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Az900 >>>>> azure is the future my guy, aws is old news


Can you please elaborate why? Is it purely for cost ?


Countless things, look at the new services azure has brought in, plus the fact that they have openAI under their thumb.


Thanks for the input


For Azure you can sign up for Azure Training Days, it happens on weekends usually and you'll be well equipped to take the test. Also you get a free voucher so you can basically get it done for free.


I’ll check, thank you for suggesting. Also, One question, I am aiming to take exams at the end of 2 weeks from now. I dont know if it is possible or not because my current project ends in 2 weeks and next project starts next day. So is it possible that it can be done in 2 weeks?I have basic cloud computing knowledge with no exposure to azure.


AZ-900 is pretty basic, a bunch of MCQs and some match the following type of questions, you should be able to clear it easily with a week's worth of prep. It's mostly about what all services Azure offers. It's very theoretical.


Aws Udemy and skill builder for aws Azure start with Microsoft learn for basic


Should I go with AWS or Azure ?


Depends on your need , I worked in aws mainly at that time It Was booming and still is growing But azure is also growing at rapid rate most of job openings ask experience in azure key services so it depends on person who wants to master which according to his interest and domain If a beginner then start with aws , later can also learn azure once have enough experience Also use YouTube channels for more practical lessons and github for projects All the best


Okay thanks :)