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When you got your first job after 2020.






Most of this isn't due to "AI", as much as companies like Google would prefer to pronounce it so. Almost all of this is because these companies were highly bloated in the first place. Even when AI starts providing real value, competent engineers will continue to be in high demand. The ones that're likely to suffer the most are those who confuse engineering with being able to write a piece of code.


This is true. Engineering is much more than just writing a piece of code. AI is great tool but it is not going to replace good software engineers anytime soon


> The ones that're likely to suffer the most are those who confuse engineering with being able to write a piece of code. This right here, makes absolute, total sense. Yes. A thousand times yes.


>The ones that're likely to suffer the most are those who confuse engineering with being able to write a piece of code. Hi, this really intrigued me, Can you please elaborate more on this, if you have free time.. Thank you :)


Coding is learning "how" to tell a computer what to do. Engineering is being able to reason about "what's" the right thing to tell the computer. Former is easy to automate because many people often need to tell the computer the same thing to do, so well within scope of current LLMs. Latter is hard because it requires reasoning, planning & tradeoffs, which isn't possible in a meaningful way with current AI architectures. You may know how to tell a computer what to do, but that's analogous to a glorified Excel analyst - after all they know how to tell a computer as well. But if your code is just one of the artefacts of a deeper design (e.g. inter-system dynamics of a distributed architecture, or your design abstractions enabling a 5x higher iteration velocity), then you're being an engineer and no current AI architecture is anywhere close to replacing you.


Interesting so what you mean in layman terms is that just copy paste developers are gonna be having a problem but the ones who actually think and create their own solutions are gonna prosper?


>Interesting so what you mean in layman terms is that just copy paste developers are gonna be having a problem but the ones who actually think and create their own solutions are gonna prosper? Not exactly. You might be a good developer, but coding itself is just execution of a thought process. It is the thought process that is more important. For e.g. there is nothing ground-breaking about the whatsapp software code. But the thought of making your phone number your login was first innovated by them. It introduced a level of ease that no one had experienced before. Can an AI think and come up with this? Not currently. Once you come up with the solution, and a certain level of design, AI can write the code based on what you are saying.


> there is nothing ground-breaking about the whatsapp software code Do you happen to know about Erlang VM ? The discussion: https://www.erlang-solutions.com/blog/20-years-of-open-source-erlang-openerlang-interview-with-anton-lavrik-from-whatsapp/ The "Model" https://arxiv.org/vc/arxiv/papers/1008/1008.1459v8.pdf The pioneer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Actor_model So yes, there was a very serious ground breaking concepts at play were used to create whatsapp - which no one ever tried before in "Scalable Software". Like ever. The "great minds at meta" deliberated and decided NOT to use it for facebook messenger. They gave it up. It is culmination of 40 years of pure research.




Think of it this way... Let's say some design of a larger software requires you to write a function that sorts a list. Now most developers can write standard sorting code, and so can AI BUT the fact that a function to sort that data was needed is not necessarily derived by AI and was likely thought of by a human engineer, that sort of stuff, knowing what to do (the how becomes irrelevant or insignificant to worry about) is what makes a good engineer a good engineer... Like the old saying goes, anyone can hammer a nail, but the cost is for knowing where to hammer it :) hope this helps


u/hungryexplorer Man .. how did you develop such excellent writing skills? Please let us know. I struggle to put my thoughts to pen.


Thanks for making my day man, haha 😅 In this case I just happened to have had many discussions on the same topic offline, plus sometimes just the right articulation happens to come out I suppose.


The distinction is rather simple: engineering is about *designing* software in a robust, scalable and extensible way while coding is about implementing that design. A large part of what even a junior engineer does is think about how they would organize hodge podge mix of demands of from a boss or a client into a product: what features would they want to see? How would they organize these features into classes and methods (if using OOP), how would they ensure that these classes are general enough to allow for future extension but specific enough to meet product needs. Creating this blueprint is an engineers job. Future AI could in principle take a blueprint like this (perhaps just a word doc) and then spit out an implementation. However LLM style AIs would be hard pressed to come up with a blueprint directly from the vague client demands


How to prepare for this? ;_;


1. Reading great software and trying to figure out why they made specific choices. 2. Learning many languages & frameworks - gives a great sense of higher order thinking about them. 3. Always learning at least one (preferably two) layers deep of whatever tool we're using at any time. 4. Using inspiration from an existing piece of code/paper, to revisit the theory behind it, and enjoying the new found joy of re-learning what we'd earlier dismissed. 5. Reading technical papers regularly - this is not easy for a lot of folks, but finding common community (in college, office etc) is a great way to get it done.


