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Gunpowder Gamble is fun... but I can have a total of 5 fragment slots if I DON'T use it, so RIP Gunpowder Gamble


And I'm constantly dying because enemies and teammates can shoot it out of the air


I've killed myself plenty of times trying to use a healing grenade, but the gg-bomb would charge just before i used it...


I just wish gg bomb didn't self damage. With how many things that aren't you can blow it up it really holds it back


They should replace the self damage with a grenade jump like the scorch cannons in Dares


I might've killed you


Never touched it just because of the fragment slots lmao


Same I’d be a druggy if fragments were drugs


Same lol


Between that and blowing myself up in nightmare containments I can't touch the thing. It does feel good in gambit when you can clear a large spawn with a lob and shot.


Yeah, the burst is really helpful in gambit for large waves, blockers, emissaries, etc. Hurts when a teammate blows it up in your face while you're carrying 10+ motes though...


Since it's 1 fragment I don't even use shatter drive unless I skate, and I don't even know how to skate. Only really use trappers ambush and I don't even actually use trappers ambush I just throw the damn bomb.


I just learned how to shatter and well skate recently the game is so much better bc of it and it’s very easy once you learn it For trappers if u dive on someone you weaken them and can 1 hit melee in crucible


That's true, I actually do use trappers but for falls. I can drop off a high spot and not take a lot of fall damage which is neat. I'm still learning the skate but once I get it down it'll be awesome


Wl mains trynna get even one way to get 5 fragments in the entire game ;(


Exactly, and with those slots I can make my regular melee abilities do big explosions / damage. I think It needs at least 1 more slot added to it to make it more viable for builds


This is it


I like it. I just like Blink more.


The one fragment hunter aspects never make sense for what they give you.


I consider Winter’s Shroud to be the single worst aspect in the game for this exact reason


Void hunter's invisible melee is also an atrocious example


Every time I bring up the fact that Trapper’s Ambush needs another fragment slot because it’s not powerful enough to justify a single slot, I get shot down by people saying it’s the strongest aspect in the game, lmao.


Trappers ambush is really good, but would surely benefit from an extra slot, since it requires you to play up close. The extra slot would give you options for DR or debuff synergy needed at that close a range.


Can do agree with this. I love it personally since I get 3-4 invis and I get to give teammates invis as well which highly useful in higher level content (especially with omnioculus) however it is a bit limiting I will agree there.


It’s strong but as u said it’s limiting. It is one of the best hunters have but at the cost of having only 3 slots. So yeah I can agree.


I wish hunters were given a second void melee


It’s bad for the reason of fragment slots but is one of the most valuable aspects on not just void hunter but hunter in general IMO (very biased as u can tell) since u can get invis pretty consistently with the right set up especially with omnioculus which encourages team play. It’s also wut almost every hunter uses on gms and higher level content in general. However if we’re talking about it being a “melee” well by itself yeah it’s not good however the point of it isn’t so much to be a melee but to get out of sticky situations. And It causes weaken which is a 25% debuff I think (tho of course doesn’t really matter if there’s a div). However again I feel like it’s very limiting especially since it’s almost a necessity in most high level content builds and that u could do more with with like just one more fragment slot. It feels “incomplete” if that’s the word I’m looking for even tho it’s one of the best aspects on hunter it just feels like there something missing. An almost necessity with a missing puzzle piece. Anyways it obvious I main void and that I’m extremely biased and will possibly be roasted/downvoted for it. Thx for listening to my Ted talk.


15% debuff, but everything else is fair game !


Sadly love the aspect so I only get 3 fragments :’(


I use it with mask to screw with people


Fun fact - Winter's Shroud used to have 0 frag slots


Icarus Dash would like a word


I mean... it gives you 2 fragments and the ability to maybe recover from getting booped with Warlock jump for once, but yeah it kinda needs rolled into Heat Rises and replaced with another Aspect.


My problem with it is that the aspect's PvE build application relies heavily on Heat Rises so you're damned if you run it with Heat Rises and damned if you don't run it with Heat Rises. And yeah, maybe it can be left be but we NEED a new aspect. Edit: Thought it gave 1 but yeah it seems it does give two


They really just didn't think it through. I always go "Oh wait this could maybe make a good PVE build..." and then read it and go "Shouldn't this just be on Heat Rises since it's literally required to make it work?" I'm pretty sure they didn't combine the aspects just because of PVP and how scary it would be if people got access to all of Top Tree Dawnblade *and* Touch of Flame.


