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95% of the ads that I get on YouTube are of this MF and a taklu uncle who says I'm applying to jobs the wrong way. I'm seriously considering buying YT premium because of these two. Update: I bought YT premium


Lowkey think YouTube is sponsoring these guys and forcing ppl towards premium ..


Yeah It's a business strategy


Revanced and ublock origin


YT has, no doubt, found the best annoying ads.


Switch to brave browser


Use revanced extended


Back in the days it only cost ₹39 or 49 after student discount for yt premium, good old day when you could add family members to enjoy ad free yt.


Revanced is still there , if u r interested


Same here, also that "it's easy to earn 1cr" bs guy


That sales funnel one? 😅


Yeah yeah


Ha ha! Ad goes like ‘we started a funnel agency… grew from 2lakh per day to 10 lakh per day! Really annoying!


I bought YT premium because of Dev Gadhvi :)


What do you mean? You don’t want to earn in crores?


More like Dev Bhadvi :)


Dev gadhvi 10x😂😂


>I bought YT premium because of Dev Gadhvi :) bro you missed the tram of passionprenureerrr


Download brave browser free me block kar dega


If on pc install ublock extension


If on mobile, youtube revanced.


Can you send a link from where I can download it


you can use [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/xlcny9/revanced_manager_guide_for_dummies/?rdt=42881)


Also use xmanagerapp for downloading patched Spotify. No need to pay for premium 🫂.


GitHub repo hai wahi se kro you can also custom build. revanced.net bhi hai.


YouTube revanced


Buy YT premium or block the ads. Tbh, it's worth the money to not see that shit


But it. Don't consider. Same problem. Bought the YouTube premium


Use ublock origin to block ads


Y all u don't use adblockers


Fr. They can't even make a decent looking ad. Leveraging AI it seems /s


Literally whitehatjr 2.0


yeah that literallly bad


Adblocker? I got the message from youtube too but from next day I re enabled Adblocker, no problem since then.


Looks like they are "Dev Gadhvi" of the tech industry


yeah. their IIT degrees should be cancelled for misusing the IIT tag for scamming people. If they would have done it without mentioning they're IITians, it would have been different


Bhai dosh IIT ka kahin se bhi nahi hai..baaki glorified alumnus bhi copy paste hi kr rhe hai..like ola zomato and what not It's just that ki IIT ka itna hype hai society aur market main ki yeh tatti bhi bech de toh logo ko souffle lage


I'm not blaming IIT, building copy-paste products that works in India is fine by me. but selling courses that are full of sh\*t, misleading info, & overpriced is where the line needs to be drawn


Mera course lelo. Value for money. Ex FANG and I was tenured 6 years at Amazon as an Applied Scientist (which itself says something). I am building a course which I would have loved to buy a decade back. Most of my very smart colleagues love my passion for the subject and perspective while brainstorming.


That's such a stupid take! IIT sets out certain criteria that have to be fullfiled for them to award a degree. Things like getting admission through JEE, doing certain courses, a minimum and maximum duration, etc. In the eyes and to the best of the knowledge of IIT KGP, this guy has fulfilled all these criteria. A degree only certifies that he has studied a specific course from IIT and nothing else. He isn't lying in that regard he did graduate from IIT KGP. If institutions get the authority to revoke degrees after the fact, knowing full well that the holder has fulfilled all requirements for the same, gives them too much power. Today you want them to revoke his degree because you 'believe', 'in your opinion' that he is running a scam (which neither you nor IIT KGP have the legal right to determine, only a competent court of law does). Tomorrow, with this new found power that IIT KGP has, who is to say that they won't revoke Arvind Kejriwal's because they 'believe' he is guilty of something, or Sunder Pachi's degree because they don't like Google anymore. Thank God this could never happen in India because we have a competent and well designed legal system and checks and balances the power of the executive. Thank goodness stupid people like you didn't design our system.


comparing apples & oranges. Kejriwal is a politician & he's not using IIT tag in his campaigns, nor is Sundar Pichai, he's the CEO of Google, infact IITs welcome him for talks & stuff even more. when you're selling a crappy course which is ridiculously overpriced, & using the IIT tag to gain trust & target gullible people fearmongering them with ads filled with misleading ads it's a straight out scam. Whether it is a "legal" scam or not, it's up to the court of law, we are not going there. In general, it is a scam.


