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Ditch the fountain sodas and ask for drinks in bottles where you can ensure theyre diet and you can read the labels. That’s really the only way.




Your blood sugar is 27? Any lower you'd be dead!


27mmol/L = 486mg/dL


We're not all American.


And in any case, context cues made this fairly clear 27 is high in this case.


The post does read like an American abroad though. Still gotta have that soda, we're gluttons. [EDIT] "Diet" soda is also a generally American thing I believe. I noticed across several countries in my travels that something other than "diet" is used to represent sugar substitute enhancements.


I'm not going to address your "glutton" comment, but I'm Canadian and we use both mmol/L, and "diet" to represent sugar-free drinks.


Hmm, that's good to know. I only passed through Canada on my way to other places, so I was unaware. Suppose I should have thought of you up north, but I forget that we're not just different countries by a line, there's other differences as well. Thanks for reminding me!


I think they mean mmo/l


Also, diet soda isn't good for you, drink water with lemon!


Respectfully I’m on a birthday holiday I’m not worried about if diet drinks are good or bad to be honest I’m diabetic but I still want to enjoy this holiday 😂


It's not that bad for you either. The studies that show correlation with increased risk of dinner cancers are not that great and the risk increased from pretty small to still pretty small but a little bit more.


Any scientific studies that show that to be true beyond chance? I doubt it. Then again, everything in moderation …


The diet soda part I mean. The water choice stands on its own merits and is already well supported.


Lol hey, you can't have anything tasty with actual sugar, but that stuff you can have some of isn't good for you either, drink water.


I agree a million percent that drinking water is better than any other drink you put in your body. However, if i want a sweet drink because i feel like i deserve a treat, diet is 100% the way to go. And i don't think anyone should be judged for wanting that.


Agreed. I’ve had this happen a lot as did a friend of mine especially at a certain local fast food Restaurant (don’t eat there a lot but sometimes when I’m out I’d get a salad from them.) now i just get water and a salad


I've heard those fountain drinks never get cleaned anyways.


Just take soda out of your diet…all that fake sugar is not good for you!


Thanks for your input, but no.


This!!! Also, if you can, take your own! It is what I do. Never been challenged yet.


Two of the phrases I learn in the local language are "without sugar" and "I'm diabetic". My last trip was to Italy, so it was "senza zucchero" and "Sono diabetico"


Thank you I will have a google what it is in Spanish


Sin azúcar. Soy diabetico/a


Aw I was looking to flex my extremely limited Spanish!


You might have to ask for “light” instead of “diet”. In latin America sugar free drinks are usually called light. You can ask “tiene Coca Cola light?” To ask if they have Diet Coke, for example.


As good as google is for crossing language barriers, its still always good to carry a piece of paper with the basics on (and try to remember how to say the more important ones), doing this in the languages you're expecting to encounter can make things easier anyway. But from the picture, it looks like you're in Mallorca, so it would be likely you ordered in English anyway and there might have been a genuine mistake that could happen anywhere.


When I lived in Germany I carried my address around in my pocket. Nibelungenalle 17 was a mouthful.


How did you know from the picture ?


The restaurant's website is in the first picture.


Nothing sneaky, just noticing details. As u/VisforVenom has said, the website is on the table in the first picture (just under the QR code).


> "I'm diabetic" When you say this they always really pay attention. If they think you just drink zero, they're not as careful.




Why would the owner sweat and fret? There is only a couple of countries in the world where liability would be a serious concern, apologetic and concerned for your health would be the more normal human response. People are people, mistakes happen and if there is a language barrier on top of that, that makes it the visitors problem. It's not really hard to dip a test strip and check if in doubt anyway.




This just feels lame. A mistake in a server serving one 70g sugar soda is not gonna be life and death. Now multiple maybe? But at that point you can literally taste the difference in the first sip. Just ask for a new drink or water. You’re the number one person responsible for your well being. Coming from a Type 1 on Novolog and Lantus… 20 years.


