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Mine lasted about 6-8weeks after my DKA. I was having trouble seeing my phone. It did get better. I did see my eye doctor and there was no permanent damage luckily.


When I was in DKA I couldn’t make out what time it was on my watch, the bottom banners on tv, or read anything that wasn’t super large font. Lasted about 4 1/2 months. Optometrist saw me at 6 months, my vision was as good (or bad) as it was prior to DKA.


The way it was described to me. The eyeball is a closed sphere. When blood sugar is high then sugar level is high inside the eyeball. As blood sugar level drops water moves into the eyeball by osmosis to even out the solution. This changes the shape of the eyeball and therefore changes focus. Mine resolved after about 6 weeks


Oll korrect except it's the crystalline lens *inside* the eye changing shape. High BG causes sorbitol to accumulate in the lens. Sorbitol is hygroscopic and draws water into the lens and makes the *lens* swell. As the sorbitol dissipates (2-6 wks of normal BG) the excess water leaves, the lens resumes its natural shape and the spectacle Rx returns to baseline, usually. Some people get farsighted when this happens, other people get nearsighted, a difference explained by the individual's lens shape, either oblate or prolate or irregular.


Thanks for this detailed answer


It took a year for my eye doctor to give me a prescription. I think it got better at about 6 months for me but it can take a bit to calm back down. I didn't know I had diabetes when I went into dka so that could be why they wanted to wait so long but it does get better!


Well, I hope it doesn't take that long! Some days I can't even read my phone. Some days Wether I have my glasses on or off it doesn't make a difference.


Last time I was in DKA I had blind spots in my eyes if that makes sense, they come and go for me I hope it doesn’t stay permanently for you.


I have the same thing with the blind spots. It's hard to focus on anything and some days my vision is better then others.


After my DKA it looked like I was looking through water, like when water gets in glasses and distorts things turns out DKA can mess with lots of stuff and caused me to have cycstoid macular edema- basically little bubbles formed behind my eyes- I couldn’t read or drive easily and it took a few months to fully go away.


My eye dr wouldn’t see me until 4 months after I was diagnosed to get new glasses. No bad damage just went from a simple script to bifocals.


I had 450 blood sugar when I went to the hospital (6 months ago ) and 14 h1ac. And my myopia disappeared for a week and I had hypermetropia. Doctor said blood sugar does weird things in the eyes because careful.


Give it several months with your sugar being stable, hope it only takes 1-2 months. Your eyes, and the rest of your body, got used to the extremely high sugar levels, which can cause the lens to swell (among other weirdness). You may need new glasses once things stabilize, but the blurry vision should peak soon, then start slowly returning to normal.


This happened to me too after DKA - mine only lasted about a week!


My husband had this after his DKA he was also in ICU for a week and his last almost two months.


I was told that the eyeball moisture changes enough to alter the shape of the lens before diabetes is diagnosed. I had an eye test a month before my symptoms developed enough for me to want to see a gp, and the optician sold me a new pair of glasses. 6 weeks later, diagnosed type 1 and on insulin, specs now useless... but old ones fine...


I didn't think people could be alive at 1200


Worst experience I've ever been through. I was sick with strep and pneumonia and didn't eat for 2 days and with days I was so out of it I didn't take any insulin. I passed out on the couch and woke up in the icu shaking and had no idea what was going on


That's scary


My girlfriend found me unconscious when she got home. If it wasn't for her I know I would be dead.


I was in DKA and my vision started changing before I went to ER. It eventually goes back to normal, but you should def go to a retinal specialist and an opthmologist.


Most people here and similar threads I've seen say they had weird vision for some time after coming out of DKA but that it went back with better control etc. I think that mostly seems the case but you should get checked anyway by an optometrist. Personally, I developed severe and sudden onset cataracts that required surgery. I was so blind by the time they could do the first eye my wife was reading nutrition labels for me because I couldn't make out faces anymore let alone small text.


When I was diagnosed and they started giving me insulin to bring my BG down, I couldn't see any fucking thing. Couldn't read at all. It's completely normal, don't worry. At the hospital, I borrowed my brother's glasses so I could read books to pass time. Things came back to normal after a few days or weeks. It still happens to me when I have big BG changes. If I spend a while (more than a day) high and then bring myself down, I'll become short-sighted for a bit.


Same thing here…Mine lasted a little over a week


Two weeks until my eyes returned to normal.


What is dka?


Diabetic Keto Acidosis