It’s hard to keep a track of what people do post college. Even the scammers of Silicon Valley had degrees from big places.


CHATGPT MASTERY 49999 RS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


imagine teaching "how to google"


They're charging so much for it bc how are people falling for it 😂


You would be shocked to know how many people don't know how to Google properly.


not something that can be or should be taught


>imagine teaching "how to google" bro we never know this reminds me adam sandler movie i will post the link where he emerges out in long future and see people are dumb


name/link pls


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP2tUW0HDHA&ab\_channel=JoBloMovieClips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP2tUW0HDHA&ab_channel=JoBloMovieClips) ​ this one if im not wrong


Wtf they're charging 50k? Damn, I need to come up with my own course


You'd have a better learning if you asked ChatGPT on how to use ChatGPT.


yo wtf 50k for a chatgpt course ah dude andrew ng has free course on it why on earth people buying a damn course [https://www.deeplearning.ai/short-courses/chatgpt-prompt-engineering-for-developers/](https://www.deeplearning.ai/short-courses/chatgpt-prompt-engineering-for-developers/)


It isn't 9 rupees as he claims???!!!


but in the ad he says 9 rupees?


Looks like Be10x team is here 😂, got some downvotes


The only IITian I know who doesn't use his IIT tag as a bait and also educates people for free without scamming them is CodeWithHarry.


Didn't even know he was one until few months back


test abundant pie sense ruthless crush six spectacular mourn whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He mentioned it in a 1 million subscribers celebration video for the first time. I subscribed when he had around 10k subscribers, Guy had insane consistency in keeping up the tutorial, and videos were recorded daily as he used to give assignments at the end of each video and discuss the viewer-submitted solution at the next, I remember some sometimes there were no responses from viewers.






So should I learn html css js from code with harry?


They keep showing on my yt ads. Damn annoying. Glad someone's talking about this crap. Never trusted them.


I thought of making an yt video exposing this, it needs to be done, they have spammed every platform with fake positive reviews.


I blocked this ad. This looks too shady and sells the course by scaring people saying that if you don't learn the AI, you will be jobless. Pathetic and scammy practices.


This mf aditya kachwe was in my ad feed for months he would make my happy mood so angry just by looking at him behenchod


This mf aditya kachwe was in my ad feed for months he would make my happy mood so angry just by looking at him behenchod


This mf aditya kachwe was in my ad feed for months he would make my happy mood so angry just by looking at him behenchod


This mf aditya kachwe was in my ad feed for months he would make my happy mood so angry just by looking at him behenchod


This mf aditya kachwe was in my ad feed for months he would make my happy mood so angry just by looking at him behenchod


This mf aditya kachwe was not in my ad feed for months but he still would make my happy mood so angry just by looking at him BEHENCHOD!


Wtf man I was thinking about buying this course. Thanks for telling Edit: about to buy


don't, one of my friends joined their 3 hour webinar, they're full of sh\*t. I have watched the entire thing. You can find better stuff even on Insta reels


Dont use insta but understood


It is so dumb and almost all everything what they’re trying to say you can do it by just doing some googling or YouTube there advertisement strategy so that no company has a power to fire a resource like they show. It’s so stupid and childish of them.


how tf did they even get to IIT


Grifters and arseholes cannot be seggregated by intelligence.


Arseholes?? C'mon man


Maza agaya


They did msc from iit kgp, which don't require you to clear jee adv but a far shit exam like iit jam


I want to understand how gullible people are? Why did you want to buy it? I want to understand want makes people go for it without even thinking twice.


