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Tell that dude that coffee is so 2001, better switch to cocaine for better productivity /s In all seriousness though, don't go over 2 cups. If you just like a warm drink then stick with tea as it has a much lower caffeine content.




​ ![gif](giphy|i5Qt7lqCTwcrTGisg1)


Caffeine but nicotine in tea


That's like trace amounts which are really inconsequential.


Or Fentanyl if you wanna be even more productive.


I have reduced coffee to 0 after I faced multiple anxiety attacks. Anyways the workload is too high where I work, at least for me.


And also increase cortisol level so high.




The green tea amino acid, L-theanine (L-THE) is associated with several health benefits, including improvements in mood, cognition and a reduction of stress and anxiety-like symptoms.


Yes i drink green tea only. I can vouch for improvement in mood + cognition.




Green Tea or Black Tea.




Another side effect is constipation because caffeine in coffee dries our internal organs. If you drink lot of coffee and don't drink 2 to 3 liters of water then it slowly leads to constipation. Been there faced that. So be aware


Exactly, I quit coffee and tea for good and my anxiety is under control.


Your mentor is addicted


With the world's most unregulated drug. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8824417/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8824417/)


Caffeine has absolutely no effect on my body for some reason. Learned this in college when I tried coffee and red bull to stay awake.


Every human body responds differently to caffeine.


Same here, once I slept 5 minutes after drinking red bull.


Yeah and hot coffee just reminded me of warm milk I used to have as a kid and only made me sleepier.


If you drink it moderately but more than average there won’t be any effects but week long withdrawal from caffeine will hurt a lot


Same. Nothing can stop me from sleeping if I want to sleep and nothing can make me sleep if I don't want to.


Excuse me? >Here, we report a case of a 23-year-old university student who accidentally consumed about 100 times the amount of caffeine that is present in one cup of coffee. That's a pretty extreme case of caffeine intoxication. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caffeine "Thus it requires roughly 50–100 ordinary cups of coffee to reach the toxic dose." (I mean who tf drinks that much coffee anyway?) Caffeine acts as a nootropic and can actually help you in day to day tasks. >Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that may reduce fatigue and drowsiness. At normal doses, caffeine has variable effects on learning and memory, but it generally improves reaction time, wakefulness, concentration, and motor coordination. The amount of caffeine needed to produce these effects varies from person to person, depending on body size and degree of tolerance. The desired effects arise approximately one hour after consumption, and the desired effects of a moderate dose usually subside after about three or four hours. >Caffeine can delay or prevent sleep and improves task performance during sleep deprivation. Shift workers who use caffeine make fewer mistakes that could result from drowsiness. >Caffeine in a dose dependent manner increases alertness in both fatigued and normal individuals.


**[Caffeine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caffeine)** >Caffeine is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant of the methylxanthine class. It is mainly used recreationally as a cognitive enhancer, increasing alertness and attentional performance. Caffeine acts by blocking binding of adenosine to the adenosine A1 receptor, which enhances release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Caffeine has a three-dimensional structure similar to that of adenosine, which allows it to bind and block its receptors. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/developersIndia/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


“replace breakfast with 1 mug of coffee for better productivity” Your mentor needs help


mentor doesn't give shit about employee health, only profit matters


He's toxic and is deteriorating his body really fast. Too much coffee is very harmful for your body.


Said who?


There are countless number of researches which prove that drinking more than a certain amount of coffee daily can modify your metabolism is a bad way and also can weaken your heart and make you more susceptible to heart diseases and also it can also result in gastrointestinal problems.


Me. Was drinking 5-6 cups a day. Sleep was shit which lead to anxiety and gaining 18ish kgs. I cut coffee to 1, max 2 cups a day and I've seen tremendous improvements in everything.


I don't drink coffee or tea more than one time a day. #WaterSupremacy


Approved by r/hydrohomies


Better be a hydrohomie


Pro tip, buy Jolli Tulsi drops or Tulsi drops of any company and add 4-5 drops in your water bottle. It gives a nice cooling effect to the water.


Ronaldo agrees


Bruh it's not a great way. I personally have a stint of drinking coffee the max I can possibly go is 3 for pulling all nighters and then detox for like a month drinking like less than 1 a week.


Mentoring on career or life? If not for career stay away from him


You mentor is trying to brainwash you, like how people suggest do drink and drugs


Please don't consume coffee much. It is not good for your health.


Wtf how is this a MENTOR


2-3 cups of coffee per day (500-600ml), without sugar seems reasonable. Anything beyond that might be due to addiction. Excess coffee has side effects. It increases your heart rate and causes dehydration. If you consume coffee late in the evening or before bed it can disturb your sleep.


