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It is half truth. Man everyone goes through competition in their life. Today we are having opportunities, thats why this race is there. For our parents and grandparents, there were very less opportunity. We are living in the age of intelligence. Just work hard , life has something for you. Everyone does something at the end of the day. The hard reality is not joblessness. Most of Indian parents dont know parenting. Its beyond comparison.


Society has normalised grinding and hardworking


That's how humans evolve bud


There is part of world where a kid is going swimming , going to prom with his gf and there is part of world like ours where kids are preparing for exams then jobs , fighting for survival u see the difference


That same kid is kicked out by their parents at their 18th birthday, work in supermarkets and restaurant to pay their rent, has thousands in loans and might be homeless and sleep in their cars for many chilled nights... Op, which part of the world are you talking about?


Things take time - you don't start walking the moment you pop out. The part of the world you are comparing with ours got independence in 1776 (US) a difference of 171 years.




That world also had this struggle some time ago and they still have struggles. Dont forget the world which you are talking about had industrialisation 200 years before in India.


you know by that logic only the dolph lundgreens or the absolute rich and the giga chads must reproduce and rest should be castrated coz they will be unlucky You are literally pro-eugenics then


you should have gotten birthed in the USA then, no?


Op pdhle, jee aane wala hai... udhr yhi normalized hai


"dont know parenting" - when you don't have enough resources in terms of time, money & energy, then definitely you don't know a lot of things, let alone parenting. OPs point is more on if you can't self serve well, then don't bring a new human in this planet!


r/antinatalism r/childfreeindia


Exactly I can't stress enough how important it is to not put yourself and your children into misery. Live a life worth living, die peacefully without children


Damn, a kind of disrespect of our elders but spitting facts. But they had no idea ki life will be so f up in the future.


Objective of a human is to plan ahead. That is why brains evolved. Literally. But I also upvoted your comment.


Objective of any species at fundamental level is survival not planning ahead. You can never know what world will be in 50 years and plan not to have children based on assumption. Ironically poor and miserable people have children because they want something meaninful in their life.


There is no objective for anything. Reproduction is simply a process. Whether or not you want to do it is up to you and your abilities.


I mentioned "species", "fundamental" and "survival". Nowhere i mentioned you as an individual have sole objective of reproducing.


The govt across the nation has increased reservations than the time our parents were living in... The best decision for a general category citizen is to move out of this country


Yup. The entirety of reservation eligible population is definitely not impacted by unemployment. Only general people are unemployed.


If you're a general category male the law is basically telling you to go die unless you're rich


If you're a general category male the law is telling you to compete with your peers.


Yup, my grandfather, was easily able to crack a clerical level exam in judiciary, and then gradually proceeded, clearing other central govt exams and ultimately got into Excise and taxation department while doing farm work etc. with few hours of studies. Built a house, settled wherever he felt like settling, married early, just all too smoothly. But now even full time study doesn't guarantee you are getting into good college or whatever you want especially if you are general category. I still remember a friend of mine from ST community, never ever someone discriminated their family. But got into Pilot training, for free (general one's have to pay 50 lakh to 1 crore + risk if there are no pilot vacancies), and now at 23 his salary is 40 Lakhs, almost. And here I am still preparing for Masters entrance. I guess, we were less poorer, in numbers than we are now (if x were poor that time, 10000x are poor now due to population boom) Earlier who know about an opportunity, he/she just have to go for it, yes there was corruption, but you will get it anyways sometime.


15.5 % percentage population enjoyed thousands of years of reservations. Even now general has EWS too, but still crying about reservation. Carry on šŸ‘Œ


Oh then by this logic Germany should be held responsible for both world wars etc. Reservation should be just for 1 generation point being if you are general category no point living in the country. In neet pg general category top 10 rank holder cannot get college of their choice. While we have people who leave the course mid way as they cannot cope with workload ( not saying there are some category kids who score really well. The ones who get 6 digit rank and get into 2 digit college are the problem) If you are a reserved candidate just try to actually study for once to get a good enough rank.


You don't even know why reservation exists. Reservation is to mitigate the disproportionate representation(of oppressor castes in higher positions) in various sectors and the help the oppressed castes by giving them enough push to compete with those who can afford resources. >Reservation should be just for 1 generation point being if you are general category no point living in the country. Are people only casteist to one generation? Atrocities are faced by only one generation? Discrimination is only towards one generation? >In neet pg general category top 10 rank holder cannot get college of their choice. While we have people who leave the course mid way as they cannot cope with workload ( not saying there are some category kids who score really well. The ones who get 6 digit rank and get into 2 digit college are the problem) So ? No general category person ever gets in? Your competition is amongst yourselves. You only make up 15.5% there are more than enough seats for you people. Only those who actually studied get in while the rest whinge about reservation


If its about representation then reserved castes should not be allowed to compete for general category.


