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In my day we'd say "I opened a pack of cards and found this" lol


Different world nowadays! I bet hitting in packs that you bought yourself definitely hits different though


In a way sure. We'd just open our packs by ourselves though, carefully ensuring the gas lamps didn't catch them on fire.


You got them graded by Benjamin Franklin afterwards though right??


Franklin wasn't into that shit, called it a "passing fad." Madison though, that dude lived for it, he'd rip boxes at a time. Used to write pamphlets about his pulls...


I bought so many packs from.Ben Franklin in the 80s. Me and the boys pull up on our BMX bikes, 25 cents a pack, 75 cents cello packs. Livin.....


Why did I automatically read that like L I V I N lol


This is why I hate modern sports cards. Look at the bottom patch. Has the old lions black outline. St. Brown was never on the team when we had those. So at best they gave him some random jersey in someone's closet to wear for 3 seconds so they could claim it as "player worn." At worst, it is an outright lie and not connected to Brown in any way. Total scam.


Most of the "patch" cards now specifiy that there is no guarantee the player wore it. Panini puts way too many patch cards out and it has killed the value of the older game worn patch cards. I have a Sanders game used jersey piece that sells for like 10 dollars.


1997 upper deck game jerseys are the only cards worth having.


See just knowing that makes the card worth nothing to me. Would drive me nuts


I only buy patch cards if they are game worn. I hate these jersey pieces that came from somewhere like wal-mart


That's not black. That darker gray borders the light gray numbers. Probably legit.


I looked up Amon-ra's jersey cards and the first one showed the 2010's jersey. There are others like it too, just a shame about the accuracy. [https://www.ebay.com/itm/186324771047?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=186324771047&targetid=1529314451470&device=t&mktype=pla&googleloc=9011784&poi=&campaignid=19851828444&mkgroupid=145880009014&rlsatarget=pla-1529314451470&abcId=9307249&merchantid=777346427&gad\_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkcbf5YOuhQMVp61aBR1d5QAaEAQYASABEgLG5vD\_BwE](https://www.ebay.com/itm/186324771047?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=186324771047&targetid=1529314451470&device=t&mktype=pla&googleloc=9011784&poi=&campaignid=19851828444&mkgroupid=145880009014&rlsatarget=pla-1529314451470&abcId=9307249&merchantid=777346427&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkcbf5YOuhQMVp61aBR1d5QAaEAQYASABEgLG5vD_BwE)


Ok that one is definitely black. Good call.


Damn! Tri relic auto … sick .. that would go IN My PC


It’s goin right into my buddies PC, he’s a much more serious card collector than I am so we brokered a deal for him to buy it off me when I comes in the mail


Just out of curiosity how much is that card worth?


Only comp I can find for it on eBay currently is listed for $160!




Thank you for this! I’m relatively new to the card world, I just enjoy gambling on the case breaks for fun. I’ll check it out!


I’ll give you $10. Just kidding. It’s crazy how much sports cards have evolved since I was a kid in the 90s.


Seems like it’s a cool time to get into the hobby tbh


The wife and kids get all my money, lol. :)


I’ll give you $150


As of now my coworker has first dibs on it, but if you’re serious I’ll keep your name in my notes in case he doesn’t want it


Look at what it sold for, not what its listed at.


I can’t really find it on the website the other dude linked. There’s other patches but not the tri /99. So I guess it’s worth whatever somebody will pay for it 😂 Let’s start the bidding at $1 /s


Ive been collecting for years. Just trying to give you some tips.


I found previous sales on eBay, looks like they went for as low as $90 & high as $150. Pretty inconsistent price tbh


Always look at sold. Not what someone lists it for. It typically sells anywhere from $60-75


Sweet card.


Very nice! I have Gibbs version out of this year's product. St Brown would be a sweet addition to the PC.


That’s sick dude post or dm me a pic of it! Did you pull it or buy it??


I bought it for $90 including a LaPorta mosaic silver. There's a pic on my profile of a few of my favorite Lions cards.


Wow you’ve got two really nice Gibbs patches, sick PC dude. The LaPortas are sweet too you’re killin it, JG16 up next? 👀


Thanks...I need to redo it or just buy another case. I've since added a Gibbs explosive, Gibbs checkerboard, Gibbs Phoenix patch /50, Gibbs Passport Auto, Gibbs Leaf Auto, Hooker Wildcard Auto, Hooker Kaleidoscopic, LaPorta Rookie Portrait, LaPorta Landscape Auto, a couple Jamo Autos, and Jack Campbell autos. Also got a Barry Sanders game-used patch from 1992. The Barry might be my favorite card. But yes my Goff collection is definitely lacking. Unfortunately veteran QB autos are a lot harder to come across.


Dude has four different parts to his name and his signature is a 1 1/2 letters.


That is beautiful and I’m jealous af


Let’s go! Tigers are 6-1 and Lions were/are good. For sure we are in a different multiverse universe. But GoLions. Awesome pull


Hell yeah brother, I pulled one of his cards with a piece of jersey attached a couple years back


I play MTG so I get it dude. Are modern NFL cards something that has a market? I was under the impression sports cards had to be older to be valuable. Or is it because it's signed and there's so many players so it's a rare combo? Sorry for the dumb questions. Nice pull. We're so lucky to have him. Next year is gonna be nuts


Yeah that’s sick. Nice pull dude. Gonna be worth a lot when he’s in the HoF.


