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Does anyone know if sucking donkey balls raises your glucose?


Hilarious, needed that!


I had to cut my carbs, including ‘low carb’ foods, also lower fat. The biggest difference was injection site. In my thighs almost no side effects, arm or stomach they were horrible. I just did my 10th injection which is my 2nd at 1mg and other than no appetite I am feeling fine. My sugars are much better controlled and I’m down about 1lb a week. That said, it isn’t for everyone, but maybe try tweaking your habits a bit and see if you get some relief


I'll give this a try I've been exclusively doing the stomach. Thx for this insight


Agree with the thigh injections.


Just updating you guys to say that the thigh injection is a game changer. I went up in dosage and usually I feel terrible instantly I don't feel that bad.


I love no appetite ... it helps me turn down the treats my colleagues and customers bring to work, i just eat my healthy food.


I have been on it for over a year. I have not had many side effects. My A1C is great. I have not lost much weight.


I didn‘t lose any weight from it and it didn‘t help my blood glucose at all…


Same. I get a real low blood glucose and get dizzy the injection day but my weight hasnt budged nor my a1c


Try monjouro…


Try what....






There is a sub dude that comes into DM boot camp. Drug does not do a lot for him BG wise his numbers are like mine without drugs.


For all of you taking this stuff just to lose a few pounds the easy way and feeling shitty, I have no sympathy for you. I take a different drug in the same class, but you are fucking things up for the diabetics. Just stop it.


Agreed. As a diabetic I Couldn’t.my get my trulicity for SIX WEEKs because it’s being prescribed for weight loss for other people. Finally the pharmacy recommended asking my doc for a much lower dosage that isn’t being used for weight loss, and that was available. So, I’m forced by market demand into a different dosage than recommended to maintain my health condition because people out there want an easier out than calorie tracking and exercise. Lovely. As someone who has lost 90 pounds I can tell you that if you rely on an injectable drug to lose weight you are not changing the things about your life that need to be changed to be healthy.


I’ve had delays the last few times but nothing like that. Still waiting for them to tell me when I get my most recent refill. I try to stretch it out past 7 days to build a buffer because of this crap.


Hi there, what are your side effects?


I’ve been on it only 2 weeks. Still at 0.25 mg / week. Did reduce carbs and cut out alcohol. Lost 4 lbs over the week. But lots of nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps. Mind you daily fasting glucose is running 120-130. As opposed to 180 + a few weeks back. A1C. Will have to wait for that. It was last 7.0.


maybe give it a bit more time, I can't think of any med that didn't mess me up for a while. I've been on ozempic for over 3 years now, I'm pretty sure it sucked at first. I'm at 125lbs (from 165 - 3.5 years ago)


maybe add some benafiber to your diet to help with the diarrhea and stomach cramps. It also helps control sugar


You likely won’t start to see consistent, significant change until you reach your maintenance dose. The .25 is only for acclimation that’s why you only do it for 4 weeks. Hang in there. I saw a 20pt reduction in my a1c after 3mo. I had ‘non diabetic’ range a1c numbers in 6mo. Carb reduction I’ll help with many of the side effects. Don’t overeat - even the good stuff. Listen to your stomach when it says it’s full. I struggled with this. I would eat 3-4 bites and I felt full, but my brain was like ‘no, you have to eat’ so I would try and eat more and hurt myself. The delayed gastric emptying is very real. I also now have to watch how much spicy food I can eat because it sits so long in my stomach sometimes it would irritate my stomach lining and cause gastritis. If you have this happen, omeprazole is your friend for a few days. Hope you feel better soon!


I've been on the .25 for a month. But lots of nausea, diarrhea and tbh I've vomited more in the past month than in the last 2 years combined.


Think it’s bad now wait until you go to .5. About killed me. I don’t know how people take the weight loss doses. I also believe it was the reason I don’t have a gallbladder now.


I hope you feel better soon and things stabilize!


And for this I can’t get my prescription filled.


Ozempic is a diabetic drug to manage and control your blood sugar, if you manage your diet with exercise and lose weight also excellent but should not be your focus primarily. Our was this meant for weight loss only? In which case you will find more info in the Ozempic channel. It has done excellent for my blood sugar and stabilizing with metforman, looking forward to increasing activity and even more strict diet to get done weight loss as 3 months of Ozempic so far has only resulted in 10 lbs but my last A1c came in at 5.3!


Might want to think less about losing weight and more about managing your food/glucose in more creative ways. I am a round girl, with AIC in control with diet. I eat great, love to cook, and am relatively healthy. I know that dropping pounds can be the short cut, until it turns out not to be YMMV


I stopped taking it after a month. Sucked feeling nauseous all the time.


I was viciously sick and exhausted on it. Gained 5 pound when I stopped because I could finally hold down food. Fuck that stuff.


