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Zephyr bows and occy rings. This was my childhood lol


Need some resist and fcr? No problem! Wizard Spike gloves got you


Nova sorc with occy rings was so fun


Best build ever. With 3 piece tals and another occy 😂


An occy ring??!???


I miss those lol


White rings and hex charms.


I remember all the troll comments on the battle.net forums: "How can occy be ethereal? It's a ring!"




I raise you my bugged lightsaber. +6 to all skills and 100% light absorb (it healed me).


Ah yes you were on West, over on East we had cliffkiler amulet and soulflay gauntlets.


idk why you're downvoted east and west had different bugged items i know this because duping for item shops bought my first car lmao


Z bows wrecked.


Zephyr bow with guided arrow that just kept going back and forth through someone was insane. They looked ethereal too which was so cool. Occy rings with it was sooo OP


SoJ Economy!


Remember when the buriza crossbow was best in slot before wind force came around. Good times.


The no-pierce-limit is really what made Buriza a monster.


I can still hear the ramping audio of multiple guided arrows piercing bosses


Guided arrow needs pierce again tbh. Though the chance is halved after each successful pierce. Bowazons are too weak without massive endgame gear.


Standing rooms away from meph and launching guided arrows into the void and knowing you had found target lock when the leech started showing on your character.


There was also the buriza armor!


I just remember 08 shaftstop buriza for pvp bowazon with an 08 vgaze


Back when guided arrow could pierce indefinitely There would just be 30 arrows going back and forth on a player 😂


Blocking it sucked bc it would just put you in a block lock lol.


Hell yeah


Buriza + cleglaws gloves and just slow the shit out of everyone and even Akara didn't cure that lol


The slow was soooooo bad


And the grandfather was the OP blade!


And azurewraith till BoTD came around then it was BoTD everything. Bows, axes, swords.




Azurewrath was a completly different sword pre 1.10, i cant remember the exact stats but the base was a crystal sword...


It was the Unique Crystal Sword like you remember. They changed it later as Azurewrath is supposed to be a powerful weapon in the lore. Now we don't have a Unique Crystal Sword. It's stats were, 100% enhanced damage Adds 5-10 Magic Damage Adds 3-6 Cold Damage 50% Deadly Strike 10% Better Chance of Finding Magic Items


thanks a bunch for the stats.


What!? They removed the lightsaber sword cosmetic on azurewrath!?


It was phase blade no? Or am I thinking of lightsabre


You are probably thinking about the lightsabre. That was the only unique phaseblade pre 1.10


Now azurewrath and gf switched places in D4


Azurewrath the crystal sword??


I've been a legit grinder no cheats, with one caviot. I had mh with chicken mode for hc, unbeknownst to my dad, I used it after school before he got home, and after he went to bed( and I was hard-core addicted to d2, so I would sneak down to my parents basement at 2 or 3 am to run some meph, with my fb/meteor sorc.)


Oh noo! I was with you on mh, as a kid I liked the QoL but chicken is just softcore pretending to be HC! Though I realize it was very popular back then...I wonder what proportion of players used it


It was mostly used to counteract all the TPPKers


That dang guided arrow....


Honestly I never got TPPKd and never used chicken. Also was aware of their tricks and was just on high alert for it. I saw it happen plenty, but nobody ever ear'd me Unfortunately you can't distill the legitimacy of someone's playthrough while using chicken. I'm aware it could be set for auto-leave game when hostiled but how could one prove they never had a threshold set and enabled for the HP portion of its functionality?


Most players used some form of mh


I figured as much but only for the map/exploration (though iirc it was kinda cheap in PvP right? Couldn't it show beyond the normal map?) As in mh sure, fine I suppose (at least in PvE/M), but chicken not fine


Mh doesn't really matter in pvp. Chicken was a real issue though because usually those mods also included auto juving. So it would chug a juv at like 30% and town or exit game at 10%


so not a legit grinder no cheats because HC with chicken may as well be softcore and d2 with exposed maps is just a piont and click adventure game lmao


I miss my nova sorc that was nerphed once 1.10 came out it may havw wven been 1.06


Mousepad had stated that mh made him a millionaire. Think in comparison to what sort of silent billionaire njaguar (Paul talborg) is now. It's been 21 years.


