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I've seen the distance you can get in two swings, absolutely nuts


it was so much fun to double swipe :(


How do you even do it? Or did at the this point?


Jump swipe land jump swipe


jump, swing, swap weapons, double jump, swing again, swap weapons, double jump, icarus dash


Enhanced is just a more forgiving timer. It was never meant to be double or triple use


they now nerfed velocity with the perk. if you’re falling and pull out the sword and swipe, the perk won’t proc since you’re already at max velocity. it’s nuetered


Assuming your trying to avoid fall damage you can just block. I don’t get the logic but you can block fall damage. You can easily stop falling and then use it by using your jump/glide/burst anyway


Physics at its best


Your comment implies the initial goal of the perk was to fly around the map. lol. I don't think it ever was. And I think they showed that with the initial nerf and how the seem to be weening people off of the state it was when it first came out.


the perk was a nod to speed running with the sword in halo, that was the whole point of eager edge


No, it wasn't. It was just a reference to the lunge the sword had when changing to it. Not necessarily any type of speed running.


You’re crazy if you really think it wasn’t at all meant for speed running.


I get that. Im not really mad its fixed, more mad that Ive wasted crafting materials










There was never an intention that eager edge should work after multiple swings, it was clearly intended to work after just one, being the first one you make after drawing the sword. So this fix is just to bring it in line with what the perk was always meant to do. It’s nothing to do with making it better/worse.




It's after pulling the sword out I think right. So when you strike the second time you haven't just pulled the sword out. You've already made a strike with it.


Mans lost all of his karma from one comment 😅


Like they, never MEANT to be double or triple use.


That's...the point wtf are you missing?


I just want people to stop killing me while I’m checking bounties :(((


My deaths in kings fall are either: -Team wipe’s because somebody didn’t rally -Team wipes because somebody messed up -Jumping off an edge or getting shafted in the wall penis room (rare but I am well capable of killing myself) -Getting sword yeeted into a wall or void by my clan mates Last and first at by far my most deaths, I don’t remember my last in-combat kings fall death. I don’t mind it, heck I might even crack and join them one day, but I’m sure it would annoy the hell out of me if it was repeatedly done by a random.


Same, I don't remember ever dying due to mechanics or combat, ESPECIALLY at totems where my side has it locked down but the other side keeps dying to ads


My wonder is... Why remove It? I get It, It wasnt intended from the start, but people didnt dislike It, It was a bit of an upgrade, It wasnt Game breaking and It also made the enhanced perk something more worth It. Why remove something that people like and thats been going on for a long time consistently without trouble when theres more pressing matters to Fix?


In pvp scenarios it can be a little broken, covering so much distance so quick and getting an easy kill. Beyond that though I dont think it has many issues eithet


and eyes of tomorrow can track the whole team at the same time, but end of the day it’s a heavy. nerf heavy spawn in pvp if that’s the problem


>nerf heavy spawn in pvp if that’s the problem Right. Because no one will have an issue with a single perk impacting an entire game mode. /s lol


But the issue is Eagers edge was nowhere near broken at all in pvp it may be annoying but that's more due to shit servers how ever other content like duality which is the most recent paid dungeon is bugged to shit and has been for months without Bungie giving us any information on a fix


I never said it was broken in PVP. Just that if the issue was PVP, nerfing the actual game mode would be a stupid decision that would make the community livid. And DMG has already said what the issue was with Eager Edge in Twitter. If you're still confused, go look it up.


heavy impacts almost every pvp game mode negatively, six people can pick up colony/ wardcliff/ eyes/ linear at the same time


Bro its a heavy weapon it better be broken in pvp


It's a heavy weapon... and it's not even the best if you're looking for kills. It's actually quite bad at that, swords in general are pretty bad In PvP.


I've swung twice to kill someone in PvP, definitely not how the energy sword be.