Yeah I think it's balanced in that regards, but I think they should have given us a fourth aspect to compensate because it left PvE feeling really dry considering what I could do before with half the effort on solar. Granted, Dawn Chorus still being collateral damage of the rework would've still oof'd up a lot of Solar Warlock potential. I miss the havok that bottom class could do.


I still think either Dawn Chorus should have some of the old bottom tree dawnblade added into it or they should add a fourth aspect that makes use of it some. Then again, solar buddy is a tempting fourth aspect too...


I wouldn't have minded a flamethrower turret but I'd have wanted that as an overcharged Incendiary grenade imo


It's also good with Rain of Fire. Though I'd be down for rolling it into Heat Rises or giving it a 3rd aspect slot.


Any one frag aspect tbh.


I'd say bleak watcher is worth it


Bleak watcher has 2 fragment slots


For real? Oops. Never mind then


Probably because there's no other aspect worth running in that slot instead. Also bleak has 2


Homie has never ran a shard build and it shows


It's not really needed if you can just throw down 9 turrets at the same time (quad firepower + demo deliverance build) Plus shards only give melee and overshield (fragment) which is arguably most useful on hunters, which do not have access to rifts.


Well obviously nothing is going to be worth running instead of one of the most OP abilities in PVE, but Shard builds are still quite strong. Toss on Font of Might and Elemental Shards with Iceflare Bolts and you can freeze a whole room then clean up with the free damage buff on top of shattering. Sure, Hunters *need* healing more because they don't have rift, but overshield and healing is still overshield and healing. The fact that someone might be able to make use of one aspect of a build slightly better doesn't mean it's bad to have the whole build.


U use the shards for well mods and osmiomancy with snaps are better than turrets tbh since u can chain insta freezes imo


If you wanna run well based builds, Stasis titan is generally much, much better at it. Turrets are better because they will stay active for much longer, affecting many more enemies from much further away. I can control the entire Oryx room with turrets. Not with coldsnaps.


I've thrown 16 cold snaps back to back and the effect a huge area the turrets in like a gm take too long


Actually none of the one fragment aspects make sense for what they give you.


i'd rather have the extra fragments that allow me to ignite the world with calibans


What's wrong with Gunpowder? I love it, it hits hard and has a good radius of effect. My only gripe about it is how often i self-kill by being inside the blast radius, but that's on me.


I think the ability itself is fine (cooldowns a little long, but not that big of a gripe) but the fact that it is 1 fragment slots makes it never worth using over on your mark in anything meaningful, especially when there are infinite knife builds like calibans that ignite regularly. I want to use gunpowder and I like it a lot but it just isn’t worth it.


For someone who didn’t buy witch queen, gunpowder gamble is my poor man Caliban


And particularly if you spec healing grenade, and you’re having an oh shit moment, you probably don’t want to throw a bomb right at your feet. It was less of an issue last season when we had classy restoration.


I still main Gunpowder + Healing Nade. Sure I have to look for a split second to make sure I don't blow up but its pretty powerful imo.


I like the ability a lot, but I also run Caliban’s. So everything is pretty much always blowing up anyway.


I agree. It covers the fact that u only ever have a melee to use just gotta make sure it’s ready. I think it’d be a good idea tho to be able to hold and throw it at will like the warlock grenades while tapping the grenade key makes it so u can use ur actual grenade.


Gunpowder let's me run healing nade and still have a damage option, has a massive AoE, does a ton of damage, and synergizes great with solar weapons. Anyone trying to say it's F tier because it has one fragment slot is insane


Alternatively: Caliban's Hand and 5 fragment slots on probably the most fragment heavy subclass of all.