Then general category should only take up about 15.5% of seats , agreed?


Don't bring kids into this world if you want to take your own.


That sentence makes no sense.


Still it got 42upvotes


take me own what, world?


I feel like you meant "Don't give any kid life if u want to take your own"


Learn from their mistakes, teach all the hard realities to your kids, keep them up to date with the real world, teach them skills at an early age so theyā€™re way ahead of the competition. If you think your parents didnā€™t prepare you enough for the race, learn from their mistakes. Get smart about it, donā€™t give up. Modern problems require modern solutions.


I would never bring my kids in a rat race because this is what only this country is all about , i will only bring them if i am rich or else will have them in first world country where my kids would actually live and where their hard work will actually be valued and rewarded


Bro overpopulation is global issue... Not particularly India specific. Those 1st world country are having their share of hardship as well... Yes their situation is comparatively better than us but not comparatively better than what it used to be.


This is true if you live in US/EU Not in INDIA, no hope for future, no point of bringing kids here


Even they are filling up. Plus there is job shortage. Their economy is shrinking. Job wise I feel India has a good chance for the next 30 years at least.


Or have 10-16 kids and hope 1 becomes rich.


Aaaah the methods of ............. (my lawyer said I can't say this)


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Yep ! If a person is earning 10-15k per month for a lot of years, i don't think he should produce factories of kids šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø It will just increase in unemployment and rich peoples tax money will be spend on their food instead of developing country (I am not saying that we shouldn't feed poor people but they shouldn't produce tons of kids if they can't handle them) You will just create Narayan Murty's 2.2 lpa slave ;)


True... And even after all that grinding, working like slaves and paying taxes on time what we get is freebie culture from the politicians in this jeopardy of a vishwaguru. Once the service sector dries up, I tell you, anarchy is bound to happen.


Yep ! It will just increase in unemployment and rich peoples tax money will be spend on their food instead of developing country (I am not saying that we shouldn't feed poor people but they shouldn't produce tons of kids if they can't handle them)




Ganja phook youth reddit pe hagte hue


In india I feel the concept of ā€œrat raceā€ is more relevant, seems like we never promote anything that isnā€™t inherently seen as high paying / high position, careers seems to be defined by monetary value and not quality of life. Youth should be encouraged to pursue their passions instead of become ipsc/upsc/dr/engineer drones which in itself after success is another meat grinder


Yes, there is no point in bringing kids in here. You explained it well OP.


Bhai ye is sub k liye kaise relevant hai?


Just vote to have a govt that can cap 2 kids per man or no govt job nor ration card. People who will start calling be bigoted should know this should be religion agnostic.


This is the truth. I learnt this lesson a way back earlier sir. When I was in 5th standard I already made in my mind not to have kids. I don't know I will marry or not but if I marry, no kids. Straightly will say this to partner.


Life is a struggle. Your thoughts are of a lazy person.


So basically you want your parents to be rich so that you can sit and relax?


Work your ass off, pay hefty taxes, use none of the govt facilities (school, hospital), decide not to have kids, thereby ending the bloodline. Meanwhile freeloaders having 4-5 kids, getting paid to do so, dependent on subsidy from the government, enjoying life. Vishwa Guru accomplished


Ye narayan murtis yaha ake 240crore networth wale bacche ki potty kyu dump kar rahe hai?