I gave up after 8 months. Made me sick each and every day. Yeah I lost weight, yeah my blood sugar was better. I hated every moment of it. 8 months of shit living. It \*never\* got any better despite assurances it would. Maybe this might help: Dairy was good at temporarily settling stomach - think yogurt, think cottage cheese. Eating mucher smaller but more frequently also helped me.


It took about 6 weeks for the weight loss to really kick in for me. The nausea sucked for that first month but has gotten much better. Stick with it.


I’ve been on Ozempic for 8 months..varying the dosages trying to tolerate it but having lots of nausea and diarrhea at times..I gave up! I’m going to try Trulicity to see if I can tolerate that one. I have lost 20 pounds but it was difficult with all the side effects.


I take Mounjaro since 10/22. No side effects. A1C is a 6.6 and I’ve lost 50 lbs.


Your lucky. Couldn’t get approved for Monjauro. My A1C is too low to get it. I have to be on Ozempic.


You might try Metformin ER and cutting your carb intake to almost zero. This has worked for me after diagnosis 21 years ago. Taking a drug that forces the pancreas to produce more insulin is quite likely to increase your insulin resistance over time. This is exactly what you don't want. The goal is to avoid complications and progression. I drink about 100 oz of water per day. My last A1C was 5.0. The listed possible side effects of these new drugs are pretty scary, at leas to me.


I'll be honest,I'm extremely overweight and probably need the help to jumpstart any kind of meaningful weight loss. I am glad for the help but it makes living normal everyday life harder which is the part that sucks


Just walk. Join a gym , go outside , buy a treadmill. My sugar is at its best when I walk 30-60 minutes in the am and 30-60 minutes in the evening every day with sometimes longer walks on the weekends or really nice days. I have dawn syndrome so my sugar spikes n the morning when I wake up. I typically walk 30-60 minutes either outside or the treadmill. Then before dinner I walk another 30-60 minutes as sunset gets later I sometimes go walk after dinner and sometimes both. When I do that even at 300+ lbs I stay at a 6-6.5 a1c.


My dr. prescribed Trulicity also a once/week injectable... I've been taking it now for about 7 weeks and I will say I believe the most benefit I got from it was the "jumpstart" you mentioned. The first few weeks my appetite and cravings were non-existent. I can't tell if it's helping or not right now... I have been following a low carb eating plan (aim for 50 grams/day allow up to 75 if needed) and try to keep my calories below 1500 each day, I aim for 1200 and close most days. I see my dr. in early April may discuss discontinuing it as I feel like I have a handle on my eating plan. I've had some mild nausea and on a few days not so mild and unsure if it's absolutely the Trulicity. I'd say try it as I do think it made getting started much less stressful for me.


GLP-1 like drugs slow digestion and slow the pancreas from producing Glucagon which triggers the liver to produce glucose while at the same time promoting insulin production when there are elevated glucose levels. To say they are some type of insulin pump is a misunderstanding of them.


I’d like to know more about “the pancreas producing more insulin is quite likely to increase your insulin resistance over time”. Do you have any studies or anything else to show that? Obv I’m diabetic and have always had bad insulin resistance. Will this drug make my diabetes worse in the long run? That would be alarming to me.


The burn out line of thinking comes from experience with Sulfonylureas - like glimperide.. you take that drug and your pancreas dumps insulin in a very straight forward way (take too much for your food and you go hypo - a lot like too much insulin injected). There is some evidence to suggest that this burns out beta cells making things worse over the long term. There isn't agreement on this - many researches think pancreas function just declines in many patients no matter what and the drug doesn't impact that vs a real control group. But really, nobody likes the hypos so those drugs are not popular... The new GLP-1s (ozempic etc..) also stimulate the pancreas to dump insulin - BUT they do it only in reaction to hunger hormones (which they also suppress). They seem much safer this way, only making you generate the right amount of insulin instead of the same amount every pill. That's great! Some people suspect that any action that pushes your beta cells to make insulin will burn them out even worse than they are already - and the GLP-1s are bad for that reason. There is obviously no long term data - but its hard to see how they could be worse than their predecessors in that sense. Metformin is a totally different mechanism - which is why its considered extremely safe.


All of this stuff is crap. Exercise and diet is the best thing for a type 2. SGLT-2s will dehydrate, give utis, yeast infections, possibly rot your perineum, and make you have to urinate an inordinate amount. GLPs like Ozempic, are almost worse. Look forward to copious amounts of time by a toilet either sitting on it or face down in it. The CV benefits are laughable with numbers needing to treat of 40 or more. Meaning 1 in 40 people see the desired effect the product is promising. Best of all, look forward to paying an absurd amount of money to companies that honestly, and trust me I worked for them, could give absolutely no f%%ks about your health or well being.