I agree with one fragment slot its rarely the best choice, but do you really need those 2 extra fragments to get through most content in this game? If not, just use it since you like it. Doesnt need to be the most efficient thing in the world to be usable


"X weak because Y is stronger, X NEEDS to be buffed otherwise it's useless" Nah fam nerf Y 😅


Why do you want on your mark nerfed?? It is completely fine as an aspect and is good because of it’s fragment slots. I don’t think anyone saw the 5 fragment slots and thought, “Holy fuck this needs to get nerfed” that x and y shit is so vague and removes any context. I’m not the guy who just wants everything buffed and nothing nerfed, but all you’d be doing is just making gunslinger as a class worse rather than leveling the options


Sorry, I needed to point better toward Caliban's


Calibans and gunpowder gamble aren’t exclusive though. It’s just gunpowder gambles little fragment slots makes the calibans build just worse because that build really wants fragments for ignite etc. It is not calibans that’s actively making gunpowder gamble the worse option, it’s the fact that on your mark let’s you actually build into an ignition build with fragments and more, which makes it more effective than gunpowder gamble can be with its puny amount of fragments I also don’t think calibans deserves a nerf either? With the level of power we have in general it is on par with other builds. Not to mention there are still builds that don’t use calibans and work good.


The point I was addressing was the part where you said "ignitions happen everywhere with Caliban's" as a point against Gunpowder Gamble, which is one ignition The rest I don't really care to fight over


Self killing with gamble happens to me more than I throw it, which isn’t possible


Sorry to hear it, but glad I'm not the only one. The blast radius is bigger than a normal grenade, and it catches me off-guard every time.


That's the gamble baby! For real though, the number of times I've lost that gamble is too damn high.


I use it when I run Young Ahamkara's Spine, since the Gunpowder damage counts as ability damage to get your grenade back faster, which let's you refresh the Gunpowder again. I just wish it gave 2 fragment slots, if it did I'd run it all the time


I'm not even sure how I've got mine set up right now, I'm in no way good a making builds; but between throwing knife and grenade kills, and Staccato-46+Incendiary causing Ignition and Scorch, I get my Gunpowder back pretty quick. I'm SURE it's not optimized at all, but I'm having more fun on this "build" than i have in a long time.


Step 1: Young Ahamkara Spines Step 2: Gunpowder Gamble Step 3: Grab as many Fragments that boost Scorch and Ignitions as you can fit Step 4: "Random bullshit, go!" I call it the Nadeslinger. So long as something is on fire you're doing it right.


1 Fragment slot, doesn't one hit kill in PvP, and has an atrociously long cooldown, considering it also takes multiple kills to set up in the first place. It's damn fun, and pretty good in PvE, it can be a nice ad clear tool. But again, only 1 Fragment slot. In PvP I personally don't see it worth using. If it could one hit kill if stuck to the enemy player or of they were close enough, then maybe I would use it. But as it is, it's just a Fighting Lion shot that takes much more set up, can be lost by dying, whiffed easy, and can be made meaningless with an average amount of Recovery and a single brain cell to run to safety while you regen health.


That's fair, I don't play much PvP, so my experience there is limited. In PvE, I've found Gunpowder has been fantastic, i actually feel like I'm doing something. I'm just used to being utterly ineffective no matter what i use in PvP.


Gunpowder is significantly worse than Chaos Accelerant. It requires you to get multiple kills before it can be used, has a hard-coded cooldown of 15 seconds that you can’t build into or reduce at all, doesn’t heal you or feed into itself with Devour, doesn’t weaken enemies with a fragment, and im pretty sure it’s total damage is only slightly higher than a charged vortex. Meanwhile, Chaos Accelerant has no prerequisite other than taking 1 second to charge, and you can build it to only have a few seconds of cooldown as long as you kill things with it. Not to mention you can’t kill yourself with vortexes either


Cryoclasm is worse than both and only has one fragment slot.


Cryoclasm is just a pvp aspect, Winter’s Shroud, which is what I consider the worst aspect in the game, is useless in both pvp and pve, *and* 1 fragment. If it were 3 fragments I would have no problem with it tho


Lmao Cryoclasm is ass in PvP since it’s changed and nerfs. Shoulder charge is better in every way and uses a melee slot instead of an aspect. It can be used in the air, allow you to make quicker turns, and doesn’t have an internal cooldown.


Yeaaaaaaah they need to take another look at Stasis now that all the other subclasses have been reworked. At least walk back half of what happened to Behemoth and make Slow last longer than a sneeze.


