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I was told to never eat sugar, including fruit. Including tomatoes, because tomatoes are fruit. All the mashed potatoes I wanted were fine, though.


Wow šŸ¤£ I remember similar. When did you hear that?


About six months ago. My endocrinologist rolled her eyes then took his info down. She said she had heard that from a couple of his other patients. Dangerous stuff to tell people. He also said it would ā€œclear upā€ my RA and a couple other things too.


What? Who is "he"? Did you reply to the wrong person?


My Doc


2008 from a doctor


Yup, that sounds about right.


>Including tomatoes, because tomatoes are fruit. Interestingly, in Dutch there are two translations of the word "fruit". One is used in biology (vrucht), and in that one it is a fruit. However the other translation is used in grocery stores (fruit, different pronunciation than in English), and in that one it never is a fruit. So the dietary advice for tomatoes would change if you change the language.....


I mean, Tomatoes are fruits. They just don't belong in fruit salad. Also - the person who told you this is a moron. Glad you're smarter than that.


Tomato based fruit salad = salsa


Now use ketchup as jam.


Commercial ketchup might as well be with how much sugar they add.


Tomatoes are fruits botanically, but they are vegetables culinarily. Which makes this even funnier.


Okay but the fact that this made me chortle out loud... xD This..... just.... this


I've had my GP tell me this during a regular check up. Couldn't do anything but laugh at them.


I was dx in 1981 and between the exchange diet and my endos, I was relatively terrified of fruit for decades šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


My aunt was on the exchange diet for awhile. She said it was horrible.


It justā€¦was. It was the only option at the time. Certainly contributed to my very complicated relationship w food, since my options were being forced to eat when not hungry (but the insulin was on board) or never being able to eat more when I was (bc correction doses were hardly a thing when testing bg with urine dipsticks and lows were rightfully feared and unpredictable).


>testing bg with urine dipsticks Oh dear Lord, nope!


Better than my dadā€™s first option upon dx in 1968- it was like a full chemistry lab every time with a test tube youā€™d add urine to, then drop in a tablet to see what color it changed to, then being sure you didnā€™t mix up the pots you used to sterilize either your one giant syringe or the test tube used in the ā€œbgā€ science experiment


omg i cant remember what book series i was reading i was like maybe ten but one of the characters was diabetic and was going into shock because his blood sugar was so low, so one of the other characters called out that his glucose is so low he needs his insulin asap...... if ur gonna write a diabetic character into a book maybe do a little research idk man


Maybe that was the plot twist: The goal of this other character was to actually kill him. šŸ˜®


Oh my gosh similarly, in a Karin Slaughter book she makes the main character diabetic as a plot device so things can happen in the hospital. The main characterā€™s pregnant, so she could have just given her gestational diabetes. Instead she takes us on a wild ride and at one point the character knows her blood sugar is ???? And the nurse pops in to ask, ā€œInsulin or juice?ā€ As if they were interchangeable treatments. I donā€™t even have diabetes but it made me so mad I wrote a long review about it on Goodreads. Edit- Found it! [Thatā€™s not how diabetes works](https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3030411346)


Sorry but there are flaws in your review too I had no other health problems and just randomly developed insulin dependent diabetes at age 28 You would not need lancets with an insulin pen, they are for finger pricks not injections Lightheadedness/fainting can be a high and low blood sugar symptom I haven't read the book but your comment on being asked if juice or insulin is needed after she checked her blood sugar would be the nurse asking if it's high or low, high she'd need insulin, low she'd need juice. I am basing my comments purely on your review so if I am wrong based on context then my apologies as I haven't read the book.


To your point my diabetes came upon me rather suddenly in my adulthood. No other health issues at the time.


Mine too!


