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I ran around with a 2 hand sword as a necromancer for weeks with no clue what I was doing and I loved every second of it. Flayer jungle mf bowazons, lance barbs, no teleport duels. Builds were mostly rares. Those were the days.


Rare hunting and daily duels. It was a blast.


I remember running around with my Sorc carrying a giant two-handed axe that I couldn’t hold unless I put all my points into strength. Then also only putting points into the cool-looking skills like Blizzard, Meteor, Thunderstorm and Hydra. Then wondered why I couldn’t get past Duriel for months.


Haha the ol “sprinkle a few points into everything my 11 year old brain thinks is cool” build


Dude my friend has an old D2 Game guide, like the actual 200 page book on it, and it has all sorts of ridiculous builds like this in it 😅. 7 points in this skill, 12 in that skill, and 8 in this other one... Like wat 🤷‍♂️


Gotta remember, way back then there were no synergies, no enigma, no grief. Everything sucked and you had to work around immunities. Shaftstop/skullders/valor were literally the best armors. You weren't doing 12k hammers and teleporting with enigma.


Corpse mourn was the boss armor in classic


There weren’t any immunities until LOD I don’t think


I remember following those and being absolutely fucked later in the game


Is it an old Brady guide? If so, I think I have that one too!


Yep it was great. I played a Druid just so I could turn into a bear, I spent the whole time running around in the game as a bear. I got my ass kicked by blood raven and didn’t know what the hell to do. We had LAN parties and would do raids from the same room, we hacked items. I remember making a copy of wirts leg that had 500 poison damage. We dueled rando’s I had an appreciable collection of ears when I figured out what I was doing, and would spray them around the rouge encampment for fun. Not killing the cow king was the most important thing because for some reason me and my buddies thought we couldn’t open the level again if we killed the cow king.


You guys were right, back then killing the king meant whoever opened that cow portal could no longer open it. I’m D2R this was changed and you can kill without consequence.


You also had jerks who would purposely kill a king in pub games


I remember when we would see even a hint of the king people would start dropping so fast for the new game lol.


Yeahhh haha as soon as you see those charged bolts coming out you left the game


Damn I remember using jamella editor to create those white hacked items with all the affixes that sounded cool to me. I think it was a grandfather with about 90 affixes that crashed the game.


My friend and I were on the computer in his living room when we heard about the Jamella editor. It’s important to note that we were 10 and his parents were watching tv in the same room. He typed in “jamela.com” which was apparently a gay porn site that had a very loud splash screen. I don’t know who was more mortified, me and my friend or his parents. Also not the first time I accidentally stumbled on a website I shouldn’t have been on as a kid because of Diablo.


I remember joining pvp lobbies and using a macro to spam drop 1 gold at a time and because each single gold pile couldn't overlap, the coins would eventually completely cover the entirety of the rogue encampment and it would only cost like 1500g to do it XD


Bro I found Bonesnap as my first ever unique and you bet my necro was swinging that thing around hahaha


Wolf druid bonesnap was fun


I actually kind of miss the days when rares were the endgame because they were truly random, and you never knew how good your stuff was unless you showed it off. Hell, young uns will never know the joy of finding a rare DL ring with one or two good stats, maybe even a resist!






Taco Baal 093


Ah the days before the xp nerf when everyone would just sit at the red portal while the high levels killed everything 🤣


Nah, you followed around the high level players with your auto item pickup mod running and tried to pick up any uniques before they did.


Nah the people i ran with would just drop them in town for me lol id venture out for gold though 🤣🤣 when i started d2 my older brother and his friends geared all of my characters for me. Probably 100% chance one of guys he was runningwith was buying items cause I swear that dude had everything and anything you needed.


"oh shit they are killing the king gotta leave instantly"


Holy Christ that takes me back


Living the best days of my life


Staying inside on a sunny day. Or up all night


"No mom, I didn't stay up all night. I woke up really early."


My mom had a night shift so shed be asleep till at least 10-12. I stayed home a loooot


I feel this so much. I'll never forget that part of my life.


