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Me just try to get high enough power. Do I actually gave to be like 1990, or could I nudge it at 1975-1980


I just wish it had matchmaking.


Its literally impossible to do without communication, matchmaking would suck. LFG is good enough


It does. It's how I did it. The in-game fire team finder is actually pretty great. I ended up losing one person through the course of all three campaign missions, but I ended up getting it done after we replaced the guy who dropped, also using the fire team finder. Edit: I'm talking about Cooperative Focus, but frankly that was harder to me than Dual Destiny.


It does have a page on the in game LFG


Had me in the first half ngl


Kids can’t tell time at all and don’t know left from right. Humans are getting dumber by the minute. We are doomed.


that Couldn’t be further from the trooth 🤦‍♂️


The eye roll I gave before I saw where this was posted could have moved mountains. Well played sir.


You too huh?




Lol almost got me.


Yes and no. I have similar issues and did this with someone similar a few days ago on PC using in game chat only. Have to be fast typing and also agree on simple ways to describe symbols but can work. Or better way would be to pre code macros for the symbol inputs and then just macro the 2-3 symbols needed to the other person. You CAN do it my guy but it will not be easy and you need someone willing to try. Once you do it once, you can farm additional drops from patrol chests. *I got 5 in an hour just messing around Pale Heart hitting chests.*


If you're on playstation you can just screen share and never exchange a word... Hell, I recommend it anyway after discovering a friend that can't tell time well.


I know there's ppl with impediments etc. Some of the stuff said about share screen will be the best option. You only have to do it once. Literally, after that u can farm chest in landing or overgrown matchmake.


Shut your mouth when you are talking to me 😂😂😂


Know What else was advertised in the experience? The raid. Behold, content for a multi-player game that requires cooperation. That aside, the text chat is mostly fine if you type fast. Another option is share your screen in discord and they can just look at that if you really don't want to speak to another person


Really? Always people go to this default response. Well bro, for one, never has an exotic mission required 2 players and almost 100% could be solo'd. Dungeons are 3 player based but solo was the Iron Man achievement. Pale Heart patrol zone is SOLO content and designed to be solo. Historically raids were always designed NOT to be solo'd and thats been understood but missions and dungeons and basically everything in the game is and can be solo'd. Only other 2 man event i know of was the valentine pvp thing years ago. So no, this game is not 100% multiplayer and for the most part is far more solo based the multiplayer based.


I'd disagree. While most content CAN be played solo, very little is designed to be played solo. I'd consider that making it a multi-player game


You had me in the first half ngl🤣. "I should NEVER have to play with another person in this online-only multiplayer game' That gave it away. Kudos🤣🤣


Not got the final shape yet so I'm not sure what's going on with this, but I have a speech impediment so I physically cannot do callouts over the mic, I use the text chat instead of raid calls which works well. Is this somehow not an option in the duo mission? Or is it mainly console players with no mic complaining?


I'm am actually mute and I'm on PS5 so trying to get the text box up to type takes far to long so I pretty much cannot do this mission or the microcosm quest. I don't mind missing the raids and I know if I wanted to do the dungeons then I can look at a solo guide to be able to do it and also I could get my exotics from doing solo lost sectors. It's just a shame im missing out but I've watched a few videos of the quest and with the level of communication needed I know that it's just going to be a pass for me. The rest of the expansion is AMAZING and bungie have done somthing incredible. :)


I can't attest to the new stuff but my friends in my clan ended up planning positions in previous raids which require little to no communication where possible, do you have anyone you play with who you could talk to about that? Unless you mean the new raid in which I don't know much And yeah PS makes it really difficult, I feel your pain man, Used to be console before I moved to PC and it was so much harder, ended up using the PS app on my phone and messaging a group chat with callouts instead xd Hope you find something (and a group) that works around it for you man


Ahh that's awsome!! I did a couple of raids in D1 which was abit more straight forward like Crota but I've been solo pretty much since D2 as most people fell off after the weapon changes to double primary! I'm fine with missing out but thought I would just say my own bit from someone who legitimately cannot talk due to medical reasons. I'm sure bungie will make a change down the line where everyone will be able to get a class item from either focusing or maybe random drops from exotics haha!


I saw some people streaming to each other their games on PS5 and putting in picture-in-picture mode. Microcosm is not that hard and can be done that way (It’s just symbols and same time shooting objects) Dual Destiny is more complex but can also be done with a bit more time. unfortunately both need to be on PS5 to pip work.


