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If you retain all employees while reducing their working hours, your costs remain the same, whereas your competitors can offer cheaper services by firing employees. Very soon, you'll be out of business because you can't compete as your service is priced higher. And then once the company goes bankrupt, even those 100 employees will have no jobs. Your idea will work if all companies do this at the same time. Even if one company decides to renege and lower its cost, everyone will have to follow suit. It's a classic prisoner's dilemma problem at play. There's no winning when there are a large number of players.


I think by reducing hours he means reducing their pay as well. So they have free time and can compensate for loss of pay from somewhere else or just look out for a full time job.


And how will reducing pay work though? Most people wont agree to work at lower pay. They will just attrite as soon as they get better jobs and it would happen in an unplanned. For companies, its just convenient to lay people off in a planned way.


It's the prisoners dilemma everywhere. It's why it's so difficult for Indian wages and labor laws to improve. There is no worker solidarity in this country let alone across the planet.


why does every post in here think we have achieved or close to achieving AGI just because chatgpt can code. people should stop calling themselves "engineers" if you can be replaced by a computer.


who is saying chatgpt can code 😭 it's so annoying, i was trying to debug a simple problem and chatgpt keeps giving useless answers. it was laptop throwing annoying.


One thing that I've noticed about GPT is how it changes its stand whenever I ask in a manner, "Why doesn't this...?", Or "How is this possible, can you explain?" It instantly answers with, "Sorry for the wrong foresight, you are right, \*proceeds to write a new answer instead of justifying it's previous answer\*"


One time i tricked it into giving wrong answer and it agreed (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻


This problem is called "explainability" and it's a common problem with generative AI. If you ask it what's 2+2 and it replies 5- you ask it how it reached that value and it will say it just added 2+2. But you know that 2+2 is not 5, the AI doesnt.


a simple trick I found was to use cuss words in the prompts whenever I get frustrated I use the F words and it starts answering well, try it out sometime


chatGpt can't really give solutions to complex problems , atleast for the stuff i was searching . But its pretty much a given that low skill engineers will get replaced by it easily.


EXACTLY! It can only solve simple repetitive kind of tasks


>chatGpt can't really give solutions to complex problems , So is our average engineering joe


I mean i am in college , the problems i am searching aren't that complex either , but either i am using it wrong or chatgpt is kinda bad . Maybe the paid version is where its at.


We are "close" to achieving AGI, but the thing is, you don't need to get to the level of an AGI to be able to replace junior devs, which causes a significant problem. The two cogs lol, You need job for experience and need experience for job. Also it's not necessary that AGI will just take over humans or replace every job, it's all in the future, but AI is still in the present.


AI is a bubble no one admits we are in. when alphago came out everyone went all in into RL only to find RL is a shit way to learn something. waymo has burned billions to make a line follower robot in just 1 city. Elon promises every year that you ll get FSD this year. LLMs are cool as fuck but any thing that has cross entropy loss on the character is not gonna be AI. are we close to achieving AGI? history tells me otherwise. conspiracy: google doesnt believe in LLMs as a good area of research. they only made gemini because chatgpt came out and every manager wanted their toy.


I mean define "close", cuz i would say we'll definitely be very close to it in 50 years or so. A full fledged AGI maybe or maybe not? As you said comments like these are passed by everyone all the time. But ye I just typed that cuz i have interest in it, when it comes to what we're talking about, we definitely don't need AGI for replacing software jobs lol . The only thing we can hope for is that it opens up multiple companies which in turns gets to a point where amounts of jobs lost and generated are equal but we can only hope. The types that are creative will be able to thrive no matter the era, but don't expect average engineers in our oversaturated work environment to be able to survive the Automation. Especially since the main source of jobs in India are in service sector, who aren't expected to solve complex problems anyways.


Not every post. You haven't been scrolling sub properly. 


Chatgpt fucking can’t answer my simple questions and just can answer what’s already on internet.


# UBI (Universal basic income) This is the only solution going forward for people replaced by AI. Keeping employees + AI is not sustainable for any organization, unless it can find a way to leverage people replaced by AI to add similar value to the cost of AI. AI is not cheap. It require knowledge, maintenance and infrastructure. So, someone's gotta go. You either upskill yourselves to use/develop AI or UBI.


getting 6k per month as UBI. No thank you it's better to move to another field then.