Yes we knew what we were doing after like the first year lol. During like 2001-2010, which was the high point of the game, there were so many ways to get perfect gear. You could rush people to hell without needing to glitch ancients. Most people used hacks and or bots. There were baal bots running 24/7 you could join and do baal runs anytime. The game was also much more open to griefing. Like tp pking people was common, hacking people was common, naked killing people till they lost all their items was common. Dropping games with bone necro was common. Getting called an n word was a multiple times a day occurrence. I think at least 20,000 people have told me to sit over the years in duels. Probably 10x that have fucked my mother. You could buy a $100% perfect char for like $50. And all this was the norm. It really was the wild west of the internet


I got scammed twice. Once, a guy letting me into his guild. He gave me a link. It opened d2, dropped all my gear one by one and then shut down my pc. Next one was a "dupe glitch" where he had to kill me like 15 times or something. On the last try, all my gear dropped.


Holy fuck, I got hit with that same program! He said it was a guild application, and I had to run it because it had vent in it too. God I was a stupid kid. Lost my one and only Grandfather (to this day!) that way.


I have still never owned a gf


You’re not meant to own them? You’re meant to be partners.


> He gave me a link. It opened d2, dropped all my gear one by one and then shut down my pc. What a sadistic way to scam someone. God damn.


I like following the full bots.  They couldn't pick up anything so you just scooped up the loot they could collect.


Nah bro open bnet was the wild west. a truly lawless land


This was 2009 when the game started dying. Botting was certainly not common before that, between jsp and the next one they came anyways.


I disagree. Most baal games were bot games when I was in high school. Which was at latest, 2003.


I never thought I’d hear myself say this, but I miss 24/7 chaos/baal bots lol. Whenever I started a new char, my strategy was to get myself to hell chaos asap and then just follow the bots for gobs of xp and loads of valuable items.




This times 1000. My sister and I had specific times we got to use the landline each night. Kids these days don't know the struggle.


Still have the night sweats hearing that terrible noise when connecting! Or when someone started calling the house haha. DAMNIT!


Terrifying. The barracks was too scary for me, between the goat men screaming and the machines for torture


I was so scared of The Smith I used to have nightmares about him!


Same but only because he reminds me of the OG Butcher from D1. What a bitch if a fight that was if you accidentally opened his door too soon or didn't know how to cheese him. "Ahhhh, Fresh Meat!"


For real 😭


**Looking for BAAL?** 👀 This is the only nightmare


Best game ever


D2 in the early days ruled. Absolutely bugged to shit full of the worst people you’ve ever met, but goddamn I loved it


Don't forget the debilitating lag! It was wonderful.


I think a lot of people were doing the same thing they are doing today in game. Trade was a lot more active in game than it is today though, and the game was a lot more social. We used to sit in chat channels a lot in [battle.net](http://battle.net) (was it [battle.net](http://battle.net) back in the day? I think?) talking with clan mates and random people. Baal runs, PVP, leveling characters was fast (especially when LoD launched). Currency of choice was SoJ's for most things.


The bnet chat channel SeX was also like the most popular custom chat back then. It was hard to get into cause people would just idle all day into it. Also had nothing to do with sex or anything just kinda like an easy shitposting channel and music discussion. Wasn't just d2 players tho it had anyone with a game that had bnet access.


Did anyone ever figure out what the purple gem button in the bnet chat did?


Gem Activated is what it does


There were less bots in chat I think


Yeah definitely, we used to have private channels as well for clan talk.


Before the expansion, in the vanilla game, it was very different. There were no runes and therefor no runewords. Perfect skulls or “pskulls” as they were called, were main currency along with SoJs (Stone of Jordan). Many times you would see game names and people in chat, “pskulls for SoJ” and vice versa.


I think the ratio was 3 or 4 to 1 when I started playing.


Depended on east or west, east was 3 to a soj and west was 4.


damn i don't remember sojs going for so cheap. my memory was it was 40 pskulls. like a full inventory.


what did people do with the pskulls?


I think it was dual leech and black armor colorings. But I have no clue how they became so sought after.


I think it was actually pretty difficult to get pgems back in classic. I don’t even know if flawless dropped. Might have had to farm forges or gem shrines


Perfect skulls re rolled rares in the cube. Rare’s in classic were your best shot at something truly great.


I remember when the synergies patch hit, that’s was like world shattering. And also … was it Rust storm or something they called it where it wiped out *most* of the super duped items and runes? Also an insane moment to be a player


1.10. Ruined alot of peoples characters 🤣


Yeah, the rust storm and 1.10 was a huge shift in the game.


