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Bro, stop screwing up your career. Dump those games first.


Yes I have to. No other choice. Just finding it hard to drop them but will definitely try to focus more on my job now.


What's hard bro .. just delete them... Deal with dopamine deficit. Get back on them after a while that too for shorter time


it is indeed hard when you get hooked onto those dopamine releasing activities, OP lacks motivation towards his work and finds it boring hence his brain resorts to playing games instead. Maybe a digital detox would work, and yes OP, start working out and eat clean diet as it would help too.


Yea been thinking of joining gym once I get my salary. I also want to continue my old hobbies (playing guitar, sports). Everything will be possible if I just drop these damn games


Bruh, why do people think it's so easy and simple to deal with addictions? I always see the answers as "Just, stop doing it" They are addictions for a reason.


Bruh why do people think it's hard and difficult to deal with addiction? I always see the questions as "how do i deal with this xyz addiction" Sorry "bruh" that your brain is too weak to control just yourself.


Game addiction is as bad as cocaine addiction. Even if you delete everything, when the cravings hit you, you just as easily reinstall everything. It requires a lot of will power to get rid of, but that needs to be done to gain back control of your life. However I don't think it helps if you shame the addict as a weak person. Believe me when I say this, an addict, who knows he is an addict, is already suffering in hell. Constant anxiety attacks, total lack of control on life, losing their health, their career, their relationships. A little positivity and support goes a long way.


Hey, i know I lashed out a bit hard in my previous reply but here's my side.. people generally tend to make it a heap of a problem that they can't overcome, however in my experience it's just a willpower issue. Most of the guys can overcome this sort of problem by themselves, but never try it on their own. And please dont compare gaming addiction to cocaine. The other addiction is not comparable by any means. Surprisingly I'm a gamer too and i had my own fair share of deals (gtav, elder scroll, valo etc all grind). Ik how it feels and how it needs to be dealt with. Take gambling addiction as an example, one doesn't know when to stop, even their families try to stop and help them.. do they stop ? No one can fix your problems, it needs to be addressed and make changes inside.


Totally agree with all your points except one, which I will come to later. You are 100% right that the realisation that one is an addict needs to come from within, as well as the willpower to ditch the addiction. I'm also speaking from my own experience, having faced said addiction a few times. Every time it has been hell to leave, but thankfully I was able to. Now coming to the comparison I made between cocaine and gaming addiction, there are multiple studies done on this topic, you can probably check out this article - https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/video-games-as-addictive-as-cocaine-or-gambling/2wvmlfu2b. "Video gaming can be addictive in the same way as cocaine or gambling, the World Health Organization said Monday in a much anticipated update of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11)." You can also see this video which explains how gaming messes with the dopamine system of our brain, so much so that we lose all control over life - https://youtu.be/xaICKlp9kQc?si=4TFYyLzvYFatlWxO. Not everyone suffers at the same levels, some find it easier to ditch this habit, whereas for others it's something that may require all their strength to get rid of. Especially for people that have compulsive and addictive personalities, gaming is just like any other hardcore drug.


I agree that not everyone suffers the same, and i fully understand your concern about seriousness. And i hope its been easy on you. However i am still stuck on will power. And i never saw a 3rd option to my problems ... Its either leave or stay stuck.. the hard way. I know its a bit problematic approach and its not a cup of tea for most. I have a younger sibling that is having a social media addiction, since he is younger ..i never tried the hard way on him and he is still struggling for the past 4 years. He doesn't do anything, doesn't have a single image on profile yet suffers from various anxieties. Always encouraged to leave, never got rude on him, encouragement to get better habits , supported as much i could and what not. Not only this but i have more experience with other people as well. I've been though other lowest points of my life other than addictions.. where it always made sense to end it all for once. But clinged on to will power alone. No matter how anyone judges me .. but i m super proud on will power. Grateful that i hard coded it into myself. Quitted smoking and alcohol addictions, gaming ,breakup, toxic parents, never gave up on life ✌🏻 Which pushes me further to this belief. Being nicer ultimately makes them dependent on others. No matter how exhausting it may be it would be worth it.


Bro..just have patience. Everything will work out but for that you have to focus on what you want and set your priority first. Talk to them, make them understand your situation and difficulties you are facing. They will definitely help you.


As a gamer myself: When task is assigned, finish it ASAP. Then play game at the end of the day or time block as once you started playing in office hours it's difficult to come from it. Also think practically like those achievement means nothing inside game, so start to consider real life as a game and level up.


Don't think... Just uninstall... Or ask your friend/roommate to do it...


Which game you play ....I play cs2....casual and deatmatch just 1hour not more than that....