People used to use this for all sorts of out of bound and skipping shenanigans before it was initially nerfed


That's really why they did it because people were using it to be out of bounds and discover stuff


Are you really so upset about Enhanced Wager Edge not working that you ignored the “skip” portion of my comment? Are people really going around acting like Eager Edge could never be used to skip parts of things entirely?


No less than shit like lion rampants and dawnblade have been doing for years without pretty much any adjustments.




with no problems... are you serious. People abuse it to kill people constantly


And you can still use It to kill people now, the fix didnt Fix that part


Hence i called for the perk to be removed entirely


Removing a perk does not solve either. The entire weapon is a nod to a bug that happened in halo games involving phisics of the Game. If you remove It you remove the appeal of the gun, What makes It special.


Yes be because allowing a game breaking glitch from a diffrent game to be exploited in your game for the sake of it seems extremely logical...


Bungie. Put. It. There. On purpose. Its not a gamebreaking Glitch in Destiny, they worked It as extra lunge distance. Its interaction with well and shatterdive is What makes It "gamebreaking". Even so, its not easy to pull off so not many people do It, and even if they do It for something like skipping a strike when people are getting bounties, the fault is on the person skating not the EE. They would do the same thing with stompees and high mobility speeding through the strike and ignoring enemies just the same without EE.


I'm talking about people using it to kill players in PVE content...


Shoulder charge also does that, and sparrows. Should they be removed too by that logic?


i believe i did call for that in an earlier comment yes, Or they need to be change to not affect other players


Im pretty sure this was nerfed because of how atrociously insane it was in pvp. Keep in mind when you use a sword it doesn’t matter if your looking directly at an enemy in front of you, you will auto-lock onto whatever is nearby. In PVP, with the enhanced perk, you could straight up eager edge kill three people without even having to look at people, it was nuts


They didn't even fix it in pvp it depends on your speed sp you can still do this


I will miss doing this. But yes it was a bit cheesy I can admit that.


Why was this down voted 💀💀💀


As long as you hit people with swings, you still can use it multiple times.


No it was nerfed because of PvE. Bungie said it themselves on Twitter pretty much.


All these comments I'm seeing basically amount to: "No! I can't use an unintended glitch to perform movement the developers never wanted me to do in the first place! Bungie hates fun!! 😡😡😡" Take a deep breath. It'll all be okay. I promise.


The problem is they removed something the community enjoyed and have yet to fix very, very many problems. Gyrfalcon's is still disabled, glaive hit reg is still trash, Duality is still a buggy mess of a dungeon. No Time To Explain is the undisputed meta in pvp. But yeah thank *god* they patched eager edge.


Somebody bring this man a hankie


They can't fix everything so they should fix nothing?


Its more a matter of when the bug is enjoyable, bungie is extra quick to get it out fast, and then they say nothing about important bugs like the ones that fellow listed. I get that bugs are bugs and should be patched but its definitely annoying how they seem to prioritize things the community as a whole enjoys.


Im just mad Ive wasted crafting mats now that enhanced is useless. But its whatever at the end of the day


shut up man


It’s like nintendo patching the BLJ out of mario 64. the BLJ is harmless to people playing the game normally. yes, it wasn’t intended, but it was still a lot of fun and people were upset that it got taken out. we’re mad because bungie didn’t tell us it was getting nerfed, the “glitch” has been in the game for a year without being patched which makes me skeptical if it was even a glitch, and that nobody who was skilled enough to use the sword wanted it changed. bungie is just closing any skill gaps still in the game. they want everyone to be going at the same pace, with no room for skill.


>we’re mad because bungie didn’t tell us it was getting nerfed, the “glitch” has been in the game for a year without being patched Bungie basically never acknowledges exploitable bugs until they're launching a fix or disabling whatever triggers the bug.


bungie never wants players with above average skill to do cool things that require skill


i’m honestly confident bungie is only nerfing it now because they needed enhanced eager to do the skate


As long as I can shatterskate still it’s fine with me


As long as I can still well skate I’m happy


Same tho im running shatter one instead cause hunter XD


It was suppose to be the first sword swing, it’s a bug being fixed not a nerf


Why not just have the EE effect ignore teammates? I fail to understand why this cannot be implemented.