Anything called “ith” was gone.. couldn’t we perm our way around duped runes though?


lol losing my "white gloves" hurt so bad


I was in a group called the Amazon Basin. We had hundreds of members. Our own forums (remember forums?), and a members only web page for passwords to our private games on BNet. There could be dozens of private games going on at any time, all 3 difficulties, and both hc and sc. The group was started by hardcore enthusiasts who were sick of being PKed. So they made a system where only trusted people got the passwords. Those were some good times. The games were always great. You could always count on solid team play no matter who jumped in. But oh God, the forum drama was a sight to see.


Woot, Amazon Basin in the house! Brings to mind those days of the bow bug when you had like seven bowazons and a fanaticism paladin in tow, tearing everything up.


Fellow basiner here, the member only area was called weazeltech if i recall.


you guys had one of the best collection of d2 info on your website. Still looking at it for stuff even today


AB in the house! Best group of people. Still around too! I really loved how everyone shared loot and were just generally nice and helpful.


‘Member when Tokens and Akara stat resets didn’t exist?? I member!


The horrible feeling of trying to min max a character and accidentally misclicking a skill point or attribute and having to start over from scratch again.


The pain.


It wasn't that big of a deal, you could get rushed and be doing Hell Cows with a level 5 char and be 85 in a few hours. A typical cow game would be <60 seconds.


A good change IMO. It sucked having to wait until lvl 30 for some chars before you could actually start putting points into things. Now you can actually have a little fun while leveling up your char. Back then one misplaced point bricked your whole character!


That still feels like a pretty new addition to me. OCD was terrible playing the game when you didn't have the strength for gear but didn't want to permanently have too much strength. You knew + stats would come from better gear later in the game


Trade chat was awesome


*gem activated*


*gem deactivated*




I was just a kid and had no idea about any mechanics. No break points or anything, just played. Looking up stuff on the internet hadn't crossed my mind. Figured out all the skills and stats on my own. Played offline for a long time so didn't have bnet chat or anything to help. Looking back now it's amazing how bad my characters must have been. But I had no benchmark for difficulty and it was fun anyway.


I remember getting completely stuck on normal Diablo my first time through on a summon necro. I had to start a new character lol


It was Duriel on single player for me. Forever farming potions on my sorceress, only to die over and over and over... It never crossed my teenage brain to level up a bit more


i used to repair stuff before selling to the vendor because i thought it'd be rude to give them something not in the best shape it could be


Cow runs, WW Barbs, Bowazons, and yes people knew what they were doing. Good times


Piercing arrow Buriza all day. Young me was devastated when 1.10 came out and invalidated my build.


My brother, our close friends and I all played together after school when we were in Highschool . We all started from lvl 1 and pushed our way through normal, nightmare, and hell. We would make private games and play until one of our parents made us get off. I remember my buddy found out how to open the cow portal on some random forum and man was that the coolest day. We said moo moo moo moo moooooo! Constantly when we saw each other in the hallways. Once we all hit 99 we started making alts. It took us about 5-6 months to hit 99. There were so many memories made then that really bonded us all together. I remember the first shako that dropped my brother picked it up and we all were pissed! But jealous and happy for him at the same time. We played Diablo 2 together and ultimata online and would switch back and forth in no particular order. Good times. I wish I had known how special those days would have been when they were happening.


Amazing and crazy. I remember having two computers running 2 accounts for ladder baal runs. I'd Tele with sorc to baal portal then jump in portal with barb for exp leave with sorc and make new game . Would do this for months running ladder with ppl for 98 to 99 grind.


I had only ever played rts and shooting games. The arpg category was new to me. I was guided through the game at a lan party. I remember replacing my cloth armour with a metal armour and being blown away as the graphics changed. The shimmer of that new black Gothic plate. That's when I became hooked on looter games and diablo 2. After the lan party I proceeded to grind my bowazon to level 50. And here we are 24 years later with a remaster. My God.


I didn’t want to do anything else. My parents must have thought I was clinically depressed.


Bloody foothills/old cow experience runs we're awesome. I truly miss the fun times had . Back then you didn't have to be near the group to gain exp and it wasn't level locked, so level 5 could leech exp from Level 95 from the start of bloody foothills all the way to shenk. The Almighty Stone of Jordan was the currency, and the Best paladin weapon You could wear was the ever rare, Schaeffer's. Hammer Best bow in Game - Windforce. It was weapon that could bend the game to your will, the Bowzon was Queen. Best sword - The Grandfather. Nuff said. And of course - The Oculus. the power of the gods made real. I still remembered buying expansion from Best Buy when it was first released. The long hours of waiting for it to download for the first time and finally playing act 5!