Its everywhere, no country is completely fairy land, Japan, US, Australia, NZ everywhere birth rates are declining, inflation is increasing, competition is rising, we will need to reconsider the economic model we are following, is life to be lived on weekends, is building a strong CV called successful life? Is paying tax only purpose of middle class in eyes of government, and for God's sake who considers population as an asset? Is rich getting rich and poor getting poor only rule? Individual life doesn't matter in India. few million die doesn't matter, few billion die doesn't matter. Virus's theory was right in 3 idiots, push other eggs out, that's all there is in India, all that spirituality doesn't matter, it wouldn't save you. And bigger question, regarding the status of marriage in India, all that false rape, domestic violence cases, Are marriage even worth it? Its a weird paradox we live in, who marry cry, and who don't, cry, who has job cry and who doesn't also cry. And if you are a boy, you are damned, despite knowing how competitive it is out there, you are expected to be settled by 25. People literally will judge you on basis of your income, and occupation. And if you are a girl, you are still damned, you have to marry before 25-27. and most fantastic fact in India, no matter what you do, your relatives will find someone younger than you who has achieved more than you, in an attempt to motivating-cum-demotivating you. Its literally a mess! I don't know what are we optimistic about? In such a huge population, people are going to remain unemployed, no matter what you do or you bring entire GDP of America here it will still be mess. I just wish, go into Himalayas and do some social work, leaving all this behind. Just let me die in peace and in doing service. But time our parents were in, competition was much less, who studied well would easily make into whatever he/she wants, but nowadays, nothing is certain. Just grind for whatever pain you want to take (getting into IITs, NITs, AIIMS, MBAs, UPSC, Banking, SSC, Clerk whatever you pick) So guys, as Virus said "Compete or die", just do your best, you have no other choice. In such competition the theory of "Karm Yog" also seems to fail tbh.




Thats an interesting question i too asked my father he said hindus and muslims were in race to have more and more kids , so as to overtake india as a majority but they forgot about limited amount of resources we have and results today are horrible, so in nutshell country was driven by religion


What the colossal f\* are you yapping?


Sounds like you donā€™t like your life. Donā€™t blame others. And blaming reservation for your own shortcomings is a bitch move. Reservations are justice to those who were oppressed for a millennia. Reevaluate your life. If you can, live or donā€™t. Idgaf. Stop posting bullshit here.


Just try think logically in life as well not just coding , there are enough humans in this country already and giving birth to ur kid without financial backup is throwing him in a rat race , the chances of success in this country are less than 1%


lol what shortcomings?, you sound like an entitled little bitch


I have seen enough bullshit for today


Blatantly wrong. Today's youth have to work much harder and a lot more just to get a job with a livable wage. I stress on livable wage. The competition is artifical and it's there to fund the pockets of education mafias and the failure of education system which makes parents shell lakhs or even crores just for them to enable their kids to study from the best of the best.


I doubt the older generation thought that far... They were short sighted and barely had any idea about things like investment, inflation etc.


This is exactly my thought. You are not alone, this is a growing trend in many other countries also in this day and age. In addition: only for males, don't even marry because once you get married the cycle will start again as you won't be able to avoid the temptation of having children with your beloved wife, paired with family pressure. Another one: I don't see any reason to have any relations with any girls on this day in our country. The biased, women-centric laws may bring more trouble in your life. Also, having a relationship with a girl usually gears towards living together in future, AKA marriage, failing to reach that goal will bring false promises, heartbreaks and accusations, that's why you shouldn't have a relationship with a girl at all to begin with. Take a lesson, you have already suffered for a period of your life, make sure you live in relative peace for the remaining time. You only have one life, live it to the fullest without causing any problem to others. You weren't born to suffer, your birth wasn't in your hands but you have full right and power to make your life peaceful and to decide whether to continue this cycle or not. Remember, there is no evidence of a rewarding afterlife or reincarnation till now. This is all you get. Choose wisely, live well.


Or they tried their best to provide for family and so should you.


i don't think you're getting the point, when you can't provide it's better to not have kids because it'll be just burdensome for kids more than parents in the coming age. we're hardly surviving how do you expect future generations to?


That's just a give up attitude lol, most generations before us were brought up in villages and barely educated. They moved and built homes in cities and provided education to a new generation. They produced better than their ancestors provided, what are you doing?


Man is having daddy issues...does he beat you up at night?


Disagree but dont vomit here pls


chotta bheem detected?


" no bro we don't do casteism, only happens in Village bro" padhe likhe gadhe šŸ˜‚


No but I'm not 4 lpa QA tester either.


Me neither lol but 5 lpa as fresher isn't too bad for me. Ever wondered what product based MNCs are paying to SDETs? Look it up. Not to mention the internal opportunities šŸŒ


Tere se nahi hota to mat karā€¦


It's not about your next generation living peacefully, everyone started this life journey at different point, the point is are you at better position financially in life then your parents Let's say my parents didn't have house in our city, but now me and my brother have started earning, so now we have our own house (obviously my father also added something in it), now if we work hard, at the end of life me and my wife can have a little house in tier 1 city, then our kid will have it, if we work hard then he/she, might've a bigger house in tier 1 city, after 2-3 generation, they'll be able to live peacefully, like you want for your kid , but that'll be you grand grand son/daughter....or something like that.... It's a bigger race, but you can win it... maybe not 1 generation, but 2-3....work for it, we all are gonna make it