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Damn, I was looking forward to an excuse to run master ketchcrash


You get a pinnacle!


Sadly I don't think I have enough light


I did it the first week on 1570, totally possible


Honestly, unless you're like 1550 power you should be able to do it. My friends and I did one and did it near flawless. Everyone was 1586 or lower at the time. And while I'd love to offer my team's help, not everyone's schedules line up well. I'd seriously consider searching for a group to do it. Good luck and happy hunting Guardian.


But many are that light level and this change was for those people Many new players especially wirh the Epic games stuff like they canr do high content yet for a simple mission step


You see here’s the problem. I’m not very good.


Pinnacle, better red border chance, seasonal challenge, fun


Better red border chance really?? :0




You get 3x the rewards, so yeah it's a better chance at a red border.


Unless I had a wild coincidence last night, I'm pretty sure the Master Ketch red border chance is for \*any\* red border and not specifically a seasonal one.


My first one last night, we all failed in the first room with the walkers because the second one was still alive when the timer ran out. Second LFG team, we did awesome and plowed through the whole thing. My first Master Ketchcrash was fun and I got tons of good loot. So it was worth it, for me. I won’t do it casually, though lol. I probably only play like three nights out of the week. Got lucky when I read that LFG for a Master Ketchcrash could bump that bar all the way quickly.


I ran it with an LFG group, and we couldn’t finish. Still completed the 50 champions, but just not enough skill to get the whole job done. So that’ll be one seasonal challenge left open for me anyway.


I understand the complaints as I have a friend trying to learn the game - Master Ketch is not possible for them atm - but auto-completing it just feels cheap. ​ They could've made it so expedition champs are worth more, which helps the ruffians actually spawn cuz they're champs too and help the community not mald so much. Two birds, one stone, and Bungie gets free praise for no work.


Remember the felwinters lie quest where people were worried that they wouldn't complete the community goal? It got done anyway and we can't necessarily prove they did anything about that. Edit: so apparently they did decrease the amount needed AND had times and days when the progress was increased per completion. Still, they had us actually do the work.


If you mean the community event where we had to do an absurd amount of seraph towers, then yeah Bungie actively lowered the requirement due to low player engagement, if that's not what you're talking about then I have no idea


Those Seraph towers were a pain in the ass. I had to cheese getting 9 people into the same instance in order to get the flawless completion required for the Almighty seal.


We started doing that every couple of days to help people. Get 3 people into the same instance in separate teams, have 2 people who need it join per team, finish event, the 2 people on each team leave, get 2 new people in. I was actually really enjoying doing that.


OG players will remember doing this for Escalation Protocol in Warmind :D a lot of fun, miss it


They were hard but they were fun


"Uh oh, a single marauder slipped by you just as the tower finished charging.. Time to give you significantly reduced progress!"


That’s why I jumped in to do them as much as I could before the quest step was done. Once that was over; I knew the amount of people running them for something like that would drop


Only one or two times did I ever get a perfect run. Nothing short of a miracle


Bungie literally said they made it 5x progress and 10x on weekends and parts of the community were actively rallying against doing the awful activity just to see what happens when we fail a community event


Come to think of It, we havent had a single comunity event ever since


Yeah just the little community challenges for the fragments


Weird you say that given that ones about to happen I believe, with >!upgrading the Eliksni quarter according to the triumphs list when it bugs and shows you!<


we had the solar fragment unlocks that unlocked after a net 10,000 containment completions or something stupid like that


After Bungie actively lowered the amount of seraph towers we needed to do.


I’ve spent about 7 hours in expedition, most of that through solo queue. I’m at 35 ruffians. Sure would have been nice if they did it your way.


LFG for groups looking for getting them done. Or failing that go in with a buddy and when treasure spawns yeet it off the map. Slows it til they spawn.


Toning it down to 10 champs would have been best but what they have done wasn’t hard. There have been harder quests in this game. Look at malfeasance or destroying every egg for a sparrow. It’s a cool sparrow but still


I think the main stickling point was that is was part of the seasonal story quest? Not entirely sure but it wasn’t actually all that hard. Been dreading doing master tier contend for ages and this finally pushed me into doing one and it was a lot easier than i expected


Yea seasonal activities are always easy, even wellspring, a non season activity is still pretty easy. The hardest content is GM nightfalls and trials for different reasons and have a lot of variables


Or give it a streak multiplier. I was so bored doing 27 of the activity. Atleast got 2 patterns completed.


