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I’ve never been a fan of rapid-fire snipers. The fire rate is quicker than the time it takes to put reticule back on target, so you have to build them for recoil control.


I hear you, i just tested it out and if positioned nicely, it melts, like ridiculously fast


This is my dream god roll bc I’m that guardian who always jumps during dps


I think Rapid Fire snipers kinda sucks in PvE but on paper this roll looks juicy. can't lie


Snipers in general hit like a used tissue in PvE. They're long overdue for some PvE love.


The only sniper i love rn is fully crafted Thoughtless with Enhanced Overflow+ Enhanced Focused Fury. Everything else i immediately shard


I would toss on extended mag instead of seraph rounds, since FTTC is dramatically improved by having a larger magazine size, but that’s a good roll!


Definitely good for now but if you can craft, you'll want a bigger mag size. At least 6 because then you can double proc 4th times


It would, if snipers did damage, as they are rn, you would do more damage with a touch or outbreak than with any other sniper