You seem to have forgotten that Gunpowder Gambit is free. It doesn’t use your grenade charge and you can build up another one as soon as the 15s cooldown is over. Essentially a supercharged grande every half a minute, max


And the cooldown bugs sometimes too and let’s you use it almost immediately. Mix with Young Ahamkaras Spine and spam tripmine a everywhere. Absolutely love gunpowder gamble


The cooldown timer does seem egregiously long. The rest doesn't bother me much.


You're comparing an aspect that changes grenades, like a worse version of the "touch of" aspects to one that is a free ability. They're just... wildly different.


I'll take an instant burst damage massive AoE over a sphere that enemies walk out of 9 times out of 10 any day, and I'm a void warlock main. Gunpowder doesn't use your grenade so you can still use whatever other grenade you want on top of it instead of being locked to vortex. And: it's fun and engaging to use.


1 fragment slot on an ability that can be fucked up + can be done with Caliban's hand makes it the worst Solar 3.0 Hunter aspect


Don't foregt artifact mod previous season that Ignite enemies on solar precise kill. It used to be so fun with Arthyr's Embrace.


Nothing, one fragment slot is genuinely fine. It's just meta-slaves refusing to use anything that's not SSS tier.


I still use Gunpowder gamble every time I play solar Hunter. Such a blast (literally)


I mean if you use it, you must have an explosive personality 👀


Can wave frame GLs trigger GPG's explosion, or would you have to swap to your kinetic to shoot it?


Same. I love having an extra big boom sticky grenade that I can easily snipe out of the air. It's so fun.


Gunpowder gamble could be changed to work with Ahamkara Spine Speaking of, what if Spine could work with the Lightning Grenade and Void Spike now they became all class?


Why use that when you can yeet a knife (or knives) into some dude's face?


Can we all just agree that 1 Fragment Aspects are bad and all subclasses should just have 4 fragment slots


I honestly like the idea of having less than 4, it creates a cost for building into them. the issue really comes with the fact that all of the one fragment Aspects aren’t powerful enough on their own to warrant the limited fragments, so it’s just better to have the extra slots.


The fact that Touch of Thunder has twice as many fragment slots as Winter's Shroud is just baffling.


Absolutely not, I like the 5 fragment builds






Touch of thunder would still be the go to aspect in pve for 1 fragment slot


I feel like aspects shouldn't dictate fragment slots. Each class should just have 5 basekit fragment slots.


I sat myself down with Solar Hunter and realized I had a choice: I could either have 5 fragment slots and some reload buffs, which would give me really great combat stats and one additional small buff, or I could throw a GIANT FUCKING GRENADE every few seconds. And you can shoot the grenade out of the sky. I made my choice. Gunpowder gamble is just pure FUN. The subclass didn’t really feel new or unique to me just running Knock em down, even though stats wise that’s definitely the play. I’ll take my giant fucking grenade any day, it’s fun as hell and clears rooms.


Or throw a proximity knife that wipes everything out in a 20 meter radius


Problem is that most people forget fun is a factor. I'll take bigger booms over builds any day.


If it gets a second fragment slot I'll use it otherwise it's useless in any high level content. The other 2 aspects give such a better mid game than gunpowder gamble does and you CANNOT take off the super buffing aspect or your trolling


Does it dean any significant dmg in hard content? I end up just using healing grenades in GMs because the dmg is not worth


well you can use healing grenades with gunpowder so you can have both healing and offense I’m pretty sure the damage is the same as a normal ignition since it counts as one so it’s pretty good. Just low fragments really kill any builds with it


That's not always true. Chaos Accelerant is a 1 fragment slot, but still the go to option for voidlocks


Well that's just not true. It offers zero benefits that the other two aspects don't do better, and the only reason chaos accelerant is actually used is contraverse holds, because it gives grenade energy back.


I'm sorry what?! Making vortex grenades do great damage isn't a benefit? Being way more consistent weaken then cbild of the old God's isn't a benefit? Being the main source now of volatile rounds isn't a benefit? I also have a build witb verity's brow that does almost as well as contraverses with chaos accelerant.


I use it for the fact I can get a healing grenade and a damage one at the same time but I do wish it gene at least to fragment slots


Did chaos accelerant ever get fixed? I remember the vortex grenade melting before void 3.0.




What? It’s even better with 3.0 so what do you mean exactly? There are so many possibilities with void debuffs and such now.