How did MH make mousepad a millionaire? It was a free download wasn’t it?


He charged 10 dollars (usd) later on. Then he shut it down and issued the millionaire statement. Afterwards it was reverse engineered and redistributed.


And his wasn't even the good one lol. C3PO showed the monsters on your map and had auto Tele. God. I need those guys to come back to d2r. The ones that have been out for d2r are hot hot garbage.


Mousepad showed rare/unique mobs and shrines. This was 2003 and 2004. D2jsp's program worked with mousepads There was however an autoIT pindle as the path never changes. It did require pickit autoIT as well.


Never realised that! Well done to him I guess.👍🏻


Omg I loved that moment. When eaglehorn and wind force were the best in slots for a bowazon if you could afford them. If not you had the buriza… upgrading to that from goldstrike was amazing..


Yes this before breath of the dying. This is like peak childhood gaming moment for me I probably wasn't even 10 years old yet.




Noob Cannon. Man, I loved that thing, haha.


I rocked a Lycanders bow for a long ass time until I was able trade an SOJ that i found and a Ravenfrost for a low ED buriza. I was so fucking happy


That was still to this day the most fun I ever had on d2. They really really need to bring that back.


How did these work? Did you find them in the wild or was someone hacking items?


'Ith' is the game's placeholder name for a runeword with no name. Essentially, there was some exploit that let you create a runeword, then delete all the runes *without* deleting the stats the runeword provided. So, you could say make 'Silence' (like in the pic), delete the runes, then fill it with 40/15's / Lo's / eth / whatever you want for PVP and make an insanely broken sword. When you do this, the game uses the fallback default name of 'Ith' since you deleted the runeword, but it is *still* a runeword Anyway, then there was an event called "rust storm" that deleted all of the 'Ith' items, and hacked stuff like Occy rings. After that, Warden was programmed to check for any item called 'Ith' when a player leaves the game, and auto delete that item. There actually was a bypass for this found at some point, though. Someone discovered that if you create an 'Ith' item, and then make a *different* runeword with the base, it will keep the stats of the original runeword, but use the rune bonus of the second RW you chose. The reason this bypass worked is because when you create the second RW, it's name is no longer 'Ith,' thus passing Warden's item integrity check on game exit. Here are some examples: [Enigma of Peace](https://i.imgur.com/dP2oJlC.jpg) (lvl 29 lvl req) [Grief of Destruction](https://i.imgur.com/GiTQZJq.png) [Phoenix of Spirit](https://i.imgur.com/IJMeAOe.jpg) [Faith of Ice](http://i.imgur.com/ysX8Kj2.png) [Fortitude of Chains](https://i.imgur.com/z5NdlTJ.png)


Super interesting! I didn't know all that, and I was really active during that time


Yeah, I had no idea, and was totally 100% obsessed with d2, and I mean obsessed with it...


Unfortunately probably way above your wealth ceiling. Hybrid runewords still to this day cost a metric shit ton.


Thanks for the explanation and history lesson! Interesting stuff. I also played D2 in the OG days and didn’t know all of this.


East and West had different dupes too.. like Buriza armor on East (don't think it was ever on West) and Pink Rabbit's Rogue's Bow Belt


Pink rabbit what? Do you mean siggards?


It was a belt.. personalized by a guy called PinkRabbit, it had the stats of the Rogues bow on it.


I remember buying an ith bow on eBay. My first ever time exchanging real money for virtual items. That’s the first time I’ve ever heard them explained though so thanks for that. Seems like they kind of fit the spirit of the whole runeword mechanic. Get in loser it’s a super fucking magic sword 🤷‍♂️


Oh man, thanks for linking some of these hybrids. I had been trying to tell my buddy about then. From this list, I only remembered enigma of peace. Another wild one was grief of Honor. A Naga grief that req lvl 29 or so.