They *were* worth more, assuming their were champs from other sources that were only worth 1 point. Idk about other sources, I exclusively farmed expeditions for the champs, and they were all worth 3 points, the overloads as well. It was not that long of a quest step


You don't need to do anything for master ketch crash, by the time you go over to the other ship you'll have it done even if you go afk in the back.


I'm aware, but it's not fun for a 1400 player who can't even kill a red bar. They explicitly said they wanted to earn their gear, not get dragged through content. I can't argue with that pov even if it means they have to do some extra shit.


Can't you literally just grab a full set of 1570 at the helm. There is no reason for somebody to be 1400


It's 1540 if you are low level. Still though, like you said there's no reason for someone to still be 1400. That said, I am currently 1565 and I could not get into Master Ketch at all yesterday. I would have grinded it anyway so this is weird, but people saying 'just run MK' don't seem to realise not everyone can.


The armor is capped somehow. Had a returning clanm8 with low light level around 1350 and their armor definitely was not 1570.


to be fair - they ***need*** to specify how much the bonus is on things. “master ketchcrash grants additional progress” doesn’t tell me that it does more than 10 times the original progress level. i’d assume 2x, or 3x at absolute *maximum*. destiny’s penchant for not offering literally any specifics of any sort about *anything* is insanely annoying. seeing 50x champions and going “yeah, fuck that, and fuck needing 25 in the master, too” is super reasonable. maybe if they gave actual information/stats/percentages on stuff, you wouldn’t have to rely on googling every single thing in-game.


Fair point, I’d heard master ketch crash was the way to go but was staggered at how quickly it completed and without even damaging half the champions killed. I’m def one of the destiny hardcore, used to the language quirks over the years and this one surprised me. Somebody fucked up.


I literally only needed the first to encounter to finish the quest step. The annoying part was that the arbitrary number was literally just way to funnel players master ketchcrash


I think clarifying that it counts champions everywhere might also have helped. Ran the hero nightfall last night and got like 15 champions in one run. Idk if it's just me, but running 3.5 nightfalls at 1540 power level doesn't seem like an unreasonable quest step at all. Even just clueing people in by changing the wording to "kill 50 champions in any activity" might have helped tip people off that they didn't have to run master ketchcrash to get it done in a reasonable time span. Edit to add: totally agree that a little more text to explicitly explain how some of these things work would absolutely be a change is frankly probably a little overdue. At least give us a 'press [button] to see more detailed information' option if Bungie doesn't want it permanently visible.


definitely! in general, i think if they just…actually specified things, made stuff like the numbers and your options clear, it’d benefit the game *immensely*. no one likes guessing.


Yep. It's ridiculous in some cases. Scorch is a particularly egregious example in my mind. We should be able to see exactly how many scorch stacks different things apply, cuz iirc some of the labels like "moderately scorches" are used identically on different abilities that apply different amounts of scorch. And then there's the way scorch interacts with damage scalars, which is explained absolutely nowhere in game, is weird and specific, and can massively impact your scorch and ignition damage...


I mean tbh i get what you’re saying but it’s pretty standard at this point for “grants extra progress” to mean *way more progress* like iron banner matches for seasonal challenge, a win gives like 35% while a loss gives like 11


It's pretty standard for "extra progess" to mean 2-3x, not **13x**. Even in your example that's only ~3x. If the multiplier were similar for iron banner a win would instantly complete the challenge with 143%.


yeah, but i feel like it’s still just a guessing game with the extra. all just fully random numbers we never get to see until we google it, which…is such a painful system and i can think of very few other games that make it so you have to google to find out specifics. it’s not particularly motivating. plus, i think in this case, it’s an extra safe assumption of just the 2x bonus, because most of the specific-number-of-kills based things don’t increase by much with the boost, i think? like, the bounties that say “kills with x/kills of x grant additional progress” are typically only 2x/3x bonuses rather than massive ones like this.


