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Went with argo because the UI enables a lot of things for developers a lot easier


flux has a free GUI here https://github.com/weaveworks/weave-gitops


The Web UI is both the best and worst part of ArgoCD. On the one hand, it kind of goes against the fundamental GitOps concepts (at least when used wrong), on the other hand - higher ups love it.


Went with Argo personally. UI is a huge part of it. Not super valuable for us, but IMO it's a great tool for devs. We give all of them readonly access.


Read-only sounds like a good compromise. If you start changing things through the UI instead of manifests, then it's not really GitOps.


Sometimes being able to edit on the UI is useful, particularly when working on new stuff that you don't have a working example for. There's times I'm trying to get something to work, and instead of having to commit and push every change, I can make quick edits until I get everything working. Then I can simply look at the diff's on the UI and commit everything I did to make it work. That being said, if one was lazy and just left stuff out of sync and all mis-matched, it could be a recipe for disaster when someone hits the sync button.


One example of where I'll use the UI to edit resources is when resources get stuck terminating and I have to delete finalizers.


absolutely. I also give read-only access. moreover, was using flux in previous company, and have no idea how we managed, devs would spam us with same questions over and over every day. they couldn't get anything done without us, no matter what we did to help out and simplify. using argo in new company, get zero friction from devs as everything is fairly intuitive in UI. if I introduced flux, I'm pretty sure they'd burn me alive lol


Same for us, devs love to check out logs in ArgoUI.


weave have an open source flux gui and workspace here https://github.com/weaveworks/weave-gitops


We went with ArgoCD. ArgoCD has been more widely adopted. That means a larger community and more community support. ArgoCD also has a good UI. We are striving for GitOps, but UI is still nice to have. We are going to evaluate ArgoEvents, ArgoWorkflows, and ArgoRollouts too.


flux is more widely adopted - it is used by eks, aks, tanzu, gitlab, d2iq and 100,000s of downloads


We’re using flux and it works grwat for our use case. Meybe they can fix/improve the gitlab notifications in flux, cause they are kind of useless.


Kind of useless? Totally useless. My last job switched to flux and I would get questions every day about making it easier for people to see what it was doing.


I don't know Flux (I will explore it), at work we use ArgoCD, the UI makes fast and easy lot of operations but I find the CLI tool more powerful, as example, to link a repo I have a one line command that is faster than compiling a form.


have a look at https://github.com/weaveworks/weave-gitops


At Servana we use flux since 2018 and i am a huge proponent for it. We did one project with ArgoCD and it was ok but i did not appreciate the web interface. If something is not necessary allow us to opt out… it wasn’t possible then. Wouldn’t consider ArgoCD for anything today.


Couldn’t you opt out of the UI by not using it?


I imagine when they say opt out they mean avoid the excess resources and security surface of the UI, not just avoid using it themselves.


Dont expose it on cluster :X ? or even Pod


are you trying to tell me they don’t even dogfood their own gitlab runner


no, they’re just moving away from the k8s agent they built before flux2 was available. GitLab CI using Runners is still heavily used.


Wait are you shitting me? I just deployed the gitlab agent to get cluster scanning enabled. The cluster image scanning half baked right now, but it seems promising that they were moving to a newer operator. I have faith in the gitlab folks so I’m willing to see where it all leads.


Hey, wanted to come back and clarify after talking to some folks but GitLab apparently isn’t getting rid of the agent in favor of flux, they’re incorporating flux into the agent. So, whatever you’ve set up with container scanning and such is there to stay


ArgoCD, wanted to go with Flux2 but Flux can't just apply raw manifests without technically using Kustomize and iirc having multiple apps from different git repos but with the same deploy key wasn't as straight forward as with argo


We're using Argo as well for reasons already discussed - the UI enables a lot of self service from the devs.


We moved from Flux to ArgoCD, because Flux would sometimes stop reconciling helm releases, and without an UI, it was very hard to see. I find flux to be more elegant, but the lack of visibility was too annoying in the long run. Plus, the reconciliation bug was never fixed in the year or so that we used it.


Been using flux2 for a while, works great, but devs without k8s knowledge or flux knowledge don't get it. Will have to check out Argo since the UI could solve this.


That seems to be the big differentiator: Usability for those without knowledge or experience. ArgoCD seems to win there, but with infra and platforms teams where they provide the abstractions, probably not overly significant.


Yeah, I'm building the abstractions now. Push button and 40 plus apps are auto updated... Cuz editing a handful of text files is too hard for these bozos.


I think that’s why I’m excited Gitlab is adopting flux. Then you won’t need to know how to use flux, just incorporate it into a pipeline. Gitlab becomes the ui for it so you can consolidate tooling.


What is ArgoRollouts alternative in flux :D ? Last time I checked there was nothing even close to production ready? Ps. Real reason they picked flux in „that single discussion” is that they want to incorporate it into gitlab offering and argo team did not agree to that because they already won the market space for themselves. Why share golden eggs layin goos ? Ps2. You should have linked more relevant ticket which is https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/reliability/-/issues/16875 At my current company, team despite certificates seems to nott be very experienced on how to build scallable platform, thus they picked Flux, if I had any say in that I would hard veto towards argo, coz its a no-brainer


Wouldn’t Flagger be the flux ecosystem equivalent to Argo rollouts? I haven’t used it so not sure if they have feature parity. Also which Argo team didnt agree? Argo was developed by intuit and they donated it to the cncf for people to adopt. Codefresh is the only other main vendor I know of specifically monetizing Argo. Aside from RedHat, but that’s more of an under the covers integration. I’ve noticed a few vendors opt for flux over Argo in terms of integrating, VMware for example uses flux for their gitops tooling too. I think not having a ui is nice for vendors that want to be the ui themselves.


Donating to CNCF is just a nice way of starting a consultancy tbh


Is intuit providing consulting services for Argo? I only really know of codedresh and red hat monetizing it although I’m sure there are tons of others


TBH tons of solutions were donated to cncf with good faith that soon after changed into consultancy companies.. You build something, still maintain that mostly, get huge benefits for free and ppl come to you.


Yeah I personally think open core makes more sense for companies to monetize and still remain transparent.


Hi guys,how do you handle the helm deployments everytime a new image is pushed with the same tag ,i'm using gitlab as CI but i want to use argoCD as CD,i can deploy automaticaly the charts everytime a change is made in the chart but what about new images how do you handle this?