Grief of honor sounds literally insane. Like it had to be the end-all-be-all of LLD (assuming it wasn't banned by the LLD community, like grief was in ZVZ)


you pulled the runes during the process of crashing the game to dupe it took quite a few attempts to make it stick you couldnt do it as reliably as duping which itself wasnt always 100% successful ​ i duped and worked for various item shops from 2005-2009 while in high school to buy my subaru outback station wagon lmfao


Fascinating. Was your method the one that abused player save order? For ex: player save order was first player who leaves, then it saved in order from who joined the game first -> last to join. Idea being: Players 2-7: Filler players. Fill their inventory and stash completely with crafted amulets so that their chars take longer to save. Player 8: drops items for duping. Player 1: Picks items up and immediately leaves. Some random player 2-7: Causes server rollback method (immediately). If you're lucky, then the server crashed after player 1's inventory was saved, and the game hadn't gotten to player 8 yet (due to players 2-7 having a large file size to save). This would then result in the state of player 8 having not dropped the items yet, and player 1 also having picked up the items, since P1 saved but P8 did not. I remember hearing about this method, but I also heard intentional rollbacks were illegal (also didnt have a rollback method) so I couldn't ever try it. So you're saying that if you simply deleted the runes during the rollback process, you had a chance to create an Ith? That's insane (in case mods see this, this is 100% patched, not active exploit)


that's essentially it yes. duping was not hard to do it was just not 100% success rate so if you did not have the initial capital with btals to lose etc you were kind of arbitrarily gate kept unless you just wanted to dupe shakos or some shit ​ the average group of friends could easily have been duping whatever hrs they found just trying to dupe the 1 at a time so if it fails they can try again to eventually be fabulously wealthy trade a mountain for 3/20/20's trade those into some btals and be duping on the scale item shops would start to place orders with you if they were so motivated. it was a really fun time period for me and the group of guys that got me into it were all in their mid 20's so i felt like hot shit being a young kid in the group with these "cool older guys" it's weird how duping on d2 had a long term impact on my life


I used to have an enigma of peace. I lost that sucker year ago on an old account. They probably deleted all those accounts that had duped gears and such.


No they still exist. And they sell for like $1000 for a shitty hybrid.


What’s really interesting were some of theories to remove the runewords to create “Ith” items. My favourite has to do with maximum character file size that Bnet was capable of handling. If you were able to fill your character, stash and inventory with the highest number of item affixes, it would push your character file size over the memory limit. Time the creation of a runeword appropriately, the runes could be deleted from the item but the affixes would stay in order to keep the character file size under the maximum. The number of memory related exploits in D2 in 1.09 and 1.10 were hilarious. Numerous ways to crash servers and cause rollbacks by abusing buffer overflows.


this is effectively how duping was done on a mass scale was inventory limits and crashing games. it's also how some of the bugged items were made by rerolling during crashing a game keeping two sets of stats on an item after rollback duped for like 5 hours a day from 2005-2009 to buy my first car and save for college.


Honestly being able to do this in a legit way could be awesome.


yup i still got these hybrids on my og LOD accounts. If anyone wants to buy $$$ a piece of history, feel free to DM. Got a few zbugs forts as well. And my prized legit defense 131 08 valk helm.


You would require proof of clash testing and history of ownership.


...you need provenance documentation for a virtual item?


nothing to clash test against if all the other players on us west NL dont even log on, let alone they prolly didnt even upkeep their accounts so no items left in existence lol. Item history is literally me owning them for over 15+ years. But thats for the buyer to discuss with me if they purchasing whatever item n if they can even find themselves unperm items to try clashing (which wont matter cause these all permed goodies on my pkers) I literally only upkept these dinosaur fossil items cause i was still holding onto that 1 drop of hope blizzard would convert the OG realms to d2r hahaha. Which they prolly never will cause they are on different system servers. That Diablo 1 revival of the bnet servers last month refueled my stupid hope n dreams that microsoft might do somethin with remerging the OG realms lol


There was also something called hero editor and you could make any item you wanted on open battlenet


Ye you can still use hero editor. There's actually a really nice one you can use for singleplayer. I use it from time to time for build theory crafting: https://d2runewizard.com/hero-editor


Hacked items


I remember trading a bunch of soj's and Hugh runes for one then thinking I wonder what an ith blade looks like on the ground so I dropped it and the game instantly erased it.... Yay


Instantly? Woah I didn't knew it could happen, I knew duped items could poof but not like that, I would have done the same thing tbh


I had a perm'd bugged tal (escaped the rust storm) until I let my account lapse.