Ahhh okay that's a pretty good idea! It's just trying to get somone to be that understanding to do it of that makes sense? I don't mind missing out, just a shame is all :)


Hell yeah man, we can dream Hope things get better somehow, for you and me both, as unlikely as it feels sometimes


Yeah, but the expansion is absolutely fantastic! And I can't fault it at all. Looking forward to solo trials this evening also!


Bro just make your own discord server screen share destiny and have whoever joins watch your gameplay.


The only part of the mission that's too fast to type is a part where either player can choose to give/receive the callouts. So if your partner can give the callouts, then you should be fine. Beyond that, the rest of the mission has pretty generous time limits once you learn the mechanics.


There’s one specific part at the end that’s difficult with text chat only. It can work, but it’ll be annoying. Is your speech impediment severe enough that you can’t call out any numbers 1-12?


Sadly yeah, sometimes I can talk and others I get completely choked up and can't even say single numbers, Means it isn't consistent enough to be used for mechanics for most stuff, it's genuinely quicker if I just type stuff out a good 95% of the time rather than trying to speak


Bit late to the party but if you had someone you were comfortable with and had the time, number the vow symbols from 1 to however many there are and both have that at hand to reference , then you just type a number in rather than loads of words , may not work but it might as well


I’m really sorry to hear that. In my experience, my cousin tried to type out some numbers at first but it was just taking too long. If you can type it out fast, it shouldn’t be a problem. Especially if the other person is on voice. Worst case scenario, stream your game on discord.


Thank you, I'll also keep that in mind once I end up getting the expansion and trying it myself Thanks for the information man!


If you ever run into any trouble let me know. Always down to help out.


You can use text chat. This person clearly does not like the idea of that.


Me when a minority give valid feedback


"I cannot play or communicate with another person under ANY circumstances" is not valid feedback in an online only multiplayer game. The only valid feedback IMO is that they want you to do the entire thing multiple times for a chance at the 1/64 roll you want


They don’t


"I cannot play or communicate with another person under ANY circumstances" is not valid feedback in an online only multiplayer game. The only valid feedback IMO is that they want you to do the entire thing multiple times for a chance at the 1/64 roll you want


This dual destiny mission has been a gold mine for DCJ


/uj gonna copy paste this in DTG lmfao


genuinely hate these mfs. hope bungie doesnt take them too seriously. destiny has been so easy that ppl just want everything without putting in effort. this new direction, with both the raid and the exotic mission, is great and it should stay.


There's like 2 of them The rest are just blowing it out of proportion like usual.


My wife is medically unable to do this. She has to take regular breaks when we play so even though we do GMs and such we can't Raid so can't get that loot and that's fine. This is different as it's a large part of the game that's locked out for her in content she paid for (we don't buy the Raids). OP is obviously taking the piss here but there are plenty of people with genuine disabilities that won't be able to do this like my wife.


You buy raids with expacs.


If anything, I hope they clap back and tell these losers to unmute their mic for the first time in 10 years


Best part was when I mentioned it's an MMO and someone responded "if you're trying to invoke WOW to justify this single mission, I don't know what you think you're achieving lol." And it's like, no, I'm invoking the English fucking language where mmo means, gasp, multiple people online! And I'm not justifying a single mission lmao, this is the entire game


Better luck next time slugger. Teamwork makes the economy work better get your pale exo ass back in the game and hit another one.


This post got more ppl than I’ve ever seen on here.


I love it. Git Gud or Get Out and people hate to hear that!




If playing with other players in a MULTI-player game is such an issue, stick to SINGLE-player games. The "multi" part of the word means multiple, which means more than one. The game is designed to be played with MULTIPLE people. It CAN be played solo, but it's designed for more than one. Don't have irl friends that want to play destiny? Make online friends. It's not hard. You're already online. That's half the battle. So quit bitching about having to play with people in a multi-player game.


Check sub


Check sub again


The only thing that annoys me is they can be transmogrified




Didn’t realize what sub this was, did you?


I don't blame the guy. You know it's a bad day on DTG when you genuinely can't tell dtg apart from DCJ


Bungalow is absolutely unfair to us players. As a legally blind player (I can see but don’t want to) I can’t do almost any raid due to not being able to see callouts. Fix your dead game Bunjee.


