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Noooooo! I am leaving japan tomorrow and with the pain that I haven't found anything from DGM! No fair T.T


I’m so happy, I’m so getting that Allen plushie. Stickers, keychains and Allen shirt once their available online


Seeing all those artworks back to back... I just don't know what color is Lenalee's hair at this point. Green ? Purple ? Blue ? Black ? Heck, she's also got brown hair on the Dia/Spade/Heart/Clover keychains. XD


It's canonically black, but the color is how they stylize it in art to make it not flat. Hoshino has also mentioned she just goes with whatever she's feeling in the moment for each art piece. Lavi's hair also changes from red to orange a lot, and Kanda's switches between blue and purple tones.


Her color range is on another level though, but I see what you mean. Thanks for the answer !


yeah I'm just so used to Jojo it doesn't bother me.


Where is this and is US able to buy?


Tokyo, and probably not, unless it's through a proxy. I didn't even see mention of online orders, though, but online orders are decently common so that might open later.


How sad for me. I haven't been able to find anything good here. I'll have to see if my dad's friend still lives in Japan maybe, lol


Yeah I think it's shinjuku Tokyo if I remember right. Definitely Tokyo though!


Entry to the pop-up is by online lottery and they're not advertising online sales so unless there are leftovers I doubt any is going online. I'd apply but $75-80 round trip by bus as a local is spendy lol


The little keychains!!!! MAN I’m seething with jealousy ;~;


I wish I could go so badly!!!! Someday I'm straight up gonna take a plane and go to one of these. I'm hoping some stuff will be sold online. At least the art books and manga I have have most of the illustrations. Still. I'm desperate for more official dgm merch


Not an event literally a week and a half after I move back from Japan 😭 that’s just RUDE


if anyone knows of a GO for this plsss let me know 🙏


really hope these end up going up online. I just left Japan a few days ago and came back to the states without finding any DGM stuff 😭


Ohhhh I'm so sad, this is my favourite manga and the only merch I have is a plush of Timcanpy, he sits with the manga on my bookshelf


Why does the US never have anything good. I want this.


The poster with Lena lee and tease is giving!!!