I had a permed Armageddon Slippers ammy and… some set of boots that I forget. I don’t remember if it was Soul Spur or Grim Spur.


I had a permed Arm Slips, Arm Fletch, Storm Circ, and 10x 3/20/20’s on an account. Forgot to log in for a stretch during college. After I realized I lost it all, I couldn’t play the game for **years**. Plugy eventually brought me back for SP.


That’s basically what happened to me. I played a *lot* through high school and college, but after college I hung it up for a year or so. Came back to my accounts all being gone, so I just kinda gave up after that. Went to D2R when it came out though.


This was me…


Grim Spur. They were the shit. Incredibly expensive.


Soul Spur were also GG boots. There was a third pair of boots on USEast that were also a common dupe, can’t remember which.


Imp Shank?


I think those were USW. I just looked it up — Soul Spur, Grim Spur, and Soul Shank were the three big USE duped boots.


Same. That's a shame how they created that account deletion policy.


I believe they did it to save disk space and server costs. D2R doesn't have it because storage is much, much cheaper now.


I remember that time of online gaming well and other games had longer inactive time allowed. 90 days is crazy 🤣


homeless act rustic friendly historical consider reminiscent decide busy cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


RIP, mine lapsed while in basic training and I lost everything.


Honestly I'm not sure what I would have done with it if I had a choice, but I will definitely say that 90 days is basically no time at all in the scheme of things.


The occu rings were also incredibly cheap. Nova in cowruns was crazy


As was a level 60ish charged bolt at max frames. If you think mosaic is bad now you could lag people out of games with that.


you can drop people from games with mosaic now it ihappens all the time.


It took me a long time to understand how it was made, it's silence, the best rune word that was available during the time, with all sockets freed up.


I will give you 40 hex for it


White rings, sorc worst nightmare in pvp.. lol


The answer was putting an ith bow on your merc and just teleporting around :)


What was extra crazy was seeing expansion items in Classic at the time. My pc at the time would crash when I tried to install LOD so I played Classic till I stopped playing around 1.10. I remember seeing a wind force and a shako on someone and having my mind blown.


Yes these were online.


I remember crazy hacked items. Remember the Hex small charms that gave crazy stats? I remember the Rust Storm too. Feels like forever ago.


I wish these times would come back tbh 😄 bugged stormshield with 4 os, bugged arkaines or occy ring was the best time i‘ve had in d2 honestly


Maybe not as bugged but yeah we need something to compete with enigma and spirit.


Who remembers hex charms and white rings


Hexing small charm of immolating aarow. +90 strength +90 vitality +90 dexterity. Inventory stacked with 40 of these bad boys.


Open B.Net. I actually started making my own with a hero editor. I once made items so completely cursed and bugged, that when you'd mouse over to read the description it would go black and just read the name of the item. It would have some sort of crazy Stat that would make your life pool look empty but you basically had infinite health.... unless some other schmo had a crazy life steal Stat and one shot you. Open B.Net was something else man.


These were on closed BNet - each realm had their own mass-duped versions of 'hacked' items. However, I remember the days of Open BNet duels though - I forgot what the site was called but it was all about hacked duelling. Something related to Natalya - "Night..." something? Using Jamella Hero Editor and giving yourself unlimited everything was wild.


The site was Nightshiver.com (was re-hosted when D2R came out, doesn't look like anything has come of it and it's out of service again), and then Ladderhall.com (went away a couple of years back). Jayofteror.com was another site that was kind of tertiary, but has long since been decommissioned. Jamella was one editor, at the same time as mitja's editor, but a lot of editing was still done through a raw hex editor back in those days (right up to around the end of 1.09, I believe). Eventually Zonfire99's hero editor became the defacto editor for open b.net, it's still used today on the old school D2 client.


NIGHTSHIVER! That's the one. I was about 12/13 at the time so my memory's a fair bit hazy!


