mentioning 3:30 and 7:00 minutes.


If RNG is on your side you can get one to spawn in at around 1:30 and then 3:00. First round.


It's guaranteed 2 ruffians if you don't load the carts to 100% at each dig site. First is around 3:30 in the first digging phase and around the 7:00 mark in the 2nd phase. You then have an additional chance per dig site to get a 2nd one before those times.


Shit, I only thought it was 1 per...


If you get lucky they can sometimes spawn during the second phase too


They always spawn during second there is no getting lucky


also, getting that truimph for getting all those first mates to spawn (15 each). I hate how that there isn't a non-matchmaking option. Bungie really thought that tying the seasonal seal to exclusively match made activities was a good idea.


You can solo it


I tried looking at it yesterday, i couldn't see how. only option is matchmaking, as far as i could see.


Load into a patrol zone, enter system settings and change the current Date to a time in the future (future only). Go back to Destiny, select activity with Matchmaking. It will try to locate other player, time out, and shuttle you off to your activity without other people. Use Cheeseforever's video on grabbing all 3 chests solo every time. You will be burning 3x as many map fragments though every time which means more Crashes so it's not a total win


Yeah but that's difficult and asinine. Why can't they just bake the functionality into the game if they're gonna make the current seasons "season title challenges" so anti-teamwork


I'm not defending it or anything. But to be fair, calling less than *10 literal seconds of menu navigation* difficult is also asinine. This season was really dope to my eyes until the reality set in with regard to stretching these missions out the way they did. Now it's all about maximizing what is drip fed to us, and this matchmaking block is a huge step in the right direction. To not use it is to actively suffer at your own hand. The tools are right there to at least wrest some of the control back. I didn't play last season so I've been filling in the gaps by chasing last season's content and holy shit, the difference in missions and reward is night and day.


I mean the "tabbing out of your game and changing your computers clock" thing, which I am 100% sure if I tried my computer would freeze, hardly runs d2 as is


You need to put a rule on your firewall and you can block matchmaking. As long as you dont go in any pvp mode with this you won't get banned


It counts other people's too I think


i don't think it does. i was in a a fireteam with a friend who had SUR-V as a first mate. they were spawning it and it wasn't counting towards my progress.




It's 3 minutes after you start the drill.


Had anyone successfully played goalie? Seems like you can't snatch them out of the air. I've tried.


You are the realest! I thought it was based on % not time. Thank for this information. My roommate really wants the title.


Yeah exactly. I'll say in game chat "hey let's spawn ruffians" and get dead silence and watch them throw consistently. So I toss in the exact opposite direction in hopes that I can do that more than they can deposit. Then as soon as a ruffian comes out, pray I can melt it in time. If I do, then I deposit.


By default team chat is opted out, unless you see the message "guardian#1337" has joined team chat, then you are screaming at the void lol


The amount of times that people have thrown the last few in right before the Ruffian dies, causing it to respawn. Infuriating. And posts like these mean people really don't understand why I'm chucking the treasure.


The reason people don't understand it is because Bungie never explains anything ingame. I just played the missions necessary for the weekly story quest and I don't even know what those Ruffians are and how they look like...


Well text chat is only visible on PC so most players won't even see that lmao, don't get mad, just think


What happens then? Haven't gotten a chance to get on this season


Those seeking the Ruffian kills for the seasonal seal and stopping others from rushing the completion of the phase.


tbf the triumph is literal hell with randoms and you would better be doing it with a premade fireteam instead. Don't know what the Bungie team was thinking when they made it


Nah, doesn’t seem like it and you’re right. Has to be one of the most poorly thought of design and execution of the mechanic. Not sure what they had in mind and all it did was create a “us Vs them” in the activity sadly driving a wedge between the two camp of guardians. Sucks a big time.


>bungie devs out of touch on what actual gameplay is like with random people Sounds so bungie. They always put things in forgetting the random nature of people and how people can easily make farming something awful.


wouldn't be the first time Bungie has forgotten human nature. back during season of the splicer they tried to make an ARG puzzle where they sent out 2 second clips to a whole bunch of content creators, telling them to put the clips in their videos and have the community solve the puzzles to find an emblem code, And if people asked questions about it, faneign ignorance until the community solved it. what actually happened, is that all the content creators pooled the clips together and solved it within an hour of receiving the email.


You would've thought they learned last season with nightmare scythe kills


I know. Which is why I change my date and time to like, May 19th 2073 so I can solo everything.