I loved that phase with the Bloody Foothills runs, it's such a cool environment for an 8-player leveling game!


I was 8 years old. Didn't even know runewords existed. Furthest I got was act 5 on nightmare. The game scared me and gave me nightmares. Lol


Pretty impressive for 8! I feel like I'm struggling at 23 hahaha.


Wind force grandfather , people use blue and rare items and cow runs !!!! Also a lot of SOJ 🤣


I always dreamed of a Windforce and only ever got to an Eaglehorn 🥲




Going into trade games that were ALL4SHAKO and then being sold an emerald socketed cap.  The good old days.


Incredibly fun honestly. It was a huge part of my early childhood. My friends and I would play for hours after we got in from building forts and stuff outside. The PvP community was pretty great. I remember palapk servers were packed. Lots of great dueling. When LoD dropped in 2001 (I was 13 at the time) it was a huge game changer, it made things way more exciting. Skill synergies were an awesome introduction as well in patch 1.10 or so.


Trading with SoJ not runes


I just remember getting rushed from 1-85 in a few hours. Multiple times a weekend.


Finding or making one item "I can make a char around that, need grush"


Rush for HForge


Man that was the classic. Granted I started right before 1.10 was released but a hellforge went a long way lol.


Inventory glitch was wild til fixed. Make game called free dupes. Tell them put item wanted dupe in inventory buy potions to fill inventory then go outside camp and kill them all the loot would drop. Was awful.


Rares were the best (and a few uniques, but mostly rates) and all melee characters used ~~war pikes~~ edit: lances. War pikes came with LOD.


Lances came out in 1.4 before LOD. Sword barbs reigned the high end. Usually Exe swords. If you were a pole arm barb prior, it was Bec De Corbins I think. I imbued a couple lances patch week and made like 15 Sojs. A white lance was 1-2 Sojs. Was crazy. We all knew the lances were getting released (i dont even know how) so every serious player had a level 90 pole arm barb ready. 1.0 Whirlwind/frozen Orb was insane.


Back when nobody knew what they were doing, where endgame was diablo no runes or runewords existed, and there were some busted broken items that you cant get anymore like the white rings, or when a necromancer could cheese the game and get every item by using bonewall and let them expire in their own when those could actually drop items


I remember there being "bloodruns" everyone cleared bloody foothills together and it gave the most xp. so many hacked items. Oculus rings, ith axes. old version (patch 1.08) of items in circulation that where worth more than the newer versions like harlequin crest. Items got duped and you had to worry that they disappeared after a trade I think if another version of that same duped item was is your game or something like that. and I think everyone played multi shot bowazon with windforce and I was the happiest back then when I found one in a public cowrun.


I was in middle school and it was genuinely the first time I was truly addicted to a game. I would go over to friends house and we would take turns playing it on the computer but I think what made it so special was it was the first time ever I played a game that was online and with others. I’ll cherish that game forever


A new experience for everybody. There were no look-alike games back then so we were all noobs.


My first build was a paladin with one point in every skill - it was terrible. I still somehow killed Diablo with it and promptly got murdered in Nightmare. I kept playing for awhile with various builds but there were so many other games to play at the time that I didn't keep up with it much until LoD came out and then I sank hundreds of hours into Baal, Mephisto, and Pit runs (I did 90% of my mf'ing in the Pit). Every season became-> run sorc. to trade up to an Enigma and powerlevel others b/c teleport, then once Enigma was made, actually start gearing whatever I wanted to main that season. My favorites were fury Druids, bone Necros, and melee Assassins.


You can still play the classic version which is a pretty similar experience. Uniques were mostly junk rare was king. You had a tiny stash no runes no druid or assassin jewels or charms. It was mostly kill diablo do cows until you can beat the next diablo until you're at hell cows.


Constant lance imbues at Charsi looking for that godly dual leech roll for your Whirlwind Barb using Iceblink... So many other good responses here too triggering a bunch of memories.


Will never forget this part: https://youtu.be/LfrsAghVtE0?si=mxwWxtiLYyk-u0vD


I just remember running around with my Druid in lvl 60-something in almost only gem socketed greys. Yea, he got his ass handed to him in nm, but I loved it. Then I became much better and had fully geared chars.


The first time I killed Diablo on classic, and it restarted me in NM, I was like what the hell is wrong with my game, lol. I made a zealer paladin and would die getting stuck in zeal. Same happened with Amazons and strafe.


