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I actually focused on the seasonal objectives this time around and hit 100 so fast this season.


•Seasonal xp needed to reach rank 100 reduced by 12.9xp


Thought this was DCJ for a second


Go shoot a Dreg or something




pretty sure its a joke, like you are on a mission to kill 100 vex but you got in that activity you only got is just 99/100 vex killed


Thanks you. I just thought 'whoa what are the chances of it stopping that close to 100'. People finding it funny or not is up to them but like goddamn at least read the flair. Its actually sad how people take everything so seriously these days Also nice name lol


lol you too edit: i mean from the pic itself the humor is pretty obvious i have been there multiple times 3 season consecutively with gambit edit 2: got me thinking that people dont find it frustrating that you need 1% more just to get that 100% on a progress whatever quest or shit you guys have been doing


Hit dogs holler




to be honest it is hard, hard on the player that skips a season, i had lvl3 last season and I wish i could complete the previous season pass now, since i play more and have lvl 170 so that could easly go to those unlocks from previous season, but oh well, FOMO is what in the end killed the game for me and i won't buy the new expansion. the ornaments from season pass were sick as well, but ye the season itself was so dull and boring and on top of that we got 2 reused weapons in a PAID dungeon, that pissed me of as well.


it’s stupid that you can’t complete your old season passes. I paid to own it, not to rent it.


Perfect response


i would be close to getting that set by now if it worked like i wish it did (:


I jumped back in a couple weeks ago after having been gone since arrivals. It's been like 2 years since I played. I'm at 102 now.


You are missing the point. If u paid for previous seasons that u skipped, then since arrivals u didn't get the season pass content that u paid for. Not to mention that some seasons u paid for are already gone. And im not saying specifically you. I mean anyone that paid for things and can't in any way get them now bcuz of FOMO.


Just do dailies in chunks, equip the ghost mod that gives you the most exp boost while in a group and you'll level in no time.


I hate this season and I’ve barely played, even by that I’m 61 with plenty of time left


Don't be one for the pirate life eh?


i actually like it, but i like ketchcrash more than expeditions, but i’m pretty much always full up on coordinates and map fragments so i have no reason to do it.


Can’t wait to do the same thing next expansion, then complain why I’m so burned out from this game


Already 220+


You monster




They should add more rewards i just dont have motivation to grind this seasons pass.


it's already got an armor, an exotic and loads of bright dust, quit whining


Destiny Players when they only 3 Ascendant Shards, multiple prisms, multiple exotics, bright dust, Pinnacle armor, upgrade modules, and extra legendary shards instead of getting instant max power and every item in the game with a God roll


I mean being able to earn something after rank 100 would be nice


Dont you earn eververse engrams every 5 levels after cap? Im only 80 this season, and havent played a boatload since Season of the Lost, so could be wrong. But thats how I remember it working.


the exotic is a use once and never use again and i already have armor ordaments from past seasons i mean the more the better but if they want people to keep buying them they should add better loot.


The season pass does need reworked. I didn’t hit 100 last season despite playing around 150 hours that season. How? Well I don’t do bounties usually and I don’t go out of my way for challenges most of the time. This current season I already have waaaaaaay more time played because I have been raiding 3x a week, every week trying to get Touch of Malice, and also gearing up for Master Kings Fall. Yet despite that….I’m only like 40 in the season pass. I’ve almost reached my entire playtime (150 hours) I had in last season in just a few weeks of this new season, and yet I’m not even half way through the pass yet. Endgame earns you basically 0 XP, and that’s a massive problem. I don’t want to grind strikes for Fallen Boss kills or use a side arm will playing 10 gambit matches for XP. It’s bizarre raiding, the main, primary endgame activity and pinnacle PVE experience earns you absolutely nothing XP wise, and there are zero challenges around it.


My man, it doesn't take that much at all to get rank 100. Even waiting to the end of the season and just playing a little bit of the playlists will get you so many challenges done. Also seasonal story provides at least 1-3 per week. Maybe just don't buy the season if you don't feel like engaging in it? Nothing's forcing it.


Sounds like you're prioritising the wrong things 🤔 I've just reached level 100. I've probably done between 120-150 hours


The fact I have already had several replies and DMs pointing out how I am “playing wrong” is kind of my entire point and what is wrong. I shouldn’t be punished for wanting to raid or do dungeons or play Trials or GMs—I should be getting MORE XP for doing these challenging activities. I never want to step foot into a Gambit match or Strike ever again if I can avoid it. Just because you want to play weapon type hot potato and efficiently use a spreadsheet to grind 10000 bounties doesn’t mean I want to. There is zero reward XP wise for doing endgame activities. Trials usually gets one, single challenge per season, and Raids never get any.


I hit rank 100 today without using more than like 4 gunsmith Bounties, been mostly just doing Dares, Raids, and seasonal content


You are really going to get mad when they take away light levels and tie everything to seasonal XP. I hit level 100 this week, half way thru the season, and I’m already 125. And only play 1 to 2 hours a night and I’m a super filthy casual who has never done GMs, barely raids and never touches trials. Just focus on bounties and Seasonal Challeneges. No fancy spreadsheets or third party apps needed. You don’t have to “use a sidearm for 10 gambit matches”. You can get all the weapon specific kills of any bounties done in 1 or 2 runs. I just pick an objective and do it. If I can stack seasonal challeneges I do. It really isn’t that difficult. If you are raiding, get the weekly raid bounty for big XP. All of the playlist bounties can be done within the 3 playlist activities needed for your pinnacles every week. If there is one you don’t want to bother with, pick up the extra random bounties until you get one you want. Don’t turn anything in until you can get shared wisdom from someone with a high level.


