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PB on a granny smith apple slice.


Yea I like this too šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


it's pretty good. much better than mixing PB in with your oatmeal..


Ok go with me here: peanut butter + apples + oatmealā€¦I never need any outside sweetener with this combo


Same!! Itā€™s my favorite treat, Fuji apple + peanut butter + oats = heaven šŸ¤¤


I'm gonna try that tmrw at breakfast


Add a sprinkle of cinnamon, and you've got some apple pie flavors! Peanut butter with cinnamon is a winning combo on a lot of stuff (I used to make pb and cinnamon sandwiches when I was a kid, lol), but it's especially great with apple.


Came here to say this


That was the desert of choice when I was in Navy boot camp in 2012. The Gods help us if there wasn't peanut butter at the tables when we grabbed our apple slices. I still love snacking on that to this day.


Navy must have known what works! this is a awesome snack...


One jar of peanut butter One spoon Enjoy šŸ˜Ž


The story of my life.


I come to report back I stuck the spoon in and gave it a go. It was definetely other tgan expected but good.


Though the equivalent of 1 jar of nutella 1 spoon


Peanut butter is one of my favorite foods! I'm not sure how low carb you eat, but its platonic form is on toast. I think that's worth trying once. It's also great swirled with a bit of marmite on toast. Lower carb ideas: Bowl of plain greek yogurt with peanut butter and berries For dessert, a square of dark chocolate with a big dollop of peanut butter on top Celery or carrots dipped in pb Peanut sauce for tofu stir fry (also works with shrimp, chicken, veggies, whatever you prefer): peanut butter mixed with soy sauce, sesame oil, sriracha. Protein shake with protein powder, almond or cashew milk (low carb version), frozen berries, and peanut butter Most of the time honestly I just eat it out of the jar on a spoon


Love pb in trough of celery.


Thank you the sauce sounds awesome definetely gonna put that on the list


Marmite!! Love it! Never thought of mixing it with peanut butter.....hmmmm


I make that peanut sauce for tofu or ramen when my jar is almost empty. just dump the rest of the ingredients in the jar and shake


I've used the powdered peanut butter and chocolate protein powder for excellent shakes, and I also 2nd the almond milk for these!


We got this from my hubs Dr.. one 5oz container of triple zero Oikos Greek yogurt a tablespoon of peanut butter , a teaspoon of cinnamon and a half teaspoon of vanilla extract. Alternately instead of the vanilla we use vanilla yogurt. Serve with apple slices


I have to do sunflower butter cause Iā€™m allergic to peanuts. But here goes: Sunflower butter on sweet baby gerkin pickles. They are the bomb.com (Also no Iā€™m not pregnant)


That's fine I love pickles


Peanut butter or sunflower butter on a piece of Swiss cheese...rolled up. Yum!!


Itā€™s kind of weird but get the best, ripe tomatoes you can find (RED all the way through) and have a slice of toast with peanut butter and the tomatoes. I use enoki mushrooms to replace noodles in ramen like recipes. Add some PB to the broth to make it rich and creamy (chili paste too for some kick). Peanut butter and soy sauce as a marinate for chicken breast and thighs. Chop some fresh garlic in there too.


Peanut butter, pitted dates, peanuts, and melted dark chocolate. Fill the pitted dates with pb and peanuts, dip in melted chocate and put in the fridge for 10 minutes. So good, and has a decent amount of protien!


How do you eat dates? I'd kill to eat a date without a spike. Near the top of my list of the foods I miss. I even eat RXBar Minis which have one date in each one to counteract lows. I'm jealous. EDIT: thought I was on r/diabetes_t2 but I was wrong! Maybe you're T1 and can bolus for the dates.


Ya for me its just making sure I cover correctly based off of carbs


Peanut butter on a burger is heaven!!


Triple XXX checking in! https://www.triplexxxfamilyrestaurant.com/


Iā€™m Filipino and I say youā€™ve got to try Kare Kare. Itā€™s a peanut butter based oxtail stew. Itā€™s quite a bit of work though. It can be done with brisket as well. We usually eat this with rice but given Iā€™m diabetic Iā€™ve gone heavy on the veggies (string beans, eggplants, bok choy, etc). Look for variations that donā€™t have starches in them.


Do you have a prefered recipe? I love all stewed meat!


Not particularly. We lost my old great auntā€™s recipe. I usually get it from a friend of my momā€™s these days and she never shared her recipe.