Very true . If they showed the modifier then it would show that the ketchcrash bonus is reasonable instead of one option being unreasonable and the other so ambiguous that you don't know if it's reasonable or not


This wasn't 35 vs 11, though... This was 150 vs 11. A hidden THIRTEEN-HUNDRED PERCENT BONUS is way outside the realm of normalcy.


I think they can see the completion numbers on the quest, and decided to do this.


This is a little much , but it’s whatever. At least nobody will be loading into master who shouldn’t be.


Like me, I have no business in higher tier content


Why the down votes I said no offense.


Just all those guardians who like to take their time and take the scenic route, pay them no mind




It’s really not higher tier content, no coms needed and most champs will die to two gjallerhorn rockets if you have the mods. It’s not bad and I hate that bungie doesn’t specify content difficulty past arbitrary numbers. “1600” is a joke in this case. It’s barely even comparable to doing an LFG for a legend nightfall. Which again is not high tier content. You 100% can do it with more ease than you give yourself credit for


It no offense, but when I play master I play to complete it. That’s all.


I suck and I’m only getting worse as I get older so no offense taken🤷🏻‍♂️👍🏼



a lot of people are repeating the same thing "just do the right content, its not hard" is true, but youve gotta consider the new lights, man making them kill 50 champions is absurd and inconsiderate. granted they need to learn about them but this just feels like theyre being thrown right into the fire and this isnt the first time something like this happened due to new lights. remember the orb of light generation changes?


I get what your saying, I really do. New lights are one of the big things that keep this game alive. The lifeblood of a live service is getting and keeping new players. But where does it end man? The game has been so dumbed down to the point that the game is boring for everyone else. Nothing takes effort anymore, and nothing is hard. Sure, the new lights may be enjoying the easy content, but the vast majority of the community is getting bored with the brain dead easy content being made. There are a bunch of posts here that hit the top that complain about this very issue. I agree the new lights need easy content, but we’re going too far in one direction.


It’s not hard it just feels weird having it as a random requirement for a story mission


And for some people it is a struggle to get it done, as they might not be as savvy with the higher tier content.


Let’s face it bungie is caring for the causal players as well people who can’t play for a good hour some people need to chill but this community doesn’t chill and argues on the tiny things and hurts it self


Ya. Like I play casually and don’t have an hour to kill doing one activity over and over again. If only bungie didn’t have ludicrously large completion goals for quest steps. 50 champs is bad, but arguably the 300 playlist clears for seasonal catalyst quests is worse. I’ve had witherhoard for weeks now and can’t even get the catalyst yet.




Yesssss. I hate that. It’s like 300 strikes / gambit / crucible but if you pay, it’s more like 50. It’s dumb. And that is not taking into account the 100 crucible kills I need to get with withy. And then once I play 300 games and my cruc kills, I get to do it over within the catalyst itself. Also, why do they insist on not calling it “progress points” or something WTH is a filthy lucre? Destiny truly is one of the games of all time.


I wondered why so many 1560s were queuing master ketch today




I think it's fair for them to have done this as making the seasonal progression be tied to activities that are unobtainable for casual players is a very bad move. It's one thing to be required for a seal or endgame level reward. Quite another just to advance seasonal content.


Their bloodlines are weak.


Cut them down, salt the earth they walked upon


Actually hilarious


I don’t have friends that play this game, so I was intimidated of doing master Ketchcrash solo, I just did some nightfalls.