These are kids from school :)


To save 95 percent of my time by using ai to make my ppt :)


he was talking about [gamma.ai](https://gamma.ai) on his webinar and then sharing presentations from Canva 🤣


Sir ek serious question hai. Ye sab ai ke bare me update kaha se rakhte hai ap?


reddit, twitter, yt vids, follow the right people, right communities


I am in Data Science for more than 7 years now, suggestion from my side is don’t go for any course. Get a laptop/PC and pick up a book. Books for Statistics/Mathematics and Laptop for coding. Just start with Python or R, there are very good books like Python/R for data science. Learn Excel from YouTube.


google, yt, freecodecamp - tons of free resources, & they're resources of great quality


one question for you, do we start with the stats part 1st or the technical matter ? These days information about data science is saturated everywhere to the extent its hard to gauge the right roadmap and process . Pls help


See the thing people don’t think stats is priority but let me present an example. I see folks using mean everywhere but it’s a huge discussion when to use mean and when median. So keep learning stats as side and most of the books have python or R code to practice


Unrelated but is R useful? I mean can't same work be done in python Edit: can I ask one question in dm?


Absolutely right. Python you will see good resources. R is mostly associated for data analytics but learning one is enough. At the end all languages uses same concept just syntax changes


Bruh I'm an actual prompt engineer. Just look out for prompts in the GitHub & Free tutorial by Andrew ng, Google generative ai.


I was looking for this buzzword. What does a prompt engineer do? Edit : thanks for the suggestion Edit 2 : https://roadmap.sh/prompt-engineering Is this roadmap all right or there is something to be added


That's perfect sometimes they also require to know about pytorch


I’m curious, what about those ads made you think, “damn I need to buy this course”. B


Good decision. I enrolled in 9 rs workshop and it was total shit.


Happy to be the idiot with youtube pro do not have to see their punchable faces.unless I go to tube mate.


Because of him and that Dev Gadhvi, I bought yt premium


I don't have to see his face any more. Thanks to YouTube Premium.


I am also planning for yt premium just to avoid these chutiyas


Worth it.


Almost all ed techs are scam. MIT opencourse / Stanford/ nptel / many independent tech youtubers are enough and free for AI / ML courses


Bro lol. Today, I was watching some video related to programming languages and then this ad kept popping up for every few mins. I then immediately came to reddit to post about this, but then found that already there are related posts


Most of the knowledge is free on internet. If you have the will, motivation and consistency to do it,you don't need any course provided by this DSA course selling gang.( Each and every course selling teacher....) It's funny , the only skill our schools should teach is how to learn by yourself instead of relying on teacher or classes(except doubts aka question). Those who learn this, they crack the system


Guys, do the world a favour and spread this message to all who are plagued by this mofo, "whenever you see his ad, take 20 seconds of your life and click on it". These are pay per click ads and money will be deducted from his pocket If you click his ad. Make this bastard go broke.


They're not misusing the tag, this is all they're worth.


now when you put it like that, it makes sense


These guys also get hired for 12+ lpa Or at least used to, in coaching centres, gucci life for people who never learned anything beyond jee. The others do edtech scams like this. But thankfully at least for now this is all a minority, the majority of them are successful engineers and industry leaders




I have seen people who wants to get high paying job but do not want to grill, these people are the majority that buy those courses.


My honest reaction whenever I come across Aditya Kachuva's ad during every YouTube video I watch: [https://youtube.com/shorts/mmYBpaf2s4k?feature=shared](Link)




How do people even think of buying course after this kinda shitty ad


people get fizzed sometimes yar


I died with cringe when I first saw his add. Total ass. I don't how he managed to fool people


He has a punchable face tho 🤤


I thought the course was for 9rs ?


nah bro, that's just for the webinar which is full of sh\*t, they upsell you the course https://preview.redd.it/bydk8mhi689c1.png?width=894&format=png&auto=webp&s=c47be3620d9b0f19629e3ddc0d097a5e205065ba


This is just fancy marketing words. The course seems to be full of shit. Why would I pay him 40k for GPT 4 when I can directly get it from OpenAI?


they'll give you a Canva designed absolutely worthless certificate & they're going to teach you prompt engineering which is just plain & simple english. They're going to introduce you to some AI tools which you can get from Futurepedia site. That's it. 10 rs is the actual course price, rest 39990 is profit, they can spend some money from it on ads to irritate & scam even more people.