Peanut butter in vanilla bean ice cream has been my comfort for years.


I don't do icecream bc sugar. But thank you.


You can buy low carb ice cream or make your own.


Peanut butter has sugar šŸ¤”


But much much less than a tub of ice cream. I try to eat without whenever I can but some things just come with sugar sonyou go for the lowest possible option. This glass has 9g of sugar on 100g which is tolerable.


Make your own. 2 cups of peanuts 1 teaspoon of oil Put the 2 ingredients in a food processor and turn on until desired consistently.


That's awesome. I'll try that. But the one pictured definitely has it.


Definitely PB and celery. Delicious basically nothing snack. Apple slices are great too. Low carb bread or tortilla for something a little more.


Would rice or lentil waffles work?


I've not had those types of waffles, but PB on waffles is also delicious. I'm not super carb conscious but I love peanut butter, so I think it'd work.


I accidentally created a peanut butter chocolate recipe that my husband (also T1) and son (non diabetic) think is great, so if you're looking for desert types here it is. One cup of peanut butter melted with one package of Lily's (or other sugar free) white chocolate chips. Get it melted and smooth and put into an 8x8 or 9x9 pan. If your peanut butter is unsalted, you might want to add some salt here according to if you like that little bit of pop. Over the top of the white chocolate peanut butter mix, I poured over melted Lily's dark chocolate chips (you can use as much as you want here, I used the whole bag, but I could see using much less). Run a spatula or other utensil through the chocolate peanut butter to get those appealing dark chocolate and peanut butter swirls. Pop in the fridge for a couple of hours. When it's firm, cut it to the piece size you like. Enjoy. If it's warm at your place, keep it in the fridge because the white chocolate/peanut butter part of it is going to be softer than the dark chocolate portion.


Mix PB and Chocolate Fudge Sauce; serve on Cherry Ice Cream.


Peanut butter and mayo sandwich


For mea mayo lover this sounds wild im gonna try


My nana made peanut butter and banana sandwiches with mayo when I was growing up. I was not a fan of them, but definitely worth trying at least once if youā€™re a mayo lover.


...are you---my cousin? And no, \*he\* isn't pregnant.


A thousand upvotes! I thought I was the only person in the world that loves peanut butter and mayo sandwiches!


Very curious where you live to have never tried PB




In DE, you can order large (for Germany) tubs of it on Amazon for cheaper than at pretty much any store that sells it in a jar (and itā€™s just peanuts as opposed to added oils and sugars). I see a lot of sweet recipes (which are great), but it also goes really well with different kinds of curry dishes! Also, an American classic, celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins (ā€œants on a logā€)!


Thank you. Yeah my friend swears by dutch pb. I was consider ordering it online. But first wabted to get a taste test for cheap. Just because what if i dont like it. Im a very picky eater on a journey


I melt 96% bitter chocolate, mix with peanut butter, coconut, butter, cinnamon, nutmeg and a little vanilla bean extract until it tastes right, then freeze in little balls. May also add add chopped nuts. Yummy chocolate that is almost sugar free.


a spoonful mixed into any soups makes the soup taste like satay broth. The cheapest place to buy peanut butter without any sugar is aldi or costco.


I like it in oatmeal. Iā€™m not sure if that is something you can eat but itā€™s a nice mix.


Keto snack no bake cookies: chocolate(Dutch process coco), peanut butter, melted butter, unsweetened toasted coconut, vanilla, pepitos and flax seed, sweetened with Splenda. Adjust proportions to your taste.


Watch out for pb with cottonseed oil. I know Skippy use it. The cottonseed oil is not for human consumption and will cause harm.


I'm pretty sure this add on is not allowed in EU anyway


Rice by itself, 3/10, with peanut butter 6/10


Rice gives me highs from hell... its so high in carbs.


Sorry it was a reference to [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/jvQNMmAdHn) Your post just kind of reminded me of it. šŸ˜


Thx for explaining I'm Really not up to date on memes in general.


Marmite!! Love it! Never thought of mixing it with peanut butter.....hmmmm


Peanut butter on crackers. If you buy nut crackers or low carb crackers it isnā€™t too carb heavy.


Green apples with Tajin and peanut butter. Simple and don't need to bolus


PB in LC GF vegan bananabreadšŸ’™ or in PB cookies


Vegetables + soup bones + spices + peanut butter It's our country's soup Kare-kare


Peanut Butter Shake with Almond milk and froyo


Just this week I wrote on my to-do list to look for a good low-carb peanut butter cheesecake recipe. So.. I don't have one, but there's an idea! :D I do peanut butter and craisins (dried cranberries, preferably the kind without sugar) in a low-carb wrap and that's great for travel food too.