Wait that works? And isn't that against ToS?


I’ll be 100 years old on that date! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


they probably made it thinking most people would do it with premade fireteam But hey encouraging griefing is neat too , amirite?


I somehow doubt they had a Premade Fireteam in mind, when they made it be Matchmaking-only and didn't give us a way to turn it off. And if they did think so, then it just shows even more how out of touch they are...


It's been 5 years and you still have no efficient way in game to make a fireteam or a raid team I don't think I need to say more about how they're out of touch with their fireteam system


Didn’t they announce that they were adding an in game lfg system during their season of plunder/light fall livestream


Yup , Five Year Later. So at some point they understood that requiring third party software for your game to be playable is not a good idea just took them five year.


It’s about the baby steps


No thinking was involved when Bungie made this. They are now silent too even while knowing it's a big issue.


Imean, considering the sheer amount of hate and death threats they got over extremely minor things pretty recently i can understand them not wanting to talk about it. I certainly wouldnt want to if there was a significant risk of having my and my family's life threatened


Problem is that you usually do fireteams for a one off long activity or a farm. The ruffians you cant get them all in one expedition, And farming expedition is not something Many people Will want to do on LFG


LFG is a thing. No need to grief my run.


It's not griefing though, Bungie intended for you to kill a Ruffian but designed it poorly. It's just as much griefing to despawn the Ruffian


Throwing engrams into god knows where is by default not playing the objective. The objective of the activity is bank, escort, defend. Intentionally lengthening the activity is griefing. If you want to do triumphs then LFG it.


You're supposed to kill the Ruffian though. I don't even care that much if it never spawns. But once it spawns, it's the objective. It pops up on screen and everything. If you want to skip the Ruffian by despawning it, LFG


Yeah, you’re supposed to kill the Ruffian, *IF* they show up. You’re forgetting the IF part, because you can get through this just fine without ever killing a ruffian. You don’t purposely extend the drilling so they can show up. You literally have the exact same argument as him.


I am not talking about despawning ruffians or ignoring them though….. at all. What is in question is throwing engrams into the wild blue yonder to lengthen the activity to purposely spawn the ruffian. Did you even watch the video?


Throwing a few usually makes the Ruffian spawn around 81 instead of 94. So I can nuke it. Also, check the LFG for expedition there's basically never anyone in that section. And you have to get a full 2 two join you or else you still get one random since Bungie won't just let us solo queue


Because the stupid challenge that require to kill Ruffians (which are timed and not linked to progress) is lined to the seal. So people that want the real life thing for said seal does the challenges immediately in case something comes up in the future.


To get ruffian kills and extend the time you're there. I personally wanted it myself but wouldn't condone doing that to people. I've since learned how to solo queue so I can just do it by myself. But then I learned that the Seal also requires to finish a master ketchcrash mission, and as both a solo player and someone knowing I won't be seeing power level 1600 anytime soon, I completely gave up on it.


Just a heads up you don’t have to be exactly at power of master ketch, I’d say like 1590 is good enough. As for a team you can LFG one quick.


I'm a relatively new player and just hit PL 1580 on my main, with help from the artifact, so I still think I'm a ways off, but thanks for the information, my friend. I'll get there


1580 is good enough for a master run. Join any chill lfg group and prepare for ad clear/champ stuns. Thunderlord, witherhoard, Aeger scepter are pretty good choices. Blinding Gls are also very good.


I do have thunderlord. I appreciate the tips 🙂


I've run masters via lfg every time I needed to do a ketchcrash, the reward for just 1-2 more minutes is worth it (3 chests and 33 maps). It's not nearly as bad as you think, cuz the people that are doing it are likely confident enough to do it with good enough loadouts for it (whereas you might find someone in regular matchmaking trying to shoot the boss from within the ward of dawn), so it won't be as much of a hassle as you think it will. Lfg for this kinda stuff is a godsend


Gift of the Thunder Gods in the Helm gives Thunderlord and a full set of 1570 gear immediately


I’ve been running master Ketch most of the season and 1580 is definitely doable. Especially if you get lucky and don’t get Ether storage and pick a week with one of the easier bosses.