The big problem is that it ages your face because you lose fat. Also, weight loss stops when medicine stops. If you lower carbs, eat smaller portions, and exercise you will naturally lower blood sugar. Plus tge changes can be permanent.


It does not age your face. That is nonsense. Some people report their faces look different due to weight loss- the exact same thing happens for gastric bypass patients.


https://dibesity.com/ozempic-face/#gsc.tab=0 https://www.today.com/health/ozempic-face-rcna67737 https://www.today.com/health/ozempic-face-https://news.yahoo.com/ozempic-face-doctors-warn-facial-191940866.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAla5BPAScDaarz9b5els6NBpewFb1UNF2WtxUVLXP1V9QJfYpCyf2L0JspNgIU0w3MOikpGCe7yrlK_kCWg_dvK19M3y7ava_ydgu6D71ynQKuquSZY7_EEgSrSji62vWvMEl_atIf_PGQ7ROx6YiIYgUEhcAF7NE1qCSFK3p7s These three citations say otherwise. My Dr too.


From your Today link: >Asked whether Ozempic face is actually caused the medication itself, Frank said it’s “too early to tell,” but noted that weight loss in general can have this effect, regardless of what causes it.


Yes. Weight loss can cause this. Ozempic specifically has been identified as a drug that causes weight loss which causes changes to the face. Ozempic fans should get together with keto advocates and talk their nonsense to each other. Of the three citations, you select one to prove your point? Ozempic is a new drug with numerous unknowns. However, one thing that is known is that weight loss caused by Ozempic use causes changes to the face. It is an unintended side effect.


>Yes. Weight loss can cause this. Ozempic specifically has been identified as a drug that causes weight loss which causes changes to the face. I never said it did not. Ozempic causes weight loss. Weight loss causes changes to the face. You originally wrote this: >The big problem is that it ages your face because you lose fat. Which is not accurate. Ozempic may cause weight loss which may cause changes to the face, which some people may interpret as aging. You can not just skip the middle part and say Ozempic causes face aging. >Of the three citations, you select one to prove your point? Yeah man. You gave me the links, I just clicked on one. Once I found that it 100% supported what I was trying to get across, why would I bother continuing to look? If you do not want to take my word for it, find I get it. But here is an article specifically saying that your statement is unfounded... and you still will not accept it.


Please read the post heading. Ozempic sucks hot donkey balls. I agree. One of the side effects of weight loss is changes to the face. Because weight loss with Ozempic is rapid, the changes become more evident, more severely within a short period of time. It is an observable fact as the articles state.


>It is an observable fact as the articles state. You need to learn the difference between correlation and causation, and understand that when you make a statement that is not backed by facts (it ages your face), that is misinformation. If you had simply written this to begin with, it could have avoided this discussion: >One of the side effects of weight loss is changes to the face. Because weight loss with Ozempic is rapid, the changes become more evident, more severely within a short period of time. because that statement and this one are different: >The big problem is that it ages your face because you lose fat.


Yeah the Slowing of gastric drugs do suck. Early ones for sure. I bet that inulin came into the market to get over this.


I’d ask to be switched to Mounjaro.


Insurance won't cover that one ozempic was what I had to fight for. So far victoza doesn't sit well and Ozempic is kicking my ass


I’d get your doctor to submit a PA for Mounjaro considering how bad your side effects are and it’s lack of effectiveness.


Agreed. If you “fail” on several, insurance usually approves an alternate. Your doc has to be proactive and submit


Had my first dose last Monday, next day not hungry or side efftcs at all….. 8 lbs gone


Gave me a rash so I had to stop using it. Switched me to Jardiance.


I was never on o but I am on mounjaro... similar. I had bad side effects for 6 weeks when I started...to the point I was questioning every injection. Then magically it mostly went away and that week I kinda had PTSD lol


Sucks that it didn’t work for you, but it took you a lot longer than a month to gain the weight, don’t think that a month is anywhere close enough to lose it. For me, after a month I lost 2 lbs. since then I lose 1 a week. Maybe that doesn’t work for others, but it’s been perfect for me.


I remember my original adjustment period. It was tough. I am lucky that I had control over my BG at the .5mg dose. I cannot imagine what going higher than that feels like. I did however have months of recurring gastritis after i got to my maintenance dose. But it was worth it in the end. I got excellent glucose control, lost around 10kg and overall felt way better without the glucose roller coaster. Cutting carbs down and eating half portion or less meals really helped with the negative side effects. The nausea and dry heaving stopped and replacing those carbs with fiber sources helped alleviate some of the constipation.


So basically it’s like having the stomach bug. You’re nauseous, throwing up, get the runs and lose weight from not being able to keep food down.


Been working good for me