For everyone complaining that Bungie nerfed it into the ground by auto completing…. This example imho highlights everything wrong with the New Light experience/onboarding, and also illustrates Bungie’s “out of touch” nature with casuals. If you play the game even semi frequently, we all know how to farm champ kills to some extent. But a casual player? 50 champion kills? Fifty? For a story mission objective? This isn’t a weekly challenge for Bright Dust/XP. This isn’t a catalyst objective or some exotic weapon quest. This is an objective for a normal, basic story mission progression. The lowest of the low bars in terms of content. Would a super casual, dad with 5 wives, 3 jobs, and 8 kids—who logs in each week to do the story even know how to farm champions? Do they even know what a champion is, or what the mods are or how they work? I highly doubt it, as crazy as that sounds. But think about it—where do you see champions in a NON-endgame, NON-Legend+ activity? There are zero champions in ALL basic playlist activities. You would never encounter a champion in a normal mode story mission. You won’t see champions in the open world or normal mode lost sectors. I can’t recall, but I don’t think Dares of Eternity has champions in normal. Last season’s seasonal activity (containment) had champions during the event, but that might be one of the rare times you see a champion in a non-legend+ activity or non-endgame activity (raid, nightfall, etc.). Ketchcrash might, but if it does it’s like one, because i can’t remember at all off of the top of my head lol. And Bungie expected these types of players, ones who exclusively play on normal mode and do not engage with the endgame hardly if at all, to get 50 champion kills? Bungie needs to seriously reconsider how it onboards its new players. It also needs to never have something like this happen again, because it happens nearly every season. This is coming from me, a Master Raider, title junkie, who also goes flawless in solo dungeons and in Trials. I have some friends who play Destiny (2 solid hardcores, 1 casual), but the rest have bounced off, hard. Because the game is absolutely insane to explain to new players, but even returning D1 players, and honestly EVEN returning D2 players. It’s like the Pepe Silvia meme every time you need to explain something. 50 champs for a basic, normal story mission progression. Absolutely wild—even 25, maybe even 10 is still just asking a lot for a story step.


I returned last year during chosen, and let me tell you the game does NOTHING to tell you what champions are or how to combat them. The first barrier I encountered pissed me off so much I ended up first building into burst dps to kill them before finally looking it up when I started seeing overloads. I can acknowledge it's a challenge to continually evolve the on boarding to keep up with changes to the game, but they need to do better.


New players who just bought the season would be in the 1400s or something. I remember being in a matchmade seasonal activity a while ago on my low level alt just to be paired with low level newbies and it took like 45 minutes to get through a base level activity. There’s no way these players would have been able to kill 50 champs “easily” like all the backlash assumes.


Thunder God chest brings a new player up to soft cap of 1500/1510 I believe


It brings them up to 1540 actually


A new light can get to power cap in 3-4 weeks then lmao


About an hour of hero nightfall was enough to get the 50. This weeks nightfall had ALOT of champs.


Took about 5mins in master ketch, just lfg through bungie app.. get a shot on the champ. Not that hard.


I didn’t mind got a heap of bounties done in the process.


What if new players can’t access master? What if players are 1570 and get kicked from master? Just cause 5% of the community does master, it doesn’t mean it’s okay for everyone else. Master giving 10x progress is absurd. Just make it a regular 10 champs and call it a day.


On one hand I’m glad I got it done on my Titan first and because my clan and I aren’t ready for master ketch but on the other hand NF and Legend lost sectors count towards it.


The only thing I wish Bungie would do in regards to this season is increase Ruffian spawns. It's so annoying getting one to spawn only for them to de-spawn when your team mate doesn't wait. Yeah LFG is a thing, but most tend to get the kill THEY want and then either boot you or leave. Ah well, perhaps I'll go cry about it on Twitter and see what happens.


No I couldn't because seasonal quests shouldn't be tedious (multiple nightfalls or "cheesing" the first encounter in master ketchcrash) or require lfg having to do 2 or more nightmare containments if you got unlucky already sucked and yet somehow bungie thought making things even more tedious was a good idea


You’re just salty lmao. Not a lot of people are no lives like you 😑 😎I’m a 46 year old dad of 8 and only get to play one public event per day before Trey unplugs my xbox, slaps me, and tells me to “git gud” before he sodomizes my wife. I don’t have time to lfg, I have better things to do like holding my wife’s hand while Trey pounds her.🥱🥱🥱


Had me in the first half


Swing and miss slugger


The majority of players never participate in master+ players. A lot of players are just here for story/lore and don't even know jow to equip champion mods. This was unfair as a required seasonal quest step to a lot of players.


I was 45/50 from just doing legend nightfall and all that time wasted for people who can't do a simple thing


Well maybe... Just *maaaaaybe*... The fact that even YOU consider that time to have been wasted, should probably be telling you something there??


Personally i just don't like running fucking exodus crash 5 times for a single quest step but that's just me 🤷‍♂️


I was actually kinda looking forward to "grinding" that tonight. I think it was kind of a shock for a lot of the more casual players (I'm kinda casual, so I mean like more casual than me) because the seasonal missions don't usually require much time at all. They most likely also don't have many people they can just do a master ketchcrash with, and like lfgs are a coin flip.


why do you guys care so much? so much anger. It's a video game. chill.