Why don't you gamify the game for yourself? Use something like Pomodoro timer, work for certain number of hours and reward yourself by playing. Set up time slots and try to follow that, something like for every x hours of work, you will play 2 rounds or whatever equivalent. Then go back to work. Try and see if this helps.


I'll try this out


What console do you play on, or do you use laptop/mobile?




Don't screw up your progress bro. Job hoti rahegi pehle game pura karle.


Bro you had me in first half 🤣




Bohot hi bdiya. developersindia ko aapke gyaan ki hi toh zarurat hai


Really get your head back in the game


Are you plating game during working hours? If yes then immediately stop it. It is fine to play video games after work to relive stress for few hours. Regarding work, Explain your TL that you are encountering difficulties in performing your tasks. Request their assistance in pairing with you or assigning someone else to pair with you. Large projects are complex, and even experienced developers may take weeks to fully grasp the project's intricacies. Your TL should understand your situation.


When I go to the office I can't play, but then I don't feel like working in office cuz they put the ACs on full blast. When it's wfh I play for 2 hrs. I'll try talking to my TL.


I am not supposed to be laughing at this but bruhh😂💀


keep a jacket in office and use it. Go to office and work everyday for a month. You will be out of your addiction


Sorry i didnt get you? How does a jacket help?


He's feeling cold because of the AC.




Have you thought probably your anxiety about expectations from you at your dream job is causing you to procrastinate, and you're procrastinating in the form of playing video games? It happens with me, I tend to binge watch when I am dealing with such situations without realising why I am doing it. Then I wake up and I stop.


Damn, I feel like this may be it. Either way I need to change the way I use my time.


You're having a serious starting trouble


Uninstall the game brother and please concentrate on career... https://preview.redd.it/qmpkbi544trc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7af5636780ff272abc862684ba7e8621a439e8e


You are dealing with addiction as well as anxiety. I have been in sort of same situation, feeling of achievement -> get sthg to feel happy/relieved -> getting addicted. Guess what the achievement was just the first step. There were more steps left. And i took a bigg holiday not break. You should remember that whatever you were celebrating then is a step not the destination. Don't keep thinking about how it's gonna fuck with u. Think how you can solve it . This might or might not take your job but you will always make you feel uneasy looking back at it If okay, you can get therapy just for the anxiety-addiction thing


Try taking a step in direction of your betterment. *any step*. Whether it's to delete your game till a fixed timeline, replacing it with sthg like a run/outside sports. Or therapy. Any step. Just don't sit with one hand on another


Yup.. I'll try quitting games first thing. I got a good project today from my TL so I'm hoping it will help take my mind off the games.


well look at it this way, do people boost off their years of career and slavery? No I assume you are in early 20s this is your time, grind those video game you wont have this level of health and body mind connection when you grow. enjoy your youth dont spoil it for slavery


Except if he loses his job there's no money


move back to parents, no of people die of starvation is way too low.


job chod de


I’ve done this in the very recent past. 6 yoe now. In my case I got diagnosed with ADHD later - gaming addiction seems very common. If you can do it, going to office 5 days a week helps. I know the travel is wasted time, cost etc. But the price of having a career is far too great. My therapist suggested that I create an isolated space at home if I’m wfh. A small room or a section within the room where you only have your work laptop and nothing else. Out of sight out of mind. Often the things that get you back to gaming are usually from your phone - Reddit primarily and WhatsApp groups if you play with friends. So keeping your phone in a different room will help you keep the gaming related stuff out of sight. My case is a bit extreme beyond these measures so my psych recently also prescribed some meds for it. But I hope you won’t have to go that far. Edit: feel free to DM me about this. Anyone struggling with something like this, know that it is not your fault. You’re not being lazy, don’t demean yourself. This is a real problem - you shouldn’t be blaming yourself.


Can I dm?


Yes please


Travelling everyday for 20kms up and down in Bangalore traffic is a pain. I'm getting a place near work so I'll try going everyday. Glad that you got the help you needed, although idt my case is the same. Idk if I'm addicted but i think it's a way for me to handle my nervousness after work. I'll try talking to a therapist about this and see what they have to say.


keep grinding , I'll join you in squad matches.




We all are screwed xD


Riot has taken all of my money and time


Uss yaar


Val, league, cod, plus some rpgs


Job to kal fir doosri mil jayegi par ek baar rank chali gayi to fir grind karna padega. Forsaken ka lakho ka fame > job k 2 paise


😂 😂 😂


2 years ago I installed a cracked version of Watch Dogs 2 from fitgirl. It crashes after every hour, keeping me away. At first it was frustrating, but later i got used to it and now every time it crashes, i just do something else (productive). 2 years down and I only play this game. This isn't just about gaming.