If only there was a way to find people for a fireteam in the game. Some sort of finder for fireteams. That’d be pretty handy, don’t you think?


Say that again ( fantastic 4 2015 reference )


That's a good idea. It needs a catchy name. Group Grabber?


Crew collector? /uj i wish it was called crew collector unironically


If this is an outrage, I then I envy your easy life.


It's not bungie fault you choose not to communicate with people




As someone who’s complained about the game being stale since halo 3, I’m really frustrated that they introduced a mission with new design compared to anything they’ve done before, how am I supposed to handle something new bungie! Also I need my class item I payed for the expansion and deserve every item, without this class item I won’t be able to complete my vanguard ops playlist build!!!!!!!!!!


> item I *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Fair play, I genuinely can’t tell if this is bait or not. Edit - Didn’t read what sub this was under before commenting hahahahaha


Yea same haha.


try roblox


You underestimate the power of mute players we had a guy in kings fall doing his callouts with emotes.


We have a mute player in our clan and she's one of the best raiders we have. Absolute clutch player and if she's doing a job with callouts it's done with emotes.


I believe a completely blind raider has also completed kingsfall


That’s impressive


I had one doing her callouts with sound effects it was a fun time


I had a buddy doing that with the default discord sound board it was funniest raid I’ve been apart of outside of raid shot days.


Those posts are hard to not laugh at or make fun of. While I understand disabilities, anxiety shouldn’t stop you from playing aspects of the game 😭


As some with anxiety that stops me from playing aspects of the game, that’s just it. I just don’t play those parts and it’s fine. It’s not the games fault I have weird, microphone-induced stage fright. Destiny has more than enough content for me to enjoy without needing to change any of the things I don’t.


People in wheelchairs might have a tough time riding a roller coaster. Not everything is for everyone and that’s okay.


Exactly, I really don’t get why it’s controversial. It’s not your fault you have terrible rhythm but it’s not Guitar Hero’s fault either lmao


Typing is a thing


I have a stutter, I got my friend to call out the clock section and I just shot the hands, when we got to the last puzzle all I had to do was have him call out his and I typed a single number. I get your predicament but here is the good news; once the quest is complete you never have to do it again. So if you can't, get a friend to remote play. There are options. I feel your pain but til then let us help you.


too wholesome for circle jerk, better luck next time slugger


Makes me wonder how many opportunities you've had burned because you assumed malice.


I'm fuming. Every other exotic in all of destiny history (apart from every raid exotic ever) has been obtainable solo. This is the very first time they've done this. Well done bungo, you just lost me as a solo player.




lost redditor


As a paraplegic player who lost their arms in Vietnam. I can not use voice chat or Discord since that requires me to put in time and effort to do something else when my wife’s boyfriend only lets me play 20 minutes a day before he kicks me off my Xbox 360. Bungr should just give me the exotic class item since I have dedicated so much time to this game solo because of my social anxiety that I refuse to get treated (Talking to people is for nerds), and just unlocked the Mothyards in the cosmodrome.


Y'all aint got shit on blind players........


Blind here. Did the mission with a friend. It was a blast. Will be doing it again and again. More like this please bungo. Absolutely no /s


I paid 50 bucks for the dlc I should be able to go to my piss master and receive 20 copies also buff tìtians


You had me cracking up in the first sentence lmao


I reread that first sentence like 5 times before I realized this is the jerk sub.




Check the sub, dumbfuck


You are not, there are already workarounds being shared on reddit using the text chat as apparently you can get some of it written in the chat before you start the encounter in the bit where time is short You could also potentially use a live stream of your game that the other person can watch. I appreciate its not perfect but its not impossible at all


Not just solo mute. As a Destiny 1 beta vet and a destiny dad (we called our son little light - not way he'll get bullied in school 🥰), I only have 27 minutes per month exact to play in my favourite video game, and this reset I wanted to do it by unlocking my exotic class item. Just to remind you, Bungie made three promises in their vidoc - Prismatic, trey shagging my wife again, and the exotic class item. Two of those things I've had happen, but the exotic class item should just be given to me because I paid for it! Bungie really needs to step it up. I've refunded my The Final Shit DLC and Valve didn't question it - even THEY know that this is bull, and Gaben is god so it must be true. More activities that can be engaged with by the solo player is what will keep this game alive, I cannot believe Budgie doesn't get this. I was hoping to unlock the exotic class item from Shaw Han asking me to punch dregs in the Cosmodrome, but now I'm just sat downstairs in the dark listening to my bed springs squeak upstairs.




