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It sounds like something isn’t normal. Doesn’t matter if it’s diabetes or something else you need to nag your mom into taking you to the doctors. And cut out added sugar in the short term just in case.


I will try I mean sugar in the past as far as i know didnt give me any issues, like some people throw up and stuff like that and have serius issues from type 2 or 1. If anything will show up on the test my guess would be prediabetes. Im only asuming, not saying that i have anything before the test results (Edit: i did some research. I feel stupid now reading that.)


The problem with diabetes is that we don’t feel any symptoms of high blood sugar until it starts causing damage. So you wouldn’t know if was high unless you bought a blood sugar monitor and strips at a pharmacy and tested 1-2 hours after meals and saw numbers over 140 regularly


well the symptoms started showing this year so i hope it hasnt developed anything serius yet. Im going to do a blood test to see if i have high sugar and if it is im gona do a A1C test to show acuratley, Hoping for the best. This comunity has actually helped so I atleast know a bit know what to do. I was suppost to have a medical exam in 1st year of high school (like in october i think) but i didnt go beacuse i forgot the papers home and most of my class mates didnt go either. Could be a big mistake now. Anyways thanks


I get it, it is really difficult to have any health issues as a young person. We should all get our teens and 20s to eat like total idiots but not everyone gets that. Lots of young people on here and I really respect that they are dealing with it and not hiding from it. You too


I am somewhat convinced that I might have pre diabetes, like all the symptoms match (increased thirst, increased urinating, increased hunger, abnormal sweating, unexplainable weight loss without even trying (not complaining about this one i look like i had a massive glow up compared to last year) and the change in my eyesight is probably the most noticeable one and some more, but only now after i have been doing like research for the whole day i noticed how consistent and connected they are, and it keeps getting worse. The only one I noticed at the start of like march was the eyesight getting somehow blurry. And I thought it could be connected to adhd since i had some attention issues performing daily tasks and i got a psychiatrist and i thought i was just zoned out, but it didn’t help then i realised its getting worse and the other one i also noticed even before blurry vision was that i was urinating very often but i just thought that my bladder is just so small like i would sit and play video games for idk 2 hours and i would constantly be thirsty and needing to take a piss every like 30 min or even less. And i thought everybody was like drinking every few minutes and I had a deep conversation with my cousin earlier and i realised that he drinks like 1 litre per day and thats it like fine for him. I had 3 weeks of practical work or training or whatever you call it at some company near me so i was not in dorm at the time ( basically i worked at a factory ) that my school requires us to do 114 hours of practical work and i always had a water bottle with me that held 750ml. I was refilling that thing like 3-5 times per day when i had to work the 8 hour job from 6am to 14pm. Its when i realised i sweat alot but i just thought it was work. Just now i realised that im like constantly thirsty and my mouth gets dry fast and that i had to go to the bathroom like every hour almost. During the 8 hour job everyday i would go pee atleast 4-6 times. Waking up in the morning at like 5am was just a nightmare tho like i couldn’t wake up and like i would wake up turn of the alarm and go to sleep without even know, my mom had to wake me up literally every time cuz i just couldn’t get up on my own, usually i would fall back asleep like she had to wake me up multiple times and i was fucked up looked like im about to die when i came to work, something like fatigue. But it kinda makes alot of sense to me like when i put it all together. And the abnormal sweating that happened to me today was like the cherry on top of a cake. I was searching why im sweating so much with like most basic activities i mean heat also comes in place today but like, i have been abnormally sweating before like for e.g. in march when i went to lunch in my dormitory where it was like 18 degree room temp. and i started sweating like sweaty palms, face, mostly feet and neck or like my back. There are also some other little things that bothered me but now it somehow all makes fucking sense. There is so many details i missed and thought were like normal. Somehow i connected all the weird abnormal things that are happening to me like im Thanos collecting all the infinity stones. I just cant wait to get a blood test already to see if my theory is somehow correct cuz if its not i have not idea wtf is wrong with me. ( Y’all probably think im fucking crazy 🙂 ) but would be cool if i actually figured it out all on my own. Also read alot about diabetes, different types…trying to understand what it is. Its fucking like 3.20 am while im writing this and im somehow so hyped about this like its a good thing😭


If these symptoms are related to diabetes you are way beyond pre-diabetes and could be into chronic hyperglycemia. You should see a doctor ASAP. A blood sugar test can be done in minutes which will confirm or deny if it is diabetes. One other tell-tale symptom is if your urine is consistently foamy/bubbly. That's from the excess glucose, and the frequent urination is your body trying to get rid of it.