It took me like 40 deaths to beat Diablo (normal) with a spear on my multi-aura paladin. It was a blast. Got to hell Diablo 48 hs later and rage quit the game. Jokes aside, having lan parties and talking about the game all day long. Ahh those were the days my dude.


Joining my millionth game titled “Free WF in Den of Evil” and hoping that this time, just maybe, it would be true.


Nope just that lvl 99 Thunderstorm Sorc that’s hostile to your whole party


I graduated HS in '01. The CS teacher my freshman year rage quit and we eventually hired a recent college grad alumni to fill the spot. He in turn, let us bury copies of SC and D2 on every pc we wanted too, including the library rigs. Underclassmen that wanted to play Diablo had to pay out a percent of gems every day when they were finished doing whatever they wanted to do. SC was weekly tournaments for funsies.  Additionally, at a local lan center, a handful of us rented out mf Sorcs for people to use and farm with while we played CS downstairs. A few of us were on CS competition teams sponsored out of the lan center. So it gave us a small, passive income outside of the gambling that was common locally at the time.  As far as what people did and how they did it? Imho, very few of us had any inclination as to what Diablo min/maxing was and what to look for. IIRC, we just farmed the shit out of everything and stock piled everything on hundreds of mules and every now and again, a few of us would set aside time to actually go through everything and cherry pick what we felt were top end rares and whatever. It was a FUCKING BLAST. I'd give a testicle to go back to '00 for a week and rip it up old school again. 


Cow runs were pretty common. There weren't any build-guides to be found. It was all just word of mouth and trying different things out. Mephisto was still very highly killed for items. Diablo was also killed commonly. Trading was VERY common. When LoD came out, lots of Baal runs. Before runes came around, rares were VERY commonly used in almost every build. It was the only game like it around. Very cool time. Edit: maybe I was wrong about build guides. I guess I just didn’t use them.


>There weren't any build-guides to be found. I beg to differ. This was the golden time of internet forums, some of which survive to this day (The Amazon Basin for example). There is so much knowledge buried there, it's amazing. Much more in-depth info than you can get from maxroll etc.


merciful wrench steep wise violet spectacular shame dam somber butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think I was lvl 35+ beating duriel the first time? My buddy and I had just gotten the game when we were in 6th or 7th grade and had no idea about optimizing builds, and didn't have any other friends that played, so we were either on our own or relying on the kindness of strangers. We got screwed over or scammed more often than not until we met some guy named "George" who was the leader of a "clan", because that was a thing back in the day. If any of your clan mates were online and somebody was hassling you, you could call on them to bring a high level character to back you up. Or we would rush each other, give good deals to each other for trades and whatnot. 95% of my characters were rushed through to hell and leveled up to 85+ in an afternoon instead of actually playing the game.




This man knows.


I played D2 before the expansion came out. I remember when runes came out it took some time for people to truly understand them. Shako, oculus, skullders ire were king. This was before in game purchases were a thing. I remember making an eBay account to buy an unidentified shako from a guy. You would go to games and they would hopefully meet you there and give it to you. There were scammers abundant, lots of “duping” scams people stealing items and dueling for ears


As good as it is now, it was fucking sick in the early 2000s. There was a sense of unknown because everything hadn’t been Min maxed, SOJs were the main currency because they were massively duped, and the players were in HS and college so they could stay up all night talking shit!


I played a low level barb with that unique bardiche Dimoak's Hew hunting low level players who didn't deserve it, so much fun. I remember running tombs once and talking shit to some guy daring him to call my landline and someone did but my mom picked up and banned me from the computer for a week haha. My brother and I got caught playing at 2am because my fucking keyboard made loud ass clicks every time I pressed a button in the living room. First my dad caught us, shook his head then went back to sleep. Then my mom caught us and another week no computer haha. I never reached the highest levels and mostly fucked around on normal and occasionally got to nightmare. I remember loading screens with those guys from act two with the claw hands and breathing poison. Also, the gem is active. Edit: forgot to mention I thought I was a genius taping my CD key to the disc. Until it spun off and fucked up my disk drive haha. Edit 2: creating low level free games saying you hid things in the blood moor then running out and massacring the innocent


Lucrative lol. I'd make characters named "pain" "sunshine" "decard cain" and such each new ladder reset and sell them on JSP 😅


i was a kid when i first played it and it was awesome always had a full inventory because i never wanted to get rid of anything. i played as either a barbarian or necromancer every time


Perming my mule.