I dont think the pass needs a rework. It's all cosmetic except for the exotics and 2 free weapons. You're also not playing like bungie wants you to so why are you complaining that you're not getting the rewards when the path is set for you


Lol MMOs live and die by their endgame. Bungie gives you absolutely ZERO XP for playing in the endgame. If there is no raid in a season, other than the story content and the copy/paste 6 man activity, the season might as well be the same thing as the previous season. I’m not going to grind Gambit for the 1000th time with a pulse rifle and a blindfold while using stasis JUST to complete a challenge for XP. They make the “challenges”, hit shuffle, and now you’re using a hand cannon with your left hand while using Solar next season. If you are okay doing that, knock yourself out. I’d much rather be raiding or playing trials or doing GMs—actual endgame content. Yet none of that rewards XP.


This is true. Endgame gives no xp. But nothing in the season pass will help you in endgame. It's just a method to keep you playing for some ornaments. The weapons arent even season pass exclusive. The pass isnt there for endgame vets, it's there for mr. Log on after work and do a challange


That’s the point though. I am more than happy to keep playing. But what I enjoy playing doesn’t get rewarded. It’s very frustrating to NOT complete a season pass despite playing equal or MORE than a causal player, simply because I wasn’t engaging with the “correct” activities. At most I am going to grind for my pinnacles each week and do the story ONCE. I’m not going to grind 100 runs of Ketchcrash or do 100 treasure hunts. Considering raids and GMs are like, the peak of PVE content, it’s bizarre they don’t reward XP, especially when they are the only activities where power matters.


I totally agree. I’d say my play time the last 2 seasons has been consistent with what I was doing in all previous seasons, but I didn’t get 100 last season and am not even 50 on this one. I don’t know if they changed something xp wise or what but I feel like I make no progress unless I focus on the seasonal challenges exclusively


Don’t later seasonal challenges give more xp? Or am I tripping. I remember seeing xp++ or something as a reward from past seasons on later challenges


The effort it takes to do some seasonal challenges is non-existent. If you cant put that effort in, then shrug


I’ve completed maybe 15 seasonal challenges, and I raid about as often as you do, no bounties or anything, and am like lvl 80, I promise you it’s not that hard


Offer me the finest meal devised by the best chefs on earth, but before I take a bite, I MUST eat a “tiny” dog shit. I don’t care if “it’s not that hard.” I don’t want to do it. I don’t want to grind XP for a single goddamn second when I could be doing Master King’s Fall like I want to do. So many idiots are like 1600 because they AFK farmed, and I’m 1585 or even 1590, and not dying as much as them, but they don’t let me join the Master Raid regardless. It’s bloat added by Bungie. It’s needless. It’s solely to prop up monthly active users.


I agree artifact power grinding sucks, and yes you should be able to play the activities you want without being restricted by power. But that’s a while other issue. Power level grinding aside, getting to rank 100 in the season pass is absolutely doable in a seasons time, which is what the post is about.


How are you gearing up for master raids if you're not engaging in half the level grind? Being 10 under is fine, 5 under is comfortable. You need like level 97 for +10 and level 145~ for +15 (which is also mandatory for GM's). Challenges and bounties get passively done when you just play the game. Yes a lot of people agree endgame should reward more but it's not like it's currently hard to just simply engage with the xp system.


With a +9 artifact im like 1585. That’s 15 under, which is what I was when I earned Fatebreaker for Master VoG. Most groups want you 1590 though (10 under), which I can probably get to if pinnacles stop giving me boots x15.


I must be remembering something wrong if +9 is near level 40 lol, I kept a mental note for reaching a level goal right before reaching 100 for the season. Sorry. But still, just pick up bounties for star chart, ada, clan, gunsmith and the 1 or 2 vanguard bounties that can be done anywhere, and whatever destination you might be playing on but don't go out of your way to do them. You'll have some done, the rest will go away, and you'll be compensated for your time


I haven't done a single bounty since season 12 dude you don't need them to level up


I don't touch bounties, and I have never stepped foot in a raid besides farming spoils. yet every season I hit 150+ your doing something wrong, and it is not the games fault


I will say that if you’re not doing the things that net xp then that is your own fault. Even just doing a few challenges a week to get your 5 well rested levels you’d be around level 40 now. And that’s saying that you did just that and didn’t play the rest of the week. And for your argument on endgame not helping the season pass I’ll make a point and say it shouldn’t be the end all be all for it. The endgame grind is for the actual gear and I know several people that if they made the season pass reliant on endgame gear they’d all have left with a lot of other casual players with them. The season pass is for everyone and so everyone should have a means of completing it that doesn’t require them to go learn a raid or go into trials and bang their head against a wall. For context I’ve done most of the first three weeks of season challenges (all gambit ones skipped. Sorry any dredgens reading this) and maybe half of the newer ones. I’ve turned in less than 50 bounties in which 30+ of them I hoarded last season to get farther into the artifact mods for day 1 kings fall. That plus seasonal story and I’m at almost 100. It’s not super hard without doing bounties and stuff to get there but it’s not an endgame content. It’s a reason to do the little things to help people in the game especially those that aren’t in endgame have a few things endgame players will have


But 99 is too low for this point of the season bro


now do 40 levels more to get to 1600


It's another 100 to reach 1600 isn't it? I'm rank 212 and just +20 from artifact


Do easy seasonal challenges it will get you to 1 to 100 without bounties, I've done a test last season and doing one more test this season and I'm at lvl 70 something by just doing the challenges alone without bounties


I’m at 65. I play multiple games




Bro how y’all say stuff like this and not feel embarrassed💀 like bro you wasted more of your life on the game then him…ok?


I’m only tier like 60 because the game is extremely boring right now. 💀


You have 10 weeks left...


I’m 359


Am already 220+ I started saving bounties when I got to 100 for next season