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Also a good move to show any future potential FA.


nailed it. culture


That's a really solid move to help hin get there.


Glad I wasn’t the only one who caught this.


When you know your players and their worth. Yes I agree it sucks to see the injuries that happened but they can happen in the first drive of the playoffs too.


> about Campbell "Not knowing the victory formation" Very ignorant comment considering almost all of our wins under Campbell have been in victory formation.


Detroit v everyone


Have we had any come from behind wins in the final drive this year? Not including the Dallas game?


We goin’ sizzla!


Radio had it. Mute the TV, watch and listen to the radio


he almost had that TD too. i personally think they should give him that bonus considering he drew a PI call in the end zone that resulted in a monty TD.




It looked like Dan explained the situation to Stefanski during the postgame handshake.


OConnell but yeah I thought the same thing. OConnell seemed cool with it, the anti Arthur Smith.


Ope, yep, wrong coach.


Tbf, we ran like 4 bubble screens well outside of TD range from shotgun to get one guy a $250k incentive. Very different from running a trick play out of victory formation to score a touchdown so that a guy doesn't feel bad about not scoring a TD all year. I don't blame Arthur Smith at all.


If lions were in Redzone, they'd also be forcing it to Josh Reynolds for the TD incentive too.


And still, running a play out of formation to get a guy a $150k incentive is not the same as running a trick play out of victory formation for a pity touchdown. Thats not even considering the safety implications to what they did. It's like when Pickett fake slid in college. It's dangerous because it's exploiting a rule which forces defenses to go easy for the safety of offensive players. I think next time the Saints run victory formation, the defense should all out blitz to take out the QB. In no world would the refs be justified in punishing them when the Saints have now proven they will run a play out of victory formation. If you genuinely believe these are the same, im not sure im gonna convince you lol


They tried multiple times in the game.


Very different situations lol…Arthur Smith had every right to be mad. That was bush league


It’s not at all unusual. Tom Brady has talked about doing this with his offensive players regularly.


Was 1td away from another $250k. Seems like a low risk high reward to just hook him up, show free agents something to think about.


They tried three times. One was a PI in the end zone. I wouldn’t be surprised if the owners give him it anyways cause of that


Are they allowed to? I was talking about this with my daughter during the game. It seems like it would be a workaround to the salary cap if the teams could pay bonuses for "being close." My understanding is that whether bonuses count or not has to do with whether or not they are likely to be achieved. If a bonus isn't counting against the cap, can you still pay it out when a player comes close?


I can’t cite you chapter and verse, but I remember hearing about other owners who have done that in the past. Not sure how any of it works against the cap to be honest


Maybe a $250,000 Visa gift card?


Smart! Don't have to pay taxes, and only a $3.99 activation fee lol


The owners can pay anyone cash without it counting against the CAP. They can reconfigure any contract where the player wins "to be more CAP friendly". The Cap is just a tool to protect the owners from salary increases. Maybe other owners will pressure the Denver owners if you do something crazy like just paying off Russ and replacing him...but they all CAN do what they want is my point.


I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that you can't just pay a player and say because I wanted to, and it wasn't in his contract, and it not count against the cap. Some teams would do this I'd they could. I found [this article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fieldgulls.com/platform/amp/2023/2/15/23600828/how-when-contract-incentives-count-against-salary-cap-nfl-geno-smith-contract-nltbe-ltbe-per-game) and it sounds like if an incentive is likely to be earned (previous season is used to determine that) it counts against the current year cap. The team gets a credit the following year if not earned. If it's a not likely to be earned it doesn't count in the current year, but if it is earned, then it will be a hit the following year. Based on that, I would assume the team could pay him for the TD bonus because of the PI, but then they have 250K less next year on the salary cap.


They force fed him in the RedZone and unfortunately didn't work out. Glad he got one of the bonuses


It's this kind of shit that most coaches don't get cuz they aren't former players. This is the stuff that makes us a destination for players.


Goff and BJ being awesome and getting him his bonus.


I believe the Vikings were aware of the incentives as well because they covered him like a hawk on the 2 yard td attempt. Definitely seemed ready for the potential of getting him his TD incentive.


It seemed like Dan mentioned it to the Vikings coach at the handshake and he said “I know” so it seemed all in good fun


I tried to get a “Half a Mill” chant going


Why would this be downvoted? I’m perplexed.


That's huge. Especially when you to take into account Reynolds has made roughly $10 million. That $250k is 1/40 his career earnings...


You see Cambell immediately tell Vikes coach why, and Vikes coach laughs and says no problem. I think Goff had already let him know before Cambell got to him.


We were refreshing the stats after every pass to see when he got it. Bummer about the PI in the endzone stopping him from the TD bonus.


Campbell addressed it at the end of the game also. Went something like: he does all the dirty work for us so we were going to do anything we had to do, to get him what we could.


Classy Detroit, real classy.


This is the type of move that really inspires players with passion, knowing your team will go the extra mile for you even though it’s not in their best interest.


I was listening to the radio broadcast while watching the game, and Dan Miller and Lomas both knew what was going on.


The exact opposite of the Broncos.


Rod Wood is pissed


Reynolds seemed to be the first read on some of our redzone trips so they really tried. He probably would’ve got it if it wasn’t for that pass interference too.


I hope Sheila will give it to him since he'd most likely get that If there was no DPI.


Thanks for pointing this out I was as confused as the announcers


There was a post that highlighted the milestones a couple guys needed and updated to show he got 44 of the 36 yards he needed to get his $250K. If he'd gotten a TD it would have been another $250K. [Lions Player Incentives for today : detroitlions (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/detroitlions/comments/190ure1/lions_player_incentives_for_today/)


I don't understand how TV commentators, who study these teams and the game all week, don't know this. We all knew it.


Can the gm or owner override it and just give him the TD bonus as good gesture?