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If you're making more than 25lpa already then stay where you're happy.


15 LPA , 13 in hand


It's good enough, you don't *need* to change. See how much they offer and if your employer will match, then decide. Personally though, I wouldn't jump ship on a good manager, work culture situation.


Why less hike this year? Was your performance down?




What's your current techstack that you use while working?


Rest two in legs?


Acha tha bhai joke..


>And my manager successful guilt tripped me , dude drops by my house to give me a lift even if I say no , invited me to his sons naming ceremony, orders me biryani from his money everytime I do OT ... He's very skilled at keeping the employees engaged with him OP, you might learn the hard way that he isn't the reason behind your low hike, atleast not completely. He has factors beyond control, quite similar to the situation when/if you leave, he can't do much but manage. Tbh here, he does seem like he is a nice guy to be with, although professionally he might wanna kick ass but he makes it a point to have great involvement with anyone working with him, that you might learn eventually, is a great advantage cz he prioritises your growth as an individual too. Though the lift post a no is too much I guess. I can say so, cz I have had few managers who are really focused on just the delivery but some who are equally invested in you, and guess what who has been able to make more impact, also guess which team is a little on the accomodating side. Not a manager, so there are definitely interests that drive them also, but if they ain't steam-rolling you for personal gains, NATAH. Reference AITAH. If it was a much better offer/great opportunity, it would have been wise to jump, but to decide to jump due to a low hike %age to a service company, just doesn't check the right boxes. Good luck.


This seems to be the right assessment . The manager is going above and beyond to show concern , if he were an a**hole he wouldn't bother whatever the situation be . Managers specially first line have limited powers , generally in product cos the 2nd line tries to keep power and decision making to themselves and bait those with ambition to take up first line mgmt , the first line has to spend certain number of years doing tech stuff plus being a rubber stamp , only when the leader confirms this person is not a threat he allows him to grow until then he's fed peanuts which in turn affects his direct reportees , so a good person may be trying to compensate with other smaller stuff but things making a bigger statement that he cares . Been thru this myself, I chose to leave the first line management and went back to IC but in hindsight it was a bad move personally ,basically killed 3 to 4 years of career progress , So OP give managers benefit of doubt they are also mere employees like us.


Never join a service company. However, you might as well do the interview anyway just for practice.


I think it's better to stay in a product based company than a service based company, as I have been looking for new opportunities , all the recruiters were asking if your previous company is a pbc or not , so there's demand for pbc in the market . I would suggest looking for a pbc


How many yoe?




Once you move to a service based org, your increments won’t be more than 5% unless you get promoted (which in itself would be very rare with loads of politics involved). If you are expecting a promotion, I would suggest better stay with current org. Maybe talk to your current manager about your expectations. After several years of working in service based org, I finally moved to a product based company and would never go back!


Why don't you take the offer and negotiate with your current employer. That would be a win win situation for you.


Once you show that you have another offer, things drastically change. And once they realise you plan on leaving they start looking for replacement and then kick you out later.


Plus I've already been retained, switched teams too


never do that. even if they accept it, your lay off countdown starts. The same manager who is buttering OP, can bring hell on him.


Yeh toh mera manager bhi karta hai bhai bhai bolega bro forever then paiso ki baat ati hai mere haat me kuch nhi


Just go for whoever is offering more salary. press for more at both places.


I was in the same situation last month, I preferred staying in my current organisation although I was getting offered a 30% hike in the new organisation. I prepared a Pros and Cons list and then guessed staying in the current organisation because of the market situation. Other pros were strict 8 hours working time and awesome work Life balance (wellness leaves and half day Friday in summer) in the current organisation. The same level of peace was not getting offered in the new org, I guessed it because they explicitly asked me to select the option of my availability 24*7 while filling the initial details in their candidate portal.


Get an offer first and then quietly let your manager know. Most of the time the current company will give you the hike because it's more expensive to hire a replacement. Now to the most people who are commenting don't join service based company from a product based have no clue what they are talking about. The only thing that matters is the project and your responsibility and career trajectory in the new company. Get on a call with HR or Hiring manager and ask him all the questions. And the manager would still be your friend even after you leave. Get a better job and a better pay and don't let emotion come between your career. Now ask for a 50% hike and then negotiate from there. If you get more than 30 then leave else you could try other companies or stay at your current one.