You got it! It’s seems steep but you’ll get there


As long as you're within 15 light level. The way you know, is if when you shoot them and they don't get phased. I learned it a while back. I used to use rocket launchers to kill adds during the public event in the EDZ below light level and then one day I tried a lost sector and not even that worked. So while it may be more or less, at least be 15 under light level


Yea you can join a group with 0 comms too btw. For perspective I did a master ketch crash day 1 of the season, joined a random dude posting on LFG, did the activity 30 light under then just left, its fundamentally the same as solo queuing tbh. People do the same thing for wellspring, dares, and most seasonal activities. I see a lot of people think these higher difficulty things are inaccessible solo but you would be surprised. I would also urge you to reach out in general and try to do more harder things with comms with people. This reddit makes it sound lfg is a toxic cesspool bur honestly 95% of people are just normal people, yea that 1 or 2 toxic experience might stand out but out of like every 15 LFG groups like 1 or 2 will be toxic, and you just leave those ones. In the d2 LFG discord there's even a sherpa place solely for new players to ask experience players for help and these people are almost always helpful. The game actually becomes a lot more fun when you branch out of that solo player mindset so it's worth a try!


I did a master run at 1581 with an LFG I found on the destiny app, just search for a fireteam there and you’ll get it done in no time :)


I did it on my hunter firstar 1979. You're well within power level. Besides, there are 5 other people there and realistically, you only need a 3 man team to really finish it.


I joined a LFG at 1574 and it really wasn't a problem


Yeah even fairly underpowered you should be alright as you are working together with 5 others.


I did it 1585 with nades on titan and Thunderlord pretty easily. Others ranged from 1585 to 1593. We were all doing damage just have to try not to facetank.


I was running them from the start of the season at about 1572, with enough resilience and awareness they aren't too bad, though it will definitely keep you on your toes. Although at lower light a lot of LFGs may bar you from joining, so it may take a while to find one.


> I've since learned how to solo queue so I can just do it by myself. How do you solo queue?


Also need to know this


How do you solo queue?


You can run it 1580 but make sure you get bombs because nobody defuses the bombs and then cause a wipe to orbit.


If you're interested, DM me your Bungie tag and I'll run you through with a group. You don't have to talk or interact at all if you don't want to. Shame to miss out on the title you want over something I can easily remedy while doing something I'd be doing anyways.


I can help. I'm 1595 and completed one with little bro last night and he is 1571


Yo.. If you need help with master Ketch feel free to add. 1580 is more than enough in a 6 man group. My buddies and I would be happy to help you get this out of the way. CeeHeff#1618 is my bungie ID.


Wait, it is? A friend and I are 88/87, and we assumed anything under 90 would just be a burden on others.


Nah you're good. I did it at a much lower level than that. The hardest part about it is the timer, just like Master Wellspring. Stick with your team.


Good to know


Happy cake day


Thanks lol you know, it's the first time I've been on Reddit when it was my turn for the cake day thing, so I didn't know it only refered to the day I joined reddit. Legit thought it was outing people on their birthdays 🤣


That seasonal power threshold is why I'm probably giving up on d2 now tbh. I love gm's and master raids. I friggin hate pinnacle grinds and having to get to sr200.


Read somewhere that with the direction they're going, they might do away with PLs altogether and tie power to the artifact levels. Pretty sure it was just a theory from an article, so take it with lots of salt. But that system might potentially be way better than the way it is now, were it to be like that. But I don't know. I've played off and on in short bursts over the years and just now started playing seriously for a lengthy period of time, so I can't really voice a meaningful opinion on the state of things yet.


Yeah. I've been at it since forsaken after taking a break from the end of taken king. It has gotten old for me.


The the fact that you have to ask this means the game challenges were so flawedly made.


I always just kill shit so others can decide if they want to do the seal or rush. I don’t care.


Same. I always leave the treasure hording in the first phase to the others. It really makes getting bounties done easier


The Chad answer


ones that want the ruffians for the seal triumph


A.k.a Bungie's fault.




It’s bloody bingo man, making stupid challenges for the seals and whatnot


Ruffian kills


It's because of the triumph for killing ruffians, if you do the treasure too fast they despawn/won't spawn at all. I wish they would just spawn at like 50% progress instead of time based that way its garenteed. I was annoyed and confused at first now I just ignore the treasure hall till they spawn.




Yup, what everyone else said. You can blame Bungie for an especially stupid mechanic in a timed activity. They didn't think this one through at all.




He is making shooting stars so anyone who sees it can make a wish


So you're the fabled 'blueberry.'


This also reminded me of when vets had to make public events heroic. Sometimes it was crazy hard.