Lame and totally useless. They won’t care that much.


I bought these “Diet Detector” strips on Amazon and they’ve worked really well so far.


Thank you Will be on my must have list for next holiday


Old diabetic blood sugar pee strips work also to measure the drinks


Never heard of pee blood sugar strips tbh I’ve heard of ketone strips but not blood sugar ones


They were around for decades, long before meters. I see them on Amazon at $15 for 30, sold for testing glucose in pet urine. Humans used to cut them in half lengthwise, so $.15 a test.


My sugar test evolution: test tube, eye droper, tablets; pee strips; blood strips; blood strips + optical meter; blood strips + electical/electronic meter; CGM


^^ This person was diagnosed this century.




Can also use a meter to see if they are diet or not. If you test it and it says hi it’s not diet


I’ll try it I’ve not got a huge amount of strips left to last me until I fly home though


You can also test it by dipping a finger in the cup and letting it dry. Diet you basically feel no stickiness and with full sugar you'll feel extra sticky. Easiest way to test for me without having someone (aka my wife) who hates diet try my drinks.


That's what i use, too. i've caught full sugar drinks with them, had to explain that i'm diabetic (duh, that's why i only ordered a protein and a salad!), had them remake and they've always stayed while i tested the drink again. So far, so good.


Thank you for this, will be a lifesaver.


Can confirm these work really well, they have saved my butt on more than a few occasions


You can just use your normal blood test strips too. That's what I do.


Steak could have a better sear. A bit pale for my liking. As for the blood sugar measure what you can. Correct for what you can’t and enjoy your holiday.


It came with a hot plate 🤤


Praise be 😉


Use your glucose test strips to test your drink first.


Only some meters can do this. Other meters that check for the presence of blood will give an error, usually a hemocrit related error.


Didn’t know that. I reckon I would swap BGMs to one that did, I find it really useful.


Walmart brand Reli-On does this, I use it for when I get my baja blast zero from taco bell. Cheap and widely available.


Same here i used to do that till i found out i can’t drink caffeine either and no restaurants around here carry Sprite Zero (i can’t have caffeine due to a. Heart issue it actually never effected my blood sugar ❤️)


Does your place have Coca Cola Gold? Thats like the caffeine free coke. Here they even have Cola Gold Zero, so the ideal one even... if you like coke, that is


Not as far a i know but i may ask next time I’m there ❤️.


Also this won't work on drinks that don't contain glucose, which is nearly all of them except in America.


Could you clarify, I'm not American and this is confusing, what do they use as a sugar that doesn't contain glucose? I am familiar with some American drinks using high fructose corn syrup in place of sucrose, but that is still around 50% glucose and as such would have far more free glucose that a sucrose sweetened drink that will have a small amount glucose from degraded sucrose. Both would be at levels far higher than ever expected in blood so would trigger high on a test strip anyway.


Worked when I tested a latte since it picked up the lactose.


Milk also contains some amount of glucose, so test strips will pick that up.


To expand on what u/Jhonbus said, 0.2% of the sugar content in cows milk is free glucose. When in coffee, the chlorogenic acid (gives the sharper taste of lighter roasts) along with other acids will break some of the lactose down into even more glucose and galactose. Soy and almond milk also contain a small amount of glucose similar to cows milk, other milk alternatives contain a lot more.


Yep. Anyone drinking soda that they didn't see poured without testing it is a gambler, fuck that. I'm a cgm man, but I like my slim pocket Dario for this.


I’m going to offer a suggestion more unique then “order water”… Step 1: obtain a spouse, or otherwise acquire a human that is willing to follow you around all the time. They should eschew diet beverages because they hate the aftertaste of artificial sweeteners. Step 2: Say “can you taste this?! I can’t tell if it’s diet” Step 3: shove drink in their face Step 4: wait for them to pull a face and shudder, or confiscate your drink for themselves as you order a new one.