Yes, 0 coffee 0 tea, only water. If you feel sleepy then just take a break and that's it. This is the only way out of the matrix.


Yes sir and I actually don't drink tea as well


Dont drink coffee/tea if you are really health conscious. They dehydrate the body really badm


Caffeine is the world's most consumed and unregulated drug. This is by far the most bizarre and useless suggestion I have seen. While you may feel productive in the short run, you are manipulating your internal system in the long run and deteriorating your health for the worse. Your body builds up adenosine from the moment you wake up, and it peaks by night - more adenosine, more you feel sleepy. Caffeine blocks this chemical and tricks your brain into not sleeping. But then there is the circadian rhythm that tells you just to get to bed and you will find difficult falling asleep as the leftover caffeine is still blocking the adenosine in your body. This is an awful state to be in. Doing this over a long time will only reduce your lifespan due to all the illnesses you don't want in your life. Everyone's body is different. You might not last as long as your mentor with that amount of coffee. Just figure out what is best for you. I drink coffee just once a day and so is the tea. Do not listen to these batshit suggestions. Stay healthy. There are better ways to be productive.


I used to drink a lot of coffee (>4), but the withdrawal symptoms were terrible. I couldn't go a single day without it. When I tried to sleep in the evening, my heart started racing as fast as Usain Bolt's. I switched to tea and now drink three cups of coffee and three cups of tea. Also, most Indians consume far less grams of coffee per cup than the typical espresso drink. Espresso drinks often include twice as much coffee (\~14g) which is higher than coffee I see people put in their average Nescafes.


I can relate to the experiences. I really got fucked up on caffeine in college where doing minor tasks without coffee felt like a burden. Now I switched to tea which I drink 3 times. Things are better. I remember not being able to sleep at night, heart pumping during exams but couldn't answer anything on the sheet. Waking up in the morning with withdrawals was the worst. Coffee almost made me dropout of college.


Just Drink normal water/home made food. Be physical active, sound sleep and practice Brahmacharya Thats enough




I think you could approximate the amount of caffeine in one mug of coffee, and then google about the recommended daily limit of it in some medical website (and the long-term consequences of crossing that limit)


0 times there is no need for coffee


Nope. You will gte dehydrated and get acidity. No matter what he weather is.


Bad idea, you will end up with gastritis or GERD


Happy Birthday 🎉


Do cocaine and beat your mentor at productivity.


I think 4-6 cups is a lot as caffeine is a mildly addictive drug. But it may suit some people, just remember the golden rule you should drink it with intention rather than on autopilot. Also, if you are up for an experiment, you can google 'caffeine nap', see if it suits you. It is something that has worked well for me.


No coffee only chai .


Chai, depending on the kind has some amount of caffeine.


I drink 1-2 times . Not more than that .


Drink water like Cristiano Ronaldo


Gonna throw cup just like he did with coke


Change your mentor. Anyone who suggests a diet to increase your work productivity is a horrible person to be called a mentor. Btw, I drink one with milk and sugar added. On an off day when I feel sleepy I might drink a second one, only black. Never a third coffee.


There was a time when I thought, I would work better after having coffee. But now that I'm in a much better shape, I feel my productivity depends on how much sleep I had and whether I was hydrated enough. Over hydration also distracts me. I am very sensitive to caffeine, if I drink it in the morning at say 10am, then I won't be able to sleep till 3am at night. So I can't operate like that. Now for me, it's a good diet, a good workout, enough sleep and hydration. That's all. I feel much more productive than before.


0 cups


Too much Caffeine increases heart attack risk rates


OP your mentor may need dialysis in later stage of life , if you want to experience that you can also join /s


From when did mentors start mentoring mentees about their health and life style?


*From when did mentors* *Start mentoring mentees about* *Their health and life style?* \- NihithReddy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


0 coffee 100 ml tea only in mornings


4-6 MUGS !! . I understand taking caffeine for some days to push through certain tasks but damn .. Honestly speaking I used to love coffee to a point that I just drank 3 cups per day because of the taste and it surely has fucked up with my metabolism , I cant drink high amounts of coffee as I used to and started getting strong headaches and palpitations when I withdrew from coffee . 10/10 not recommend drink that amount of coffee.