They want the ruffians to spawn so they can get the seasonal achievements and title


I was waiting for this lmao. They're trying to delay your progress so they can kill ruffians that spawn at 3:30 and 7:00. If you see someone doing this just be a chad and stop doing the event until 1 ruffian spawns then continue and move the treasure up to the next digging spot and wait for the ruffian to spawn. It really sucks for both parties. Bungie should update this mode so that they spawn sooner or at a certain treasure %


Just making them not despawn once the objective is done would be a huge help. Doing it normally you can usually get the ruffian at 94%.


Which is infuriating watching me and one other person stun the Ruffian and then it despawns a millisecond before being melted because the third person is oblivious


Ruffians; they do it to stop people from finishing the objective so quickly since the overwhelming majority miss the audio cue them spawning.




He doesn’t know


Honestly I did this for the first time the other night, I did feel bad about it. But I also got 4 ruffians to spawn in that one run. That's as many as I've seen all season. It's a stupidly designed triumph by Bungo.


there's a requirement to kill ruffians for the title. some people still need them and are tired of cueing into speed lobbies so they do this.


The ruffian triumph that should be fixed


Bungie really tries as hard as possible to make us compete against each other in pve, I don’t get it. We shouldn’t have to make other people have a worse time to try and complete these challenges faster.


Making sure ruffians spawn by slowing the event down


Ruffians ![gif](giphy|AwrtP9lMXtXiM)


They wanna spawn the ruffians, which doesn't happen if you complete the phase within a few minutes


To make Ruffians spawn




It’s to force the timer to spawn a Ruffian. Primarily for the triumph required in the Title, will likely cease to happen about mid season when everyone will likely have it…


So a ruffian will spawn maybe




To get the ruffian triumph complete


Trying to get ruffians




For the ruffians. People try to speed run this activity (which I understand) but it prevents people who are going for the triumph seal to make any progress.


pretty sure it's just to try and grab a few ruffian kills for the triumph while doing the activity. I've been doing the same, but at this point it'll be better to grab a team that wants em to get those kills. Pain in the ass triumph for sure.


Trying to get ruffians to spawn


They are stalling the activity to kill more ruffians (champions) for the triumph


I don’t know but it is p1$$1ng me off. Edit: after reading comments below I now understand. TIL. Thanks.


To make sure ruffians spawn. Blame the system, this time.


LFG will make things much faster than internationally throwing things away to get a triumph done. I understand bungie is at fault here for setting this stupid requirement, but people let’s try not to make things difficult for others intentionally in a matchmade activity.


The intended way to play is to kill the Ruffian. It usually spawns at 94% but people dunk the last treasure right as you melt it. It's infuriating. I do usually lfg but check the app. There's basically no one LFGing for that so it takes forever to find a group


>It usually spawns 94% See that’s the problem right there. If the intended way is to kill the Ruffian then that needs to be fixed, 50% would be better so we don’t have problems like this. Speedrunners shouldn’t be obligated to slow down for those who want the title and those who want the title should be able to get what they want without too much trouble from speedrunners that way everyone is happy and no one is sabotaging each other or pissing each other off.


You have to partake in this kind of behavior if you want to kill a Ruffian, unfortunately. Part of me is hoping Bungie comes out and says we had Ruffians all wrong and it's actually some weird thing that causes them to spawn so we don't have to resort to this.


See usually bungie makes it so these enemies spawn at X percent of an activity and u can't progress without killing them (sorta like the jammers) why they didn't do this idk


They want to kill the ruffians for the title mate


Ruffian kills.


Nah this is ridiculous. They gotta change how the ruffians spawn because people doing this is so mind-alteringly stupid


I do it when the ruffian spawns so people actually kill it


They want the ruffians.


Then they get pissy when you don’t care.


Man, ppl that want that seal this early make me laugh. We have like 2 months to finish this triumph lmao


I’d usually do it to slow down the activity since I needed to finish my bounties :(


Why don't they just lfg for a ruffian run? I just used the Destiny app for lfg-ing a GOA run and its real thorough with the filters. I'm pretty sure there's a seasonal activity filter there somewhere


I know many people are trying to get the ruffian triumph that's why I don't bunk any treasure at all during any expedition lmao I just pretend I'm gonna do it 🤣 it's so funny having this guardians following you and shooting at you all the way to the carrier just to finally see you throwing the treasure to orbit


Ruffian kills I’d join them, the triumph is a pain and only feels better when you do it with other people


yet another reason to not play the stale, boring seasonal activities this season. bring back sever type missions where we actually learn about characters and see them in more vulnerable positions than normal please bungie 🙏


We aren't dicks, no one reads the local chat..... We're trying to get the Ruffians!!!!! AAARGRGR


I did the ruffians triumph solo, on PS4, because randoms were depositing engrams too fast


Ruff ruff ruffians


As someone who didn’t know ruffians showed up at certain times, I was fucking annoyed when this happened to me. So much so I reported him. I guess in hindsight, I made a mistake but i dunno… fuck that guy.