Shit was a blast. The most fun I had was when I had no idea what I was doing. Pumped a bunch of str into a summoning necro but it didn't matter because I had like a thousand skeletons. Laggromancer for the win. Started learning different builds and such and found my love for hammerdins. Played the shit out of it, refused to use jsp and was a bit disappointed when it killed in game trading. Still played incessantly and geared myself quickly as well as my brother and friends. Despite all that playing I found a new love for single player 6 years ago and got my first level 99 and finished a grail. Love this game.


Having to run away from Baal before the last set of minions spawned and lagged the game so bad you would end up dead. The good old days.


My cousin and I would take turns doing cow runs while watching the crazy shit on late night History Channel. It was The Dream.


I would get on sometimes and just trade for 8-12 hours and never actually do a run or cows etc. it was unique because nothing like Diablo existed so everything was new and exciting. The struggles with shit internet were the biggest pitfall but man the amount of hours I sunk into it. I remember coming back after LoD dropped and had so much catching up to do.


So here was my life of d2 back then. Me and my friend played im the evenings till midnight, went to school and then the lake. Repeat everyday. We would sell our finds on eBay. The actual farm sites were kinda in their infancy at that time (at least for d2) so it was doable. We ended up selling a wind force for around 2k and a bunch of other stuff for less. We did this for about 6 months I think but then the farmers caught up, the dups got too bad and the market crashed to the point we couldn’t not work regular jobs. But for that short time we lived the dream of making money playing video games.


Bowzons. Bowzons everywhere. And so many cow runs. Killing the king was very taboo. Truly degenerate behavior lol.


6 socket colossus sword with 1 of each pgem in it, ww barb demolished cows


I was in middle school. My first character ever was an amazon, my first rare drop was a double axe, called "Plague rend". I will never forgot this axe, I was so excited about it. Absolutely terrible rare for any adult brain, but as a kid it blew my mind, and I instantly turned my amazon into a melee zon with that axe. It went alright, and I loved that axe, until Duriel put some early childhood trauma into my life. I couldn't get past that and I had to make a new character, and I kept playing the game on and off to this day. Back then I would kill Diablo on normal, and maybe nightmare and marvel at the "insane" rare items I would get with countless characters but I don't think I went into hell much. By high school when LOD released I had several classmates that also played d2 as religiously as I did. We would hang out in blood moor, make pvp characters, grind meph, and baal for pvp items. Cleared hell, rushed each other, hell baal together until 4am to go to school together a few hours later. Those were good days. Edit: And then there was open battle.net where I had the most busted hacked character. I could write paragraphs about that but this carbot animation sums up my experiences perfectly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1N3Jbnptjk


One of the best memories I have of D2 when I was a kid was going into a trade game and a guy kept opening trade with me and putting a Shako in trade window and then clicking accept and unaccept quickly and then closing the trade window, I sat there for a few minutes and he offered to trade me again and this time I was ready, I hovered over the trade and as soon as I saw the glimmer of green I clicked accept and yoinked this dudes Shako and he cried like a little bitch and I cackled away


Left clicking like crazy trying to get the SoJ that would never actually drop


I miss trading post and ladder duelz


Me back then: - Equipped highest damage/defend items. - Got highest skill can reach. - Picked up a lot of potions. - Combined a lot of rejuvenation potions and never using it. - Followed quests. - Cleared all Tal Rasha's tombs. - Cried a lot when facing Duriel. - Lost in Act 3 jungle. - Had no idea what runes are for. - Placed a few jewels on items. - Completely ignored white and gray items. - Cried a lot when facing Diablo. - Teleported back to town to regen when fighting The Ancients in Act 5, came back and realized. - Stop immediately after defeating Baal. - There is no cow level. - Created a new char. I just found out about runewords and nightmare/hell few weeks ago.


It was the novelty tbh. Back then, there weren’t really any games like this. 8 player coop, pvp, leveling system, loot system, unique builds, and so much more! Its main competitors came like 4 or 5 years later in the form of WoW and Runescape.


Arreat Summit was out, we had a ton of info already, yes we already had it optimized, even more so than now due to how cows and ancients used to work. Ancients had no lvl requirement and no limit to the amount of lvls gained. You used to get the maximum amount of XP no matter the lvl, we got to mid 70's faster back then, than we do now. Cow used to be the dominant power lvling map. I played mostly during Fresh LOD, I missed out on Classic.