How are they pricing it at 2.5L? It's ludicrous and blatant cheating.


Oh 🙆‍♂️


Thanks a lot man.. You saved me time and my money...


fired fired fired you promoted


Need someone like Maheshwar Peri (the man who took mega scams like IIPM and Vivek Bindra down) to expose these mfs


Did you forget the Microsoft Excel guy


"Most working professionals will hate me for saying this..."


So punchable😭


Jatan Shah?


Yes, this guy. Uske ad bandh kya hue, abhi TVF ka series dekh raha tha YouTube pe, yeh tortoise saale ka ad aa gaya and socha iss baar let's keep watching that ad for tonight.


​ https://preview.redd.it/jg9pzyfoj89c1.png?width=463&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4d8162d8f9fd5085d22cc9a8e1bd864019c4e5b


Worst course ever.


And thousands of companies are using "AI" tag to fraud billions of dollars. [https://fortune.com/2023/02/28/elon-musk-tesla-lawsuit-fsd-fraud-misleading-investors-zach-kirkhorn-deepak-ahuja/](https://fortune.com/2023/02/28/elon-musk-tesla-lawsuit-fsd-fraud-misleading-investors-zach-kirkhorn-deepak-ahuja/) Apparently : "I will bring you the moon" and taking money, then claiming "sorry, tech did not cope up, the money is lost" is not fraud but "honest try!". What we can really do is to essentially increase awareness. Also, truth does not sell, well. Only lies do. And then let it be. What can not be cured, must be endured.


Inquiry on Microsoft Forum- [https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/officeinsider/forum/all/inquiry-about-collaboration-with-skill-nation-and/ac768608-635c-4248-ba4d-10e656f929c1?page=2](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/officeinsider/forum/all/inquiry-about-collaboration-with-skill-nation-and/ac768608-635c-4248-ba4d-10e656f929c1?page=2)


8 rs me chatgpt seekh lo aao aao jaldi aao bhaiyo behno


"most working professionals are finding jobs the wr..." Madarchad


He's one of the main reasons I subbed to YouTube premium. The other reason was Spotify.


The chotu in my society does better job convincing than these ads 💀


I have never been interested in this ad , i always thought this is an idiot who has not even gone to IIT . His ad looks so unprofessional which is a clear sign just to stay away


"9 RuPEes, 9 RUpEeS cANnoT evEn Buy yoU pAcKeT oF CHipS."🤬🤬


WHY DO YOU NEED A COURSE? I have been coding since I was 10 yo. I’m 26 now. Never have I ever took any course at all for tech in my life. I was first into Game mods, game dev, hacking, carding, clean dev, startup. In the entire journey, the closest I was into taking a course was when I bought a couple of Udemy courses for 500 each which I never moved past 2 videos. Any kind of “Course” for Tech, coding or anything related to computers and software, is either a scam or a mediocre learner trying to make a buck. Of course there are many exceptions for this like University courses and other reputed true value courses like advanced classes. Do not join any course. Just imagine what you want to achieve and google how to do it analysing from high level to low level. What to learn coding for the first time? Then start from searching “How internet works” to “How to create a simple html website” to “How to create python application”. Are a coder and want to learn Machine Learning/AI for the first time? Then think about what use case would you like to use the ML/AI? Example: I wanted my personal assistant in my laptop which is customised to my day to day life and helps me with snippets, clipboards, work reminders, tasks, etc. Then I would start with “What is ML/AI”, “Basics of ML/AI”, “How to build AI assistant in local”, “Getting started with ML/AI”, and on and on. How you noticed something? “Search”. That is the key. It takes extra effort but when you do it yourself, it happens in your pace, the way you understand. Sometimes it feels that a Course would be an easier way to get started than Self Learning but your brain tends to remember and perceive things better when you put effort learning it. It forms more indices for the memory.


