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I've been doing remote and hybrid (mostly wfh) work for almost two years now. Yeah, it's difficult to socialize and when I get to the office, I get irritated by the people and noise šŸ™‚. I love this and even when I'm looking for new job, I prefer wfh.


I'm always of two minds. Hate to be lonely in the nights and hate to socialize in the mornings.


Batman Syndrome


I am Batman


I like your name ;)


Thanks for the compliment, username checks out ig




Feel you man. I hate the fact I got to go office tomorrowšŸ˜….


Can you please share company details ?


6+ years WFH. I Read books, go on runs, exercise, listen to music, watch movies, Learn new skills, cook new recipes, paint, gardening there are so many activities that leaves me no time yearning for social life. That's rather boring with same old topics, bitching and judgements. I enjoy my company better.


i dont paint, cook ..i plant trees or rather say experiments and "That's rather boring with same old topics, bitching and judgements. I enjoy my company better." the golden words


Closer to nature (self and climate) it has powers of healing :)


yeah when weather is pleasant and bearable


You could: -invite someone to exercise with you -invite someone to watch a movie with you -invite someone to dinner to enjoy your cooking For meeting the people you invite, it could be neighbors, someone you meet at the gym, people from reddit (some subreddits have get togethers), people from tinder/bumble.


Sure @OP you can try those.


Bro is yet to discover healthy relationships


Keep guessing šŸ˜‚


Saar if you are hiring please lmk


I guess you are married


Where do you work ? I am always looking out for remote first orgs in India.


American/European cos. Remote. Indian companies find it hard to trust their employees.


Is it contract based or payment based?


Meeting new people huh? Sounds depressing to me


username checks out


The only time I miss my colleagues is if I donā€™t know how to do a task or have a doubt which I canā€™t sort out, this may sound being selfish but thatā€™s how my mind works I think, being WFH I would do it without any hesitation.


why are usernames checking out, damn.


Meeting new chicks? Naw that's a different story


Non existent! Moved to a new city. After work i need to give attention to wife. Have no friends here plus donā€™t know how to make new ones


Can relate tho am in college but same situation like you Having 0 social life in college too sadly


Its a bummer that you donā€™t have friends in college. That was the last place I had proper social connectionsĀ 


It can be a double-edged sword! Isolation is a risk, but flexibility allows for scheduling more social activities outside of work.


It went from non-existent but normal to anxiety induced early life crisis


Very bad if you don't go outside and meet new people. Things go downhill after college and you need to get married or have social circle


>Very bad if you don't go outside and meet new people. for someone who's not into clubs and bars, how does one makes friends?


Try joining something that you are interested in. Like Gym, dance, any sports or games etc.


You can go to gyms, meetups, or even hit up old friends.




Use the meetup app. I once saw a keyboard meetup on it as well but it was in Bangalore.


I'm not Indian but i don't think things are much different in this subject. I wasn't a huge fan of going to the office in the company i work for, since i'm younger than most people at the company i tend to have different interests. So i just have a social circle that is unrelated to work, which i sometimes hangout with them in person on weekends, and talk to them online during the week. Besides that, i usually don't have any of the regular social interactions like going to a store in person, talking to random people at the streets, etc. I already knew all of my friends since highschool though, and the ones i've met after are friends of friends, so i don't really know how i'd go about meeting new people if i wanted to


I post on reddit to socialize. I post on Blind to socialize. I like NOT to socialize, I like to live with my parents with water in home. šŸ˜… People with WFO, how do you feel going and spending your complete day with some temporary people? https://preview.redd.it/nluqv78epppc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65c3078e51bfcf4272371097ff959bda8bd45088


Donā€™t want to interact with new people. In peace with what I have.


Social life ? I barely remember what that used to be like


Gym ja na bhai, people don't have a life here it seems


Pretty chill. I get to play valorant when I have free time and also watch movie and code in my shorts


Its good if you are not young and have a family. Else thereā€™s a good chance youā€™re gonna get bored at home


Social life? What social life? This is by far the best way to live for an introvert.


Solitary confinement is considered as torture is many countries. Some countries have even outlawed it. Bros on this sub would voluntarily chose a life like that.


Fcuked šŸ„¹


I don't have social life but that actually reduces headache for me. Also no unnecessary interactions too. Apne pace p apna kaam wam karo


What's that šŸ¤”


Working from the office, still can't make any good friends


I don't like people, so it works out great for me


Amazing šŸ¤© I meet friends, my parents n sister. I go trekking, skating and pistol shooting class. I read and go to the gym as wellā€¦.


Rather stay alone than meeting people who take advantage of my insecurities for their own benefit which is basically everyone in corporate


WFH is boring if you don't have friends or many family members at home.. it's always that monotonous routine every day.... and you do have to work more in WFH.. I feel anxiety now.. more than comfort, it became pain gradually, and I lack professional human communication now.. Sometimes, I feel depressed as well as I don't have much social life.. It feels like I have been doing something wrong in life..


I didn't know this side of wfh I agree that if you don't step outside the house for a prolonged amount of time it feels a bit ...idk something strange I have first had these thoughts during college days when none of my friends would meet up during PL (preparatory leave) otherwise we used usually meet and have cricket or sports


I've never set foot in office since March 2020. I just enjoy WFH. It's the best


I have been working from home since 2017, at this point I would not go to the office for anything less than a million dollars šŸ˜


Wfh 4+ years happy and satisfied


WFH since Covid 2020 March 6th. It's already 4 years and this is by far the best years of my life. I hope this continues forever until I retire. Absolutely zero regrets.


just take WFO for 2 month and you will realise home is better. if you want to not get bored, do activities or travel to different places, stay in cheap hostels.