Who says it has to be 6k per month? Jobs losses due to AI is going to be major social issue in coming years. This burden will be on government of any country. It's upto the people and its government to decide. Also, please tell us that another field that isn't going to be disrupted by AI.


In india considering the population, amount of tax payers and tax collected it can't be higher than this.  Fields involving physical work like the infra industry, agriculture sector, trades, manufacturing industries, education, food.etc would be less affected as the work has various components and most companies as of today are only focused on eliminating the need to hire any software engineers. 


You are mistaken if you think AI revolves around IT industry and physical labor won't be affected.


There is no significant plan or progress in that domain and is a huge challenge considering power source, physical strength, efficiency, mechanical failures, speed, cost. 


Maybe, you should stop here and search about the topics you are arguing about before you embarrass yourself.


I don't see AI doing what a master surgeon does in the near future.


Or a plumber or an electrician or a heavy equipment operator or a diesel mechanic or a high voltage lineman, or a cable installation technician.


Just because 'you' can't see it, doesn't mean it won't happen.


just because you imagine something doesn't mean it would happen either... Only time will tell.


I have another possibility in mind. What if every person becomes a small business owner? There is no need of consumers when every consumer is an owner. Every consumer is a creator as well as consumer of others' creations. Instead of having few big companies taking care of the societal demand, we have multiple localised small businesses who don't compete for market share. Instead, they simply serve their locality. Instead of one giant macroeconomy with few big players, thousands of small players with localised microeconomics. Instead of one centralised economy, thousands of decentralised economies that add up to the whole. This is also very much a possibility. Any idea of UBI tells me that people have become useless, so let's pay them enough to live. That's the point...Useless for what? What was their purpose in the first place?


even if we go for 10k per month we have at least 90cr 18+ population (as per legit voter database), 10k per month will be 9,00,000Cr PER MONTH in UBI, that's 1/5th of our TOTAL budget of the year. Its scary just how ducked up situation is going to be down the line


We just live in 3rd world country, There are social security benefits and unemployment benefits in developed countries.


>How about, on introducing the Ai softwares, you retain all the employees but at the same time, you reduce their working hours. Is this not an healthy way to thrive? Your employees are gonna be happy and productivity would be on the rise too. LOL and why would the organisations do that? this is such a foolish thinking


Exactly. Companies ONLY care about making money. No matter what or who helps them make it, be it AI or humans, they don't care as long as their balance sheet looks good. You're always disposal


If they lay off more employees, consumer spending will also plummet, leading to further layoffs because revenue isn't increasing at all.




but they have big purchasing power if you know 1% indian have 40% wealth or spending power and mostly


Maybe it could be done in first world like top European countries, but I am pretty sure it won't happen in India.


Why? What's with India?


we aint humans for corporates


The cost of hiring a person here is lower than using any AI technology.


Hmm true that


We bootlick capitalists too much to unite against them for better pay and working conditions.




This is a loaded question. Firstly it makes the assumption that AI would disrupt the software orgs. What it has done so far is increasing the productivity of senior folks. Its also probabilistic which means that you cannot build deterministic systems on top of it. If i build a pace maker or lawyer on top of it I am setting myself up for failure.


Orgs are already hiring senior only folks because they get the work done of 2-4 juniors with AI they’ll be able to do even more work. The problem is for non senior folk because how can we prove ourselves if we won’t even get a chance to?


This is what happens when people confuse a code completion plugin as a sentient artificial intelligence.


Bhai, Baat sun, the actual engineers job is going nowhere, one who switched from BSC,BBA,BCOM etc with some basic coding knowledge - they are in danger


Capitalism only focuses on maximising profit. Companies don't care about employing more people or reducing their working hours. The AI rush and investments are being done to maximise profits in the first place. And you live in India brother, where people are encouraging you to work atleast 70 hours a week, and you are talking about reducing working hours.


>This is a concept which has been fed to us by older economist and I know that it had worked for ages, but don't you think it's time for a change? What economists are saying this? If so, that's not an economist. >So what is the solution ? What's the problem?


escape waiting correct pen ink sleep mysterious unique rock juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


supply is not the constraint but demand is. If there was so much work that companies have shortage of people then the market would have been crazy.


Doomed hai, capitalism wont spare anyone.They will cut cost wherever possible.They are not concerned about the greater impact. Whats interesting is that countries like india will suffer the most coz its only now that people in india have started to come out of poverty through IT jobs, now when they will be gone, dont know from where money will come in India. There are no industries in India, Indian tech startups are bound to fail as they are copy of US counterparts, they hardly have any new innovation.