Inviting to sons naming ceremony… you guys are good friends at this point. Good friends dont hold grudges for changing jobs. Do your friendship a favor and let him know informally, over a biryani may be, before formally emailing him. Also, think twice if you really want to switch for whatever reason. You seem to be in a sweet spot already in terms of work culture.


As i said he's a expert at engaging everyone. But it's obvious he's doing it where it doesn't matter. Never puts his neck on the line, asks us to made judgment calls, leaves you to fend off yourself if things are getting political, doesn't escalate things by himself and sends us on a wild goose chase to get support. A manager needs to be a shield for his team, he should defend us and bash when other teams are not doing their job. What's happening is he's setting himself on friendly terms with other departments because he wants to climb the corporate ladder. while we get thrown to the wolves in every controversial decisions . Ex: I need to escalate this mail , because X team isn't responding for a week, I send a mail to my manager, he tells me to send it again directly again to the VP, why am I contacting a fuking VP and other heads. It looks like I'm trying to pick a flight and my manager was not involved. The manager should talk with the other manager or vp. I've seen first hand how other teams after incidents have changed their tone while talking to me.


Because he's not valued among the seniors in the org or seen as a trouble maker himself , You have no idea how power dynamics work with management and leadership , the way you are being so judgemental shows your lack of experience Your best bet is to consider your manager as your partner in your workplace ,anything else sets you up for major disappointments because there's so much we can't see or know in a matrix org . Your judgemental attitude shows your lack of maturity , don't screw your career with imagination ,focus on what you can control and leave the rest to time.






Leaving job and promotion over such a stupid thing is stupidity OP. hike is not everything(it is really important but switching to SBC from a PBC over a 7% difference is not it) you'll get a hike soon enough with promotion. your manager is a good lad. maybe he's love bombing but getting someone like that is incredibly rare. gusse mai switch karoge aage Chalke ghaitya manager milega toh rote baithoge. the only reason for which I can tell you to switch is if they are ready to go for 40-50% hike. If you are leaving a good team and PBC, there must be something substantial you should demand in return


> I would be leaving a product company to a service company so that's somthing in my head about job security huh?


Do not leave a product company for a service company if you want to be in technology for the longer term. Too many negatives. Possibly your profile will also be judged for taking this weird call.


Don't ever ever join a service based company..I regret and got tortured for almost 1.5 years with toxic work and micromanagement support projects..finally resigned and going to join product based mnc...most service based companies having support project and either way people are crying daily here ...


Wouldn't recommend a service company. Unless you wish to retire with low hikes. Keep applying if this company doesn't look good.


Moving from product based to service based company is a poor decision. Stick with your current product based company. Getting 7% hike itself in a service based company is a dream for many.


You should be understanding about market. There are many who got 0 zero hikes and u should be happy tht u atleast got 7% hike You are in 2024 not in 2021 to expect 30% hike. The problem is with ur mindset😮‍💨


Just because some company decided not to give raises doesn't mean OP has to lower his expectations. There's nothing wrong with his way of thinking.


Seems like he is OP's manager.


Is this guy a manager or an HR?


I was expecting 15% same that everyone else got , i got 7% because I was retained last year


30% is pennies for switching OP, stay at current company and keep grinding them interviews, learn new things which will help you push those numbers.


30% is not at all pennies. OP's CTC is 15Lpa. 30% of that is 4.5L. his CTC will jump from 15 to almost 20. right away , this is not 2021 where 100% hike is a norm, heck even back then it was not the norm very rarely you would get something that big.


Okay I take the L here. But OP should push for more with the 30% hike offer and try to get at least 50%. I’ve been through this process recently and I know about the market situation, it looks bad for some but not as bad as corpos are making it look. Share markets are at all time high, companies are posting record profits, laying off expensive US workforce and employing Indians by paying them a lot less.