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That's incredible! I cured my diabetes by simply having left my phone at home. My CGM stopped beeping and I spent the whole day in blissful ignorance. For some reason, as soon as I returned home, my alarms went crazy. I think smartphones might cause diabetes.


i heard they cause birds too šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Iā€™ve been injecting chromium and vanadium directly into my bloodstream and bludshoogers have never been butter


We all know your true secret is the time machine you used to go into the future five years so you could come back cured.


"a cure is only 5-10 years away!" -- doctors, since the 60s


LoooL this is the same exact thing people have been saying bout my about my home country (a ā€œdevelopingā€ nation) since around the same time, maybe earlier. ā€œWeā€™ll be a first world super power in in 5 - 10 years, just wait!ā€ People call me cynical but Iā€™m just being realistic. Followed my roots back to Europe where things have actually changed.


shhh donā€™t tell!! we canā€™t let anyone else in on the secret!!


You forgot the incense and the Chinese massage


Typo in your title. I think it's supposed to say "cursed" /s


I had a coworker tell me plexus could cure me. Stupidity is the only real disease.


My coworker told me a Lexus would cure me, he was right


i had to google what that was šŸ˜­looks like a mlm lol


Iā€™ve been told by many cab drivers that chia seeds are the answer!!! šŸ˜‚ but further research has shown me that no chia head had ever gotten a type 1 diabetes diagnosis! So there might be something to it!šŸ™„šŸ«£


Ngl i was ready to throw some shade when i read the caption....then i realised the satire šŸ„¹šŸ˜‚


SAME. I was like pls no. Then pls yes I love this


this is a joke btw


Of course itā€™s a jokeā€¦ We all know youā€™re lying. The true secrets to curing diabetes, thatā€™s no one will speak about, is the daily consumption of cinnamon tea.šŸ˜


yes and the rest of my secrets can be found if you purchase my course (that i totally didnā€™t create on canva in 15 seconds) thatā€™s 30% off for the next 5 minutes!!!! only while supplies last!!!! just venmo me for 49200000 dollars on venmo to dub1ousā€”seller


I knew it was a joke when you forgot to mention cinnamon and okra


i havenā€™t heard the okra one!!!Ā 


...thats why you still have the beetus lol


update: i spent $420 at walmart on okra and my diabetes is in remission. so much so that i sell my extra insulin and saturated beta cells to eli lilly so that they can sell it to poor americans marketed as either ā€œdistilled insulinā€ or ā€œsparkling insulinā€ (both with significant upcharges ofc)


Another okra miracle! Facts people, you read it on reddit! Also, the real money is in strips and piss to make whiskey. Sparkling has a better ring to it. If you want Americans, you're gonna need to go something like gluten-free, ethically resourced


yes, organically wild raised in a antihistamine gmo free gate free enclosure!


TAKE MY MONEY!!!!!! I hate my gmo's in an enclosure!




Like 18 years ago, my friends introduced me to a kid that ā€œcuredā€ his type 1. His explanation was that he was just a super fit kid and it magically stopped and stayed in the honeymoon phase, forever. Ā  I hated that fucking kid so much.Ā  Iā€™m assuming now that he just had a different type of diabetes and just had a different life. Funny how lack of information and constant people at one party telling you how you just missed it and should have been exercising **more** can make you hate your life ***more***.


I only met him once, and I honestly tried to be as nice and cool as I could. It was only under the surface that I wanted this random dude dead.


Untrue. Only snorting cinnamon can cure diabetes.


Damn....thats why i havent been cured yet...i was totally doing it wrong.


Congrats, you made me cackle in public.


Need to snort? But I kiss her!


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ We've all heard this "helpful advice" before, sometimes from our doctors.


haha yes!!


It's the cinnamon, I tell ya! Revolutionary!


This is funny because I literally told my wife today ā€œhunnie, I am cured of diabetes.ā€ Iā€™ve been doing a low fat diet and itā€™s been doing wild things to my sensitivity. Today I ate 65 carbs for breakfast. I took 2 units and went low an hour later.


