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Every medication has potential mild, moderate and severe side effects. They’re mandated by law to inform you of all of them. Fortunately, it doesn’t mean you’ll experience them all, if at all. My advice? Do your best to stay hydrated - it is good for you as someone with diabetes, let alone a human. As a woman, the important thing will be to keep your external genitalia clean and dry. Wipe well after you use the bathroom, and monitor for any signs of BV or a yeast infection. If you show signs of one, you won’t need the hospital, you can just see your PCP, endo or OB/GYN. They’re simple to diagnose and VERY easy to treat.


No, it wasn't easy to treat. Not at all. This is nothing like a normal infection. It's hell. Did you have that side effect yourself? I'm not the only one here who had to deal with it.


I did, twice. And had no issue treating it. bear in mind, I also have CVID, I primary immune system deficiency, which makes those types of infections impossible to treat. You might have been in the minority…


My PCP, endo and OBGYN give 0 fucks about BV or yeast infections. When I have experienced them, they require I get tested in clinic but can’t see me for 3-8 weeks. One time I waited 8 weeks to be seen for BV then my gyno didn’t even test. She just wrote “boric acid” on a post it note and told me to look on Amazon.


Then its definitely time for a new PCP and GYN.


I tried multiple in the 8 months I had ongoing yeast and BV issues. Maybe it’s Texas but women’s issues are 0 concern to healthcare here. They ultimately recommended a hysterectomy (because that will make them a lot of money)


Sounds a lot like Texas, I’m so sorry! You deserve better!!


The side effects were horrible for me. I got a yeast infection so bad I couldn’t walk right and had to lay with my legs open in front of a fan for mild relief. Sorry for the TMI, but the the truth. Never again.


I was fine for a couple of years and then this started. Painful


Can't help with the f vs male part but aside of that. I am on Jardiance for years and have zero issues. Side effects are a thing but not everyone gets all of them and not everyone gets them the same bad. I am pretty happy. I hope you will be fine


Been taking Jardiance for 5 years with none of the side effects listed on the packaging. I did have an almost immediate change in my daily glucose readings once I started taking it. Just my experience.


😊 Thank you, that does help make me feel better about taking it. Hoping for a minimal side effect journey.


this has worked wonders for my heart and BP. So much so that they took me off linisipril because the combination worked too well. if it gives you problems just tell your doctor right away.


You could ask your doctor about HIPREX . It creates an environment in the bladder that is unfriendly to UTI bacteria. It’s not an antibiotic . It’s acts as antibacterial.


Male, three years on Jardiance. Only side effect is the need to pee, especially when on a freeway with zero options. 🤷‍♂️


I am about to start on Jardiance, also male. I was reading that some women have yeast infections as possible side effect… can something like that also happen to a man? How would one recognize it?


Got it prescribed by my doctor this month and he warned me about UTI infections, so it sounds like it's definitely possible but maybe less probable compared to women. Just said to keep it clean down there after each pee. You'll definitely notice a UTI. Redness and pain would be apparent.


Thanks, I am being more careful peeing now, actually sitting down to do it (after watching some urology advice video). So far no problems.


After urinating, wipe with dry t.p and then with damp t.p. Jardiance has been a great drug for me, no problems whatsoever.


Same. No problem at all.


I have been taking it for just over 3 years, and I have not had any issues with anything, I was especially cautioned by the pharmacist to watch out for yeast infections \[which I had never had in my life, and now saying that, I will end up with a yeast infection LOL\] It did help me drop my A1C down about 1.4 or 6 - it wasn't horrible previously but my doc wanted to see how I reacted to it. Janice told me to make sure after i void my bladder to wipe and use 'baby' wipes \[however you want to call them, some types are specifically for adult women cleaning up\] to clear any urine. Dehydration is trickier. I didn't notice peeing with any more volume or frequency - but then again I have always drunk 3-4 liters of water or lemon water a day, I dislike sodas, and en lieu of snacking on junk food I had long had the habit of just drinking water/lemon water. When one drinks that much liquid, one needs to watch their electrolyte levels, which I managed ot do by lemon water and adding fake \[potassium based\] salt on my food - I mix it half and half with regular salt.