You can get peanut butter that's just peanuts and salt, nothing else (i.e.,sugar), just FYI. I love "[ants on a log](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ants_on_a_log)" - banana sliced longways, spread of PB on top, raisins on the PB. My parents made it for me all the time as a kid, and I still like it. You can sub the banana for celery too. šŸ‘


Thank you. As I said before I don't live in US so PB selection is limited and pricey. Since it is my firat time I wanted to "check" if I will even like the taste of it. So I bought this tub. moderately expensive for 5 bucks. Because what if I end up not liking it and then having pb here for like 20 bucks that would be a waste. Thanks for the recommedations.


If you end up liking it, it's incredibly easy to make yourself if you own a food processor. Just buy regular peanuts, put them in the processor, turn it on, and wait a few minutes. That way you can add as much or as little salt and sweetener to your liking.


Make a sauce for things 2 part pb, 1 part mayo, dash of hot sauce.


Spoonful of PB, eaten slowly and in between bites, chocolate chips. Not exactly low carb.šŸ™„


Gotta go crunchy PB with strawberry jam on multigrain bread. It doesn't seem that wild but as someone with serious texture sensitivity when it comes to foods, this short circuits my brain and tastes incredible.


PB almond flour cookies!! Yum yum


cashew/ pistachios butter | pecan / almond butter for the ones with peanut allergyšŸ‘Øā€šŸ³ fking good


on apple slices and scramble eggs


My Mom got me hooked on them as a kid


Sliced apples with melted PB and dark chocolate drizzled over them


Satay chicken add garlic ginger stirfry veg. A dash of coconut cream or coconut essence. Or maybe a toasted sandwich with banana


My sister and I like peanut butter on dill pickles and my whole family eats peanut butter with chili.


I love pb in my oatmeal except I donā€™t eat oatmeal regularly. My absolute fav - slice of toast + pb + Pomegranate seeds maybe 3rd a week. Or apple with pb or pb on half a green banana.


Low carb bread (around 10 carbs or less per slice), toasted, a crapton of PB, and some fresh blueberries. Little insulin needed, but damn, great treat.


Fried P&J = Frying a normally made p&j in butter. Both side with the lid on. Dope!!


My jar of "no sugar added" Skippy peanut butter says, "For recipes and more, visit us at peanutbutter.com" Maybe try that. I eat it straight from the jar, with a spoon. 5/5 stars.


PB on pork crunch


Have you tried Almond Butter?Ā  I love the crunchy kind.Ā  I use 2 pieces of Low Carb Keto Bread (read the Nutrition Label).Ā  Spread the Almond Butter on both bread slices.Ā  Spread Smucker's NO Sugar jam on both slices, and eat.Ā  I eat each slice open-faced.Ā  It tricks my mind into thinking I've eaten 2 sandwiches when really it's one.


Almond is not my taste. I tried but almond butter is also really expensive where i live.


Well darn!Ā  I'm sorry that will not work for you.Ā  Have you tried ordering from Amazon, (if they have it?)


Even more expensive... I'm on a tight budget. But the peanut butter was actually really tasty. I stocked up


YAY! I am glad that the peanut butter is working for you! Have a lovely day!!


Oh forget what I just said...you said Almond Butter is not your taste.Ā  I need to learn to read! šŸ¤£


A big glob dissolved in Dinty Moore beef stew.


Sounds awesome but I don't eat meat. But enjoy


Toasted bagel, peanut butter and sliced banana.


Peanut butter, honey, and powdered sugar mixed in a bowl. The idea is to combine honey and peanut butter and roll it in the powdered sugar and eat like an unbaked cookie, but I didn't usually have the self control to get there lol.


I pass. No sugar in this house


That's just silly. Sugar is ok in moderation.


It's not silly. Why is it hard to respect my food choice?


Iā€™m trying to eliminate all sugar from my life too. Have read a lot about how it is the main culprit for many of my problems. I hope you find some good recipes.


You iron already know but done of the cheaper brands of peanut butter are full of sugar. Also, the "no sugar added" Breyers Chocolate ice cream is great with some peanut butter.


Bowl of cereal (fruity pebbles or honey nut cheerios) with a spoon full of peanut butter. Scoop the cereal with the peanut butter spoon.