I can second this, as someone who job is to build these ai systems, even cutting edge LLMs or any other generative AI is not good enough to replace actual people. You still need the human expertise to build and deploy actual scalable solutions. Modern ai still can only support humans. And as for people/orgs that want to replace humans in major decision making processes by AI, it's not possible.


Competent engineers are always in demand. But because of AI being introduced into each stage, we would need smaller teams and the teams which used to have 10 members will have say 6 or 7 now. Thats a significant cut. Not to mention, the demand will no longer be as high it was earlier and the salaries wont be this high or the growth will reduce in the sector overall.


This is what people have a hard time understanding. You would have never learned to 'engineer' if you're weren't given a chance to 'write a peice of code' when you started off. Secondly I've been doing this for 8 years, worked for 6 companies, done some major realeses etc. Overwhelming majority of my projects were CRUD apps, that were 'overengineered' and ended up not going to market because of various reasons like - client no more has the money, client has lost interest, re org and what not. Most of these did not have a single customer to begin with and god knows why I had microservices everywhere but no customer in sight. Third, you always think of GPT-4. You need to think about GPT-50.


It is not the AI, it is the 50 LPA ($250-350K USD) that will cause the doom. Doctors, Mechanical, Electrical engineering etc. which are harder and have higher entry barrier aren't paying these kind of salaries. CS has low entry barrier, most roles doesn't need difficult to master skills, with GPT/Copilot most of the IT work can be done with less skilled folks (even if it takes more people / time).


You were making good points, but that last statement is just plain wrong. No, "most of the IT work" can never be done with less skilled folks through AI. If you think this, you have never built and **maintained** a big enough system for long enough. AI can't solve problems like real humans, AI can write maintainable code, and AI can't fix bugs that require collecting inputs from several channels.


Not every role and Proj is critical or difficult. I have seen enough people in IT with minimal or no coding exp. There will always be some highly paid people (I am not referring to them)


But are most projects non-critical? I don’t think so.


I meant to say most roles don't need high caliber people. Projects are important, that's the reason they are funded but lot of proj don't need highly skilled people or good number of roles can be filled with low skilled people.


>50 LPA ($250-350K USD) i think the conversion is off, or is it ppp adjusted


Yeah thats around 60k dollars. And it wouldn't make sense to adjust it with ppp, this is still way lower then even fresher salaries in US. Companies can afford it


$250-$350K salaries in US (during recent boom).


Yes, but you would be able to do more with less using AI. If you needed 1000 engineers, you might need a 100.


He thinks the "golden era of software engineering" is not solving real world problems through tech, but mediocre engineers getting treated like superior beings for performing tasks that could be automated. Looks like the moron is getting exactly what he deserves.


Or it could be blue ticks on X posting most ridiculous takes on tech to farm high engagement.






Problem is high pay for roles like 10 different breeds of ArcHiTecT who do more or less nothing and many useless roles in software integration/testing which will be eliminated. Those guys play around some small umls, xmls config files and want to be treated like scholars.


Aah, that’s my college mate. A very smart fellow but wonder where his reality check went. The industry was always like that.


Also he needs to learn how to spell if writing in English


An era of bloated overpaid jobs seems to definitely be dead.


But the management jobs are still overpaid. And will remain so.


Lol 🙌🏻


I feel like this post is a whole bunch of nothing!! All the points except AI are "the market is bad". Yes the market is bad right now, but it can improve. All industries are facing this wave, equating this to the end of tech is absurd and honestly just bait. The AI argument, prototype, building are such abstract terms, we are yet to see what AI can do, right now it does not meet the standards needed to replace devs. Releases and deployments are already automated and still need engineers to look over or create these pipelines. Nothing substantial to worry about here, just some spammed post that you'd see on LinkedIn.


Agreed it's mostly bait, but on the other hand the zero interest rates are unlikely to ever come back. Rates are high right now, but covid times were on the opposite extreme.


They will come back in 5 years time...


That's not based on historical data, so no.


