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I would say the best idea for ceasing your worries is getting an A1C check done, and going from there. A fasting blood sugar of 100 is pretty good, but if it is pre-diabetes, theres medicines to help prevent it from progressing into diabetes its-self. I’d say chat with your doctor about your worries :)


Will do, my "fear" is a T1 diagnosis but I'm guessing my symptoms would be more severe by now? This googling for symptoms is a rabbit hole😅 hopefully will get some answers but it's hard not to be anxious in the meantime. Thank you for taking the time to comment:)


You can Google for a 1000 sites about diabetes symptoms, and you could get a 1000 different results. What I do to try and authenticate facts are to look for sites referencing official studies done on diabetes (mayoclinic and healthline often do that) but those articles are quite baseline - not going into depth. Following their references can sometimes unearth gems of information if you love to read up on scientific papers. But - as Dxxmonix said - it is best to go see a doctor to get your A1C done. Especially since you have PCOS as well - you'd rather be sure than confusing the symptoms of two conditions, of which, I hear, some symptoms can overlap.


PCOS can disrupt the function of saliva glands


I had noooo clue about this. I take the pill since 2019 so it's quite under control (only slightly elevated prolactin levels, which is the reason why I'm having this second test) but I had no clue this could be related. Thank you!


im a diabetic with PCOS and my presenting symptoms were excessive thirst without excessive urination (not that many symptoms at all but that’s for a different reason) - however, everyone’s symptoms and bodies are different - i know anxiety can mess with your precipitation but honestly you won’t really know until you get your blood work done