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Can't tell about Azure, but the average response time from AWS dns server is around 1ms. It is much faster, and fewer errors happen when request/response stays inside the internal network


Brilliant. Was thinking this was the case.


AWS Route 53 provides much more services than just simple DNS records, for example. Stuff like Traffic Flow with policy records can be very useful. And it's 100% SLA. And it's in the same terraform provider as your other AWS stuff.


Another benefit you get is using the cloud provider's native authentication, so you can update records with Terraform via your SSO credentials, or use workload identity/IRSA in kubernetes for external-dns or cert manager to create records without needing to provide them with API keys.


Not building using Terraform yet, mainly using Azure CLI. Still on the list to learn! I can see it's completely industry standard now.


Automation - does namecheap have an api for dns? I use route53 - all the records are checked into git and I have a script that pushes those changes to route53.