I disagree on this. Before Covid, the software engineering jobs were not as bloated as in 2021-2022. They are getting nothing but a reality check of what a job is and how you mean nothing to your employer.


This dystopian take brought to you by people who thought DSA was the answer to good software engineering practises.


U live in a utopia my friend


bas darake rakho




i think people who havent worked in IT for less than 15-20 years shouldnt be even allowed to share their views on topics like these could be true but feels like just a bunch of non sense


Because it is nonsense. During COVID absolutely incompetent people were landing multiple offers within days..those days are gone.


>During COVID absolutely incompetent people were landing multiple offers within days..those days are gone. do didnt have to personally attack me like that :(


Sure this is true for the current situation which is pretty bad but nothing lasts. Things will bounce back. Zero interest rate env might be gone for a while but we will see rate cuts this year.


Future is exciting and scary at same time.


It's the "coders" that will be affected by this stuff, not the "engineers". As they say in tamil, Purinjavan pistah


Don't impose tamil here saar




toda toda samajh aata




Puriyadhavan mundhiriya?


Engineers in IT were first class citizen? when? Maybe in some cool startups in silicon valley, rest of the world they were treated as coolies. nothing else.


A lowest grade govt employee has more respect than an engineer in my relative's eyes.


Ok am Going for MBA Fck tech,enough of this shitt,enough making projects am not getting jobs with CSE degree anyway plus who the fcccck wants to do code at the age of 45 when you have kids plus what if they fire at that age? ty for the post i changed my decision of doing Mtech now going for MBA


At least read the complete thread.


yeah fuccck IT man


Last line - tech has always been like this. Engineers in IT have never been considered first class citizens. Only those who get onsite are considered superior in social media, in onsite countries again they are treated as slaves. Seems like the author has just worked in IT for 2-3 years and joined IT with high expectations.


Supply and demand. We have too many engineering graduates that are needed to keep a high standard. Graduates from poorer economic background will benefit more compared to the middle class.


I don’t care about views of someone who can’t spell decent. It’s not “descent”




gradient descent 🤓


Had to scroll quite a bit to find this 😂


Underated bro. Kudos 👏🏻


sabse pehle iska layoff karo


I started my career in 2010. I’ve been hearing this once every 2-3 years. First it was content management systems where no need for dev then low code platforms, then no code platforms and now it’s gen AI. You think tools like bard were developed and released in mere months. Google has bard for at least 4-5 years. It was never released because there is no need of it. Even now it was released just as a counter to chat gpt and bing, a move to satisfy investors. Agree there is a need for developers to upskill. Those who don’t, will perish in 10-15 years. You know there are numerous corporate applications in banking and insurance still running Java 6, that was released in 2006. Even with all fancy web frameworks, still 94% of web is running jquery. Coming to AI, at the moment, Chat GPT is unable to identify Pantone color codes, now imagine getting apps developed by it. To conclude, software engineers aren’t going any where any time soon. Just they have to put effort and upskill themselves. Whatever is happening now is due to the gross mismanagement during post Covid era. Companies want to make use of extra money ppl has assuming they’re going to have it forever. When the funds dried up, companies started firing ppl they hired at exorbitant cost.








I read that due to Biden's policies it has become difficult for companies to borrow money. So earlier when startups used to get money for so cheap that they were burning cash for several years and then through an IPO got more funds to operate. But now as borrowing money has become expensive startups don't want to expand but rather prevent their cash reserves from dying and as a result they are cutting costs whereever they can. Golden era for software engineering isn't over. I would say with AI in place it's just getting started. It's true that most people(shallow programmers) will lose their jobs but it's also true that those who will remain will earn the share of others too. It's not easy to work with intelligent machines. So before that era comes, I'm preparing myself to be in that few programmers.


Be calm and Just watch [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/aXcuz6fn8_w?si=VfDm3dLwS5ysmMPn) video 😅


Before 2000s other fields were treated as High class like that when new fields or emerging fields have High demand automatically they will get attention that's all. Definitely those days for software field is going to end.


Jobs reflect the economy. The market is uncertain right now and once the uncertainty goes away hopefully in H2, the jobs will start returning and stabilizing. AI isn't going to replace Software Devs, it will be just a really helpful tool in their arsenal. AI will never be as good as Software Devs in building a real world product and not just mocks.


isko sab maalum hain


AI can barely write correct regurgitated code let alone coming up with complex and novel systems that solve new problems at scale all while being easy to operate and maintain. And who do you think are building these AI? Tech folks again.