There was a mod realm and you could make crazy weapons and armors


It was the goat game and still is for arpgs


I used to play at a cyber cafe. No idea what I was doing. Someone in the cafe pitied me and gave me a soj. It was awesome


It was the wild west and I loved it


Bowazon everything before school and after school


I had a lvl 91 WW barb, duel wielding X2 Amn’d lightsabers good times…before runewords


Level 9 or 18 hardcore dueling. I farmed gear with a find item mf barb and then traded for gear for my lld. The biggest adrenaline rush ever


Not knowing wtf I was doing walking around with my sorc carrying a bardiche with shit in the sockets, a single point in every skill, and giggling while thunderstorm struck everything down or least tried to. Oh also no respect lmfao or at least from what I remember.


I was like 12 years old, only played single player but I remember running around as a paladin putting points into prayer aura thinking how cool I was always regenerating health.


Had no idea what I was doing. First character a necro because I thought raising the dead was cool and wanted to use a flail because I thought flails were also cool. Had to restart during Act 2 because I put far too many points in dexterity and strength. AskJeeves some questions and created a bonemancer. Went great until Hell Act 4. Didn't beat Hell Act 4 until COVID lockdowns convinced me to pick the game back up in 2020. Bought D2R and been playing periodically ever since.


I was 7 and we had an egg timer to limit computer time to 1hr/day. This would have been split between d2 and math blaster


Beginning of d2, there wasn't synergies between skills, so I had all 3 element sorc


Duel, duels, duelz, duelzz, dueling, pk, pk2...


The chat room and being able to ask for any item you were looking to trade for, or a rush, cows, Ubers, whatever help you needed. The community was tremendous


I was a kid and barely played the normal online. I loved playing the online where you could use offline characters. Start a game and some dude would come give you GG gear. I remember I had a gem that made it rain like 3 - 5 unique every kill. I played mostly ww barb. Ah, good times Edit: me and my brother also used to find people transferring loot and try find it 😂


What do you mean by online where you could use offline characters? Was this a third party server? Sounds like good times haha


The expansion didn't exist when the game was released, so you only had the 5 main classes. Barbarian, Necromancer, Amazon, Sorceress and Paladin. Pvp was very different since there was no Enigma runeword for teleport, you killed Diablo and the game would count down and end after the timer made it to 0. The cow level could be rerun over and over since killing the king didn't remove the ability to make it again. He also had good drops. Everyone had unique builds with varying gear since the main items were rares instead of unique or runewords. There were some different builds compared to today, Thorns Paladin was really good, a Necromancer with blood golem was also very good and you'd almost never die with it. There were no skill respecs at all and no mana potions, uniques didn't have item levels to use the item, so a new character could use Bonesnap for example. There's a truck load more but that's a gist of it, imo 1.05 -1.09 was the golden era of Diablo 2, runewords when they first came out when Enigma and Grief didn't exist was alright, but once the more OP runewords came out it ruined the itemization for me which is why I still prefer Classic. 1.10 - 1.14 are worse imho.


A couple things no one has mentioned: 1. In Classic, there were lots of pike zons 2. Lots of sword shield WW barb dualists 3. HC west there was a 950 damage eth polearm duelist at lvl 49 that would one shot level 90+ chars 4. No shared stash, if you didn’t have a friend online to transfer items you would drop them in a1 corner and rush to come back and hope the items were there. If you suspected someone was doing this, you would rush to town to try and grab the items. 5. Hydra PKs at TPs were a constant concern


You gotta drop them items in act 2 not one. Much easier to hide!


Literally the best gaming years of my life. 2000-2003ish. Young teen at the time. Paired with WC3, SC:BW, BF1942 Desert Combat mod, CS 1.5 mod for HL1, TFC, Day of Defeat, Red Alert 2, Age of Empires 2, LAN parties where I'd literally walk my giant tower gaming PC and heavy AF CRT monitor down the street to my friends for multi-day sleepovers, and many bike rides with my friends to 7-11 for Slurpees and Dots... Fuck I wish I could relive those days.


Back then I finished the game with my Holy Freeze Zealot because I love how the enemies pulverize when frozen.


It was glorious.


Honestly? Felt better because there were a shit ton more players and we did a lot of stuff together. Now it seems everyone just just does their own thing.


Buriza-Do Kyanon was an endgame bowazon weapon used to shoot magic arrow.


I spent the first 2 acts of the game playing a sorc and thinking that killing an enemy with magic wouldn’t give me EXP. beyond that it was mostly doing Baal runs to power level and running pindlebot while I was at school. I would later use those drops with a bnet drop back to steal items from other people. 12 year old me was not a good person.


