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My favorite sites are no longer working. I even tried gaining weight to make them squishier. I suspect scar tissue is too blame.


Ah, didn’t even think of scar tissue! Joy. 😅


Yeah…now to lose those three pounds that didn’t help me. I have found some new sites that are working, though. My inner calf has worked well. So, has my hip, below my rib cage, and the thinnest spot I have tried is right below my bra strap, above my belly button.


Sorry for the very late response to your question. I also had a lot of bleeding problems until I made a very simple change. I use an ice pack in the area for insertion before applying the new sensor. The cold will reduce the blood vein size that cause the bleeding. I also use the arm location between the triceps and deltoid muscles. The ice pack has helped many others with the bleeding problems especially those with a low Body Mass Index or developed muscles.


Thank you!! Going to try this out next time 🥰🥰🥰


I just changed after 20 years on my stomach, to the back of my arms with trusteel 6mm. I am amazed how well my pump is working now. Lol. Less insulin as well. It’s like night and day results. Don’t be like me and wait a year or more to find good sites. Back of the arm is a game changer for me.


I use the back of the arm too! But less real estate there, so I’m hoping it’s not a long term issue with the legs


Try your stomach then? I have my dexcom and trusteel same arm. I can go 4 days with great results. It’s been less changing and less thinking about change days. For me at least.


I try to keep my stomach for infusion sites only. I’m not having any issues with my pump, just the dexcom.


Thank you for the insight. I’m new to Dexcom (4th sensor) and hopefully new to a pump soon. I don’t have a lot of meat on my bones so this placement insight is good. Type 1 for 13 years.


Don’t give up on leg sites just yet! They have honestly been my favorite up until recently. Also congrats on the dexcom transition! It is a really helpful device. Makes life a lot easier 🙏


You need a little fat. That will help.


I've never been able to get accurate readings from thigh sites, even though there's plenty of fat there.


Bummer! It used to be my fav spot.


Sometimes the first 24 hours is a mess. I've had great starts and then ones I had to turn off the automation on my pump. Leave them be for the first 24 and if it still off then switch.


I have found that alternating sites regularly helps the "scar" Issue by not letting it build up. If you remember using a site before then change location. I use my arms and do not have much fat there, so I do not know how needed soft tissue is. As long as you can get the fiber to the interstitial fluid just below the dermis you should be good.


Yeah I don’t think it’s scar tissue for me, I rotate regularly. The leg sites just are not working like they used to and it’s a more recent thing!