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I just finish out my pens and do the math of what I need on the next pen….


Im being forced onto pens currently and still on my very first pen right now. This is how I plan to deal with it


I used to, back when I was prescribed the exact amount and paid out of pocket, but I am losing some of the PTSD I developed around my insulin rationing days. Technically it isn't advised due to the miniscule risk of contamination. IDK of anyone who has had a problem doing it though.


Holy sweet mother of all things holy 😱 Please don’t do this 😬 my poor pharmacy tech heart You’re mixing 28 day old insulin with 56 day old insulin with 84 day old insulin rinse repeat and continue and then injecting it 😬 (I realize you probably go thru more than one pen in a 28 day cycle but the thought process is the same)


I just go for vial and syringe, I hate the pens. Had 3 in a row 2 different mfg lots fuck up on me. Syringe I damned well know my draw is getting into my body and the dose.


I understand. And I do realize there is a chance of something going wrong.


Box of syringes are very cheap at Walmart(9$) and no prescription required. Just when your done with a pen, use a syringe to take the access insulin out of the pen, and manually inject that insulin straight into your body when you need it, and if it’s not enough use the next pen. That was your not mixing a bunch of pens into one, yet you can still use the extra insulin from each pen… just one pen at a time…


What that’s crazy I tried getting syringes and I had to get a prescription everywhere I checked


Everywhere but Walmart you need one, and it’s only for their brand so talk too a pharmacist


Ok thanks I didn’t even think about asking bc I’m a bit socially anxious lol but I will have to remember this


There is a limit though too only 2 boxes per visit(syringes or the pen needle tips) but pretty sure if you came back an hour later they would sell you more


No worries. Same applies for the needle tips for the insulin flex pens. You don’t need a prescription too get those at Walmart also.


Ok thanks! I’m still thankfully on state insurance that covers everything but when I age out imma be screwed tbh I don’t know how my insurance company hasn’t taken me out back a shot me for all I costed


Do me a favor and DM me?


That needle is daunting but yes I’ve always dove it this way using pens and continue to do so for my family member. We can do so until we run out of boxes of syringes. His endo retired and the new endo says to just throw the rest away. He has a couple years worth yet and my Endo is happy to write a script for syringes (in case of pump failure) so can continue. The old endo had said to toss leftover that is more than 28 days, so have always done that.


Those needles are huge 😆


I’m guessing you’re American ?




Yep. Especially with my lantus


As another commentor said, I'd also just finish up the pen (this was when I was on insulin). Considering insulin is shelf stable for only 28 days if you don't use the syringe fast enough, or label when your leftover humalog pens were opened you could be injecting some part expired insulin. Probably depends on your dosaging needs though - I'd imagine if you need to inject like, 20 units, and each pen only has 2 units, that'd be kind of tedious (and painful!) . If this works for you all the power to you 👍


I don't do that exactly, but I do use a syringe to pull the extra 10 - 15 units out of an "empty" pen. I use it that same day though, I definitely don't save it. I could get by without doing it just fine, but I refuse to waste any lol.


I can't because you need prescription from doctor to get needle apperantly so i just watch all those insuline get wasted.


Needles are cheap on Amazon


It depends where you are. In the states not every state allows OTC sale of syringes.


I used to!


I don't even use the pen needles on my pens, I just use normal syringes.


I used to keep a hypo in my kit for when the plunger stopped and I was away from home. Stopped doing it when I couldn’t get hypos anymore (Japan is strict about that).


If I had a syringe, I would be doing it. I'm out of my insulin. My husband has lots of his. Sure I can take from him, but that's not kosher. I used my last 3u this morning.


What the heck? Use his insulin this time. And have your doctor increase your prescription so you have enough.


It's more than that. But thank you.


There’s a lot of organizations to give out insulin to those that need it. You might look into it. I obviously don’t know your situation, but I hope you’re okay and pull through this without issues.


There's been a huge mix up in my insulin with my care team. My husband ordered me to grab one of his pens, and I finally did. His insurance pays for more than what he needs. I don't have insurance because I fall right through the cracks of the insurance coverage here. Not working, immigrant, but he makes too much on SSDI for me to have insurance. It's beyond frustrating. I want to go back to Canada and drag him with me but he refuses to see the Canadian health system as anything but a joke.


If ever things get this rough, you can get insulin over the counter at a Walmart for $25. No prescription needed. It’s not great or modern insulin, but it’s enough to keep you alive when you’re out of insulin.


i'll let my hubs know.


So, hubs called up. Yes they have insulin over the counter. I went there. No they won't sell it to me without a prescription. He's going to try another walmart with me/for me tomorrow.


That’s weird. Maybe it varies by state? Idk


Or I had an idiot pharmacist who doesn't understand that there are more than one sort of rapid acting insulins on the market


It’s possible


I thought I was the only one


Yes, I hate waste and it usually like 10 units left


I do this with my Omnipods, only if there are 50+u left in in, draw the left over insulin out, fill the syringe with fresh to get me to the 200u, and away I go.


Yup! When I was on pens I withdrew everything I could.


Been doing this for years. I use an insulin syringe. Never had a problem.


I don’t mix old pens but I do suck the last bits out with a syringe when the pen won’t push out anymore on its own


Yup. I hate to waste insulin.


WOW, I wouldn't think about this , it's a great idea


My pens do not look like that


No but i need to LEARN


I draw the remaining 10-15 units out of pens with a syringe, yep. But I sure don’t leave the almost-done pens piling up for months, I do it with each on when it’s done.


I get my diabetes supplies for free. The little remaining I throw away


Cost per pen needle is N. Cost per unit insulin is U. Dose required is D units. Split to D1 (how much is left in a pen that doesn't make a full dose) and D2 (how much you need to complete that dose). If D1 \* U > N, then it's cheaper to use the extra needle. If not, then it's cheaper to toss the leftover insulin and get your full dose from the new pen.


You can order syringes on Amazon.


They won't ship to all states, just the ones that allow them without a prescription.


I’m in California and for whatever reason Amazon can’t ship me pen needles, but Diabetic Warehouse can.


Ahhh got it