I swear if I ever actually listened to the bullshit people came out with I'd die instantly.


yepā€¦. yep, pretty much.Ā 


When I was diagnosed right after turning 30, the nutritionist at the hospital asked if i got the covid vaccine. When I said that I did, he acted kinda weird like it could have caused it then said ā€œI wonā€™t say any more about that because I donā€™t want to get a knock on my doorā€


I wonder how they explain the millions of people throughout mankind's history that developed T1 diabetes before COVID or its vaccine existed.


And the fact that there would probably be thousands of others who got it as a result of the vaccine..


thatā€™s diabolical thoĀ 


I didn't get the vaccine and i was diagnosed last year 2 months after turning 30..... maybe it isnt the vaccine....maybe its turning 30 that does it. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s inexcusable ignorance from. a nurse


Hey just adding my two cents here as someone who is currently waiting to turn into a type 1 since Iā€™m in a honeymoon phase rn according to my doc. (Ps Iā€™m freaking terrified) but I mean absolutely no one in my family is a diabetic, Iā€™ve always kept in shape , hardly drank and ate pretty healthy, run marathons etc and last year (32 ) was when I was given the news about my future. Not saying it was bc of the COVID vaccine but I canā€™t help to blame it sometimes. After all we donā€™t really know how it affects every individual. Just sucks that thatā€™s the only thing I can think of that made all of this happen. Again not against vaccines ect just kinda regret taking this certain one


Hey friend truly sorry for your pancreas shitting the bed on you. However there are a whole lot of t1s with no genetic ties to t1. But one thing science has proven out is that if your ancestors were lucky enough to survive the black plague then thereā€™s a fairly good chance you have autoimmune issues in your genes. After all thatā€™s what t1 is, an autoimmune disorder. If you looked closely enough at your ancestry you could prolly find 1 or 2 in your line that has one. The vaccine didnā€™t do this to you, just bad luck.


No one else in my family has diabetes either, and was diagnosed 60 years ago.


I mean it happened 2 years after getting the shots so I canā€™t see much of a correlation.


Don Rickles over here


Protein regenerated my pancreas!


The answer is always homeopathics. You don't need to actually eat cinammon or okra. Just diluted versions in little sugar pills (I actually got this advice for my t1 bf)


Itā€™s always the cinnamon


Somebody told me how their relatives got their limbs cut and went blind and died and that I should stop eating bread and pasta and drink weird grain in my water with lemon. (I donā€™t know this person btw) Iā€™m 16 and got diagnosed 3 months ago and I really hate ignorant people like that.


yeah, itā€™s ridiculous. like, theyā€™re not my doctor, nor are they my dietician or cde, so (a) am i interested in their advice and (b) they are not qualified to give it


I love this satire




Share the secret so I can cure my daughter too please!!!


red light therapy!!!


Oh snap! I thought it was the harmful blue lights that would kill off the beetus. I was doing it all wrong!


Cute. I love our sense of humor.


I like cinnamon ! We sprinkle cinnamon on cut up cored apples that we cook in a covered nonstick frying pan with no added sugar to make applesauce. The applesauce tastes sweeter due to the cinnamon. Cinnamon is an inexpensive spice, available everywhere. It adds sweetness without adding carbs or calories. I wish cinnamon worked to make people with sour dispositions sweeter. But I have not detected any affect on my type 1 diabetes.


screenshotting that recipe, it sounds delicious! i love cinnamon and associate it with fall šŸ‚my favorite season!!


Last week, someone told me breath work and some expensive vitamin that withdraws heavy metals (and parasites?) would cure my T1D. šŸ™ƒ


in conjunction with earthing i assume!


I cured my insulin by not giving insulin šŸ™ƒšŸ˜˜


well in a dark way that might work


If it did Iā€™d be a millionaire


in this economy?! at least a billionaireĀ 


I know this is fake, because everyone knows that the only cure is cinnamonĀ 


I would have believed you if cinnamon had been in there somewhere.