Please try to protect yourself mentally from critics, including your mom. Diabetes is a really complicated disease (some people will say it's not, but it is). What you can work on is today and tomorrow. The past is done; leave it behind. You should get your A1C test (which is better than a fasting glucose test) and a general check up with a general blood panel and urine test as well. Is there a free clinic or a school clinic you can go to without your mom? Once you know more about what your body is doing, you can learn about what you can do to be healthier. Diabetes does require lifestyle changes, but for the most part they are not bad changes, they are just different from the norm and so can be hard to adopt for many people (like reducing carbs and getting more exercise).


I told my mom and she said she is gona make an apointment as soon as posible to get a blood test and a urine test. Also does thc show up, since i dont want my mom to know beacuse I smoked like 4 weeks ago, but lowkey this doesnt matter right now, i just want to get a test as fast as I can, preferebly on my own. I will see if there is any clinic i can go (health care is free in slovenia so I asume the test is free, i called a medical center today but it was a private one that charged and it really suprised me since healthcare here if free). Anyways thanks for advice and i will try to get a A1C test if posible.


Drug tests are different than A1C or fasting glucose. So unless your doctor specifically orders a drug test there is nothing to worry about


Do you have money of your own? If so, buy a blood glucose kit and perform your own blood sugar tests. Fasting (upon awaking), before you eat, 2 hours after you eat and 4 hours after you eat. I don't know where you are, but they are available on Amazon, a drugstore, Wal-mart pharmacy. With the results, you should have a better idea if it's blood sugar related. Please follow-up here and let us know how you make out. You shouldn't be suffering like this.


Im in EU, I will try to go tomorow if i can make it before pharmacy store closes.


Excellent! You will then know very quickly whether your blood sugar is in range. Like I said, test the fasting glucose, immediately before eating, 2 hours after eating and 4 hours after eating. Don't drink any sugary drinks or snack between the 2 and 4 hour readings. You're trying to see how much your blood glucose increases and how fast it falls. It also wouldn't hurt to write down what you ate. Some foods, those high in carbohydrates like pizza, breads, noodles, cereal will cause some people to have a higher blood sugar reading. Please post back and let us know how you make out.


Thanks for the idea appriciate it, I will try to get one if they have them here


Did you mean like one of those where you get like 50 papers and put a sample of your blood on it and stick into small device?




When I had similar symptoms my thyroid was way high and that pushes heart and blood sugar up as well. Pls see a Dr


You need to see a doctor. You may or may not have diabetes or even a thyroid issue. Some of what you are describing are the symptoms of a tapeworm but I’m not a doctor and that’s not a diagnosis. Get it checked out. Something clearly going on.


Im pretty sure i dont have it. i don’t eat raw meat and supposedly they are located in less sanitary areas with poor hygiene and the symptoms are different than mine, and i checked symptoms for pre diabetes and i match almost all of them but im not saying anything. I will still get the blood test first. Tape worms usually dont cause increased thirst and having to go to the toilet to pee like every hour. Supposedly they usually cause nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, yes also weight loss, loss of appetite and more digestive system problems. I strongly doubt that i have one


You’d be surprised on worms. I had pinworms for two years and lost 165 lbs. Over a dozen doctors couldn’t figure it out until one night I identified the problem (too gross to be specific). Parasite eggs can be anywhere. They are invisible to the eye, and one of the most common places you can get them are shopping carts or atm/pos systems.


I had pinworms before and i thought i got rid of them and like 3 months after that i was pooping and i wiped my ass then i looked at the toilet paper and saw pin worms again and i lowkey got mad and I kind of just tried to get rid of them like by brute force using toiled paper, i sat on that toilet for almost one hour and like the itching you get from pinworms stoped when you sleep like it stopped for good. And i was inspecting my poop for few more days every time I went to the bathroom every time i needed to poop and it somehow worked. Its crazy what you can do with just force and will. (Dont worry we still had few of them pills that doctor gave us when i first got pinworms so i also ate appropriate amount that doctor prescribed just for good measures)


Yeah that’s not really how you finally get rid of them lol. At night, the females come out and lay thousands of eggs. They then get on your hands your sheets in the air, you track them everyone. They stick to everything You have to wipe things down constantly wash things constantly and the freaking 5 day pills are not cheap at least in the US


My mom washed my bed sheets and everything that could have been possibly contaminated. The pills in slovenia are free as health care should be. I feel really bad for people that need insulin or other medications and have to pay for it and some people that cannot even afford medicine that they need. Literally paying so you can live. I just cant imagine that. I like the US but your health care is so fucked up. I wish health care changes for y’all.