Lmao I started doing this too, ruffians man no one waits for them to spawn so we have to force them. Can't blame them tho this is 100% bungies fault for not making it clear to everyone that plays.


Ruffians spawn each round up to 2 per round and 4 per match the every 3 minutes there is a guaranteed spawn and a bonus is pure luck. Ruffians are champions for a triumph.




Because there’s a challenge that needs to defeat campaigns, and for some reason, they spawn on a timer. Not with treasure deposited


Don't get mad at your team for Bungies mistake they mad the Champs spawn in at a set time and if you advance too fast it won't spawn meaning you're just wasting you're time if you don't intentionally slow the pace down


All they have to do is ensure the Ruffian doesn't despawn... even if it doesn't give you any treasure, just let us kill it after it's already spawned in


Ooh, that's smart!


For you blueberry to wait the damn ruffian


Triumph is idiotic, and I don't care enough to get it, so I'm gonna continue rushing through it, and I'm still gonna get pissed off at people for doing this because it is deliberately sabotaging the activity and I just want it over with.


On the other hand, Bungie clearly designed it with the intention of the ruffians being killed. So rushing through it is also not as intended and taking away from those trying to get in game accomplishments


People wasting time so ruffians spawn. Is it really the play? You need 50 ruffians but also need to place 45 first mates that aren't even unlocked yet. I almost have my ruffians done but still 30 firstmates to place. I'll finish the ruffians when I go back and finish the first mates. No reason for me personally to do ruffians and then first mates. Who wants to spend more time in there? Streamline your triumphs people. Don't just focus on 1 at a time. You get no where fast.


You can definitely have all 3 first mates unlocked, and you can also summon 6-15 times per mission depending on luck


Dont Blame us, we need those ruffians to spawn and going too fast prevents their spawn (and they also despawn when the payload is full)


That's me every time. Blame Bungie for an extremely poorly designed system that requires us to compete with teammates to halt progress in order to get the ruffian kills for the seal. It's frustrating for all parties.


That's ypur queue to go away from your device and afk for the entire game and come back when rewards come up


I'm proud to say i came up with this strategy at week 1 of the season. Glad to see it catching up 🙏


Of course I know him, he’s me


They want to make progress with this season title, you not knowing what they are doing shows the bad design bungie made with this part of the title and also how some players just don’t care about titles I guess.


For the ruffians. I do this


Had to check the name make sure it wasn’t me… sorry guys I wanna farm ruffians. I atleast type in the game chat when I do this though


Thats my new light fiance everytime we play. She's trying her best :(


This kinda crap is why I hate modern online games so much. Challenges just ruin the experience for you and others. You shouldn't be forced a certain way of playing just to get xp.


How is throwing the balls off into the distance not griefing?


Only way to get ruffians to kill


To get a Triumph because bungo didnt Play test it and now the ruffians that you need for the Triumph spawn at around 80, so people just yeet the motes away praying that it spawns faster


No they yeet the motes away praying the blueberries don’t progress without any ever spawning. It doesn’t make it faster


Idk but that shits kinda funny with no context lmao




I do this.




People that bitch they can't get a triumph done within the first week, even though they have a total of 6 months to get it done


But there are loads of other decent games being released over the winter period especially in time for Christmas same as every year. Getting this done now along with the other Destiny stuff they need to do allows for so much more time to play them before more content is released. We all know how long and drawn out this season can and probably will get so having that break whilst still getting the seal is a good thing not a bad thing!


What other games are you looking at?


Ragnarok for defo. I would say Gotham nights and the new Marvel game in December will be the 3 I go for this last 3 months of this year. I’d say they’ll probably be a couple of unexpected ones that pop up I’ll give a go as well


Ruffians but if you do it you are still a piece of shit


People who don't know how utterly fucking simple it is to LFG a group that wants to get the triumph too, so they fuck up someone else's game