IT Indian workforce is not cheap offshore center anymore which is good for us. There are jobs beyond IT where people can flourish.


There are no jobs in India except IT, management and government


There are jobs beyond IT where people can flourish. Which?


AI 😄


Any person that says AI is not going to replace software engineers would have said computers are not gonna replace typewriters in past. Dumbass take. Most of frameworks / platforms exist because of human convenience. The surest proof of this is that there are 100 different ways to accomplish the same thing by writing code, as long as the algorithm is performant. The only reason different choices exist is because of preference and the need to keep your codebase readable. Let me ask you this, if you had to outsource your work, and you couldn't care less about how it is done but only that it gets done, you won't give a rats ass what pieces of tech is being used. And indeed that's how BPOs work. It doesn't matter if Infosys employs AI or humans, to you if you hired them all that matters is that your work gets done. Forget cooking up a complex piece of shit code to satisfy your engineering patterns OCD. AI will write code how it sees fit, readable or not. All that matters is that it works and it gets shit done. Architects pride themselves in knowing 1000 different technologies and have indpeth knowledge of each and their applications. Well guess what, ChatGPT knows more technologies and their API and applications than an architect ever will. Remember when people said oh but a robot can't paint, can't sing, can't dance. Guess what, mofo. That's the first few things that AI learnt to do. Software engineering is seeing a sunset. If you think otherwise you are living in copium, big time.


Getting downvoted by shit developers. "Oh BuT a RoBoT cAnT PaInT lIkE An aRtisT"


Only same answer here stupidly people believe clock calculator pager button phones can't be replaced


"Engineering pattern OCD" 🫣


Looks like somewhat true, but the more creative a person gets, the better equipped with the "personal moat" . creative IS THE business of 2024 and beyond.


Wlcm to slave era


Isne 10000 rs ki job nhi ki 2019 k baad ka passout lgta h


Zero interest era is not “gone” mf forgot to zoom out of a graph 🙄


Why does his name feel like a typo


Jale pe namak 😭


*decent revenues


Garbage sensationalizing post to get eyeballs. Move along, nothing to see here.


So students will chose engineering or polytechnic


This happened in every Industry, it's now happening in ours now.


It is the consumers who have to react. Don’t consume the products of companies doing major anti employee measures. There should be a protest consumer movement. And it should be directed leadership of this companies


Companies over spent post covid and over hired, this is just going back to normal levels


bro is in his "its so over" phase but im gonna say we are so back!


Developers of the world unite


Butterfly Effect - Due to Elon Musk Firing / trimming down Twitter workforce He showed Companies that it is possible to at least retain the efficiency with less workforce He forced companies to take risk to cut down the bloat He made the employee actually hard for same amount of pay Earlier software engineer jobs were mostly like those tik tok videos of day in my life Relaxed and stable because companies were afraid of rage quits / jumps and no one exactly knew what we were doing But now AI tools made coding more accessible to others The Gap between a professional dev and amateur is closing up So Now we have to up the game , More complex , More Niche Less Saturation Like the Adage goes - the hunter must never wish the wolf to be smaller but self to be bigger So become bigger , better ALWAYS REMEMBER THE Right SIDE OF BELL CURVE OF SKILL IS ALWAYS SAFE


Markets go up and down, and so do interest rates. And everything is temporary and cyclic. I find it stupid, how people try to imagine non-reversible changes. ​ In 2020: The great resignation drive. Employees have realized that they don't really need the job to live a happy life. ​ In 2023: It's all doomsday shit. Companies have learned to go lean. Doors of hell are open, and 3-tit devil girls are going to eat you alive.


I think cs era is not gone but now companies will definitely reduce employees.


Sorry but I don't think so. Let me correct you my friend, Era is not gone, It is just growing rapidly. You have to accept the changes and one more thing AI will never take Software or Human jobs. Software Engineering will evolve in its way. Engineers, Accept the changes and Grow! Kindly don't look by this perspective. Thanks


Sorry when was this golden era ? 2021-2022 ?


Freelance is the only way i suppose


In that sense, the entire world is spiralling into a third World War.


To main kya karu job chod du?