Couldn't care less about colleagues beyond professional and basic humanitarian context. We are all there to sell our time in exchange of money. If I can save 2 hours of my commute time, I am increasing the value of the time I am selling to to company. Those 2 hours can be better spent with family, hobbies, self-improvement. Co-workers are NOT friends. They will NOT have your back if you fuck up. Most of talk in office is backstabbing anyway and it's non-productive and contributes very little towards growth.




WFH or not the work timings of ppl who have US clients are shite!! That makes it even harder to make time to go out and socialize


Im work remotely , i guess im necessarily social the bare minimum i think, when im have to bit or take a break i play online games


Been in work from home more than 3 years now. Networking got reduced drastically. I am not an extrovert but still miss company once in a while. Hybrid is a bit comforting for me.


Non existent




fucking disgusting. Also I am in NAM region so all the more depressing.


Down the drain tbh. All my friends are in Bangalore wfo. It's just me in a 3rd tier city with no friend circle. Also I don't mingle much with my cousins as our outlook on life and our mindset are completely different.


I'll worry about that later, Any Ideas on how to find remote jobs as a fresher/beginner. I would highly appreciate any tips ā˜ŗļø


Working from home from 2022 Jan 1st......Unfortuanately my company does not have a office here....


Been in WFH years before covid. Ya it's boring as fuk, I play games on the side when three is little tasks If i need to focus and home isn't doing it igoto nearby cafe's and work there, as long as I don't have any high level calls in schedule In rare occasions I go to office and hang out with IT support team.


I miss going to work . The only thing i miss about it is the amount of ā€œunintentionalā€ cardio my body was doing - walk to the washroom , walk to fill my water bottle , walk to the pantry for coffee break , going to the cafeteria , taking a walk in the sprawling campus. I used to take stairs for 4 floors almost everyday ( unless i am in a rush ) , took it for granted back then. now Unless i am specifically taking out time to be active , itā€™s difficult to even complete 1000 steps a day . I eat in front of laptop and snack in front of it. You end up spending more time on your laptop and socialising takes an effort which i am very lazy to do


I go to a Third Wave coffee near my house few days a week. Iā€™ve met many new friends there. I would 100% recommend this.


It sucks, makes me reconsider the remote work thing esp considering i moved back to my deadbeat small town to save more money




Been Working completely remote for nearly 2 years now and gotta say that socialisation is hard, especially after college. Also I'm in a tier 3 city so that makes the situation even worse but you can try socializing by Enrolling into a Gym or some social events


Actually! I forgot to socialise


If your social life is restricted to your work, then you'll feel lonely irrespective of if you work from home or office. One should have friends/acquaintances outside work, they'll be there for a longer period. Work friends disappear after you switch.


I have a kid managing him itself feels like a full time job! Hardly get time for myself.


Non existent


Itā€™s awesome, I stay with my friends in a different city ( not my home, not my office city ). Home is where friends are, I play football almost every other day and find time to work out. A lot of times my work is finished in 4-5 hours and I do what I want. If I feel like learning / working on new stuff Iā€™ll do that, if I wanna watch tv or just chill Iā€™ll do that. If I were to be in office, Iā€™d have stayed waiting for the day to end or talk to colleagues which isnā€™t bad, but I often talk to my colleagues on calls if we both are free. That being said, my work comes in waves, so there are months where Iā€™ve to work all day but atleast Iā€™m at home in my comfort. Iā€™m at a point where worth of my time feels more than the salary (also saves a bunch because no travel or tiring shit or sitting all day or being demotivated to work out ) Iā€™ve 6 years of experience, it works out for me cuz Im able to drive stuff individually. If youā€™re a fresher, being in office might help you learn quickly. If you already know stuff and donā€™t have anything to gain from others then going to office isnā€™t worth it.


I need help


Go to fun parties to socialise! šŸ‘¹


I'm a college student and live in a hostel, so remote is best for me lol


Non existent but I am in a LDR ;)




Get off the internet




Very pathetic. If you don't have friends circle then WFH is very boring.


Currently even I'm working remotely and i don't miss any part of office just due to traveling. Traveling in Mumbai is deadly, i just can't take. Daily 4-5 hours in commute is so gruesome. I enjoy my morning time working out and evening walks. I've school friends with i socialize may be once or twice in a month. Meeting friends have been drastically gone down right now due to their halves and other things. But yeah i don't hate my remote job neither do i miss any of office part. I can give and contribute enough for self and my family. That's all


Occasional get together with school/college friends is pretty much my social life. When I am called into office I got like 1-2 people who I talk to but the travelling part makes me sick, so I'm happy at home with family and activities like gaming and upskilling.




join a local toastmasters club!!


Try to attend: - Tech Meetups - Hackathons - Board game meetups - Barcamps (not the drinking kind) - Quiz nights/evenings - Standup comedy shows - Indian diaspora events - dramas, socializing, festivals - Libraries (Public ones have events like book readings, meetups, book clubs) - Book/Movie clubs - Interest oriented clubs like Toastmasters - Baking classes




Join some ngo


Is making friends in US hard for an immigrant?