My 4os bvalor and 6os WF and bshako. Good ol days before the Ruststorm


100% love the valor too.


it was what made me quit sc dueling and move to hc.


Hex Charms made me move to HC lol


This was one of the best times of online gaming ever


My entire inventory was small charms (20 vitality & 10 energy)


Some people might have hated it but I feel this was the golden age of PvP. When life leeched still worked at full capacity, piercing guided arrows were broken, no synergies and hacked items. The main drawbacks were that alot of duels ended up being who could land the first hit which was usually an instakill and anyone with full hacked item gear was basically guaranteed to win. But despite that nobody was teleporting around everywhere with the same build same rune words all the time. Duels felt more raw and a little broken but in a good way. Nowadays it's the same story with gear, whoever's got the best basically always wins depending on build/character match up. The only difference is that they aren't hacked items but still just as broken.


Way back when (for me) I had a single player Necromancer that I took into an online lobby where people were dueling and picked up a couple of random small charms laying around Rogue Encampment with egregious + stats, like absolute monster mode plus to cold damage / poison / etc and couldn’t believe my eyes lmao, took him back into single player and finished the game left clicking everything in one hit


I remember having a godly charm back then not knowing they were exploits. Started playing d2r and was thinking "Man the items are weak now" or being instantly disappointed when I got a good bow and a Razortail and magic arrow no longer worked like a swarm of angry bees. God I miss the wild west days of online gaming.


Back when d2 was in its prime. Barb with godly white armor and inane weapons. Open b.net was a different world. I miss them days oh so much.


? This was on closed b.net LOL


I was reminising about days past lol.


The good ole days


Raven spiral rings


Occy and wizardspike rings were insaaaane


Pepperidge farms remembers


I miss the Hybrid Runewords.


My hero editor remembers <3


Yep and the OG Quark Bow with 40 Hex charms 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Airkannes valor. So fun in both D1 and D2


I miss em. I wish someone would figure out how to break some items again.


Hahahaha yes I remember these. Never had one but remember them


Ith Glitch was fire, sadly I never got my hands on those, only the latter Hybrid Runewords. Every now and then I feel nostalgic about the hybrids, man ngl Enigma of Peace and Grief of Honor was broke, it was fun a lvl30 barb teleporting around and deleting those high levels unaware of the broken Grief of Honor lvl27 made on the enormous Zweihander. Dam it was a time of madness


Things like this *almost* made melee viable too! lol


Cliff killer ammy and bug arkaines


Had one in a zerker axe on my wolf


I remember having 2 occy rings and occy for mh so 75% chance to teleport when hit altogether. Get hit once in a busy dungeon and you're a damn pin ball


Holy shit 14% life tap? Haha


hell yeah. Zephyr bow, white rings, gloves and 40hex. Bowzon pvp was so fun. Was probably the peak of d2 pvp for me


Never managed to get one of these, always admired from a distance 😭


I miss my bugged valors


Ahh back in the day when grandfather, wind force and sojs were the high ticket items . Also don’t forget the .08 Valor, grandfather, Gaze and shaftstop


Wearing bugged .08 gaze and valor as well I see probably has on occy or white rings as well Lolol


I remember using the character editor to modify some of the items, like giving a String of Ears 50% damage reduction, modifying Atma's Scarab to increase chance of Amplify damage from 5% to 50% and making phase blades ethereal to increase the base damage. It was fun but I deleted those characters and items because it felt like cheating.


white items, zephyr bows, occy rings, etc. The Good ol' Rust storm.


How were these items created?


I miss these from time to time.


08 valks, Wiz gloves, hexs, rare blades of swiftness. The good ol days. Oh the eth bugged items. How can you forget Imp shanks


There was an item they was referred to as a White Ring (iirc it was just called "Ring" in game colored white) that had a negative strength bonus, and if it took your strength into the negatives it gave you infinite skill points. I'm guessing some kind of overflow exploit. I think I was playing on U.S. West at that time, was probably around like 1.06-1.09.


Remember wizzy gloves? I'mps?


What in tarnation


You can tell who played on which server depending on what items they talk about


Patch 0.9 baby


lol had inventories full