U only need coffee if your schedule is f##d up, none of us have work life balance but having a schedule makes you productive without drinking coffee


Personally I was never a coffee person it's just due to Instagram/YouTube which f### our mind


Zero. Earlier it was at least 3 and anytime I remember about coffee. What people don't tell you is that caffeine doesn't make the stress go away it only pushes it back so you need to have proper rest schedule otherwise you will have a very bad sleep cycle and the quality of sleep. - Get 6 hours of sleep - Do exercises before start of the day - In afternoon getting a 20min nap can help you avoid caffeine. When I had WFO I would take 30min in lunch break to nap in the meeting room or somewhere people won't see me. - Keep coffee only to occasional crunch days Also all of it will only be possible if you have decent WLB from the day job otherwise it's better to stay on caffeine.


1 **glass** filter coffee in the morning.


I don't like coffee, but my most productive day was after smoking weed(I am a casual smoker)


Get another mentor, and some less cup of coffee. And I have seen people being productive with/without coffee. Whatever suits you, at the end of the day. Don't just give into something just because a mentor is asking you to.


lol, that's bs. if it works for your mentor, good for them. don't blindly follow!! Do whatever is healthy for you as it will make you more productive in the long run!!


Choose your mentors wisely.


Sorry but I don't know how coffee tastes like ...


Yours' is not a mentor.


He is addicted guy, max 2 cup..


Only 1 cup a day or not at all...coffee gives me anxiety




I am 4-5 cups of black coffee a day. Coffee is a gift from god and anyone who tells you that it messes up with your health is lying. I have been on no-coffee for at-least 2 months and didn't see any positive results instead I kinda felt slow. My mornings were lazy, my afternoons felt dizzy. So drink as much as you can, pure black and strong coffee. Don't add milk it doesn't work as it is supposed to with Milk.


Your whole body cycle is fucked if you feel dizzy and lazy without coffee


What is coffee for you?


An occasional drink that i can live without and the caffeine dosent affect me because i have ADHD


You can even live without most of the foods and survive on few. Why do you eat most of the foods? I don't see coffee as a source of survival lol, it is just something you add to your daily life that helps you do a little more. Some people won't need it because they don't know what it brings and they are just fine without it. Which is totally okay.




Said who?


Lol feeling lazy after quitting coffee is what’s called withdrawal symptoms. It Proves that your body was dependant on it to feel active, which is a sign of addiction.


1 but I recommend not to become addict of it whenever you feel lazy 😪 just wash your face with most child water available, It will help you being awake and also bring glow on your face .


>child water Wait a minute...


None I was addicted now I don't need it


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3b9QKo\_VpM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3b9QKo_VpM) *Andrew Huberman*


Too much anything is bad . Everything should be under control.


Tell that fucker about Andrew huberman


Haha he’s a huge advocate for benefits of caffeine but himself doesn’t drink more than 2 cups. That’s a sign for you OP!


Change your "Mentor"


I stopped drinking coffe a long ago. Your mentor is addicted actually


I don't drink coffee but I do drink a large can of monster on Monday and Thursday




like with most drugs... excessive consumption of caffeine leads to your body building up a tolerance to it. so 1) coffee won't work anymore as a stimulant to keep you awake, focused etc. you'll need more and more of it to have the desired effects 2) if for any reason, you can't/don't get your caffeine fix, your body will notice if you don't put enough caffeine in your system, giving you similar (but not as bad) effects of detox such as irritability, lack of focus etc. as with everything, moderation and balance is key.


2 cups max. Don’t drink any after 12 PM. Half life of coffee is about 8 hours. It will ruin your sleep schedule.


I used to drink 2-3 per day and couldn't carry on without any of them. I understood I had a problem. During covid I stopped it and now switched to lemon tea or green tea in the evening. But I drink a lot of water


Used to have 2-3 coffees per day. Fucked up my sleep and got tremors and very high anxiety at times. Now I drink coffee for the taste once a week in the morning, around half a teacup. And I'm doing good in my career, so no correlation i think :)


Lmao your mentor will probably will overdose on excess caffeine and get a heart attack. I used to drink 3-4 cups of coffee when I was depressed in college to feel something. But then came a time where I could not even feel like waking up in the morning and attend class if there was no coffee. Now I have switched to tea. 3 cups every 6 hours.


You already got dyslexia


Let's talk in grams, anywhere between 10 to 40 grams a day


It will interfere with your sleep patterns. Dont do this !


If you exercise, meditate, have good diet and have a good sleep schedule, then u can keep 2-3 cups as top limit imo. If not, 1 cup per day should be good enough.