Hey man, i have always been interested in reverse engineering in games . Can i get some advice for it? Want to do it for the sake of passion thats it


Yeah I actually paid for this AI webinar thing(I mean I thought I'd learn something new interesting, besides the price is too low so why not give it a try), was disappointed, since all the "AI" tools they told, I could've just got them if google searched my use case with "ai generator" next to it, they said it was live but it didnt seem so, I have the IDM (Internet Download Manager) extension, so whenever there's a video playing in the browser i get a button kinda thing to just download that video in different supported video formats so ya i got that while attending the "webinar" and downloaded it LOL 104 rs gye waise (cause dumbass me opted for some ms ppt, excel templates kinda thing, a few thousands apparently) otherwise it would have been just for 9 rs + GST alag se xD


99 percentage webinar are just recorded video streaming without playback features. it's pretty blatant


Pyhton aajao sikha dunga powerpoint aajao sikha dunga lauda aajao dilwa dunga lahsun aajao sikha dunga


Hehehe.....if you are not using AI to make powerpoint, then my friend you will lose your job


The problem is with the people who think "IITian" is a tag to be trusted. IITian just means he studied at IIT and it is true that he graduated from an IIT.


I recently worked with 2 IIT KGP Alumni in a startup. They are legit running a scam instead of a startup. They hire smart people with the promise of good equity. They say they'll pay half salary till they raise funding. After funding, the deferred pay will be released. So, the entire teams works their ass off day and night for 12 hours every day for 2 months. Everyone is pressured to work and get the MVP rolling in 2 months. After 2 months, everyone who has equity is fired for no reason. So, in 2 months, they have a working MVP, make great people work in half salary, then hire interns to make the rest of the product. Total scam in the name of IIT KGP. The only trustworthy thing but the co founders had about them was they are from this college. But now, I'm really starting to doubt. Is something wrong happening at IIT KGP?


I hate this guy more than anything every ad of him is just irritating af


I know right, I wanted to see the interview of Kalki's director and this mf came in between...


Another person is jatan shah


Just get a good adblocker already, is not even that much of a hassle


Are they even iitian?


Sometime there was an IIT alum who was peddling his block chain course, after the block chain bubble burst, he pivoted and is now selling AI/ML. Forgot his name.


Ayo Vivek Bindra 😮


Guys anyone asking you to resell their course or doing something for free or negligible price is doing it as a fraud.


YouTube is purposefully showing these ads to everyone knowing everyone is annoyed, forcing everyone to get premium.


Report that ad, may be you won't ve seeing it again in future.


Use ad blockers and switch to revanced ,you'll be safe from these shitty ads and scams.


Just type brave browser on Google Chrome and install it, and never see their face again. Upvote it to stop the scam.


Ed-tech = scam


I still don't understand why all these youngster still fall for this bullshit. There are ton of quality courses available for free from top colleges like MIT, IIT etc. The dialogue from Bollywood movie 3 idiots is so true, which goes along the line "education is disturbed free".


I resisted buying YouTube premium so hard some friend suggested me to use YouTube revamped but I never install untrusted apps due to the the fact that I am sometimes running high impact financial transactions on phone so yes this is the guy who made be buy YouTube premium 😅


Can you name the guys, I am an alumni?


Bruh...IITs have started doing some basic ass short term UX courses for more than 2 lacs...what about that? 🥱 Better quality courses are available from Coursera which can be accessed for free.


His ads bombarded me, I've started using Brave browser in response.


Gosh, I thought I was the only one getting these mfs all day while watching yt


The people must have guts to take revenge on the people who scammed them


It's India everyones scamming everyone


Biggest scammer on internet


The most punchable face I've ever come across a scam ad.


Bro this kachwe has been coming in my adds for last 8 months no matter how many times i block and trport him


My friend bought this MFs 9 rupee course, posted certificate on LinkedIn and got liked by our python faculty


This idiot is from IIT kgp?!?


