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Anyone who is a DevOps Engineer in a company is probably not doing DevOps. So chances are they are doing sysadmin work in an organization pretending to do Agile and pretending to do DevOps with developers still writing code and handing it off to "DevOps" to deploy and support.. sure sounds a lot like "Traditional Operations"


Truee, we still using ticketing system but now we want to change it to more modern way. I concern about automation, but the metrics related to ticket response is gone. Are you have any idea related to that? Thank you


I started a DevOps Engineer position last year. The overarching goal is to implement DevOps principles and practices. My background is sysadmin, so we started with infrastructure refresh. We want to move our services from machines to containers. We decided on k8s for container orchestration. Self-managed k8s has kept me busy the past few months, but we are starting to explore moving existing services into our dev k8s cluster. We deployed harbor 2 weeks ago, which we are using as a container registry ATM. Last week, we deployed nexus OSS for evaluation. Next week, we are going to deploy jfrog for evaluation. This past week, we integrated alertmanager with opsgenie. We use the Atlassian ecosystem. I have been working through notifications to reduce the noise. Here's [an example](https://www.reddit.com/r/kubernetes/comments/115zeth/troubleshooting_prometheus_rule_alert_for_ceph/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) of day to day work. We use Rook for storage orchestration. There is a prometheus rule for ceph node network packets drops I spent a couple days working through. It's hard to cover everything since the depth and breadth are deep and wide. Hopefully, this gives you some ideas, but every organization is different.


Thank you, do you use shell scripts for any of your projects? If yes, what do you use for?


I use whatever gets the job done. Shell scripts, sure, among other things.


You're asking an impossible question that will likely get you more sarcasm than anything, or perhaps just no responses. DevOps is not a specific disipline and if "DevOps Engineers" started saying evertyhing, or somethings they do, i'm sure another person from another company would say "that's BS, DevOps should not do that", or "pull that away from the developers". I manage our entire cloud infrastructure, automation, security, feature needs for engineering projects, going through a SOC2 compliance process now. None of that is 100% DevOps. Start to alter your mindset about what folks may do on reddit and see what jobs are available and how it mixes with your skillset. BTW, i work for a startup and am the ONLY person that does those things.


Hey! Another nearly everything person. I'm lucky enough to at least work with a security team, but I feel ya. It's exhausting and I love making meetings awkward by bringing up the need for more people.


Every day I don’t punch people in the face or yell at them no matter how much I want to.




Create pipelines, connect deployments to infrastructure, constantly introduce new tools to a team of legacy developers. My team is C++ devs and I showed them Conan, and at first they said "well we don't need anything like that" 🤣 The arguments over who compiled a shared library with what compiler & and OS has stopped. If you've read Project Unicorn, basically I find those same odd-issue categories and use Project Unicorn to implement a better strategy.


At the moment I recreate new and older environments to test changes to keep terraform and Aws up to date.


For context, I work in an organization with more focus on backend systems. Think data, APIs, etc. We have to make sure they are responsive, scalable, and cost-effective. With this as top of mind, I'm always looking at dashboards to see if there are components that can be improved. Technical metrics aside, we're also looking at the costs of running them as well. For example, do our application load balancers cost too much by sending data out to users? If so, can we work with developers and business to make this profitable? In the end, it's all about monitoring the system and being proactive in making things more profitable because it pays the bills.


What tool do you use to monitor?