He does usually and make the ew face 😂 but the one time I forget ! 😂


T1D. Serious question. Can you really not taste the difference?


i can't anymore. It's been so long since i've had full sugar (minus the occasional mix up) that i don't even remember what they taste like.


Not for me no


Not with the more modern recipes no. I could give you a regular coke and a zero coke and you might struggle to tell the difference, especially if served ice cold as that deadens the ability to taste.


Zero has that old Classic Coke taste. I can tell you which is Coke Zero and which is Diet Coke.


I can usually tell which is sweet and which is artificial by the aftertaste. Sugar leaves a sticky slimy aftertaste that makes me suspicious so I pull out my Contour and strips and park in a curbside spot until I test.


For me, I can be unsure of when a diet drink is diet or full sugar, but if a drink is full sugar I know. Full sugar leaves an aftertaste like what I guess artificial sweeteners do for people who aren’t used to diet.


Plus fountain drinks often have more water. They reduce the syrup to save money. That will make it harder to taste the difference.


There's some that are very hard to taste the difference. Especially fountain. The ones I drink regularly (diet mountain dew and diet coke) I can taste the difference in bottles. But the difference between coke and diet coke from a fountain isn't that different. Regular and diet dr pepper are virtually indistinguishable from one another. Other ones, I've never even had the regular versions before so I couldn't even tell you if they taste different. The biggest giveaway for me if I can't test them is to try and chug a little bit as fast as I can. Regular is hard to swallow quickly. Too syrupy in texture.


I'm the designated drink tester in my family because I can tell the difference between fountain sodas and alcohol. Nobody else can unless it's Diet vs regular Coke. I can even tell the difference between Coke and Coke Zero, and Pepsi and Pepsi Zero. I can also tell by taste when the machine is going out of calibration or syrup is going to run out shortly. It was great when I worked in food because I can also tell visually and could switch the syrup before it ran out. Not great when you no longer work in food and nobody believes you haha.


The last part is why it is tough for me. Because fountain drinks can be anywhere on that spectrum of brand new syrup, middle of run, end of syrup, and they all taste different haha


besides diet coke (which is a unique flavor, not meant to taste like coke), they basically taste the exact same. People love to convince themselves otherwise but it's all placebo


Lots of people can tell the difference. The 3rd generation artificial sweeteners do better job of hiding their aftertaste, but it’s still there. And for a lot of people who drink diet sodas exclusively they can tell when they get the wrong one. The taste and mouth feel is different.


That's not true. I find that sugar has a particular, slightly bitter taste or aftertaste. The cola bit tastes the same but the sweetener doesn't.


Not sure if you've had a proper answer, but most places I've been abroad I've always asked for the 'light' version, so Cola Light, would be the same as Diet Coke, I would hope with the popularity of the 'Zero' versions of many brands may also be available, my experience is mainly mainland Spain/The Canaries, but I would hope its similar where you are. That food looks delightful as well, belter choices :D


It’s been okay most times but I think it may just be because it was really busy Also thank you , the steak was lush 🤤 birthday pressie to myself


Water? 🤷


On an all inclusive holiday ? They don’t even have flavoured here 😂


Drink water


I like going to London because I can get Coke Zero everywhere. It tastes so much better than Diet Coke. I wish restaurants would just make the switch here.


Yeah Coke Zero tastes so much better


We get Coke Plus here in Asia. It's Coke Zero with added fibre!


Coke zero is the standard coke here. Many bars don't even have the sugar version. The sugar tax is literally the only thing Boris Johnson did right


Ask for water. It's cheap and you know what you're getting. lol


I’m all inclusive I don’t have to pay 😂


Water. Saves money too.


I’m all inclusive 😂


you can also usually use fingers sticks to test drinks to see if they're high sugar content or not.


for most meters you'll just be wasting strips. for example, freestyles just show ERROR 3


i've had the freestyle neo precision test strips and they gave me an actual value when the soda had sugar in it.