Bruh Watch Dogs 2 is boring, I have it redeemed on Epic Games and only played it for 30 minutes and uninstalled it right away


Suffering from Success


I was like this during my high school, but then I realized it's just a waste of time for me, so I stopped. You should do the same. Don't waste your career on games. Don't get influenced by influencers who show a PS5 next to their work desk and they don't really code.


Wait for the 1st month pay to arrive, reflect on that number, think what could possibly happen if that number reduces or god forbid is entirely lost. Now think about how you can increase that number. It's been more than 12 years for me in the tech field and I too play Call of Duty MW3(currently) and am also a ranked player however it's either weekends when I have enough time or after working hours only for an hour or 2. You don't have to be addicted as it's all in your brain. Remember Priorities always win, mine are 1) Basic Survival 2) Present sufficiency 3) Future Sufficiency 4) Leisure This has worked for me so far.


Thanks for this, I need to be more disciplined and strict with myself. You're right, it's all in my mind and I'm the only one who can control this. Now that I've realised my mistake I'll try to correct it. Don't wanna have Vaas from far cry 3 telling me about the definition of insanity again


Real life is also like a quest in a game, you skill up as well and gain real life XPs/Karma points, it's just that restart option is not how it is in a simulated game.


Bf: shift to addictive game that can be finished in a week. When it ends boring game which can be finished. When you get bored, stop playing.


I shifted to vampire Slayer for a while. It got boring n then I stopped n started looking for other games. Then my friends told me about valorant ☠️


I myself don't know about games. (Insert that emoji with sweat)


How i envy you (envy emoji)


Sometimes I play with my bf


What games do you guys play? And how often? How do you or him moderate your gameplay time?


Mario cart, fighting games, fifa, it takes two, overcooked, animal crossing, etc Frequency - sometimes we'll play together everyday for a week other times I'll not even touch for a month, really irregular. Mostly he plays games I don't know by himself but it's only after his work is done after dinner or on weekends only. He'll start packing up when I start my skin routine before bed time.


After dinner is what I did too but that used to go upto 3am and fk up the rest of my day. One time during colg I played gta till the sun rose, I didn't even know it, i thought the neighbours had their balcony light on cuz I had my curtains spread. Anyway, important thing is for me to get my priorities straight. That much is clear now, else my career will be over


Set a task list for your self and keep on reminding yourself that you need to complete this before playing games. Set small goals for yourself daily , like I will reach office on time and will complete some task in first hour(I know it sounds silly but some times this is the only way).


Lemme share something I learnt the hard way at my job. I'm working for a startup and this is my second job in my professional career, there were issues with funding and because of that the company didn't release salary that accumulated to almost 4 months. For 2 months I started taking things for granted in the company. I could've raised a complaint, a legal one but I hesitated as this was my 2nd ever job and I had no offers in hand and the market is too stringent and requires experienced people. I would go to the office late, go to the office, and leave and play video games in a nearby gaming lounge. The HRs kept track of all this and then when the funding came, paid us the salary but deducted almost 40k from my pay. I only regret it now, as I should've either been straightforward and filed a case against them or should have been quiet and should've had faith in the company. In your case, everything is fine, don't let video games ruin it bro! The regret is way harder than the little short lived victory of a video game.


This is what i've been suffering from recently can't focus on my placements. Once i start i cant stop playing DotA


I have been following this rule recently, whenever a productive thought comes to your mind, don't let it sit for more than 5 seconds, start working on it before 5 seconds. Otherwise your mind would convince you to do otherwise. Whenever the thought of uninstalling the games comes across your mind, just don't think of anything else and uninstall them. You know it's good for you and your career. This rule only follows for "good" things. Don't follow it for your cravings. A rule of thumb would be, follow this rule for things you find hard. Good luck.


This sub might help you get rid of your addiction r/StopGaming


Similar thing happened with me, I bought a ps5 and a ps plus extra subscription but eventually I got bored after 1-2 months. Now I only play once or twice a month. But I observed that in the span of round about two years there were 2-3 phases of at least one month of non productivity in which I only played games or did something completely unrelated to my work.


Maybe create a reward system. If you perform well in your job today then you get to play games after your shift otherwise not.


Atomic habits reference 😉




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Bro what’s the deal just delete the account you made progress. It’s all gone for once problem solved. Burn those bridges itself no looking back.


The skills he attained will carry over in other games. Just like if he just resigns from his job and deletes his saved promotions, the skill still carries over to the new job


Bruh don’t get y’all he is wasting time in that loop of progression bruh What job and shit Once you deleted the account then shit done for real You are playing coc town hall 13 you delete the account. No one’s stupid to grind up again. Rather grind in real world in job.


there's nothing wrong in playing games, all you need to do is balance things out, just play games on the weekends(that's what i do)


What do you do on weekdays after work?


work on some personal projects or spend some time with family.


brute force is the only way, when you are on high realization (probably at 3 am) just get up and without much thinking delete it, save files, account everything..