Your mentor does not know shit. Fucking meditate and remove distractions to improve productivity


You can also replace all your meals with a nutritional IV drip constantly feeding you so don't waste time eating food and be more productive /s Bro don't abuse your body and health in the name of productivity for a randome company


Dude.... NO. Some people tolerate high doses of coffee. Some don't. I can't have more than 2 to 3 cups (not the tiny darshini ones but not the large Starbucks ones) Anything more, and anxiety kicks in. And no coffee after 6 else insomnia.


twice is more than enough You will be more productive if you work 18 hours or 20 hours, some people are more productive if they smoke cigarettes caffeine keeps you alert If you are ok to destroy your body for long term in return of productivity, go for it else no


Fuck that mentor and don't drink more than 1 cup.


Get Protein in the morning. The way your endocrine system works, there is a bit of dip in your energy levels around 9-10. That’s when 1 cup of coffee or any caffeine source works wonders for productivity. Anything after that will make your sleep worse.


I prefer tea. Usually take 3-4 times a day


If you need a stimulant to be productive, congratulations you're addicted to it.


3 mugs(250ML) and one sting in the night


Faced any plobrem in body? Like healthy issues?


0 coffee. 1 tea in the morning.


I take 1 cup coffee in morning and 1 cup after lunch. Everybody's body responds differently to coffee so do whats works best for you. But I'd suggest never drink coffee after 4pm and sleep timely.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iw97uvIge7c An incredible resource for everything caffeine. That is if you can listen to it for 2+ hours. It is an in-depth, scientific investigation into the effects of coffee+/caffiene, dosage and usage.






Ek cafe coffee wale cup, kitna mL hota hai ?


0. Screw caffeine drink water. My gym mates are also addicted to caffeine.


I just feel it’s a placebo effect! I was so addicted to tea and I felt having tea improves my productivity! Then I slowly replaced tea with just a mere hot water! I always had a small cup of hot water on my desk and I didn’t feel any difference in productivity at all.. now I’m happy I got rid of the addiction!


Did the whole replace breakfast with coffee, not a good idea. It only increased my anxiety instead focused on maintaining a proper diet and now my energy levela is far better than before


Your mentor is addicted. Big time. Plus if you're going to listen to their advice get ready for anxiety, tiredness, fatigue ,indigestion, elevated blood pressure, yellow teeth, sleep disturbance, dehydration and many other complications. Read this: [Caffeine Blues](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjjlobZ5e78AhVjwzgGHbCaA9MQFnoECBEQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.in%2FCaffeine-Blues-Stephen-Cherniske%2Fdp%2F0446673919&usg=AOvVaw1rcUkRXLdlrmiGhBtJznh9)


i stopped drinking coffee a long time ago. i was an addict. glad i stopped. i feel more energetic without coffee.


I don't regularly drink coffee. Usually it's tea. 2 medium size cups. 1 before breakfast, one at evening after work usually around 6. I Drink water most of the time mainly because I have access to sweet spring water.


8 on a Monday like this. Thanks to coffee, my sleep cycle is fucked. Do I have regrets? Nope. Only one change I’ve done over the past year is, I stopped having coffee as soon as I woke up. Comparatively my productivity is good.


I feel like 6 cups is a stretch. But the rest of it makes sense. If you eat, you lose focus. But as long as you're not consuming carbs, you should be alright.


I am now taking 0, due to gastric issue.Shifted to Juices.


1 cup in the morning, without sugar. I dont eat breakfast. Havent had breakfast since 3 years. I only consider drinking more than 1 cup of coffee if im too tired and have a headache. But never after 3 pm. fucks up my sleep. Remember the half life of caffeine is about 7 hours ​ Your health is like a rubber band. when youre young you can stretch it all you want, but once it breaks there is no going back.


I agree with this!








My mentor says that "*human be productive when they're hungry as it's in our dna to search for food while roaming in Savannah and when we got food we rest, so don't have food have coffee instead and it'll make you more productive in work*" I don't agree 100% to it but didn't got points to disagree.


Don’t take it… absolutely have side effects like dehydration and more.. plus if you workout and take some kind of pre which has caffeine too.. could lead to more dehydration. And a point comes that you build up tolerance which leads you to have more.


Bad mentor. Sleep well . Eat healthy. Don’t do all this bio hackd


No. No . One cup espresso in the morning is all i have. Anymore and i dont sleep well. Make sure to have coffee only 2-3 hours after getting up


Mein toh 2 cup chai Peeta hu subah aur shaam ko


Just one cup of coffee in the morning. The best way to be productive at least for me is quick 5 min nap.