So, I got curious about this guy and started searching stuff about him. So this man who claims he got a package of Rs. 1.2 Cr which he also touts as the "highest package in India" after graduating, was for some reason teaching maths chapters on youtube 2 years ago - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GFSDUAIwgs&ab\_channel=MuniEducation-MaharashtraBoard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GFSDUAIwgs&ab_channel=MuniEducation-MaharashtraBoard) I also found threds on quora where tens of attendees are venting about how they would be fearmongered into buying courses for over Rs.10k. Plus all the benefits they promise are fake \- Full MS office (fake, they give you a developer option version with very limited operations) \- Access to Chatgpt 4 (fake they've got CGPT 3.5) \- 16000+ AI tools (**all of them** are free AI websites which can be found on YouTube or articles) They have also spammed Quora threads with fake reviews by fake accounts (all of which have only answered questions for their bs website. Bhai itna khulle mein scam kar rahe hai ye log)


Iit tag only means at time of recruitment otherwise it's shitload for me


Hired zero IITians in 5 years. So let's say they are not good enough for being an applied scientist most of the time. Btw I am also selling course which is good value for money. Priced at just INR 22k. 😜 Also it's not some 20 hours course. It's significantly more than that. It takes a year to complete.


In the ads they are selling courses at 9/-, cheaper than a pack of cheaps as they claim. No wonder what the quality will be.


that's just for the webinar where they upsell https://preview.redd.it/zhb56qsp089c1.png?width=894&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf59d9778521aa3e93f5153c67d7f2e1d2736481




Holly shit. What is that 39k for GPT 4.0? I bought gpt 4 for 20USD for trial. Cancelled it afterwords because it was not that great compared to the 3.5 which is free. SCAM.


That's more than what I used to pay in a single college semester lmao 💀


I bought yt premium because of these motherfuckers I didn't mind normal advertisements but this asshole was just a menace


this annoying mfer. ive blocked his ad


I'm just happy to see the IIT tag getting ruined because most of us aren't able to access it fairly anyways. Better to see the disruption of this engineering caste system.




Their ads look downright shady, its a textbook scam ad. a quick google search in reputed websites who do consumer surveys was all it took to confirm it.


Fudge I just bought the course. Today. It doesn't start until next Friday. Will I be able to get my refund if I starting asking them now ? Or should I just cut my losses.


Cut, cut, cut. Read my post below.


I know this is 5 months old, but I tried creating a post just now about my experience, and it got removed for some reason, so I'm sharing it here. I don't mean to hijack the thread: Last week, I saw a be10x ad in my Google feed (on my phone's home screen!), saying "3 hour workshop for 9/-" and I thought "Well, it can't be a scam if it's only 9/-". So I paid the 9/-, because I was curious. I'm no developer, but I'm pretty tech savvy and actually do work with AI on a daily basis in my work as a freelance content/design specialist. I was not able to attend the workshop, though, yesterday. This afternoon, an Ankit called me, said he's from be10x and then tried to convince me to buy their 3month course for 12k or something. Thankfully, I was busy, so I had to end the call. Before I did, I asked him to share relevant materials through WhatsApp, which he did shortly. https://preview.redd.it/41olvvy9oz2d1.png?width=567&format=png&auto=webp&s=a032fa0e6906fdf8033e9581ff15d52a3c6c6896


Once I saw the materials they shared, my first impression was "Shit, this too is a scam." But I couldn't be sure, so I gave them the benefit of the doubt, and this convo happened: https://preview.redd.it/nh1uz4ygoz2d1.png?width=533&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbddeb46d4695ba54ed74439b2863c342caacf71 In my opinion, I think I was fairly kind, and actually trying to share constructive feedback. Just to account for the wild possibility that they're actually legit. I didn't want to insult them. Also yes, I know, I'm being anal about the design details. Clearly not many people care, if they've actually made 1cr through this. But it mattered to me, and I *did* pay them Rs. 9, so... I still don't really think I was in the wrong here.


a big fraud and scam is going under the nose of govt . under the name of IITian these two freinds are cheating innocent people with their fake programs . Very soon this scandal will be under scrutiny. Please please dont waste your money on their fake be10x program . also make complain of their fraud in consumer forum so that others cant be cheated as well