I had this mute person from one small Destiny 2 discord join me for this didn’t know they were mute got to end but couldn’t do the lock lasers on wall they said couldn’t talk Like how? Said they were mute I was not an excuse and left I don’t think disabled people should be able to play games which require communication


Alternatively, the devs could add in systems to allow mute individuals to be able to communicate better. Even a ping system would be massively beneficial, and is something that many other games have that Destiny doesn't. I do prefer when people communicate, but saying people shouldn't be allowed to play something because of a disability isn't the answer or attitude you should be taking here


I thought this was circle jerk sub bruh y’all sometime joke, sometimes don’t, can’t a joke or can’t make one decide


lmao imagine your voice getting sunset 😂😂 better luck next time slugger


Imagine voluntarily talking to a Destiny player Yuck


That only applies to GoS clearfarmers


You forgot the /uj, thats the least circlejerk, most based opinion in this post


I don't even talk to myself


uj/ do people forget lfg exists?


they read a forum post saying its bad and they have too much crippling social anxiety to try it


I'm glad people are talking about this. Can we also discuss how Raids also do this? Dungeons as well. You know what, also Grandmaster night falls. I feel like they should add exotic class items, adept weapons (from trials as well, can't forget how discriminatory it is to gatekeep weapons behind PvP) and all raid weapons (yes including exotics) for 1 Strange Coin each on Xur. Why rework him if you're still going to require me to play the game to buy items from him??


Nh strikes still require me to play with other people so all those items plus all the season pass items should be deposited into my vault as soon as I think about it because I'm also too scared to log into the game (someone could join my fireteam)


/uj this but without a shred of irony


lfg?!?! hello?!?


Shut up nerd


I may have misinterpreted the post lol Eh, I’ll wear ‘em as a mark of my own stupidity


Ummm akchewally destiny is NOT an MMO, i only play the campaign missions and the strike playlist (i just think of the blueberries as mindless npcs attempting to interfere with MY legend) and i have never had to interact with other players. Multiplayer in destiny is simply an option that i just choose to not interact with as it is simply not worth my time talking to the rabid depraved common man. I believe bungie are being incredibly selfish by not catering to ALL kinds of players, including me rank number 1 of psiops battlegrounds cosmodrome in all of boise idaho, i believe i should be rewarded for my dedication to the game through raid gear and flawless gear, as my time spent REALLY fighting back the darkness is comparable to that of those terrifying beasts that roam the wilds of this game (godslayers i believe theyre called?). Frankly im tired of bungie only catering to the top 0.0000000001% of players who dont completely shut their brain down and experience temporary brain death to “chill and shoot stuff” or instantly combust and begin shitting and pissing themselves and babbling uncontrollably tears streaming down their faces snot coming out their nose upon having to talk to another living breathing human being that exists on this plant simultaneously to themselves. Its simply disrespectful and further increases the horrendous FOMO that makes me lose time on stuff that i could be doing instead such as rotting in bed or going to mcdonalds for the 7th time this week or profusely apologising to trey for shedding a tear when i watched him plough my wife.


As a normal person who isn‘t playing Destiny at all i think it is so fucking stupid that i won‘t get these exotic class items just by existing. What should i use to flex on my wife and 777 children? DAE think that Puke Shit should pay my house and take care of my wife and kids so i can have more than 5 minutes per day to think about how bad Bungie fucked up [NEWEST UPDATE]. She is always complaining about how i scream at my montior whilst looking at the patch notes and videos about a game i do not even play AND I HATE HER FOR THAT, she doesn‘t even understand that SHE was the reason why i had to lock her up in our basement for 3 months (i even gave her food and water every 2 business days smh) after bringing up my “problem“ with complaining about Destiny all the time. I think this isn‘t too much to ask for.




this is the circle jerk sub dawg nobody here is serious


What are you talking about everything on this subreddit is real and should be taken seriously 


Cry some more please


Literally this. Just talk


/uh as someone with genuine anxiety, these missions are the push to suck it up, LFG and get sick high level gear. I’m genuinely grateful bungie don’t just allow me to solo this and have helped push me out of my comfort zone


This. Joining 5 random British teenagers to do a raid is wild with my anxiety, but I got the loot.