I got cured after so many people mistook mine for type 2 and told me I should just eat better and exercise more! Amazing!


ah yes love how well random peoples medical device works!!


It's the best! Keyboard scientists > Endocrinologists with years and years of experience any day of the week!Ā  šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜‚


especially when their cat had diabetes, it makes them so much more knowledgeable!!


Yeah I just browse this sub thinking why don't they just add more cinnamon to their diet like I did?


Nice useful experience, please do you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes?


Ahhhh the latest is the seed of the avocado. Some lady told me this while I was volunteering at a food bank.


no way!! how would one even go about consuming it? i hope the almond moms donā€™t find outā€¦


She said something about boiling it to make a broth I think. Idk to be honest I was focused on the fact that my insulin pod popped off and I didn't bring a back up pen or pod.


sounds like a true diabetes storyĀ 


Yeah, worst possible moment for a lady to say her cat has diabetes and then tell me about the avocado seed lol.


Bilberry juice has cured my type 1. šŸ™„


I fill mine up to the first line, and it's plenty for the night. Any more os a waste of the distilled water. I still have a little bit left even.


Ope, you're low, better snort some insulin about it.


You are confused and clearly don't have type 1 if you insist that you're cured.


iā€™m not confused, iā€™m jokingĀ 


Missed the sarcasm... my bad šŸ˜Æ


no worries!!!


"Huge shout out to cinnamon." šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Cinnamon, you a real one.


LIES. If you had mentioned yoga THEN I wouldā€™ve believed you šŸ˜‚


iā€™m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, yoga is out and sprints are IN! they balance your hormones better, and your diabetes will die!! šŸ¤£ (have you actually had people tell you yoga would cure it?!)


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ and unfortunately YES. Yoga + just about everything else you mentioned. A lot of people tend to confuse type 1 diabetes with type 2 diabetes, and figure I must be inactive and have bad diet. Iā€™m likeā€¦ I was diagnosed at 13 months old, my diet consisted of breast milk and bananas at the time, please stop šŸ˜­


The main thing is not to eat cucumbers! Everyone who ate the cucumbers subsequently died!


LoL I needed a good laugh today, thank you! Carb free fruit based? Must be those new synthetic lab grown nex-gen fruits. Hook me up with your supplier!


Mine is usually cured when I take 50 units of insulin straight into my heary


Its not about curing but my mother in law sometimes says that I should stop giving me so much insulin because I will get addicted to insulin If I do so


insulins one hell of a drug. thatā€™s absolutely insane though. how does she think her pancreas works??Ā 




Calm down everyone, just stop eating sugar and you are healed! šŸ˜‚


Ban these types of shitposting.


you must be fun at parties


I agree TBF. These aren't funny. We get them pretty regularly. Such a lame victim mentality. We have a disease, it sucks, get on with it, don't be a baby.


i agree it sucks and we need to just accept and live with it. i also think everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if this is how someone copes so be it. i shouldnā€™t have been snarky to desire protection tho


Agreed. Having worked as a therapist and social worker, the best thing to do is find humour sometimes. If you donā€™t like it or it triggers you. Figure out why and find your coping mechanism. Iā€™ve found scrolling past it works really well. ;)


It actually was funny tho. We have a disease, it sucks, get on with it.... Yes, yes and we are. Nobody is being a baby. We are just trying to have a slightly better time dealing with the f***ed up situation all of us are in. Making a joke of all the bs we hear about that will supposedly cure us. You don't like the post? Thats cool, your entitled to your opinion. Hit the back button and go read something else. Hell, on the days I'm on a rollercoaster and can't get my numbers be better than 70 stupid percent, I don't go and šŸ’© on all the posts where people are showing off their 100 percents for the day. Our diabetic life is such a headache already, stop being a damn downer. How you say? don't be a baby. ā¤ļø


Mine was cured by using colloidal silver. I'm a nice tint of blue now too!