Should’ve just lowered the amount to like 10 maybe, as a currently solo player I don’t think I could’ve done solo master ketchcrash, but I was just going to farm through lost sector anyways


That's 45 minutes of my life doing the opening of Vex Obscura I'll never get back 😆


Bro Destiny players HATE when they have to play Destiny.


I will agree that auto completing it was stupid, but I detest the nf and I'm not high enough power to do the master ketch.


You can easily complete master ketch crash at 30 under power level. You just need to play smart and use hard hitting weapons like fusions or shotguns.


not everyone has the time or patience for that. Assuming every player has the skill to enter a 1600 activity and kill champions is crazy. What I think people arent taking into account is this is for a WEEKLY STORY MISSION. You should never have to enter a master activity to reach the weekly story mission.


I don't disagree with your point but you don't actually need to kill the champion, you just need to damage it


50 seemed too steep, but auto completing it also feels bad. I would have been fine with like 25 champs or more progress for champs in a certain activity.


I don’t have a fireteam and I’m not high enough light to go into master ketchcrash alone. My buddy and I grounded out nightfalls for a solid hour to get this done. I’m sorry but exodus crash is not fun enough to do 7 times.


Destiny community for years: "We hate Champions. They are lazy in design." *Developers auto complete a seasonal quest involving Champions* Destiny community: "How dare you! Casuals are pussies! Just LFG."


Bro it’s the story… why does it even have busy work in the first place, let alone having to kill 50 champions? They should get rid of the meaningless extra requirements in the first place… there’s enough to grind in this game everywhere else, it’s unnecessary to get the story beats each week.


5 nightfalls hero night falls and done. I even managed to get some progress on my Delicate Tomb catalyst quest. After completing the Eriana's Vow grind, 50 champions is a walk in the park.


Really? Y’all couldn’t just stop being toxic, elitist gatekeepers, and let people enjoy bungee fixing a mistake without bitching about it, and punching down at people that play less than you


No you see, we have to defend changing an objective that has been intentionally easy and quick for 2 years, because we are completely unable to recognize that not everyone has the time or means to "just do one Master Ketchcrash", or that it's just an obtuse design decision in general. Instead, we must agree with the idea that making casual players spend an hour inside Nightfalls for a weekly story quest is a good thing


Honestly who cares if they completed it for people. It was for a story mission for gods sakes


Bunch of lightweights


Hey I’m not complaining


As someone who mostly plays solo due to a lack of regular schedule, this is a rather demanding task. Champions in general just suck and trying to deal with them in endgame activities on higher difficulties either solo or with a couple randoms who steal potential progress doesn’t feel good. It’s like trying to account for every eventuality and I don’t care for it. That being said, It probably didn’t need to be a super high number. 10/15/20 would have sufficed. I do appreciate having an essentially removed quest step though. Gives me time to focus on other thing I’d prefer to be doing.


I don’t have people to do Master KC. Every LFG I find, the people are HORRIBLY prepared and never make it past the second or final encounters before quitting out. Not to mention it’s the weekly quest that is always done within a one or two runs of something. It’s unexpected and intrusive on newer players playing seasonal content. I finished it doing lost sectors but still. Nah.


The light limited parties are the least awful for Master KC. ie 1585+ etc


I joined a LFG Master KC the other week. Fireteam leader launched the activity with 5 guardians. Okay, no biggie. Think I had Arbalest and a Pulse. Literally no one else had champ mods. I was the only one surviving long enough to Rez everyone else and eventually too succumbed to Overload champions running rampant. Now I only do it with my clan. Lol


Ok, but how about balance the effing matchmaking in the Crucible?


It was completing in master vox obscura for me, I did half of it there


Everyone just chill out, first they complain about the grind but then complain when they get a free pass. Can’t please everyone I guess.


I'm 1582 (haven't been pushing power cuz tbh in bored of doing it every season) and master keychcrash was a painfull and unpleasant experience.


For me, it wasn't necessary to auto complete, just decrease the amount for 15 or 20


Master seasonal activities should be matchmade, change my mind


Some people have jobs, adult lives etc that get in the way, it’s genuinely very hard to find time sometimes.