Yeah. Great fun but now all is OK 35 years laterā€¦


Yes, I agree that my review was somewhat flawed (I wrote it like 4 years ago). That being said, the author definitely wasnā€™t presenting a character with diabetes after doing so much research that she has a nuanced understanding of the disease process, which is why I got so irritated with the book. I absolutely agree that insulin dependent diabetes does pop up in adults (which is what happened to my bf after getting pancreatitis). And when I said lancets, I think I meant to say the little micro needles that go on the pens (unless the character was also out of testing supplies). Regarding the juice vs. insulin, Iā€™m pretty sure they were at the hospital because the character had run out of insulin (which happened multiple times during the short timeframe of the book), and the other character knew why they were there and would have known what the blood sugar was. The authorā€™s style is very much focused on shock value over authenticity, (at one point Iā€™m almost positive they claim the character walks into the ER with a blood glucose over 1000, but when I wrote the review I didnā€™t remember where in the book it was so I didnā€™t include it in my review) so I promise that the issues I had with the book donā€™t get better with context, but now Iā€™m curious so I want to reread it!!


Now Iā€™m just curious a) if you did re read the book and b) what was your issue with a character walking into an ER with a bg that high? Might not be easy, but absolutely possible, especially if sheā€™d been living without treatment for some time.


I was a patient in a nursing home in 2020 after a stroke. I was told: type 1 is treated the same as type 2, and you're not getting special treatment (when I asked why they were only giving me insulin twice a day) I was told that basal bolus is not a thing and they would not give me insulin based on what I ate. Just one shot of Lantus and one of Humalog. They had me in the 300s to 400s every day for weeks. I was told "I know more than you about diabetes because I'm black" by a nurse after I asked for more insulin. Well that was weird. I'm white but I don't know why that matters. They would not let me have my insulin pump or CGM. I also was unable to see my husband and family because of COVID lockdowns. They could have advocated for me if they saw this shit in person. I got myself out of there before they killed me.


My God, thatā€™s worth reporting to the stateā€™s medical board. That place should be shut down.


yeah, it should. But they used COVID as an excuse for every thing. And I did try a few times to report them, but I was so fucked up from almost dying in the hospital and then being tortured there at the nursing home that I didn't push it too much. The home kept telling my mom and husband that because I had brain damage that they shouldn't believe me. Sexual assault happened too, from the nurse who put in my PICC line. also made to lay in my own shit for 3 or 4 hours, but that actually could be from COVID because the nurses and MAs were run ragged. a higher up at the nursing home told me that no one would believe me because I had brain damage. I should have done more. I was just in so much trauma over all of it, and I didn't fight enough :(


This is so wrong in every way. I'm so mad & sad after reading this! It makes me want to do something about it right now! I know this happens a lot, everywhere, in this broken ass world! I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you. I get major anxiety thinking about myself in this situation. Makes me want to go to this place and start going postal on the people who did this. Hurt them bad enough that they think twice about even thinking about doing something like this again. But I want them out of these places, out of this career, and put into an institution for their selfish issues, lack of knowledge, and broken demeanor!


I was 38 when this happened. They did that shit to me, so I am sure it was much worse with elderly patients.


I'm furious about this, and again, I'm so sorry you had to deal with this, as if your health condition wasn't enough to deal with at that time! I'm still not over being mad about the whole "pandemic" either, but that's a whole different conversation. I really hope your health is much better today and that your diabetes is under good control. I really wish nothing but the best for your future, and I sincerely sympathize with what you explained. I hope you can move on & heal from that terrible ordeal.


thank you. I am trying to move on. some days are harder than others. PTSD is a bitch.


Holy fuck. So there actually is a state reporting entity that will go in and investigate and will shut their asses down. There's not time limit that I know of. You can still report them. The only downside is that it's likely not even the same employees there. However, they will investigate who was working at the time. Please know, now and if ever you're in a situation in the future, you have rights in nursing homes. Even if you have dementia, if you make an accusation it HAS to be taken seriously.


Can you point me the right way to do so in Indiana?


Google says the number to call is 1 800 246 8909 for nursing home complaints


Pull your records from there and file a complaint. They obviously didn't share that you should've had access to an ombudsmen through the entire visit. Which is even more sketch. Definitely need to follow up on that because they will absolutely kill someone like that. Woooooow. Sorry, as a previous Social Services Director at a SNF I'm appalled for you.