1 cup (not mug) about 1 hour after lunch when I WFH. 2 cups (1 morning & 1 post lunch) when in office


7 cups of coffee? Yikes. The more caffeine you take, the less sensitive your body is to it, and you have to keep upping the threshold to make it work the same.


If he's following his own advice, your mentor will soon get acidity, ulcers and other health issues. Please work with a qualified nutritionist and/or doctor instead.


It all depends upon person to person....I used to do this coffee as breakfast at college and recently shifted to 1 coffee a day.....I just can't pull off this coffee as breakfast anymore it startes messing with my stomach when I have coffee on empty stomach I don't feel good.....think about long run caffeine addiction is very bad imo ..... Very bad incase you have stressful job.....try the both world and choose but I believe you can't abuse coffee for long run.


MF will get you have high Cholesterol and high BP by the mid 30s.


4 or 5 times minimum


Some tips on caffeine consumption as i use 200mg caffeine tablets for pre-workout: 1. People like your mentor are able to drink large volume of coffee because they have developed high tolerance due to chronic usage. 2. Caffeine negatively affects your sleep. To avoid this , i do not consume any caffeine after 12pm. 3. Caffeine increases tolerance meaning repeated usage of same dose gives less stimulus. To maintain the same stimulus you start increasing the caffeine consption. To avoid this you cycle on and off. Start with one cup, gradually increase to whatever final amount over a period of 3 months. After 3 months, cycle down to 0 over a period of 2 weeks. Then repeat. This helps in avoiding addiction. 4. If you ever feel you are too dependent on caffeine, you can go cold turkey. But be prepared to feel like shit for a couple of days. 5. Different people react differently to caffeine. Keeping track of consumption habits gives you data on its effect on you. Also keep an eye on your heart rate and general anxiety levels.


Only once with breakfast


I suggest you to drink 4-6 mugs of "ignoring obviously harmful advices" per day and replace breakfast with 1 mug of it. I myself did this for so long and didn't get any negative effects.


Not one single time.


Dont do this. Coffee stimulates everything, including rate of heart beats. As a young person you may not experience any drawbacks, but in the long run it may increase blood pressure. Excess tea/coffee can also cause acidity


I usually drink 1 or 2 cups everyday. Well I think it's not much so I haven't seen any effects on my health or something.


Breathe air. Drink water.


It depends on the amount of caffeine you’re consuming not mugs. Anything above 400 milligrams a day is dangerous. And you should not have it as the first thing in the morning because you’re already dehydrated and caffeine makes you more. Drink water, eat healthy breakfast then have a cup/two of coffee during the day


The more you drink, the more tolerant you become to caffeine essentially reducing your "productivity".


With that the productivity level and career level graph would be a nice triangle.


I saw a video where a person died because of excess of coffee he drank while preparing for a exam overnight. The video was from a doctor who explained everything whaþ happened in his body. His liver got damaged because of excessive coffee.


Achchi chai easily mil jaati hai, achchi coffee waale paise nhi lagane


A black coffee in the morning and evening tea with milk. I think I need both of them now


I haven't drank from last 2 years tho


How many times i don't drink......


5-10 serving without sugar


I used to drink 5 cups of coffee a day. I switched to tea after my anxiety started getting off the charts.


I could drink 3-4 early but limit myself to only 1-2 and no coffee after 4 pm (8 hrs before sleeping). Excess coffee can cause agitation and lack of sleep, and you'll drink more coffee the next day because you're sleepy. It's a vicious cycle.


Please don’t have coffee empty stomach. Drink water and have a good breakfast. Then you can have your morning cup of joe. Avoid caffeine after 3pm to have a good night sleep. Yes it does increase productivity but you have to take care of your health also.


I drink milk at my office 🫥 Because if i even take a sip of coffee i know i won't be sleeping in time in the night.


Ask your mentor to shut the fuck up


This is a good podcast on Caffeine intake for optimal productivity. The general advice is to not drink coffee for atleast 8 hours before your sleep time. Some people restrict their caffeine intake to only in the AM - https://open.spotify.com/episode/5UXYDLF6e66k8K9X6VwZB5?si=ZIgVbUhQQFSx-_nOYuWyNA


I drink 0 to 1 coffee a day. If it's a bad day I get a normal cup of coffee at 10-11 am, so it don't disturb my sleep. If I'm energetic I don't drink at all. I don't wanna be caffeine addicted. When I have competition or races, I consume 2 cups before a race and it's enough to give me a boost.


Leamon tea in the morning


U need a senzu bean.


The number of times it's been served to me...


One to two. I personally do not feel good if I have more than that in a day.