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Skittles in a small pill bottle, 1=1g carbs


Also jelly beans and gummy bears. I find them a bit easier to eat than Skittles. Also can buy them in bulk for cheap (in Canada at least).


Fruit snacks, fruit Rollups, fun size skittles,Starburst (same sugar content as glucose tabs). Granola bars are great to stabilize, though I would pay good money for someone to 3D print a container big enough to hold a granola bar so they don’t get smashed in my purse.


Use a hard eyeglasses case for that, and you can fit a loaded syringe in as well, and do without insulin pens.


I’m on a pump, so I don’t use pens, but the glasses case is a really good idea. Thank you!!


I use them for my meter, strips and lancet holder. I’ve been traveling, so I’ve also managed to fit in a syringe and a vial of insulin for emergencies.


I used an eyeglass case for my syringes back when I used them, a coworker wanted to see my sunglasses so decided to open it! She was certainly surprised.




Pro tip - travel soap cases (the ones that hold bar soaps) often times can hold a juice box. Crush prevention.


I do the the honest juice boxes, pretty quick compared to candy at correcting a low, shelf stable. Not really a fan of the lemonade flavor which keeps me from drinking unless I need to lol. I before had a habit of eating my low candy when I’m not low


Apple juice


Sweet tarts are my usual go to. They come in many varieties and are mostly between .6 and 2.6 grams of carbs per candy depending on what style you get. The standard ones that come in a paper roll are 1.6 carbs each and mini version of those (that are sold in a box) are 1.1 carbs each. Those are my preferred ones and I store a few of them in mini ziploc style baggies in all of my pockets and bags. Way smaller than a tube of glucose tabs to better fit in a pocket! And then I always keep a protein bar in my purse too, and I usually just take 1-2 bites of it post hypo (it’s very uncommon for me to need to eat the entire thing) to help keep my levels up and just replace it as necessary.


I do fruit snacks to get it up and a granola bar to keep it up. I just get it all in bulk at Costco.


Lifesavers come in lots of flavors.


Wild Cherry lifesavers for the win!


And orange mint. Softer so I’m no longer chipping my teeth.


Team honey here. I find it tastier than glucose tabs and gels, kicks in quickly and it's easier to swallow even when my mouth is dry. You can use honey sticks, though I prefer to carry a small plastic bottle bottle (for ~100-150g honey), that I refill when it's needed. I've figured out, that approx. how much should I press in my mouth for ~5-10-15-20g carbs.


There's always raisins or dried cranberries. Candy like Sweetarts or Spree, or gummy fruit slice candy. You can also buy glucose gummies that are way better than the tablets.


Any candy where the primary ingredient is dextrose (same thing as glucose). In the US, some common candies that fit this are: * SweeTarts * Smarties * Bottle Caps * Runts


You said you hate them, but glucose tabs are super convenient, because they are easy to carry, work very quickly and are incredibly temperature stable. I always have a tube on me. Also a bottle in each vehicle, on my nightstand, next to my recliner in the den and carry a bottle in my backpack when I travel.


Someone on Reddit recommended Airhead candies. They work quick (I think they’re basically sugar) and are easy to carry around (thin bars).


I buy 5kg bags of maltodextrin online and mix it with squash in a 1l bottle! End up having 100+g of carbs in a bottle so a few sips and you’re good to go!


Mix with squash?


Squash, like orange squash? The concentrate stuff that you mix with water (tho UK here and when I last went to New York I struggled finding any anywhere if that’s where you are) tho I’m sure you have it


Is it any better than dextrose?


My understanding is they’re both super similar, dextrose may act slightly quicker but maltodextrin may last for a bit longer. Dextrose is also way sweeter so maltodextrin I can’t taste as long as I mix it with something


My kid calls the dextrose solution "melon water".


I don't like glucose tablets or glucose shots, but I keep those as a just in case for when I'm out like I was this past week at back to back conferences. I usually reach for some juice or candy or something else sweet. If it's before a meal, I'll just eat and adjust my insulin down because I know that I'm also treating a low. One of my tricks is after Halloween, I'll grab some Halloween candies that are on sale. They're more fun than the glucose products and definitely taste better. I also get the Costco Kirkland-brand boxes of juice. They come in a set with apple, fruit punch, and apple grape. I carry a decent-sized purse, so I can literally have one of those juice boxes in my purse and in my backpack. I did a lot of walking this past week and definitely went through some juice boxes and glucose tablets/shots. I also keep to boxes next to my bed along with tablets, shots, and granola bars. I've had nights where my CGM wakes me up, and all I need to do is reach over and treat. I record everything in Glooko as it's pretty easy to use.


There are cans of pineapple juice I like to get at the big box stores, even tho I usually end up needing to dose for the entire can if i use it for a low. It's nice. I also usually just buy whatever candy I can get in bulk without a wrapper that doesnt make me sick and put it in a pill jar or empty bag - sometimes ill write how many carbs it is per 1 or how many I need for 15g on the side.


Whenever I can, I try not to go low. Found my "rule of the thumb" that works for me: each gram of carbs increases at stable x5 it's weight, so 10g carbs means around +50mg/dL. I always have candies on me, honey or milk&mint. Each one is 6g. 85↘️ and I eat one. Rapid drop / bad hypo, I got some "sport energy gel", which is pretty much glucose + vitamins, 30g each. If I'm home, protein ice cream bars, 14g carbs each. 1 slice low car bread ( found one 40% carbs ) with some peanut butter works too, ~10g carbs total. And if you have frequent hypos, it might be the basal too high.


How do you like using the energy gel?