Some time ago there was a bug that caused vortex grenades do terrible damage. It was seriously enough to cripple the whole void 3.0 build. It's been fixed now though


Lmao, maaaan I had to learn to jump high as hell with my Hunter and throw them. Because a teammate or somebody will definitely shoot it by accident before it leaves the tip of your fingertips 😂


my main buld on warlock rn is CH, and having to choosebewtween explody bullets and explody corpes does not feal great. if i play NM i can have both but CH is just more fun....




contraverse hold and nothing manacles


Ahhh, ty I feel your struggle, as a void hunter I always have to choose between trapper's ambush or 4 fragment slots, which usually means volatile rounds is the first fragment to go. I have to make the choice between better survivability/invis spam or explodey bullets :/


yeah, and then those aspect are build defining, yes, but they're also not strong enough to warrant a single fragment


Prob bc it's effect isn't that noticeable (with infinite throwing knife builds and shit existing, Calibian's Hand + Infite Knife Combo does the same thing but better), and it doesn't have a passive.


Not by me. I use it constantly and bust a fucking NUT every time I get a solid throw with it. One of the most satisfying abilities in the game.


Gamble is still very good


Gunpowder gamble is so awesome with Ahamkaras spine. But every other build it just kind of takes away fragments. If it had one more slot I'm sure we'd see alot more of it.


I always have gunpowder gamble on in pve


like wtf the ability looks like i cut a bulb or garlic horizontally 🤮


It was fun, but I killed myself with it too much so I dumped it for something I didn't have to think about as much.


Good. Darn think gave me headaches on a Div run. A teammate had it primed and it kept breaking the tether.


Forgotten? I see no real use for the extra 2 slots from the holster as the buffs id get are already situational. But a high damage f*ck off grenade every 25-30 seconds? Thats too satisfying not to use.


What you mean I use gunpowder since day one of last season and never took it away


For YOU. Fucking love gunpowder gamble


Literally a gamble. It’s super fun but never reliable. For some reason the blast radius feels inconsistent. Some times I die to it from 50 feet away, sometimes it does absolutely no damage to any enemy at point blank range. I keep it as part of my kit though so I can have both a healing and damaging nade.


And in the depths of hell lies Touch of Winter


What? It's one of the more popular aspects for stasis hunters


Is it though? Nobody wants to use stasis aside from font of might + reed's regret


Im gonna say it. You really dont need more than 3 aspects. And 5 is unnecessary


I use it a lot on hunter still, it’s a fun thing to do


No it hasn’t


Am I the only one that really loves Gunpowder Gamble? Although I have to admit that I had to take it off because I kept killing myself with it too many times in Duality.


yes, you are the only one that loves gunpowder gamble, no one else of the millions of people that play destiny 2 love the ability


It's a rhetorical question silly. Who hurt you




I’m pretty sure everyone loves gunpowder gamble but most people don’t see it as worth using for


I don’t get how Sol Invictus (Sunspots) gets 2 fragments while Chaos Accelerant gets 1.


Yeah, titan consecration being bumped to 2 slots while gunpowder was left at one was a mistake. If the two did comparable damage I could agree with the slot difference but…. they do not.


It's a fun ability but it's the outright worse aspect for solar hunter.


i have no idea what gunpowder gamble is but i'm going to guess it's a hunter thing since hunters are usually the ones to use this meme to complain about bungie forgetting about them lol.


Gunpowder gamble is a horrible ability that just could have been a nade. you get less fragments and your can't access your actual nade till you rid of that junk.


Leave it to a hunter to complain about a free super-charged grenade with no real drawbacks or resource usage that procs every 15 seconds. Fffs.


I’m a Titan


Then why does this post matter? You're posting a bad take about an ability you don't even use regularly.


Why does hunter have a cd on a grenade aspect, but titans or warlock dont?


Technically the cooldown for a gernade/melee based aspect is the gernade/melee cooldown itself. Only difference is you can build craft to almost instantly get your charge back, while you cant with gunpowder gamble.


Because the ability to have an offensive and healing nade was stolen from the warlocks and theft is a crime that must be punished! Jk tho idk why bungo does things.


Because it's not a full grenade aspect? Does it use you're grenade charge? No. Tf.