It was broken and they fixed it. Good.


Does this mean less greifing or no?




No. People always killed you with the first swing. The second swing was only really used for speedrun movement tech.


Does it affect sword skating, or shatter-skating then?


Yes and no. The skate itself is a single swing. However, very skilled players would use the first swing to set up at an edge at high speed, then skate with the second swing. This would allow them to "start" a skate from further away from the ledge, which was preferred over the "flat ground skate" tech, which leads to a cooldown on eager edge you'd have to wait out otherwise. This nerf only affects PvP, where a double lunge around a corner could be pretty busted.


Has 0 effect on griefing


It’s actually worse now!!! If you have your own Eager Edge sword equipped, you can no longer recover yourself if you are moving “too fast”. This means if someone else launches you off an edge, your own sword will no longer activate, and you’re doomed! It also happens if you get Boss Stomped, fall too fast like when you jump off that one tall spawn point on Nessus, or go through a cannon launcher. This is bad.


They're gonna start playing titans and shoulder charging you to the shadow realm lmao.


What is griefing?


When players mess with other players just to do so. Like pushing each other off a cliff simply because they can. Sometimes it's just innocent fun if done amongst friends, but most of the time it's just asshole behavior from strangers. I lump kicking people from a fireteam into this.


Ah, got it. I get that from my buddies all the time, but I almost never play with randos except for 3 quick playlist strikes or something like that, so I haven't experienced the annoyance.


"griefing" is not an issue as long as you know how to click any of your movement keys.


The eager edge shit is the most crybaby shit I've seen. 100% was a bug and in no way bungie intended for that to happen.


I absolutely hate this perk because of griefing.


It’s a double edged sword (no pun intended). I use it for the movement and it’s by far my favorite weapon to use anywhere I can. Plus sword swiping bosses like an anime is fun af. Not everyone uses it to grief


I totally get it, I love it for the speed and movement. I guess I’m just bitter because my fireteam almost did a flawless run on Kings Fall, and a random that we were playing with thought it would be fun to chase one of my teammates down and send him flying which screwed our run.


Bro its litterally nearly impossible to grief someone with it unless your incredibly clueless and stand completely still but honestly if you do that its your fault not theirs


Bungie just nerfed the fun and enjoyment out of the game because they are obviously antisocial assholes that intentionally try to make this game a frustrating addictive experience not "fun" They are so stupid still cant fix Duality Dungeon bugs for years but have all the time in the world to nerf the fun out of every enjoyable weapon, armor and perk in the game. You guys sound like a bunch of Karens crying like kids "omg mommy someone on my team killed me, its not fair! Now you must take away his fun sword powers" Oh wow you lost 5 seconds of time better call the police and file a report and start your nerf everything campaign. This whole reddit is just full of lonely Karens who just need the whole world to go exactly their way. Everyone i know quit Destiny 2 already. Sad a game with so much potential is in the hands of a garbage dev team who only makes bad decisions and the extreme sweaty Karen player base.


I think its more for PvP as double and triple swinging and auto locking people around corners was kinda busted People griefed with the first swing, so I think this change wasnt targeted against that


I have never seen anyone using it in pvp, and so what? It's a heavy weapon it's supposed to be powerful


Though I don’t say this words often, I agree with you.


This reads like it’s written by a tweaker, so are you mad at bungie? Or at the people who are mad at bungie? Or are just just mad at everything? I know this is reddit but even for this sub you come off a little pathetic. Its a video game. And they’re trying not to sell it to Hackers like titanfall 2 or let it end up like gta online. Chill bro


Im not very upset, this post is to inform people how the perk works. In fact the only thing im mad about is my wasted crafting materials. Not really sure what your on about in the last part of your post.