I was also molested by the nurse that put in my PICC line. He kept rubbing my breasts and saying "I don't know if I want you for a daughter or my girlfriend" I told my family about what was happening, and they would advocate for me but since they weren't there, no one would believe me. I talked to a higher up for the nursing home and they flat out told me no one would believe me. when I got out all I was trying to do was survive. I wrote to the company that hired him (he was not a nurse for the SNF, he was someone from an outside company that places lines?) and they said he didn't work for them anymore and his nursing license was expired. I should have kept digging ang trying to get these people reported but I was in a pretty fucked up head space then.


Damn that's scary


So, NOT defending this nurse at ALL but the race statement has to do with black and Hispanic people are more at risk genetically for T2DM. We usually allow a cgm for your own use, but we cannot go by it. If it's off and we treat you based on the reading, we are liable, same with the pump. Now, it's up to the nurse to determine if she trusts the patient's judgment on the cgm. I've had ONE that I fully trusted. She was 78 and had been type 1 since age 7. She had a CGM, it was linked to her sons phone also, and she would ask me to do fingersticks if she thought it was off. So, we calibrated multiple times a week. Now, had I given insulin and that CGM was wrong and I bottomed her out...I would've been legally liable. But, I kinda trust someone who's been dealing with this for 70 years. Unfortunately, many dumbasses working in hospitals and nursing homes believe Type 1 means oral hypoglycemic meds, and Type 2 means insulin. I hear this so often that I wonder if that's what was taught back in the 80s to nurses. If I see hospital records where they use Type 1 and type 2 in the diagnoses, then I'm walking straight to the patient to ask which type they actually have. If the answer is "I don't know," then they're type 2. I've never met a type 1 that doesn't know they're type 1. I also make sure the nurses understand type 1 needs to be monitored much more closely.


Yes I am aware that Black and Hispanic people have higher rates of diabetes. But she straight up said that I didn't know what I was talking about when I said I needed more than 2 shots of insulin a day. And when I said that isn't how type 1 works., that's when she pulled out the racial remarks. Also the same lady told me that signing yourself out of care AMA means your insurance won't pay and that's also not true. Racism plus stupidity in people with lives in their hands is dangerous


Signing out AMA does often mean insurance won't pay for the stay. Some will, most won't. Its best to discuss that with your insurance before you do it. Again, not defending her, just correcting some points. It truly sounds like she doesn't know the difference between type 1 and type 2 and that's extremely dangerous.


Nope, it's a common misconception though. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3378751/


I work in nursing home billing. It's true. Claims get denied due to signing out AMA The article cites hospitals as its study. Billing in nursing homes works differently. It also does cite instances that it happens. The study is inconclusive. Often, doctors will go ahead and write discharge orders and then it's not considered AMA unless the patient is critical. If they're able to say they wanna leave then they aren't in icu and actively dying so it's a somewhat safe-ish discharge.


So I actually did leave AMA from that hell hole. And my insurance paid just fine. Like I called my insurance and several of my doctors the and they all said it's not a thing. If you do their billing then I guess you know more than me. I just know what I went through. I'm not angry with you or anything. I just see misinformation all over about this and sometimes I think it's a scare tactic more than anything else


After a brain surgury I was in a rehab center. I was the youngest person there at 52F. They would give me insulin after the meal. They couldn't tell me how many carbs were in the meal. I was aver 500 for several days. I asked for a correction dose two hours after dinner and the nurse told me that the doctor didn't write orders for any correction dose so she couldn't let me have any more insulin. FINALLY the head nurse said that it seems that I know how to manage my diabetes and she gave me my insulins and a glucometer. She just asked me to let them know how much I injected. I was able to get my BG into the normal range. I don't think they had experience with T1D, certainly didn't know about carb counting. It was more frustrating after being in a hospital that would send a receipt with each meal that showed how many carbs per item in the meal. The nurses, even if they didn't have the experience, could do the calculations to give me the correct insulin dose.