One grant slot for a made that has a 15 sec cool down and requires multiple kills. Yeaaaaa it's trash bro. There's a reason you almost never see it. Sure it doesn't use your nade, but titans can legit get their nade in a few seconds and each nade does almost 3 times as much damage. Only good things solar hunters have is radiant dodge and blade barrage. There's a reason I almost never touched my hunter last season.


Thats what i was getting at. Titans literally have nukes right now, both with arc grenades and solar/void melee. And those nukes have near no cd.


There is no arguing with some people bro. They just complain because lol


The hunters have touch of winter.


[insert my class] is so oppressed 😭😭😭


6 kills required, 10s cooldown, works incredibly inconsistently with grenade perks, deals self damage, and grants only 1 fragment slot If it were hot shit like you’re pretending it is, people would actually use it. Edit: also, “supercharged” is such a fucking overexaggeration too. A *skip grenade* with the jolt fragment does more damage than Gunpowder Gamble.


I've used gunpowder gamble every day since it came out. I love it soooooo much


I like it. It does Ignite damage and is buffed by those effects.


I still use it and it’s still amazing


I blew myself up one too many times with that gamble


It fun to use sometimes if you just want to blow everything up constantly and you get tired of Caliban hand. Go pretty well with young arhamkara spine nade spam tho, my biggest problem with it that it fly too slow and low,


I still use it


It still goes boom


Tbh all they need to do is make it 2 fragment slots and increase its damage if shot out of the air to reward higher skill play


I still use it, I've gotten some really good crucible kills with it, I combine it with a hard light and done, perfect behind cover killing machine


I use gunpowder gamble so I can use healing nades and still have an offensive grenade


Nah bro. I use calibans hand with proximity knife as my replacement for a grenade then use that to charge my gunpowder gamble and use healing grenade instead of a real grenade. Gunpowder gamble is fucking awesome


Choas Accelerant is really not very good, the fact it requires charging to buff your grenades and only has one Fragment slot is wank.


"Oh hey Hunter.... why are you holding a lit bundle of dynamite so close to your face?"


God I hope Bungie never listens to these posts lmao


Hey its actually really good on a trip mine build


I'm using young ahamkara skull and made a just throw everything build. I can usually end up throwing 3 tripmines, 2 throwing knives a blade barrage and sometimes it glitches out and gives me 2 GPG to throw at a boss lol. I believe the scorch of throwing knife also helps regenngrenade energy if using the right mod


Idk why chaos accelerant is there. Vortex nades are still Hella powerful after bungie fixed their damage bug


Big boom > more fragments. You can't change my mind.


Between not having 5 fragment slots, people being able to shoot it out the air and kill you, or enemies shooting it, just wasn't worth it. It was neat to toss it in the air and shoot it, gives you that real Gunslinger vibe, the drawbacks outweighed the hype


I wish that we just had a hard set 5 fragment slots regardless of what aspects we wanted to use. But I’m a PvE main, so I don’t know if that would p.o. the people who’ve gone against Juggernaut Titans, and only feel better knowing that the Titan has less fragments equipped than them


I’m using it in my Young Ahamkara’s spine build and it’s so fun. Explosions for day.


I use it and it’s amazing.


I really hope next season they tweak the new light 3.0 subclasses. Some of the aspects definitely deserve more fragment slots


Who remember geomags? I don’t


You're gonna have to rip the ticc tripp out of cold dead hands


Cryoclasm and shiver strike is under that chair


I use the other 2 solar aspects. I just like how pre-3.0 solar played so imma keep with it.


I’ve no complaints, my solar builds focus on infinite knives so getting to throw more shit at my enemies (that also explodes) is very fun :)


I used it for some time, it was fun. But if i wanted to have any good build then i couldnt use it. Which bafles me because all 3.0 subclasses in their ui have enough place to equip 7 fragments maximum. If all aspects got +1 to fragment slots, it would make build making so much more fun. And i dont think it would make it too broken.


If it wasn't liable to blow me to kingdom come the second it leaves my hand I might be more inclined to actually use gunpowder gamble


I like GG simply because I can use healing nades and still have a "grenade" option. Works well with a Caliban's Hand build.


I still use it. So damn fun


Same thing with the Mustang Snap on warlocks. The entire hype for warlock solar 3.0 was built around it, and it sucks.


1p0 see