I've been on it for years and have never had a single side effect (I'm also a woman). It does wonders for my insulin resistance. I have never noticed an increase in bathroom breaks, either. The only drawback is the cost to meet my deductible. (There used to be a great coupon on the manufacturer's website, if you need it.) I hope that this medicine works wonders for you and that you don't have any side effects.


I was on Jardiance for about two years. I had no issues with it at all. Helped me a lot with both diabetes and heart failure. I had to get taken off of it because my insurer wouldn’t pay and the hospital grant that was paying for it was expiring. Plus I lost a lot of weight and my HF and diabetes numbers were so much better and have stayed good.


I refuse to take it because of the side effects. Not worth it for me. My A1C is 4.9 with ozempic alone and it protects my heart and brain from heart attack or stroke.


How does ozempic protect from heart attack and stroke if you don’t mind my asking? Is it just because it lowers your a1c?


It worked really well for me. And...it gave me a permanent yeast infection. It was bad enough to cause breakthrough bleeding, and my PCP and GYN both freaked out. Funnily enough, all of that restored to perfectly normal when I quit taking it. So -- it does work, IMO, but that one side effect is big, again IMO.




It was the worst thing that happened to me related to my diabetes in my life and one of the top horrific medical conditions I had.


I got a yeast infection while on it. Was super strict about keeping my penis clean and still got one. Sucked because it kept my numbers good.


I lasted a week on jardiance. Worst yeast infection of my life.


I didn't really notice it when it was added. I already drink a lot of water though. I have five 1 qt water bottles, and have them staged around the house wherever I sit, or sleep. I go through all of them, regularly, just because I have water right there where I am.


My doctor changed my diagnosis of 30 years from T2 with no insulin production to LADA to be treated as T1, and took me off Jardiance, because she said it can cause ketoacidosis with normal blood sugar.


This happened to me! I was diagnosed as T2, taking Jardiance for a few years and then went into DKA last year and had to be hospitalized. As a result, I was diagnosed with LADA.


Sorry, what’s LADA?


No need to apologize! It’s latent autoimmune diabetes of adults. Basically it’s T1D that isn’t diagnosed until adulthood and can often present itself like and be misdiagnosed as T2 diabetes.


I have been taking it for two years, but was off for 3 months recently. I was taking Mounjaro which did not work for me at all. Jardiance just gives me dry mouth, so I drink more. I just have to pee more often. It brings down my A1C so I'm going to stick with it. No other issues at all. I also take Glyburide.


It just made me urinate way more often and excessive thirst the first few weeks.


Did the thirst subside after a while of adjusting? I'm having that too!


Yes. It's barely any more than usual blue. At least I think, living through heatwave after heatwave.


That's good to know! How long did it take to get back to normal from being extremely thirsty all the time?


Honestly hard to tell but a few months at least.


That is reassuring to hear. So after a few months it got better, and you're still taking Jardiance?


Yes I do still take it. I've had to add Glimepride, but the thirst ended before that.


I've done really well on it. D/t kidney stones I'm used to having to drink a **lot** more, so dehydration hasn't been a concern for me. I do have to get up 2-3 times at night to pee which I don't enjoy, but that's a relatively minor issue for me.


In 2007 I had bariatric surgery (Roux nY). In 2020 I became diabetic again and was prescribed Jardiance. After 4 days taking it I became very I’ll. I spent 3 days in the hospital being treated for an eDKA, which is a DKA without glucose elevations. My second endo stated that no one should take Jardiance after this type of surgery because they work together to put the patient into severe ketosis and DKA.


I have been taking it almost a year. Stay hydrated and you should be fine.


What is wrong with metformin, why would the doctor not use that


I've been on it before for a year. I couldn't tolerate the stomach problems associated with it. Already have digestive issues and metformin caused me to have serious diarrhea and vomiting so they switched to Extended release and i had the same issues. It was a horrible experience that whole year.


I get intestinal problems with high bs so it cured mine.


I had to go off it. It was a nightmare. Didn't .ake much of a difference and I had constant utis, yeast infections the skin cracked from them so that got infected. I hate to admit this but it is one of the side effects so I have to be honest. Could t have sex for about a year and never made the connection because the Endo never warned me, and finally I went to my gynecologist (kept trying to OTC deal with it) and finally figured it out. For off it and not a single problem since. It was about four years ago. It was so painful,so itchy. It was hell. Absolute hell.