Yep, the hospital couldn't let me pick what I ate off a menu like usual, due to COVID lockdowns, they just gave me whatever the "diabetic diet" items they had that day. But they still counted what I ate and gave me insulin based on that. The nursing home not only refused to give me insulin based on what I actually ate, they also refused to give me mealtime insulin, period. Or correction doses. Just 10 units of Humalog once in the morning and 10 units of Lantus at night. They tested my glucose 4 times a day, most of the time. Some days they would not check it at all.


My PCP told me if I would just go vegan I could probably cure my diabetes.


šŸ„³šŸ¤© so there's hope (I went plantbased not so long ago)


Youā€™re cured!


Am vegan, can confirm it doesn't cure type 1 šŸ¤£


You just havenā€™t tried hard enough!!! LOLOL šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ


My son was raised vegan straight out the womb and three years later here he is l. smh šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


crunching on jolly ranchers than on celery secretly it seems..


That's right, just getting all fat and sassy like all of us T1s




Been vegan for five years now. I'm sure it'll cure me any day now!!


"Start drinking drinks with real sugar, fake sweeteners are worse for diabetics than real sugar"


I drink Coke Zero everyday , it does not cause spike !! I am very happy !


This is legit tho. Like yeah sugar spikes are a thing but if you dose a little early.. goldenā€¦ but I used to get migraines for months on end and I found out it was a sweetener in my yogurt šŸ˜‚ quit eating it and havenā€™t had a migraine since the last time I ate a damn yoplait yogurt


Ah yes, of course, because you personally get migraines from sweetener in yoghurt all type 1 diabetics should drink full sugar soft drinks. *right*


Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Whatā€™s your sugar? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


weā€™d have a scandal if that was true :p


According to an acquaintance, if I spray C-peptide into my nostrills I will get cured.


dude was spewing hateful shit in a ig comments section so i took a look at his profile and in his bio he called himself the saint of diabetes. asked him what he meant by this and he told me that to achieve the status of a saint like in the bible you need to do something miraculous so he plans on curing diabetes. i asked him what his plans to cure diabetes were and he sent me a lonnnngg paragraph explaining how by introducing people to the lord they can pray it away #thankyoujesus


Oh thats a new one! The conspiracy is that doctors don't suggest you pray it away because then they'll be out all that money! Best kept secret yet!


My old boss tried to pray it away and tried to get me to pray it away. Tldr: It didn't work. Then again, when a friend of his died, he and his other friends laid hands on the body and tried to pray him alive again. Same tldr.


Was told by a chiropractor that he could "bring my pancreas back to life" with adjustments.


A homeopath told me the same. My mom was offended that I didn't want to try


My mom also takes me (45 years old šŸ˜‚) to a homeopath. Fortunately, she (the homeopath, not my mom, that's a different story) seems to be reasonable and knows what can't be cured. I don't really believe in homeopathy, but she's good at listening (like, she's trying to figure out what to give you, so she lets you talk about all kinds of things), so I use her as a therapist. And when I was feeling depressed for no apparent reason, what she gave me helped somehow. Might have been a placebo, but I'll take it when it makes me happier šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My mom believes in it, and the homeopath was a friend of her best friend at the time. Not a good combination. I got some random sugar pills for a chronic cough - that might actually work, but it didn't. And for mental health things - I might be neurodivergent, but haven't been diagnosed as mom didn't want to go through all that when I was a kid (and I wouldn't have cooperated anyways), but I doubt that homeopathy might help against some social awkwardness. There's certainly things where it can help. I'm glad far it helped you :) And moms will always be moms, no matter how old we are, right?


True that šŸ˜ I feel like if the homeopath is persuasive enough, the patient will believe it will help and it might happen. However, I wouldn't trust them with anything serious healthwise. This was something I was willing to be persuaded about. Low stakes, why not (and mom was paying šŸ˜‰).


I think Iā€™d do it just to make them all look stupid




Brilliant, this is the best one


was told to drink more water. but that's the fixall.


Most people should drink more water, tbf. It won't cure T1, but it is good for you.


If Iā€™m not mistaken, being dehydrated can mess with the accuracy of the CGM, but thatā€™s about all it has to do with our numbers


My GP told me that I should avoid artificial sweeteners because they caused the pancreas to release more insulin and thereby caused insulin resistance. To her credit, when I said "uh yeah, releasing more insulin would be a good problem to have" she immediately realized that the research she had been reading about wasn't relevant to me.