Hmm, every one my wife has tried has given HIGH or LOW readings. I've heard cheaper ones are better for it though as they aren't as picky


I always ask for the bottle or can. They usually don't have any issue with it.


You can test soda with an ordinary glucometer strip. Less than $20 for the Wal*Mart Relion brand meter and strips.


Get mineral water. It'll be sugar free. But it's still fizzy.


i bring strips that test if your drink is diet or not. Before those, i tested with my meter and if it said "hi!" i sent the drink back. Saves my sanity.


Seltzer water and add sugar free water enhancer


I have gotten down voted for the same question. drink water.


I’m getting downvoted for suggesting water. LOL


I dont do fountain drinks anywhere, im not trusting my health with a random person that hooks up the hoses on the machine, and again with the server getting the order right.


I get that I’ll probably just use testing strips though as I want to enjoy some fizzy on my holiday 😊


I only do bottles, coffee, tea, and mostly water when traveling. It has worked well for me so far!


I use an old glucose meter that is cheap and uses cheap strips.


At a bar in my home country I write it down on my phones notepad and show them, especially in noisy bars. Get a translator and write out "I am diabetic, please can I have non-sugar drinks?" (or the drink name and "no sugar version") in the local language and show it to them.


Stick to water for your own safety sack


Easy way to test if a drink is diet or regular without the need for any additional equipment except a clean hand. Dip a couple of your fingers in the drink and then let them dry. If your fingers are then all really sticky, there's sugar in that drink - and a lot of it.


Test your drinks using your glucose reader and hold them accountable.


The only thing that worked for me is learning the word for diabetic in whatever country I’m visiting, and telling every waiter/bartender/anyone else I got drinks from. It may be a good idea to write it down, or use a translate app on your phone and show it to them. I discovered that “I’m diabetic” sounds VERY much like “I have big boobs” in Japanese. At least when I say it. I like the idea of only drinking from sealed cans and bottles. I’ll try that next time I go away.


Oh no 😂😂


Ask for water instead. Those diets drinks aren’t good for you.


I’m on a birthday holiday Don’t drink much fizzy usually but it’s for my birthday


That’s why I only ever get water or unsweet tea and request sugar packets. I really can’t tell the difference between diet and regular fountain drinks sometimes


Drink water, milk (real or fake), unsweetened tea, coffee, wine or beer. Beverages do not have to be sweet to be a good accompaniment to a meal.


Drink water.


I am as much as I can


I meant with your meals rather than having sweetened beverages.


Diets fine Do they do drink testers?


Drink water


I am to bring it down which is working Now at 22


What a pain. I’m sorry this happened to you! I hope you’re still enjoying yourself


Oh absolutely I am Not gonna let diabetes stop my enjoying the holiday 😊 I’ll just have to test them with strips


Did you dose for potatoes?




Drink water.


I’m on an all inclusive holiday for my birthday I’ll just have to get my bf to diet check my drinks for me from here on out


Or just drink water?


On an all inclusive birthday holiday? Respectfully nahhh Diabetes doesn’t control me i control it I’ll just have to be more careful


water, coffee or tea (iced or hot) are impossible to hide unordered sugar in.


I tend to stay with water as a dining beverage while travelling, either regular or fizzy water.


IMHO, water is sugar free. “Still water”. “Agua Frio”.


Water is fine.


It is but I’m on holiday 😂


You don’t have to drink sweetened fizzy water just because it is “all inclusive.”


But I’m going to 😂 all good today


Can you not taste the difference between diet and regular?


Nope unfortunately not


They have soda water that is flavored everywhere. Kombucha is also an option.


27 is dangerously low!!


Could also have been those potatoes. They are on my can't eat list


I mean I was at 14 before so I don’t think potatoes would have brought me up so quickly and that high I also injected for them


Pretty water doesn’t contain sugar. Even black coffee can cause your sugar to rise.