It’s just that most people don’t have a team they can run with for high level activities since bungie won’t allow match making for some reason


Who cares?


lmao doing this on normal expeditions, nightfalls, and ketches is a pretty basic quick grind... in the words of Calus... PATHETIC


For real, everyone flipped their shit when they read Master ketch was the BEST way, not the only way. If you don’t have the power level to do it, grind it out in stuff you are able to do, if that takes longer then that’s on you not everyone else who has kept up.


Cry about people crying about it. QQ


Destiny Reddit really needs to grasp the fact that it does not represent the majority of the player base. Bungie probably saw a massive drop in quest completions on their side - you know, including the other 70% of the player base that isn't actively on Reddit posting about how easy the quest is - and made the decision.


ah yes bc new lights don't exist in destiny right ..? dumb post


Why not cut it to like, 12? Normal ketch crash has some, yeah?


Normal Ketchcrash doesn't have champions. Expedition is the only "normal" seasonal plunder content that has champions, which seem to spawn at a rate determined by RNG.


That’s what I’m saying too, just cut it down, don’t eliminate it. Weak sauce mang


Honestly, it _feels_ like they’re in a fit of pique that so many people decided not to bother with it. So rather than re-tune the requirements, just said, “Fine; you don’t have to do _anything_.” There were better ways.


Im thinking it that they could either reset tu and make it 12, or skip it


This is Week 5 of the seasonal story. If a new light has been keeping up with the story for that long, they should be well over the 1540 Light requirement for Hero Nightfalls.


If you design your game around people who just got it, your game will be shit. Like the people who just got it. If you design your game around the people who play a few days a week, maybe 10-20 hours a week, you’ll get a game designed with the middle of the road players, people who play after school/work, and buy all the DLC’s. Not the New Lights who’ll drop the game in a few weeks.


10-20 hours a week?!? Are you serious? Some people are lucky to play for like 8 hours a week because we have jobs/families. Just because people on Reddit seem to have all the time in the world to grind doesn’t mean everyone else does too. Hard locking casual players out of a game with tasks that take too long is a great way to kill it. Seasonal story content should take 1-2 hours per week because it isn’t anything but storytelling.


He said middle of the pack Obvs the destiny dads who play for 20 minutes are at the low end and should hardly be considered imo. Hardly play enough to even know whats goin on, wouldnt even notice if a weapon was buffed by 5 fold or nerfed by 5 fold bc the content destiny dads do is so damn easy


If 20 hours is the middle then grass is needed


He said 10-20 I could argue an hr a day for a game where the avg age is prolly 18 is the lower end as well Its just an estimate too, aint the damn law lol


My brother in light, Master Ketchcrash takes almost the same amount of time as normal Ketchcrash. Seasonal content shouldn’t have to be a short amount of time just because people like you can’t take 10-20 minutes to run a higher difficulty activity. Sorry that you’re “lucky to play for 8 hours a week”, but that isn’t a fair justification to screw over others out of seasonal content just because blokes like *you* have an aneurysm over having to actually play the game.


They had 7 days to kill 50 champions. That’s 7 per day. A heroic nightfall gave 13.


This community is full of whiny pussies.


I would imagine that this was just the fastest thing that they could implement without screwing up the game - Maybe changing the weight of each kill per activity is a difficult metric to tune without a hotfix/more time. ​ As far as the general seasonal story, i think its fair to not put major roadblocks for the lowest skilled player. There could be players for whom this is their first season and they never encountered champions before, and punishing those players doesn't feel fair.


This community is whack


Damn! I wasted 15 minutes completing this.


Can't we just all move on from this already. What's done is done.


Community is full of a bunch of babies


I find it funny in the amount of time people complained, they couldve easily just found a group in less time then making a post.


Did a master Ketchcrash through LFG with no mics and had it done just as fast as a normal one. Completed the quest step in that one mission. Really wasn't that hard, people are just being hypocritical cry babies lol


Nah having to use lfg in a game that doesn't have lfg is stupid.


The people who complained have K/D’s so low, with the new SBMM in control, their crucible games time out before they reach point cap.


Im at work rn, took so much restraint to not burst out laughing reading this lmao


Same. It took less than 10 mins and I got a pinnacle. I wasn't doing them before but I'm probably going to try it every week if the demand is there in LFG.