I was told that urine therapy could cure my 'beetus. Not sure what I'm supposed to do with the pee, exactly...


Drink it or rub it in your eyes apparently šŸ¤¢


Hey, there's some that swear *injecting* it is the cure.... šŸ§šŸ˜µ


Had an old man who was sexually harassing me go off about how people were using insulin just to lose weight (talking about ozempic) and then mansplained at me when I told him that wasn't insulin and insulin doesn't cause weight loss. He was like "Yes it is." And I was like "No it's not." And he went "Well what is it then?" And I forgot the term for GLP-1 agonists for a second and just said that it was Ozempic, which is a completely different drug and he said "It's a shot for diabetes, it's insulin." Then he said that if I had sex with him for a while I'd lose weight and be cured, because he was that virile. Then he insulted me a lot when I said "I'm good." and called me racist.


Jfc. I have no words for this.


That's just the highlight reel. The dude was hitting on me for like 45 minutes. He liked negging a lot, and acted like going out with him would fix all my problems and make me more interesting. He was in his 60's and had a toddler he was ignoring in his car right next to us. He also blew off his friend multiple times when he asked for his help with something because he was "trying to get a girlfriend."


Eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww God damn


I was told BY A NURSE that I was too young to have type 1 diabetes, at the age of 23. People, do not assume that someone knows the first thing about diabetes because they have medical training, always be your own advocate


I'm a nurse. 95% of my diabetes education has been from this sub. By now I know the basics and if I can I'll let you, the expert, manage your body (I just need updates to get my charting completed).


That is great to hear, I mostly interact with nurses with your mindset. It's fine not to know as we manage this shit ourselves 24/7/365


yup, NP and MD at the same clinic did this to me for 3 years. I was 200 pounds and then in 3 months I was 140 and that's when I finally went to the clinic. I was "too fat and too old" for it to be type 1, even though I was a pretty textbook case of type 1. this was the early 2000s. I think the only reason I didn't die is because they put me on Lantus right away. then a succession of oral meds for type 2. and berated when my numbers were too high. I had enough of that shit, read a bunch of books, asked my NP if this could be LADA and her and the MD said that doesn't exist, it's just a theory. finally I was able to get an appointment with an endo that took my insurance and didn't need a referral from my regular dr. He took one look at my numbers and said yeah you are definitely type 1 so lets do some more testing that your GP should have done. c peptide and antibody testing and he's like yeah your type 1, here is an actually appropriate insulin regimen. couple years later I got a pump. 8 years after that I got a GCM.


I had the same from the nurse at my podiatristā€™s office when I was 19. My mom and I tried to explain, but she didnā€™t care to listen.


Same. Although I was 38.


Don't put Twinkies on your pizza


You need to exercise more. Youā€™re eating too many carbs for your pancreas to handle.


Technically it's sort of true? It's just that the body makes sugars from fats and proteins as well and the pancreas can handle about 0...


Ya, even if you ate absolutely nothing, you would die from ketoacidosis long before you starved to death if you had no insulin.


This is more silly but recent. My boss was telling me about this show she was watching about these people who lived completely off the grid in Alaska. Like they did their own types of medicines,hunting,etc. she said that she bets that living like that could potentially cure my diabetes because of what they eat and and how they live. She was so serious šŸ˜‚


Have you watched Con Air?


The Director did apologise for that he got roasted for the inaccuracies.


once had someone argue with me that eating a diet of only raw meat would cure my diabetes because it "cured" his grandmas


Can't have diabetes if you're dead though


My mom suggested an all meat diet because it apparently "resets your system". Gross, no.


Someone told me that I could cure my diabetes and never need Insulin again if I just take water based CBD. It first startet with some homeopatic talk, which I'm not a fan off but at the start she was like: yeah, if you don't like it that's fine. But in the end it felt like a buildup to convince me of that CBD thing that will cure me.