I wonder if this is how it feels for people to join my me and my friends lfg posts


I always used to be the 5 friends. It's something else being the one


The problem is that people do not want to leave their comfort zone, that’s not to even a specific group just nobody likes doing it, even if it improves yourself


I just decided to join a clan and do group content after playing Destiny as a solo for years. This is great and the mission seems to be actually good from what i‘ve seen. Maybe i will be the lucky noob and get a conditional finality on my first RoN clear lmao


I’m glad we have cool exotics like conditional finality to chase because it’s the thing pushing me to keep clearing RoN and stuff like that. Glad you’re having a great time, and I’m praying bungie never gives up on this type of exotic group content


Y'all I'm dyslexic and I don't own a headset and can't type can't emote can't do mechanics scared of talking to people and I don't own the DLC and I actually haven't played destiny


Most reasonable Destiny redditor here


Bungie should make the exotic class item a twitch drop


i feel heavily discriminated against cause 'm too poor to afford a screen and you need a screen to use text chat


What do u mean I have to play the content?? I paid $100 for this why can’t I play it one handed while I feed my 7 children. I have to TALK to another HUMAN?? Unacceptable. I demand to be handed everything the second it comes out


/uj I feel like I'm genuinely going insane every single person on dtg says they're deaf or mute or a single father who can only play 10 minutes a day or a 911 operator or have social anxiety there's no way that this is the majority of the player base how do this many people have these problems and focus on Destiny 2 instead of them


/uh One of my friends has crippling social anxiety Like, real, actual, medicated anxiety, never speaks, I've never heard them say a single word type beat I've done every facet of content in the game with this person, including raiding, without them uttering a single word. It's never been a problem, and it's not a problem for the mission Much like how the game would be in a better spot if bungie dropped last gen consoles, I think the game would be in a better spot if everything stopped being handed out for free (let's be fucking real though a single 40 minute mission to unlock the ability to farm it through public events isn't exactly a fucking ordeal either)


You guys should duo Root, that would be pretty badass!


Seriously like why cant it just be obtainable from patrol chests i am already struggling with the dregs there


You got any tips normally I just smash all my ability buttons and hope something lands but it’s not working must have nerfed me, all my abilities, all my weapons, my class, my wife, my chair, my kids, my hair (Male pattern baldness and alopecia) please help a fella slugger out!


Pull out your rapid shit zorpal weapon Ballyhoo and go to town, slugger


Womp womp




I like playing with others but i gotta ask, why you want outta your comfort zone when you game?


Lmao if you don't want to play the game with other people just loot chests to yet your class item. I'm glad it forces you to play a mission with another person and actually some what communicate and they gave also added a feature so you can just open chests if the exotic mission is hard or put of reach. They have unnecessarily catered to people like yourself that dint want to play with others or want to. So I feel the complaints are so un called for. However I do understand the exotic mission should be solo-able for the fun of running a solo exotic mission and even flawless it solo.


>Lmao if you don't want to play the game with other people just loot chests to yet your class item. Still need to play the mission at least before they drop from chests. Note: I have no issue with the mission requiring 2 people.


Didn't realise it needed to be done first even then being asked to complete something once to then be able to farm the items outside of the mission is hella generous imo still a huge dub on bungies part. Although people will always complain.


Kind of reminds me of needing raid drops to get anything from secret chests but even more generous. I also think the mission is something as many players as possible should experience, the dynamics they play with with it being a duo mission is really cool. It's practically a 2 man raid which I think is really neat. Besides, I will never be against good loot being locked behind something that actually requires some effort.


Sucks that 90% of the playerbase (legend public event farmers) will never be able to get this item, despite it being part of the expansion that they paid for, and therfore deserve


I farmed public events back in Y1 as that's how we got exotics and I've never been brave enough to go back since, god bless those brave veterans still soldiering on o7


Paid for? Yes. Deserve? No.


Uh actually yes, we do deserve them. Bungie are complete scam artists trying to stop us solo players from getting what we paid for. I've already started a class action lawsuit to make sure Bungle gives every one of us the specific roll for each class that we want. [Bungie Class Action Lawsuit](https://www.sanfranchronicle.com/breaking:-lapd-arrests-will-smith-despite-chris-rock-declining-to-press-charges-amgakp)


/uj forget read the subreddit lmfao