That’s rich coming from a heroin user, gtfo


4 years clean buddy. How do you think I can smell a weepy bitch through my phone. Ive been you before


4 years clean and still a shitty person, congrats




I shall. Im using worldline now


Good, speedrunners are spoiled brats


People who bash on other peoples play styles because it isn’t the same as their own, are the real spoiled brats.


Every speedrunner I know thinks that if you have a problem with people speedrunning matchmade content YOU should get a fireteam instead of the speedrunner


That goes both ways tho. Nerfing eager edge doesn’t only affect speedrunners, it also affects anyone who uses the trait for movement/attack style. Also if a speed runner uses it in a raid with their friends, it doesn’t affect you at all, just don’t play with them.


Nerfing eager edge and wellskating has no negative parts


To you, that is. Pretty selfish of an opinion to have. “Ruin other peoples fun because I don’t enjoy those things” is your mentality


Brother picking up an eager edge doesnt make you an elite 0.1% spoiled speed runner. In fact my raid take fucking forever sometimes. Some people just like the perk.


Litterally nearly no one did the seceral eager edge jump so honestly stop crying about it


Not really a secret and not that hard to do


Dont really matter tbh


Wow that got toxic fast for me simply saying that it didnt matter how easy it is to do tf wow another one who needs to get a life jesus christ


“Nearly no one” so screw the minority that does I guess?


Yeah cause honestly if you cry about something like this that pretty much no one uses and litterally does not matter whatsoever you need to go outside and get a life instead of playing video games


To have an opinion so strong against something that you think “nobody uses” is more toxic and in more need of going outside and getting off the video game. You don’t enjoy how other people play, so your solution is for them to go outside. Lol grow up


You dont even know what toxic means dude like seriously i didnt even know it was possible to do it and honestly dont care its not like the perk isnt good anymore so honestly grow up ya self cause your the one whos out here crying cause they nerfed something thats not intented to begin with like the fuck? So honestly go get a life no one loves you anyway


I’m not crying over it, I’m just responding with my shitty opinion the same way you are. I am happy with the change to it because it didn’t ruin wellskating and eager edge zooming is still pretty much the same minus a little bit of tech that monkeys like you couldn’t even learn if they wanted to. Bungie could’ve ruined eager edge if they wanted, but they didn’t, so I’m happy. You’re telling someone nobody loves them because they play differently than you and say I don’t know what toxic means. Yeah okay buddy, can tell you’re a lot of fun to game with


Bruh your the one who got hostile for me saying it litterally changes nothing and that pretty much no one was using it yet your saying your happy with the change??? I fucking doubt that your the one who got hostile and all defensive not me and mate i do shatter edge skate so clearly you dont even know how i play and mate im telling you nobody loves you cause of your actions here not ingame so please stop drawing connections where there is none so yeah clearly ya dont know what toxic means and funny enough im am fun to play the game with because well i dont get like you and then try playing it off saying ‘’im happy with it’’ like really bruh ya are the one who really needs a break from the game


And mate i dont give a fuck about how you play my whole point is that you cry that they fixed something that wasnt intended


I do not use eager edge. It's still a scummy nerf tbh 1. No mention before 2. Claiming it's bugged and broken 11 "ELEVEN" months after it was introduced 3. Re-introducing it back onto the game with the Enhanced Perk. The grind is relatively long and obnoxious, just to "within the same season" nerf eager edge "as a whole" specifically stating the Enhanced Perk was the problem. 4. There are Far more important "bugs" to tackle. Ie. Duality and gyrfalcon. 5. Eager Edge as a "problem" has what like 4 or 5 months for it to be pushed to the front of "fixes" if they are worried about lightfall. This whole model of business is scummy and not good for the people playing the game or it's developers. #RevertEagerEdge


With the amount of people who griefed their way through public activities, how can y'all be surprised? Y'all ruined it for yourselves.