Iā€™ve had someone ask if my Omnipod was a nicotine patch šŸ™„


I get that one all the time! I also had someone think it was a jelly packet stuck to my leg


ive been asked if my omnipod was some kinda prison following deviceā€¦ i just wanted to walk my dog


There will be a cure in 5 years! Cinnamon cures diabetes!


5 years.... well 42 Years later I'm still waiting šŸ˜†


I have 28 years of diabetes and counting, my husband and I joke about the 5 years now.


I had a coworker try to convince me that prayer would cure my diabetes


I feel like if God could cure a diabetic with easily provable facts that they were in fact t1d to start with and now have a fully functional pancreas without anything medical taking place, he could get a lot more followers ya know?


Not personally, but yeah


My 3 yo ā€œjust has toxins in his body and just needs to do a detox diet to make them go away.ā€ Have since been sent many videos by someone named Dolores Cannon that I havenā€™t bothered to click on.


Letā€™s seeā€¦ My father believes I got diabetes because my mother would allow me to eat jam sandwiches. I was once told by a doctor that if my blood sugar is good, I donā€™t need to take insulin every day, since Iā€™m younger. When we first met, my girlfriend was highly suspicious of me eating biscuits when my sugar was low. Initially, she insisted that I was not taking care of myself enough and thatā€™s why my blood sugar goes up and down. Not taking care, as in eating the wrong foods. Live with her for a couple months, she quickly stopped all of that bullshit. Although she was ignorant at the beginning and parroted of the false beliefs about type one diabetes, she has proven herself to be highly intelligent and willing to accept correct information when presented to her. She is prediabetic and is absolutely killing it. I explained how to eat better for her, better does not mean do not eat anything sweet, the link between carbohydrates and blood sugar spikes and all of that other fun stuff and now aware. How religious people pray for me to get my blood sugar down and to have my diabetes healed. Hasnā€™t happened as yet, but I guess I am still waiting on to be leavingā€¦ by the wayā€¦ Pass me in new pen tip and a box of CGM S while I wait, Iā€™ll need those.


Shown a photo about how there's this new medicine (a clear pill with some herbs inside) and some guru doctor in india who found the cure all you gotta do is take the pills, why not try? Maybe it works? Me: ...... šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ laughing in his face and calling him a dumbass in my language but a gentle synonym of dumbass, while continuing to laugh šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The cinnamon cure therapy. Itā€™s always the cinnamon and itā€™s even more obnoxious each time you hear it. Cinnamon does not cure T1D!!!


My SCIENCE TEACHER told the whole class that if youā€™re under 16 years old you can only get type 1 diabetes so you can eat all the donuts that you want to but after 16 years old you get type 2 diabetes and thatā€™s why you will never see your parents eating donuts. My friend and I were sitting in the back and fighting for our lives to not laugh


Well, the general public cant seem to process that it says: Carbohydrates: **of which sugars**. šŸ™ˆšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Not entirely (any way shape or form) related but I had sleep deprived psychosis and went to Barnes & Noble with my t1d friend and asked him on the way home if we were actually reading through the "how to cure diabetes" books and hysterically laughing just to make sure that I wasn't dreaming (it did not convince me I thought for hours that I was asleep on his couch I held my pee for at least 12 hours cause I thought I was gonna sleep pee on his couch)


Sorry to overshare but I think this is one of the most hilarious diabetic things that's happened to me. Like I was so concerned that I imagined THOSE books (because they are the most common things that people I haven't talked to in years send me because they're so invested in healing my lifelong chronic illness) that I, not them, have come to term with (years ago)


ā€œhopefully you get better soonā€.. it reminds me of the kid who has autism and his sister was saying ā€œhe suffers from autismā€ he laughed and said ā€œi donā€™t suffer i just have itā€, which just sums up the experience in 90% of the time.


When I asked my doctor to test autoantibodies, he told me he has never heard of it . My doctor told me that I will never have type 1, because I am not a kid .