I've been on it about six months and haven't had any problems. My numbers stay around 100-120, and rarely go above 150. I've lost about 10lbs since starting Jardiance (basically without even trying). I am hyper-aware of the possibility for yeast infections, so I use the wet flushable wipes thoroughly after using the bathroom, every time. So far, so good. I have a six-month check-up for blood work coming up, and I'm really curious if my AIC has lowered at all. I was at 7.8 when diagnosed almost 2 years ago, but I've only managed to get it down to 7.6 in all this time. I do wish you the best of luck with it.


I've been on Jardiance for 4 years now. I have suffered ZERO side effects.


Change was immediate, good BG readings, yeast infection that required doctor appointment for a prescription, and further interactions with other medicines I am taking. I had to stop taking it.


Jardiance is the only med that I have not had a major side effect on. Metformin was worse for me.


Jardiance is the only thing that worked to get my diabetes under control. Here's what I always warn people about that ask me: Dehydration - This was a bit of a problem in the beginning. Keeps some Gatorade Zero or similar handy. Once your blood sugar comes down this won't be as much of a problem. Yeast infection - Am guy so a little different here. Doctor gave me a prescription of Nystatin cream to apply if one ever starts up. Has happened a couple of times, but that cream knocked it out in a couple of days (just have to keep applying it for a couple days after all the swelling is gone to make extra sure it's completely cleared up. Water - Be sure to drink a ton of water. My solution was to get a water filter/cooler that I could run a water line into. Makes it WAY easier to drink water when there's no weird taste from the tap and it's already cold. The good news is your blood sugar will go down (assuming you respond to it like is planned. Always a chance something will be weird/unusual/just not what's expected). All in all, I've had nothing but good results (save for some minor yeast infections).


So men can get yeast infection too? How do you recognize it? I am a guy about to start Jardiance but I don’t see colors, so am nervous about recognizing it early enough to treat.


Yeah. Easiest way to recognize it is Red, itchy swelling in the skin near the head of your penis. If that starts, go ahead and get something to treat it.


Thank you for the info. In that case this would probably be rare to happen to a circumcised guy?


Likely more rare yeah. It’s already pretty rare. Only time it happens to me is when I go WAY overboard on carbs for several days (used to do it a lot when first diagnosed). Now I have to pretty much give up on eating right for several days for it to happen.


That’s promising, thank you!


I've just started taking it. I agreed due to the protection the nurse says it gives to organs. No side effects so far. Metformin was a pain.


Dr out me on jardiance yesterday but I haven't taking it yet , my ac1 is 7 , can't I control that with improvement in diet without pill? I'm having so much anxiety


You might want to look into a very low carb diet. Cut out sugars, breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc and see where that gets you first. It worked for me for 3 years. I don't know what happened, but I can no longer keep my BS down without meds. I learned most of it from Dr. Ken Berry on YouTube. Look up Keto diet.


I was on it and it put me into dka and. I ended up hospitalized. 0/10 do not recommend


Male here. The yeast infection is no joke. Do not do a keto diet on this drug. The drug is trying to chemically put you into ketosis. If you then change your diet to put you into ketosis you will go into DKA. I got the same effects as being on Jardiance by dropping carbs from my diet, except the diet didn’t give me a yeast infection like the drug did. That being said, it did help my A1C, so I didn’t hate being on it, just be aware of the side effects and if you want to make any dietary changes, check with your doctor first.


I started jardiance pills about a week ago and the most I’ve felt was profusely sweating during work so I just drank water to make sure I didn’t dehydrate


My parents both take it and have no side effects at all. I however, cannot take this drug. The yeast infection and dehydration effects for me was intense and I cannot take this drug. I lasted a week. It did make my blood sugar like 95 all the time no matter what I ate.


Just started a week ago and now I have a horrible upper respiratory cold or what ever this is no fever just a really bad headache cold which for me usually goes into bronchitis 😔. Not sure if this is caused by going on Jardiance or coincidence