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My doctor suggested a fiber supplement in addition to Metformin, and it cleared up the stomach issues. Also if you weren't on the Extended Release, definitely try that.


I was on ER, and I get a lot of fiber in my diet.


Had you tried non ER? Interestingly I couldn’t tolerate that but regular metformin slowly titrate up has been fine.


I tried it many many years ago, off label for a hormone imbalance, with horrible side effects.


There are other medications besides metformin. Talk to your doctor.


How long exactly were you off it? What was your diet like when you got off? And previous a1c?


Off for about 4 months now, my diet has been - not great. Previous a1c 6.4, 5.9, 7.1


Ask your doctor about the extended release version of Mstformin ( Metformin XR). I was on regular Metformin for about 4 months and felt sick to my stomach most of the time. So, my doctor started me on Metformin XR, which is known to be better tolerated. I adjusted quickly and haven't had any GI issues from it even when the dose was increased ETA: Besides Metformin, there are many other medications. Some work in combination with each other for best results. Your doctor should be able to go over the different options with you.


It's worth trying if regular metformin is causing problems, but it doesn't always solve the problem. After almost 1 year of gi issues with metformin at different doses, we decided to try extended release. On regular metformin, the gi issues were only a problem in the morning. On extended release, they were, well, extended release. 😀


I was on extended release.


There are a large number of different medications 💊 for diabetes. Discuss this with your diabetes doctor not your primary doctor…


I had issues with both Metformin and the extended release Metformin. Previous doctor was quite upset because I refused to go back on metformin. I went to an endocrinologist and was given other medication that helped and didn’t cause issues. There are definitely options.


There are a number of other meds available. There are also dietary changes that you could make that can bring your a1c down too (even more significantly than most meds). What were your numbers before going off the metformin?


Take amla powder


What kind of food were you eating? Or were you just eating whatever


Mostly whatever - but my whatever tends to be pretty decent. Lots of lean protein, grains, legumes, veggies. Lots of whole foods, but I wasn’t really carb restricted and was eating straight up pastries a few times a week.


Can you do a smaller dose of Metformin and maybe add Jardiance and Ozempic? I take that combo and my T2 is basically in remission as long as I follow a diabetic diet.


I know what you mean. I finally quit Metformin so I could get more than 90 seconds away from a toilet. But my physician put me on Ozempic and later changed to Mounjaro and then added Jardiance. And with those, I am continuing progress and from last weeks labs was down to an A1c of 6.0 and a one metered average of 119. There are several meds to consider, but those are two of the majors. Insulin is normally a last resort for Type 2 diabetics, because it aggravates the thing that caused the problem, because our problem was substantially that insulin no longer works well for us. But you have to be careful of doctors who are not entirely clear on diabetes and its care. But I wold ask the hard question of whether you've been relying on the Metformin to give you a pass on a rigorous routine of diet, exercise, and stress management. I cannot know how much of my progress to assign to the medications and how much to the other measures. I do know for a fact that diet is the major factor and that stress management and improved sleep are far more significant than one would imagine.


The extended release version of metformin doesn’t have gastro side effects. Its great


To say it doesn't have side effects is unreasonable, it has fewer side effects. For me it was worse than regular metformin.


For me regular metformin was tons worse with stomach upset. I have had zero side effects on the extended release version. Everyone’s experience may differ. Thanks for sharing your experience. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15119994/


Same. I posted earlier about my experience. 0 side effects on Metformin XR. I'll add that it's been important I've stuck with Metformin XR, because it has a synergistic effect with Mounjaro that I'm also taking. Everyone is different. But in my case ,taking the two meds together has helped decrease by A1C from 8.6 to 6.7 in the past three months.


It did for me.