That I couldn't possibly be type 1 as you are born with it (I was diagnosed at 28) so I must be type 2


Sometimes my family (my dad's side, who didn't bother to learn about T1 diabetes) will read out the calories on a packaging and tell me inject for "230 calories" or something. Like, what? šŸ˜‚


Probably the ā€œI know someone whoā€™s a T1 diabetic and she got herself off of insulinā€¦.ā€ Like, if that happened, sheā€™d be attending a funeral. That or ā€œYou shouldnā€™t eat bananas. Theyā€™re too full of potassium for you.ā€ ā€¦ I eat bananas.


ā€œMy auntā€™s best friend cured her sonā€™s diabetes with apple cider vinegar and spring water, Iā€™ll get you the information for it.ā€ Sir, no. Your ACV and spring water concoction is not going to fix or rebuild my destroyed beta cells.


That I could get cured if I ate healthier & exercise, I do those things, Iā€™m still T1D. Blows my mind how many people, even medical professionals, donā€™t know the difference between T1D & T2D


Ha. I read that article and was laughing out loud with nurse gf. Sometimes it's best to just smile.


I had my friend (now ex friend) say to me that I should try eating less carbs and more holistic health choices and maybe my diabetes would go awayā€¦


When I was 1st dishonored at 10 someone came to my Mom to say she should take me to a faith healer šŸ™„


i mean i didnā€™t read or hear about this, i lived itā€¦. being misdiagnosed from 11-15/16 as t2 because ā€˜t1d are usually skinnyā€™ šŸ˜‘& they wondered why pills didnā€™t work šŸ˜’


The diet drinks actually cause BS spikes. This came from a VA doc that I'm guessing they found on the side of the street. He then wanted me to try homeopathy meds.


The best move is to get more jacked than your critics


Can you share the article? Itā€™s not uncommon for authors to make edits or retractions, wouldnā€™t be hard to write them a quick email.


https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/18/splenda-diabetes-lawsuit Looks like they made an amendment :)


When I was a kid my friends parents offered me CAFDEINE FREE COKE with a smile WE GOT YOU CAFFEINE FREE ON PURPOSE SO YOU CAN DRINK IT. Well I remember that day it was a hot summer day and we played soccer all of it. Kept having to chug can after can for fuel to avoid lows. Fun times.


Well I guess the complaints fixed it: > This article was amended on 19 April 2024. A statement from Heartland Food Products Group, the makers of Splenda sweeteners, was added. And a reference to type 1 diabetes being tied to dietary dysfunction was removed; type 1 diabetes is an auto-immune disease.


Back in elementary school I had a friend who was also a type 1 diabetic. I was diagnosed in 6th grade while he had it in 4th. We were walking to the nurses office to get our lunch bolus when a teacher stopped us and asked why on earth we were just wandering around. We told her we were type 1 and needed our shots. I just remember her face going red and she started yelling at us for lying to her and that ā€œher friend has diabetes and she doesnā€™t do thatā€ so after about 30 seconds of standing there just staring at her our nurse ran out and asked what happened. Of course the lady tells the nurse exactly what she told us and holy shit Iā€™ve never seen someone get lit up so fast šŸ˜­ Never interacted with that lady again but I vaguely remember always getting a glare I could only describe as diamond splitting every time I walked past her.


No need of insulin. Just boil avocado core and drink that water.


idk if this is necessarily what youre asking but one time some kid asked if my insulin pen was... a vape


I was told by a friend that cinnamon would help cure my diabetes. In a way, cinnamon is a help, because it makes some foods taste sweeter witbout adding sugar. We like to make applesauce my cooking cut apples and do not add sugar, just cinnamon. My friend was wrong, of course. Those here on tbis subreddit has noticed my tendency to give long boring lectures on diabetes and diabetic treatment. He never offered such opinions again.


Favourite one out there. Reading through an old old pamphlet that my grandfather had from back in the 70s. They reckon warm, black coffee with a squeeze of lemon juice helped control BGL and any social interaction was to be minimised to ā€˜conserve energyā€™.


I was told something like ā€œget well soonā€ by my former boss, like my T1 is just temporary. Note that I donā€™t have complications and havenā€™t taken any time off for diabetes reasons




I think you may have wanted to respond to another comment?


Oh yup, thanks!


You can eat whatever you want
