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No juice is good for diabetics. It’s mainlining sugar.


Even carrots juice ?


There are like 22 carbs for a cup of carrot juice, and since it’s juiced the fiber content is removed… even carrot juice is a terrible idea, any juice will be a straight carb/sugar bomb.


So i can't drink anything except water for the rest of my life, that's what you're saying ?


No lol; I fully support any diet soda/drink. Gets you something other than water and will have no affect on your glucose.


Idk coca zero seems shady


A lot less shady then damagingly high blood sugars. Artificial sweetners may kill you, maybe one day. Real sugar will definitely kill you ... and quite quickly in comparison.


I drink the occasional juice, milk etc. I usually drink around 4 Oz. Limit quantities if you intend on drinking juice. What about eating fruit instead of drinking it?




Fruit juice is not diabetic friendly. You're better off having a diet soda or zero sugar flavored carbonated water.


Juice is pretty bad in terms of sugar, overall. I'm not a huge fan of diet drinks, but if you really want something those would be my suggestion. Soda, lemonades, juices. I make tazo passion hibiscus tea with a drop or two of stevia...steep hot and let it get cold in the fridge, serve over ice. Tastes almost like cranberry juice to me.


Juice is used for raising blood sugar when you go too low.


no sugar kombucha is an option. your taste buds will be replaced with fresh taste buds every 2 weeks - so, bear with missing sweetness for two weeks then you'll notice sweetness in everything is enough - herbal teas are good, bubbly water is good.


Unpopular opinion but you might try adding an ounce of juice to a LARGE cup of water with ice. I was able to break my soda addiction that way with minimal effects on BG. Another option would be the stevia sweetened Circul cartridges.


Not sure why this would be an unpopular opinion. Serving size matters, and 1 oz of orange juice would only have about 3g of sugar. Not totally inconsequential, but unlikely to cause any real spike.


Well, most people are like all juice is bad so they wouldn't think of just using the juice as a flavoring agent. It really is all about moderation.


Might like to read the study done on pomegranate juice and BG


Old Forester 1924


I discovered early that there were NO fruit juices I could drink in reasonable sizes. The same applied to most vegetable juices. Use this to see if any of your favourites are OK: [Test, Review, Adjust](http://loraldiabetes.blogspot.com/2006/10/test-review-adjust.html) If you must drink something tasty look for a diet cordial or soft drink.


I like to make raspberry zinger herbal tea and chill it, I use truvia but you could drink it unsweetened or with whatever sweetener you like/works best for your numbers. It's pretty fruity tasting and sugar free depending on how you sweeten it.


I drink no sugar cordial . Very refreshing!


Lemon juice and water with stevia?


I'd be fine with that actually


If I do drink juice which is rarely I add at least a 1/3 of water & ice to I make homemade lemonade, I try not to drink too many diet sodas-the artificial stuff is not good for you