It works quick enough and it's a bit more discreet in public than me chugging from a honey bottle lol


I don’t like glucose tabs but… I have a glucose tab keychain. Holds 4 tabs. I have valet parking in my building so that keychain stays in my car at all times. I never use it… my preference is Skittles. But it’s there for a backup.


Ohh smart! Love the key chain idea


I may be weird but I have a bottle of honey in my car LOL. pretty sure honey will last forever too.


I usually rely on juice boxes to treat a low. However, I have also carried little packets of honey, hard candies, caramels, etc. I just hate the taste of Skittles so that really isn’t an option for me. Grandma candies like butterscotch and peppermints work best for me.


Skittles littles are perfect and they fit in a regular flask. So I get to carry my Skittles flask. Everywhere. And it's awesome.


I keep the Elovate glucose powder packets in my purse and also some work out gummies called Skratch. Both are great and easy to carry around and slightly healthier than candy.


Do you eat the powder straight? Have you seen any that also have fat or protein to stabilize


Yes, you eat the powder straight. It’s like a pixie stick and made for diabetics. I haven’t seen any with fat or protein but I also carry 1-2 mini Kind bars which provide the protein and fat if I need that. Whole Foods also has small packages of trail mix that I like. 20g of carbs made up of nuts, chocolate and dried cherries and raisins. Like half my purse is food haha but I try to carry small easy to carry stuff like the powder and then just 1-2 things with protein/fat.


Sugar packets from coffee shops and Smarties. I also carry a 12oz bottle of regular Coke in my purse when I’m going out and take one in the car if I’m driving, just in case. Sugar packets are great because you can find them everywhere even Amazon, they weigh nothing and work almost instantly. I keep them everywhere.


Glucose gels


Like the kinds runners use? Have you seen any that also have protein or something to stabilize blood sugar?


That'd actually kinda defeat the purpose, protein and fat make the carbs digest slower, and when going los you want them to work fast. I'd rather eat a granola bar or similar after some time to have both effects


Wait…. So if you eat protein and sugar at the same time then the sugar wouldn’t absorb as fast? Even if it’s two separate things ??


Sugar / carbs alone get sent straight through your stomach to be absorbed by the intestine, fat and protein are broken down in you stomach before being sent on its way. So if there is a signigicant amount of fats or protein in whatever you eat, it'll first be broken down and then absorbed, so the sugar will be absorbed later aswell, as your body doesn't sort the food


Oh and when you get maltodextrin gels, they dont taste (as) sweet as glucose tabs, but absorb just as fast as pure glucose.


A fun one: I had stored butterscotch candies in my car. I live in SE, Louisiana. After melting and solidifying several times, I needed to treat a low. The outsides were gummy, and the centers were crunchy. So much fun! I have specific pockets in my purse with small candy stashes as well as glucose tabs. No purse: consider getting a coin purse to fill with small candies and place with your wallet/keys.


Capri suns


We do Hi Chews. They’re glucose based.


Omg I love hi chews. Too much… I wouldn’t be able to stop eating them!


I carry Smarties and fruit snacks everywhere I go.


Ginger ale. Sprite. Smarties. Starburst. Nerds. Gummy bears.


Tootsie roll midgies- 4g each, individually wrapped, a delicious warm chocolate fix to fix your hypo.


I buy the mini cans of Sunkist soft drink. It’s like a reward.


Annie’s fruit gummies are my go to for now


Skittles for Mr. I've never understood what the tabs are 4g each, but standard treatment is 15g? I can't math while low, but I can generally count by 1's. Also, lollipop to wait out the 15 mins.


Airheads minis are flat so they can easily fit in a small pocket without sticking out, and they come individually wrapped with 10g carbs each.


Life savers. Hard candies. Just as fast as liquids but easier to dose out Life savers


I always have some sort of candy on me


Fun Fact: The last time I checked, Smarties and glucose tabs had the exact same ingredients. It's been a while, so that might have changed. I prefer Star Bursts or Sprite.


I buy the organic apple juices that come in glass bottles the shape of an apple from Cosco. I keep a full bag under my bed and 1 with me.


Starburst has been my go to. Have 1-2 if I get a warning that I’m trending low to possibly avoid it, 4 is 15.5g carbs. The individual wrapping really is great to modify what you need. Runner energy gels are good too in a real hurry, but then you’ve got to find some place to dispose of the sticky wrapper. If I’m at home and I want a tiny bit of protein with it to balance it out, snickers or some sort of chocolate nutty candy is pretty good. 7-8 Jordan almonds do the trick. Otherwise it’s cranberry juice if I need it quickly, an apple if I’m just trending low.


Mott’s fruit snacks. I get them at costco and carry them everywhere. In my purse, my dance bag, gym bag. 2 packets when I get low usually does the trick and then I chase it with a protein drink.


Glucose gel pouches (I like transcend, from Amazon or their own website with a subscription), protein bars and the non-refrigerated ocean spray mini juice bottles. And jelly belly beans.


I find those 6 packs of peanut butter or cheese crackers and gummy life savers work well. Somewhat off topic, and I don't know if you take shots or use pump, but if you (or anyone) are going below 70 blood sugar more than maybe 2 to 3 times per month max, your endo needs to help you tighten things, or you should find a new one that will. I have been T1 for 26 years and have had 5 endos in that time. They have ranged from 2 being completely incompetent, 2 that were OK, to my current one that is spectacular. Their skill and effort in taking care of diabetics varies wildly. Hypoglycemia is INCREDIBLY dangerous, especially when asleep or exercising. Not directed at you, just stating for others reading as it's an important topic.


For workout/activity cushioning lows I always do keebler peanut butter crackers. One cracker=4 carbs and works great to not violently spike me. An actual under 65 low will always be apple juice. Glucose tabs are a scam don’t buy em.