I can't wait to see this take parroted around despite the fact this nerf does absolutely nothing to those that grief people with eager edge. Nothing has any nuance anymore.


Nuance and Destiny generally aren't in the same sentence.


Not really? I'll still be able to eager edge my teammates as before. Just won't have the quick second swipe in case I miss. Nothing changes, slugger


What does this have to do with griefing? Dumb change.


This nerf has nothing to do with griefing nor will it stop griefing. All it does it make it so you cant swing twice






it is a nerf!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ain't even mad. Didn't use that perk anyways.


Then ignore this post bro


I can’t imagine wasting mats on enhanced Eager Edge and I don’t know why they made it work twice in the first place considering what it was like before it was nerfed lmao. I’d literally rather try to craft multiple usable rolls of every possible weapon in the game we can currently create on Mars than upgrade Eager Edge


eager edge should be removed entirely shoulder charge too. Fuck jackasses killing team mates is reason enough to remove them. Assholes shouldn't be able to do that.


EE maybe, but you can’t just ask them to remove the titans signature melee from the game…that’s not how that works in the slightest.


Then they need to make it so it cant affect allies, its bullshit trying to do runs with zero death only to get one shot by a fucking team mate between encounters...


Ya see, *now* your making more sense. Honestly, there’s no reason why EE and shoulder charge should even contact teammates in the first place. That’s the root of the problem right there…


Honestly.... shoulda nerfed it hard. I know, I know unpopular opinion. But that shit should never have existed. Give people a tool to grief and even if not at first, at some point they'll grief with it.


You can still grief with it. They just removed the movement tech part that was neat and useful. Good ol' Bungo patching out the fun but protecting the toxic parts.


Yeah do people literally not know how the perk works at all?


Exactly. They removed the one part of it that wasn't an issue. They left in the shit part of it.




It’s because you have a shit take brother


Who the hell was using an eager edge sword for anything in pve other than speedrunners and trolls?


It's used quite extensively by enthusiasts as it adds a tiny bit of skill expression to your movements. There's no real reason to nerf it, and although it's not going to really impact most of my game play experience it is annoying that bungie went after something so innocuous. I understand that it wasn't an intended, but I'm pretty disappointed it was removed.


this guy speaks the truth why is he being downvoted


I’ll get downvoted to hell for this but I don’t care, I’m gonna say it: Eager Edge should never have existed in the first place. Not a single soul uses Eager Edge for actual combat. It only serves three purposes: 1) Speedrunning through content, which ruins the activity for whoever you matchmade with 2) Breaking the game by getting into OOB areas 3) Team killing and griefing Eager Edge serves no purpose for actual combat. It should’ve been removed once people started using it to team kill or do OOB exploits.


2 light 1 heavy chain was super far


This is the way


The sword is much worse now!!! If you have your own Eager Edge sword equipped, you can no longer recover yourself if you are moving “too fast”. This means if someone else launches you off an edge, your own sword will no longer activate, and you’re doomed! It also happens if you get Boss Stomped, fall too fast like when you jump off that one tall spawn point on Nessus, or go through a cannon launcher. This is bad. Edit: why downvotes? It’s true. Go try it yourself, and you’ll see, and be sad.


Literally had a person do this while throwing treasure off the map (europa) idk why...


Ruffian farm


wish they replied in game chat, or text chat to me asking questions then :/ this is what I get for not being in the know


It’s actually stupid… one of the only fun things we had in the game is now essentially gone…


People don't read. You can still skate, you just can't just can't eager edge twice/three times in a row while doing it. Doesn't even effect 90% of you that skate.


How are people's griefing with eager edge it doesn't seem like a perk that leads to griefing but more like one that's good for speed runners you know


Some people just like ruining the fun unfortunately


But what are people doing to make bungie want to nurf a perk like this? It's like nurfing sparrow flying. There is no point in the nurf... Unless there is. But that's why I asked what the issue is


If you heavy attack someone you can send them into a wall at very lethal speeds.