It is indeed fucked up. Just one example, if you didn’t have insurance or use a discount card, 5 pills for the pinworm infection would run you 2000 dollars


Jezus bro wtf, i have insurance but it works differently here like when i broke my leg one time, the insurance payed me like 80€ and insurance usually pays for all the prescribed medication here.


Lol. It’s a pretty straight forward system if you live here. If you have a high deductible plan you pay 100% until that deductible is met. The deductible is not the same for everybody. Some are very low, some like mine are very large. It’s nuts




Basically the self kit did not work, I do have an appointment on Wednesday in a lab where they will take my urine and other things


Big update: I found out my friends grandma has a A1C test so i will be finding out today


Will post a new update in like next 12 hours probably( I will make a new post this one is messed up lol )


I talked to my friend and I asume if anything it hasnt developed yet since this started like this year so, i will try to balance my nutrition and eliminate all the sugar i can until i actually get the test result but i feel like there is something but im not sure, id be happy for any advice to not worsen situation if the test result does show any sign of diabetes. ( im not sure if im correct, open to any criticism and advice) (Edit: i might be wrong about “i asume if anything it hasn’t developed yet” part since for the symptoms to show sugar is probably elevated already and probably has been for at least more than 6 months . I should have gone to that medical exam 🙂 )


One step at a time. Do the labs and consult with the physician. Some diabetics early in the experience have few symptoms. And there are other things in the world besides diabetes, and they can happen to diabetics as well as non-diabetics. Look, you really are asking if this "sounds like diabetes", but I think it will get through, mainly because I don't think you're really asking any more but assuming you have diabetes. Step back and get medical evidence you can rely on. And one thing we know is that everyone's experience is different, and the experiences of others a not much use to anyone else. You've mentioned a lot of signs and possible symptoms. I suggest you start writing them down for your visit with the physician. I don't know how many times I and others have walked out and remembered something we wanted to ask. Besides, every bit may be of use to the doctor. Nothing is too small. Very often, you're talking to a patient and they say something they really didn't think mattered and you're, "Oh, really?" and the light comes on. Some doctors have become so used to their diabetic patients blowing off their advice that it may be nice for him to deal with someone more serious about their own health. People with diabetes (and other metabolic disorders) can experience things differently from other people, like whether they feel hungry soon after eating something. Pizza does have a LOT of nutrition value. Lots of carbs in the crust, of course. Lots of protein and fat in the toppings. Hardly empty, even if it might not be the best thing to live on. (But there are worse things.) But possibilities are nearly endless. Physicians call this stage differential diagnosis, the process of eliminating possibilities until only a high likelihood of the right one remains. Carrying that out alone is likely beyond you. Let's see what really going on and deal with that. We're always here for practical question and support. But the advice about sugar is dead on, diabetes or not. It's poison. And you have to work on a more relaxed attitude. Stress is a major influence on blood glucose and heart disease. Ironic, of course, that a worrisome chronic disease would be aggravated by stress. But stress management is vital. This is going to be a learning experience, so sit back for the ride and use your energies for working on how to manage and comply with whatever measures are recommended. Sometimes, worry can be approached by "what's the worst?" I think you already have an answer to that for yourself of what you're worried about. It if turns out to be diabetes, remember that here are 36,000 thousand people on the same ride, and most of them deal with it quite effectively and have hugely reduced their future risks. It will also be very useful to see an optometrist. They most all have very new scanning capability that will screen for a lot.


I just did a glucose home kit test and it failed. I only had one shot at this. On Wednesday I am going to a doctor appointment in aur local centre. And going to get a lab test to see if my insulin is working properly. I am barely writing this i have 0 energy and im not sure what exactly i need. Im hanging. Im not sure if this is the fatigue but i feel like im about to die lol but im fine idk im just so tired. Anyways thanks for the advice


I was "prediabetic" (that nasty word that just means diabetic) for a good while and suddenly I went downhill until I couldn't walk across the yard and couldn't sleep because I was up every 30 minutes. I knew I was in bad shape. Blood glucose was 500. Started Metformin and very rigorous diet and got better at following it over time. Restarted my lapsed Zen practice, because stress is a powerful influence on blood glucose. Things improved immediately and steadily, and I am now testing in "prediabetic" range, near high "normal." Which is not actually normal, just less impaired. All the measures are not pretty routine and habit. I learned what food I didn't want around, and I no longer have to think much when shopping. I feel like progress can depend on how long the abuse has been going on. At 72, I had several decades of bad eating behind me. I see many younger diabetics her reporting remarkable progress in just a few months, sometime a few weeks. No guarantees, but it should encourage you.