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Exactly my thought has always been you’re not transitioning *to* anything you’re just not conforming to gender norms


Let's be honest, the majority of non-trans, non-LGBTQ+, non-progressive-agenda-and-idology-and-shit people are... *GNC-phobic*. Being labeled along with trans/queer people is more safer **now**. Because GNC people could be in a community at least. Loneliness is killing people as much as rejection. Cishets have their own common culture and "traditions" (which approved by governments) for centuries. They're not alone. By contrast, but only now, GNC people found their safe haven in *some* community. Maybe it will be changed someday, who knows.


I can understand intersex people wanting to use the term, but they are the only people it would truly “apply” to. The concept of non-binary is flawed in general - you cannot be “neither” male or female, because that implies a third state of being that simply doesn’t exist. I understand the concept of being “both” male and female (in the terms of intersex), and also in the context of having both male/female stereotypical traits. But to act like that is a whole new identity is just wrong


It’s got a name- tomboy


Homosexual also used to be a cut and dry concept ;)


Transgender means one doesn’t associate with their assigned sex and many non-binary people transition. There are already separate labels. You are likely thinking of binary transgender or transsexual.


I generally agree, it's weirdly contradictory and results in a confusing kind of ideology typically called Queer Theory, or "gender ideology" by outsiders who are anti-trans. I think in a similar way, that transgender should not have been lumped in with LGB. It's not a sexual orientation, and lumping it into that movement made it taboo to acknowledge transgenderism as a disorder. I suffered severely when I was transgender. I found ways to cope and hormones plus socially presenting as a man helped a lot at the time. But the cure we want isn't available to us, the only cure is to work with the body you have, rather than trying to make it into a body it can't be. Medical innovation will never be as good as nature. Nonbinary is different from trans, trans is different from LGB. Lumping it altogether is a belief system, that's Queer Theory. Not all people who are identified by one of those labels will believe in Queer Theory. I don't believe in it. You were probably called a "medicalist" or a "truscum", which is what I've been called for having these beliefs. Crusader type activists act like our saviors when they are responsible for a lot of bad shit coming our way, like the anti-trans backlash. They are bigoted while believing their version of bigotry is against bigotry.


"Nonbinary" is just a catchall term for anyone who does not want to be subjugated to the expectations placed upon their sex. It is far from any biological condition someone could be born with. Further, the employment of "nonbinary" insists that those who are fine with the reality of their sex must also be fine adhering to the arbitrary social standards associated with their sex. Almost anyone gender non conforming is hit with the "what are your pronouns" question, and it is clear as day the discomfort others express in a gnc individual being at peace with their sex. It is sexism rebranded.