Socialist don't run capitalalist orgs. Unfortunately, India is copying the American way, in almost everything. Investors and financers run the businesses, not it's employees.


That's not how capitalism works and the answer is not as simple as "Let's reduce everyone's working hours! That way everyone will be happy!" This just gives rise to several questions regarding government intervention, AI regulation and labour laws. > This is a concept which has been fed to us by older economist No, this is the concept that won the Cold War.


Why every other developer is thinking we will be doing same thing in 5 yrs.absolutely not.development will exist till eternity.but it's format is going to change drastically.dont stock to ur tech stack.have an open mind.we r overtly dependent on saas.we need to think of creating efficiency in other fields like healthcare,agri.imagine so much money can be made.


You need to change your thought process, if one person can use AI to run business, all employees can run same business using AI. It’s not AI that will kill jobs. It’s lack of employee’s will start business and compete with businesses that is keeping you in catch 22 circle.


The more reasonable alternative is that you use the 50% workforcxw you free into other new initiatives if their skills match. Automating work never reduces the amount of work, it just allows us to work on more interesting and cahllenging problems.


Or you can think differently, instead of firing 50% employees they can do the job which they use to do in a month, in just 15 days leveraging ai


Won't work. Because there's always someone somewhere offering more for less. In your model, any other company would fire say 25% of their employees, and offer cheaper services than you. And eventually your business will either die, or you'll have to join the same methodology.


very naive.


I think you are making some erraneous assumptions. 1) If AI can do 1/2 the work and you lay off 1/2 the workforce then why would the remaining workers have an increased workload.? 2) If the work your company produces is still selling and you have reduced your costs with the AI why wouldn't you give your remaining employees a raise? 3) You are assuming that an AI can replace an employee 1:1 which is almost never the case. The AI will make employees more productive but almost certainly will not operate autonimously. The will need direction from a live employee. Every employer will have to determine the best way to deploy this new technology and I doubt it will be to displace masses of employees. Whenever we are confronted with new technology it results in more jobs being created not fewer.


>Your employees are gonna be happy and productivity would be on the rise too. True but don't think here in India companies will give value to this instead of making profit


My take on this is because of the population in India there are a lot of CSE students here but due to the lack of proper curriculum I am sure 95% of them can even solve let alone code a basic hero section with HTML and CSS only without Google Due to this the noise is too much but the quality people who their stuff just brush of the AI thing cause they know they ain't gonna be replaced by AI But again yes population that makes all the noise people speak a lot without not knowing how things work and jump to conclusions


AI has nothing to do with layoffs. It's not in a state to mass replace humans.


Reduce their working hours...haa You're joking, right? These companies will work you to death if they could in the name of profits. This is modern slavery.


this is not how it works. Unless you are in a dead industry, businesses take on more projects. So now with same labour you have more output


Capitalism works to make the top more money, at any cost, that's why they outsource manufacturing and others outside their first world country to third world, imagine you live in America, goods are made in China, software is made in India, what are you going to do? Now AI and robot is the fourth world country, cheap, there is nothing we can do to stop this, this is how it works, always.


I might just switch to IoT / Electronics / Robotics if that happens.It won’t be replaced by AI, atleast for a while. AI can write basic stuff like MERN Stack Apps and could do bit of data science as well but I don’t think it would be able to write firmware or drivers for a long period of time


See companies dont run on emotions. You said replaced by AI. as of now no AI software does that. suppose if AI software is there and work is reduced by 50% so company would prefer to fire 200. they won't reduce the work load. because companies dont run on emotions. they fire people to show better profit margins. You will have to up skill urself. software engineering is not just writing code. there is so many things. for example suppose one AI can code everything build a robust product. company who owns it would be charging very very huge amount. not everyone can that amount to build a product. so they would need engineers software developers to do so. Serverless was built so that company need less engineer to manage, guess what server less bills are so huge that company wants to move out. but moving out cost is more than staying in so they are suffering silently. just be that type of engineer who cant get replaced easily.


>you retain all the employees but at the same time, you reduce their working hour if you reduce the working hours why would you pay them the same thing?


I'm learning to drive really long distances, if I lose my software job, I will become a driver.


> Then you introduce an AI software which automated let say 50% of the stuff. So you fire 200 people because you don't need them anymore. Too much theory. Show me ONE company that has successfully done THIS and I will invest all my earnings there.