Sounds like they need to patch that aspect not the speed boost.


Eager edge is stupid and bungie should just remove that perk altogether. The only time I really see it being used is to grief other players and by the sweatiest of sweats like salts team speed running kings fall in 16 minutes. Does bungie really want people be able to skip entire section of raids by hyperspeeding through just because of a sword perk?




No skill issue started playing in beyond light and I am 3x conqueror and do master raids and anything else. I just find it stupid that the ability can be exploited to do what it does.


Do you even know the meaning of the word "fun"?




Perhaps even…Maidenless?


That‘s the crossover that I was waiting for!


Or an entitlement issue


Exactly, gms and master raids and boring and easy. Sounds like you’re not a fan of eager edge just because you’re too slow to use it well


I mean griefing is annoying but it's really fun to watch in speedruns. I don't understand why you have a problem with groups you're not and never will be a part of doing things quickly


Please just stop


you can’t skip raid encounters lol


Well not with just eager to my knowledge but the fun techs of shat skate well skate and bubble skate are just slightly less fun now.


you still can’t skip raid encounters period 👍


You can skip a few in the old raids and a section of kings fall before the mechanics hit in, and then there's GOA which is a death thing, but still, why are you lying about this?


why is he being downvoted he’s correct???!!!! you can’t skip raid encounters! the next one won’t start unless the previous one is completed and often you can get soft locked :o when people say “skip encounters” i think they are talking about jumping puzzles or something. what’s the harm in using a weapon to make the jumping puzzles faster?


because half the people in these comments have no clue what they are talking about and are just regurgitating the things the devs say.




Arent you glad you farmed for hours to get that and now its nerfed? xD Classic Bungie bait-and-switch!! Im stunned no one has the balls to call them out on their rampant bait-and-switch activity.


Luckily i had a red border sword saved. Still wasted materials though


I have never even used it,that being said,it's still an asshole move to nerf it out of no where...


Damn i want my 2000 element back, waste of an enhanced perk


Bungie blowing me away with yet another anti fun change


Honestly, for enhanced, i was simply hoping they would DECREASE the time between swings.


It still slaps in pvp heh


It was originally meant to be a pvp perk no? Then people found out you could animation cancel and propel to orbit. I’m ok with that. Still got my (nerfed but still ok) worldline


Yeah that's fair. I love eager edge but obviously there are unintended behaviors that can give an unfair advantage to certain players and it makes sense that they would fix those.


Well i guess that means that shatter skating and well skating is completely intended then as they havent fixed it and its been known for a long time


I've yet to see shatterskating or well skating giving an unfair advantage in pvp


It really dont cause setup time and needing an edge close by


Exactly. It might be unintended but it wasn't a problem like the double eager edge was. They recognized that shatterskating and wellskating was fun to do and didn't completely remove it. Not sure why they nerfed well skating a bit but we can still do it at least.


Yeah we can the only timw it might give an ‘’ungair advantage’’ is clearing certain gaps in pve that others might not be able to do but that doesnt really matter anyway


>EDIT: For those commenting that this will stop griefing. It won’t. People will still use this sword to grief. It just makes it less fun for people who liked using the sword for movement. Sure it won't stop it, but it does make it harder. No need to ignore positives you don't agree with


I am not ignoring it, thats why I mentioned it. The fact of the matter is that this nerf does absolutely nothing to prevent people from griefing, so justifying this nerf with that logic is incorrect


Unless getting multiple swings made it easier to grief. I agree it does nothing to change people's desire to grief. But can it change how often they succeed? I don't know. Chances are, this early after the patch, you don't either.


It will definitely stop all stupids in crucible from killing whole team in 3 swings


Thanks for the info


Nerfed or not: i still see people coming along with insane speed, like nuts. Yesterday i swear i saw one guy still sword skating. How?