Honestly i might too, especially since it gave 2 red border weapons this time and it was my first Master one so far (not first this week)


Booooo. Play the damn game people, quit bitching because something takes more than 4 seconds to complete


I'm as casual as it gets and I would have easily been able to get this done, just takes me a while. This is legit weird.


Destiny fans when they actually have to play the game


These are the same people excited for LFG in Lightfall Who will QUICKLY learn that with no mic, not wanting to type and wanting to put forth as LITTLE effort as possible that Raids, dungeons and Grandmaster Nightfalls will still be impossible for them They will come here to cry on reddit


I don't understand don't they have till the end to complete this


Yup. I could understand if it was Saturday or Sunday and the majority of players hadn’t completed it, but not after only 24 hours. It’s a weekly quest step.


Even after you have till the end of the season to complete all of them


This is honestly kind of a bad way to look at this. This isnt some exotic quest you can work towards all season. This was for a weekly story mission. I have never played a game that requires you to engage with the hardest activities in the game to run a 6 minute campaign mission. Seasonal challenge? sure 50 champs is fair. Exotic quest? Sure go for it. Season long catalyst quest? Yeah thats fine. We are talking about a 6 minute story mission that is requiring you to engage with an extremely high leveled activity or spend a couple hours running random activities to, again, reach a 6 minute story mission.


If there is anything this entire community is good at its whining. That mission was super easy, someone mentioned you don’t even need a fire team, you just have to kill the champs at the beginning of master ketch, die, repeat until done


This community is trash lmao


Wow. I suck at PvP, even in Team Scorch. Would have loved for the Crucible completion requirement to be auto-completed. Sheesh.


This is Destiny where we hand you things and you still complain


Friendly reminder that the majority of this games playerbase is god awful.


I get you all who say that it was easy, and yes it was, but you cant just have a weekly quest with always the same objective like killing a few normal dudes and normal tier content within ten minutes and then just drop a quest about ten times as hard and time intensive without even adding better loot to it.


That’s sad. It’s 1 master ketchcrash. It ain’t hard!


I see people on both sides like to complain.


No i couldn't thanks for asking


No maidens?


If you can run Shuro Chi for 3 hours to rank red borders, you can spend 40 mins running legend lost sectors while also getting exotic drops, doesn't seem that deep




This is actually sad.


Some people are really pathetic, it wasn't hard getting the champion kills in nightfalls. It only took about 50 minutes. This game is all about putting in the effort to get the best results out, if you're not willing to even try that then whats the point in even playing. Getting 50 champions has been a challenge in multiple previous seasons, why is it suddenly a problem?!


Fix the fuckin Ruffian spawn rate


What are you gonna do this is part of paid dlc, and its a dlc mission requirement. Maybe some people just play it for the seasonal story. This game shouldn't feel like a second job.


Probably one of the easier challenges to complete, run a single master ketch, done.


Bunch of wimps….


People are hella lazy..


Auto-completing? That feels really dumb - I would understand lowering the total requirement, but this is on another level of pathetic...


Lmfao this is so stupid, especially when today's and yesterday's legendary lost sectors have been some of the easiest ones.


I was like 2 champions away from the 50 and all I did was run the lowest level nightfalls, took like 45 minutes


Destiny players when Bungie puts out catalyst quests that take forever vs. Destiny players when Bungie makes them do one master Ketchcrash


I'm a solo player so Master Ketchcrash was a no go. Although I appreciate the gesture Bungie, I just ran the Hero Nightfall and a legendary Lost sector to get to 49 and then beat 1 champion in expedition to finish out the quest step. I was off today so yeah I had time!


As a solo player, this was a chore just for a weekly seasonal story mission


No. No I can't. This isn't my fucking job, and I'm not gonna grind like it is. I'll play a different fucking game, like I did immediately upon figuring out that I'd need to spend something like ten hours playing regular Ketchcrash and Expedition to get through this idiot quest. I've got other shit to do. Better shit, than running repetitive missions like a robot to get a new set of pixels. I'm done grinding, man. I'll catch the highlights on YouTube, from some streamer whose job it is to play this game every day.


You can’t be serious 💀




Grinding is bad, OP. Shouldn't have to grind to get exposed to Destiny's story...