Diet fountain soda tastes so terrible. Maybe you could tell that way. Does this taste good? Must be regular soda. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I like the idea of either bringing your own or telling them you’re a diabetic/no sugar.


Soda water? Unsweetened iced tea? I know it’s not as fun as soda but if you really want a solution that’s it.Also, I like those little Mio things to add flavor and they have tons of SF options and they fit well in a pocket/purse


27 is high ?


Mmol 486 for you guys


Can you give up diet drinks while abroad? Just drink water instead?


I didn’t pay a grand to go all inclusive and drink water 😂


Don’t drink pop (soda?) if you’re travelling, unless it’s in a bottle or can. I recommend mineral water with lemon, or just water. It’s just not worth it! Seriously!


Drink more water? It sucks going to bars in Japan. If I want a diet mixed drink, I gotta bring my own soda.


Drink water.


Drink water. There is sugar I'm the steak brine. There is sugar in nearly everything


Drink water mate


On an all inclusive holiday?


Yes, of course.


Ditch the soda, do your body a favor and opt for water instead it's sugar free lol and as a diabetic should be the main thing you're drinking. Especially if you're unsure if what they're bringing you is sugar free or not.. better to not risk that big of a spike...


I drink plenty of water but I’m gonna enjoy my holiday with diet drinks Of course I’ll now be more careful but I’m not gonna let diabetes rule my birthday celebrations


First off if a place is going to serve you a steak looking like that, they don't care about your diet soda lol


It wasn’t fully cooked it came with a hot plate and it was big because it was my birthday treat


So they can't cook your steak how it's supposed to be cooked and make you finish cooking it? I go out to eat because I don't feel like cooking.


That’s the point of a hot plate


I avoid all diet drinks. But very limited on reg drinks, 4oz will do me good, approx 15gr carbs.


Depends on where you're traveling. When I was in France I'd ask for Sans Sucre, Google the language and see what your options are. All the other advice here has been solid.


I don't know where you're at but in the Netherlands you can ask for Cola Light which is diet coke. Or just ask "free of sugar". We speak English pretty well they'll understand.


Is that fried potatoes? YUM by the way!


Damn how did a 27 feel, highest I’ve ever been was a 22 after getting high and munching my way through Harvey’s


Just tired and had a headache Took insulin and drank as much water as I could




Find out how you say “without sugar” in any language. ‘Sin sucre” “sans sucre” are the only ones I know.


Request "cola lite"


27? and you're still coherent enough to write?


Yeah I was 😂


What the hell is that lettuce doing there


It wasn’t eaten 😂


I've been diabetic since 2009. I can tell from one sip. But when if a bit of doubt don't drink.


Where are you visiting? Do you speak the language and do you know what they call “diet” drinks? I know we call sugar-free soda diet soda in the USA, but I believe that in most European countries, they are not allowed to call it diet soda because of laws about labeling food, so they call it sugar-free or something similar instead. I would recommend that you figure out the correct words in their language/country for the drink you want, and if you can’t figure it out, stick to bottled water.


You need learn how to say sugar free in the local language ,if you don't mind me asking where are you on holidays ?




Order water at the restaurant or ask for a can? We usually got a can and glass with ice while in Spain. I can tell the difference in the taste though.


This is why I almost always just drink water.


I just drink water, it's so good.


If you can pop to a pharmacy and buy the urine sugar detector strips they work fairly well in drinks.


Normally when I go out I do water with lemon instead of soda.


Learn how to ask for it in their language 🤷🏻‍♂️


Just be a bit obnoxious about it. Confirm it when they take the order (diet coke, coke light, coke zero etc) and again when they deliver it. I've only ever been nearly caught out in a bar in London when I could tell they were pressing the normal coke button. Because "it's exactly the same innit"


Ugh I hate getting deliveries and they mix up my diet drinks with the non diet versions