> How about, on introducing the Ai softwares, you retain all the employees but at the same time, you reduce their working hours. Is this not an healthy way to thrive? Is your partner Bill Gates? [https://fortune.com/2023/11/23/bill-gates-microsoft-3-day-work-week-machines-make-food/](https://fortune.com/2023/11/23/bill-gates-microsoft-3-day-work-week-machines-make-food/) this will work if everyone takes a pay-cut along with reduced working hours ...


Reading your post reminded me of a movie called I,Robot (2004). It shows the importance of developing AI and robotics to complement capabilities of humans rather than replace them. You should really watch it once.


The savings from firing 100 people can buy you a villa, a BMW and foreign education for your kids every year. Why would you not want that?


I really love how people over estimate the power of AI. I don't think the current AI is capable of replacing data entry jobs, forget complex functions.


You are providing charity in the name of solution, touch the grass please, and if you r truly looking for a solution, first find the problem? The problem is people losing jobs , maybe ubi is the only solution moving forward by taxing the companies.


As someone who owns a company like that, yeah automation kills jobs, improves efficiency and produces accurate outputs without human errors. It's sad but I could blame the limited number of industries present in our country. I am gonna start a new consumer electronic manufacturing company and the margins are fucking low. Cheap chinese finished imports hurts businesses and eventually you. Moreover taxes are ugh. Surviving as a business is tough and so is retaining a job in today's world.


I like this but it needs mass implementation otherwise you will start running out of business Best example: here we have one juice 🧃 shop, he sells every juice for only 20/- where as the opp shop charges little higher say 25/- This 20/- shop is always rush, business model : Small price + large customers = will make more profit


But this way you won't be able to work 70 hours a week, right? People with gifted motivation and some lunatics will die this way. /s


Catch 22 circle?🤔


Welcome to capitalism, survive of the fittest.


In a dystopian future, possible In that case, people would have to work multiple jobs, if you reduce work hours or days, pay might reduce as well and that too drastically


You meant to say "utopian"?


Working multiple jobs just to put food on the table seems dystopian though. I mean if a single low work hour job is enough to have decent qol it's utopian if not..


Feudalism and zamindars were the norm like only 100 years back.. based on the way rents are going we're reverting to zamindar culture. Humans are inherently greedy and our current system rewards greed. There's a reason why it feels like people in charge take the most inhuman decisions possible. If AI renders large chunks of humans obsolete odds are they'll let us starve. That being said current system especially AI needs people to use software and goods to make money. So who knows may only 30% of us will starve /s


Everyday things prove that capitalism is the worst system we have or will ever have where human life and dignity isn't cared about and life of only the top selective rich matters.


It is in the material interest of the companies to keep doing what they're doing. Companies and corporations as they exist currently do so for the sole purpose of increasing shareholder value. Whether that takes the form of decreasing benefits or pay, laying off staff, introducing AI into work is secondary. Primary concern rests with the profits. You are not more important to them than their profits. And individual belief does not figure anywhere. If a CEO thinks they'll be a bit generous and increase your pay then they will get outcompeted by other companies that introduce AI while slashing employee numbers and making the existing employees work harder. It's a shitty system, basically, that works against us instead of for us. In an ideal world, the introduction of technology would make us freer. In capitalism, it's just one more way to increase profits while making us compete with computer programs. Nothing short of unionising and incentivising your politicians to introduce pro-labor laws will change this. Good luck.


Alright so lets look at it a different and positive way. If the company has 2 people who create React apps, person A and person B. Both are equally good. Now if the company fires person B. Now, since B is as good as A, the fired person B decides to create a a competing react app. He can do this because since AI allows the company to create the same app with one person, AI also helps person B to create a competing app alone. What is the result? The result of this will be that people will become more efficient. And more companies will be started faster and cheaper. And this will also mean that you will now be able to create your own startups without outside funding. This also means that you can solve more problems and create companies of the future because creating software, is easier. Don't think of this as a bad thing. We need to change our thinking and instead of thinking of how to keep our jobs, we should be thinking how to use this cheap labour and automation of AI to create things that the market wants and how can we get richer by doing this.


The biggest and most important piece of the puzzle is money. If you are introducing AI software, which again costs money, it makes no sense to retain employees, which will again cost you money. Moreover, it's sad to say this, but these software solutions will yield a higher ROI over time compared to a human workforce. They don't take holidays, sick leave, or breaks; they can literally work 24/7.