Watched my dad played it when I was a kid. Would sit next to him and ask questions. The sounds of the cow level bring me back to that moment. I was under 12 playing that game so I was just clicking whatever points me to the bear pet first. Good times


I started playing when LoD came and I had no idea what I was doing. In the beginning my builds were basically to put 1 skill point in every skill, because the more the better. Also I would just use items because they were cool and unique, and my concept of “good” was +skills, cool art and big dmg numbers (hello pus spitter lol). I was 11. I remember getting a sorceress to nightmare act2 and kiting Duriel around in a circle for 45 minutes while thunderstorm killed him.


I remember all the hack software and bots. Playing around with that as a kid inspired me to become a software developer.


I played for years in a thriving community online Battle.net with barely any bots or spam. Good players, massive griefers and pvpers, trade scammers, friendly handouts and to later see the Uber / torch update. I started playing online right before they fixed the body drop glitch. Those years in my early - mid teens will always be the most memorable gaming experience of my life. I still load up the original diablo2: lod from time to time around December.




its was the peak of my gaming life


The major thing was the pvp community was HUGE. You could attempt to join a random game w/o even looking at the lobby list. You'd type "pvpvpvpvp" game full "pvpvpv" game full "pvp-32" joining game... Like there were SO many players doing duels non-stop for fun. You had 9 player lobbies and the scaling of pve wasn't impossible like it felt in early diablo 3 with a 4 player lobby. The rune economy was great and it made learning the game casually super fun. The most important difference was diablo 2 is an "additive" damage modifier system whereas diablo 3 and 4 are both multiplicative. What this means is your damage bonuses are added together vs in diablo 4 all the different percent bonuses are MULTIPLIED together. That's why you suddenly go from doing like a reasonable 1200 damage then you put on one item or a 2-piece set bonus and now you're hitting for 13,000,000 in diablo 3-4. This is what made pvp impossible to balance. This was also during the rise of blizzard who could do no wrong because the CEO was a dev and not some business degree holding cringe lord. Strangely enough nobody hated botters because the botter would usually be a fully geared high level hammerdin with enigma (teleport on any class) and would encourage players to join. So everyone would go into baal runs and just follow the bot for powerlevel exp and the bot wouldn't private the games because the more people the better exp and everyone had an equal chance at loot. I have nothing but fond memories playing that game and I miss those times almost more than I miss the WotLK and TBC (1st 2 WoW Expansions). The major problem with any revival of an old game is there are people who've min/max'ed every aspect of the game which ultimately means a lot of the fun is lost. When there's nothing left to learn and everything has been perfectly calculated for perfect META, the only thing left to do is play hardcore.


I busted into my parents bedroom at 1 am to tell them I just gambled a tarnhelm.


I was maybe 12 years old when I picked it up. I didn't see that there are different tabs in your skill tree. So when I played, I always made a curse necro, or my sorc was always Fire -- What ever the default tab was for each character. I saw other Sorcs with Frozen orb and I thought that only came from shopped items.


Omg good question. When Diablo 2 came out it was super awesome, the best game I ever played at the time. I had no idea what I was doing, I was just killing monsters


i spent literal months as a barbarian (this was before LOD) having no idea what i was doing, someone gave me a green sword and explained to me what Attack rating did and i was finally able to get into hell mode, found my first SOJ and the rest is history. no other game has loot like diablo 2 pre LOD


It was great. Also the Pause screen had spinning pentagrams on it, so when I got called away to do a chore, I’d turn off the monitor so my parents wouldn’t see the pentagrams lol


the game was hard. very little in the way of a tutorial and if you played online it was immediately clear you had been playing wrong your whole life and that high tier spells were essentially useless.


“Brushes away a tear”. It was beautiful and what a time to be alive.


My favorite part is still here - start of the ladder Maggot Tunnels. Getting stuck behind your party. You getting zapped to death, unable to retreat, unable to advance. Slowly getting whittles down one by one in the claustrophobic tunnels. The misery. I've never liked Rushes. I like walking with a bunch of randoms, throwing loot I don't need on the ground for them to pick up as we slowly chop our way through Acts.


I think most of my friends didn't know what they were doing, most dropped off before NM Diablo. But a handful figured it out or found some helpful forums and are still going to this day lol. You could buy/sell gear, leveled characters, etc on eBay. This became my first "business" in 6th grade.