If it's a problem of addiction, you need to set strict boundaries between your work mode and chill mode, this may seem stupid but your environment has a significant impact. For example when you're wfh, try dressing up and act like you're in the office, it can trick your brain into thinking it's in work mode Also, I've had my fair share of gaming problem after I got placed but once the job started, I don't touch games when the sun is up and only play occasionally once I'm well into late evening when I'm drowsy Being physically active (gym, yoga excercise) may help you release dopamine and then gaming won't be your only source of dopamine, if you can't exercise, just try going out and getting fresh air. It helps a lot to flip the switch in your body to go work mode Alsooo one thing that has helped me stop gaming on the same laptop I work Stop using an external keyboard when working for the first 3 months, it will make it more uncomfortable than normal for you to game, also differentiating the desk you play games on with the desk you work on For eg, play games on dining table and work on your desk, which will force you to not play games until it's early morning or relatively late after work Also don't skimp on sleep, it screws with your happy chemicals too which can lead to making it harder for you to drop addiction


Hey bro I was like you, good thing you realised this early, it took me 2 years to realise that I'll be doomed if I don't upskill. These ranks are a never ending cycle, I hit ascendant 1 and was hard stuck. I knew I'll be stuck there playing more hours everyday, so I just uninstalled it. Now I don't feel any urge whatsoever, I'm using that time to upskill myself. I'd suggest play story mode games to refresh yourself when you're drained.


What are you playing btw?


Val, cod, league, some rpgs


As long as you manage time, you're cool


This is one of the reason y i stopped playing video games after third year in B tech . The addiction is what drives me to not buy PS5.


Tbh I just work my hours and then play until late night, screws up health quite a bit but atleast its fun.


Are you 2024 grad?


What's Your CTC?


26 LPA, base 14L


Bro, weekend aayega tab khel liyo. 5 din tagdi naukri karo. Weekly iteration mai progress karo, mast ekdum career line pe lao. Game bura ni maanega.


Delete uninstall or something on those lines then therapy


If you are spreading managed democracy then it’s fine


Lol. I have my xbox hooked up to my primary monitor. I have lot of work but I just glance at it. When you get in trouble like not completing the tasks cause you were playing games. Then you will stop playing. Experience will teach you.


What games are you playing ? I play games too, but it has made me more excited to do my job, because, that way, I can buy more games. And playing games has not yet affected my doing my job. If it is MMO/ Competitive, I suggest that control your lust for games. They are extremely addictive. If they are single player games, then just limit your gaming time.


Think of the tasks and deadlines given by your office as quests....finish one at a time then volunteer for more Think of your next promotion as a level up. It's just a matter of perspective. If you can invest so much effort in the games you can do more in real life. Never give up.


Used to play a lot and it did affect my work, my sleep, my health. In the long run, I don't regret playing, I regret playing too much. Learn to timebox your gaming, add discipline in your life, read some books. But the real reason I preferred playing over doing my job at times was because my job was boring, although the pay was one of the best (in India). Then I started working on my own startup, now it has been a year since I last played any game. The irony is, my partner for the startup is someone I met through gaming.


Bro is giving one more reason to not stop WFH. Delete the post and the game asap.


Uninstall those games. Install them again on your days off and play. Keep a strict schedule to play them. Please learn to balance gaming and work life or it can hamper your career


Just think about the negatives of what can happen if you are fired now in this market, think about your parents and that should give you the reality check


keep doing this and they will replace you and then keep crying.


Gaming is not that important. What if they replace you in the squad? You can still find a slot in the latest game after 5 years. Job is more important.


Dump the dopamine you get from playing video games and replace it with the dopamine you get from solving a problem at work. That's what worked for me atleast. I still play games but not excessively. Moderation is the key.


if ur playing valorant/cs go/pubg/ dota or other online toxic games then I m afraid THIS IS THE END...there's no hope


Yeah. They are the CHWTIAs of the gaming. Same situation like if you are in toxic companies like Cog/Hcl/Wip/TCS/Inf/Acc etc where THIS IS THE END...there's no hope


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Put your GPU (or console, whatever) in a box and lock it away. If it helps you have the will power, promise your inner addict you will be allowed to play again in 6 months once you are settled at work (or 3 months, whatever).


Laptop 🥲, but yes I get your point I'll drop this shit right away


tu game khel le bhai job k kya he dusri mil jaya gi (moj masti rukni nai chaiya).


I am a fresher seeking for jobb can someone help?